Lads, I can't be the only one that plays this game here.
Battlebrothers thread
Is it finished?
yes and it sucks
It doesn't you fun hating faggot.
A buddy of mine got the game and seems to enjoy it. I just can't get over the art aesthetic. Petty, I know, but god damn, it looks like mobile garbage the icons they use to represent units on the field. What's wrong with just making a shitty sprite or something? Why these board-game looking pieces? Disgusting
A shitty looking sprite. That said, man I would love a tbs game with Metal Slug sprite work. That'd be sex in the eyes.
Is this that buddy of yours? :^)
Confirmed for not playing the game. AI has their own battles, caravan quests automatically put you in the caravan. You can join battles on the world map between different factions. There later on is a civil war that can fire as well which results in you being able to choose a noble house to ally with.
The only serious point you made is allies can't join your battle mid battle. But yuo can join them mid battle
it wasn't a caravan quest nigger, it was a quest to deliver something elsewhere.I simply thought it would be a good idea to follow the caravan and use them as meatshields in case of a bandit attack; you know something that you should be able do if this was a good game like mountain blade
as far as my playtime went the only battles i saw were related to quests and ones where the enemy came specificaly for me ,i know that mid game there some events depending what you chose in the beggining but i got bored before i even got to those
If the game can't even have an option where you can bribe a bunch of villagers to set fire to their village as a distraction for the garrison of a nearby castle for you to be able to sneak into that castle to free a nobleman's daughter only to discover that she's in another castle THEN WHAT THE FUCK IS IT GOOD FOR?
You know, actual strategy and challenge.
It's fucking garbage and I say that as one of the initial fags that shilled it here. Repetitive, cookie-cut build mandatory. Unbelievably dependent on favorable RNG not fucking you over. B-but muh tactics, I hear you wheeze. Nigger, I'm talking about contract and recruit generation.
user we know that the game was ugly, you don't need to edit it to make it look uglier
I like it. Short on content and with an empty world it doesn't have a lot going for it. The best part is the combat and theres a lot of it. Like an user said earlier in the thread, it's like M&B but in tabletop form.
These posts basically sum up how I feel about the game. The actual combat is really fun, but RNG can unfairly fuck you over and it happens more often than not. But the thing that pisses me off the most about it is
There are only really a handful of party compositions and even fewer builds for individual members of the party.
*I should say, a handful of VIABLE party compositions/builds
Welcome to the club. And that's after the better part of the year and promises like muh modding and muh actual endgame worth a piss. I'm just glad I didn't throw any money on this
Yeah I pirated it as well. I even grabbed the update with the wurm or whatever and it barely changed shit
Mods would be really cool though but the only ones I can find anywhere are shitty graphics mods and new/re-added banners.
That's because that's all you can change with how the files are currently packed. Now, they could release part of the source files and externalize the file that keeps track of the dlc and allow for mods to be packed as such but I guess they can't be arsed.
I have over 200 hours played and I've bought the game for friends, obviously I really like it. Here's my review
some protips
suit your build towards your guys strengths
You can flee any time during a battle, even during enemies turns. You can use this to fight the same group multiple times if say you kill everyone except the last 4 or so guys you can retreat and re-engage with fresh fatigue and force them to waste a turn running towards you again.
Avoid buying gear, instead equip daggers on every brother in their inventory and use the second ability on the dagger to kill bandits without damaging their armor
get fearsome on all your brothers that do piercing damage, morale can win you games easily if you stack it
steel brow will stop those instant deaths from headshot arrows which will save you a lot of frustration
you can use adrenaline to slaughter several enemies before they get a chance to do anything if you stick it on your pikemen
look for orc berserkers so you can get a mansplitter, its the most devestating weapon in the game doing 90-120 damage and has a chance to hit the head and torso at the same time, one shotting most enemies in the game usually even beheading them for extra morale damage
look for brothers with the 'survivor' perk they have a 95% chance to not die when they've fallen in combat. They make great cheap earlygame frontliners. I have a guy with 6 permanent injuries and 200 battles fought.
get a cultist brother, a cartographer, a bowyer, a monk and an inquisitor as soon as possible. They all have rare events that give you some of the best gear and brothers in the game.
dont bother with archery if you have less than 50 archery on a brother
give your entire backline billhooks/spears/longaxes even if they're archers
abuse house soldiers to beat your quests whenever possible
if facing superior numbers of bandits or skeleton legionaires where they refuse to run towards you, move all of your guys to the top of the map and then reorganize so that you're above them, then push down. This way only a quarter of their band can fight you for the first couple turns and you can demolish them
Bring nets for necrosavants
invest in wardogs and try to use them only if you are guranteed to lose a brother otherwise, or when you've already wiped out half the enemy band and they're all fatigued. use them to chase down archers for their nice bows or just to stop them shooting
attacking at night both decreases your ranged defense by 50 and decreases everyones ranged ability by 50, try only attacking bandit camps at night to mitigate arrows
Bullshit, which anyone with two hours let alone two hundred(!) hours in the game can tell. And no, banditry among other things is not possible you lying sack of shit. You can under very specific conditions attack a neutral party and get nothing but trouble in return.
There is no variety. There is no end game. There are minimal to nil character development options if you don't want your shit pushed in. Trying a meme company like super bow heavy will leave you gaped and dripping semen the very second your inflexible rock meets some vampire paper. What there is, is a decent base that's used to power randomly generated content. Which gets old real fucking fast since it keeps repeating and repeating and repeating.
There's no economy model yet or ever apparently you dumb nigger. The price is solely based on your rep, the moodlets town has and the buildings in it. So, yeah, you can make 10.000s within a joke time frame provided the RNG gave you the conditions and the map to pull it off.
Want a real pro tip? Kill yourself. Even the devs gave up on this shit.
1. There are, you just didn't play long enough to experiment and as I said already earlygame you want to max survivability which limits your builds
2. you never made it to endgame obviously
3. again you never made it to endgame
4. Banditry is possible as you admit, either your reading comprehension is terrible or you are legitimately retarded.
5. I said trading was okay for making spare money, you're misquoting me. Also those moodlets are based on things going on in the world, you can follow trade caravans to settlements and they will get the well supplied moodlet which significantly increases prices.
Its possible but you will have to give them all pikes in their inventory or swords and shields (Or both since you can spec into carrying 6 pieces of gear, wow look at that build variety)
bring nets and dogs, retard
Have you even played the game? I'm using a perfect map for trading right now and to make 10k in profits I would need to spend like 20k on trade goods which isn't even possible because there are not that many trade goods on the map at any one time.
Watched this shit for good three years and apart from muh gorillion art changes it played the same. And where do you get off calling anyone retard when you're whining about not getting enough cash on easy? Get good you piece of shilling shit.
Maybe you should try playing it instead of watching it?
Har har. Learn to make money on easy, dipshit.
I have a party of hedgeknights and swordsmasters but its just added tedium.
Good for you. Mr. fucking guru here can act the smug bitch but can't read patch notes, notably the: backgrounds no longer have hard stat caps and the one about highly talented characters actually coming from every line of work. So yeah, the difference in that random farmhand and that hedgeknight is a bunch of melee skill and gear for the knight which doesn't matter since they're both capped and you'll have better gear, and some fatigue in the favor of the peasant. Also a ton in upkeep and never dying or turning shit due to events. How's that for a pro tip?
Man, that's the byline of the game. Sure it got some pretty art and some nice writing but it's the same shit over and over.
I like Spurdo better tbh
I was already in the endgame by the time I finally got my first rare item. I wasted a LOT of time with the "find a legendary item" objective until I just gave up and abandoned it. I was even going all the way across the map and attacking camps super far from civilization. And I only got a unit from an event once, and it was the pimp after I got my monk to talk to him.
What am I doing wrong?
You don't have the required characters - for example a high level cultist for davul; you've letting bandits and heroes that very rarely spawn with them run away and or you're not paying for tips in taverns.
I spent thousands of coins on tavern tips and never got anything even remotely useful.
Comes with the territory of playing streambaitshit
Are you saying I need a citation for my personal experience?
no he's just baiting for bumps because nobody likes his shit cellphone game
Nice bait, cucklord.