When you realize social media has proven Morphius's claims people enjoy being spied on are 100% right


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Deus Ex is overrated as fuck and the writing is basic as fuck Alex Jones shit.

It's overrated but is it wrong? :^)

Here's your (you)

It's not that they enjoy it, it's that years of social engineering on top of abusing people makes many spineless, and complacent.

its wrong & antisemitic.

some people just don't understand the dangers of indiscriminate fucking

Much like Alex Jones, it never mentions jews.

It mentions the Rothschilds by name.


If you had been alive at the time, you would have enjoyed it.
FPS of that time were quite simplistic, plot was generally "monsters ahead, go forwards".


I've played for the first time in 2013, and immediately recognize it for the masterpiece it is
Still haven't seen a FP game with such good level design (metroid prime maybe?), and no, dishonored and prey don't hold a candle to it

You think its OK to persecute an entire family just because of their beliefs?

To be fair, you have to have avery high IQ to understand Alex Jones. The dialectic is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of Harlan Ellison most of the points will go over a typical listeners head. There's also Jones's individualist outlook, which is deftly woven into his oration - his personal philosophy draws heavily from L.Ron Hubbard's psychloanalytics, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these talks, to realize that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Alex Jones truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the subliminal message in Jones's commercialised catchphrase “The Best water Filter Period!“ which itself is a cryptic reference to Philip K. Dick A Scanner Darkly.I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Jones's genius unfolds itself on their youtube screens. What fools… how I pity them. And yes by the way, I DO have a I don't like them putting chemicals in the water that turn the frogs gay tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- And even they have to demonstrate that they're within 50 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand

Fuck, that's some good pasta.

Good goy.



Do the aforementioned beliefs lead its followers segregate themselves and make them willing to harm those who are not followers, even by surreptitious means such as corrupting their culture and promoting mass immigration of other, even more hostile ethnicities?

So which is it?


Thief 2 blows Deus Ex out of the water.

Oh big deal, every single retard who cries about muh illuminati does as well. Call me when a game directly name-drops zionism.

Thief TDP blows Thief 2 out of the water.

Not really.

HAHAHA, enjoy your facebook shadow profile, goy.

yes really

thief 2 has good individual missions, but TDP actually has a great story with good deal of variety

I was talking about level design…

Nigger zionism is completely opposite to globalism
Don't get your jews mixed up

People are too apathetic to stop it if they get convenience out of it, and there isn't a universal answer to a preference between privacy and safety.

Morpheus did forshadow a much different time, and probably more things to come. Deus Ex still manages to be scary good at commentary.

With that in mind this feels more Holla Forums than Holla Forums, but whatever.

Fundamentally, one means "jews own this land" and the other means "whites own no land". There is no contradiction when you realize the core of the jewish mindset is the drive to subvert and destroy western civilization.

Zionism is not the only weapon of Jewry.

No. They want to create a world government with Israel at the head.

i might as well start using coke

Romans should have finished what they started tbh

Reminder that YAHWEH abandoned the Jews after the destruction of the second temple.

i pity the foo


I'll bite, but only because I'm reminded of how when a bot is released on statistical data and the like it is found to be too sexist, racist and curiously antisemitic.


Fucking retard. You get holes in your brain from the aspartame. Regular coke just gives you the beetus and blacktooth but both of those are fine compared to brainrot.
I say 'one(?)' because the creature immediately next to him has no tits but I'm pretty sure is supposed to be a woman, and the one on the far right looks vaguely asian or some shit and also appears to be a girl.

Everything about this makes me angry.


tbh someone who drinks coke already has brainrot


Fucking pussies falling for internet conspiracies
this shit is FDA approved and USCA approved

ᶰᵒᵗ ᵃᶜᵗᵘᵃᶫᶫʸ ᶠᴰᴬ ᵒʳ ᵁˢᶜᴬ ᵃᵖᵖʳᵒᵛᵉᵈ


It's reddit pasta

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to use reddit. The platform rules and regulations are extremely nuanced, and without a solid grasp of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights most of the points will go over a typical channer's head. There's also Reddit's individualist downvote/upvote system and reddit golds, which is deftly woven into his functionality - it's personal philosophy draws heavily from early Athenian democracy, for instance. The people using it will understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these conversations, to realize that they're not just humorous- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Reddit truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the subtelty carefully woven humor in reddit's commercialised catchphrase “Be part of what the Internet is talking about!“ which itself is a cryptic reference to George Orwell's 1984.I'm smirking right now just imagining one of you addlepated simpletons scratching your heads in confusion as Reddit's genius unfolds itself on your monitors. What fools… how I pity you. And yes by the way, I DO have a "Reddit4lyf" tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- And even they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand

You didn't put Narwhal bacon in there somewhere, I'm disappointed.

WTF none of you are even looking at the screen, how dumb are these people? Is this your brain on Coke and diversity?

is there more?

Look up #cokeesports on twitter, there's an entire cringey marketing campaign aimed at kids. More proof that Weimerica has no culture outside of corporations.

That's a good one

What the fuck does that mean? I think I'm at the objective? Does he not know what the objective is? In what fucking game is that a phrase you would ever say and that other people would be happy hearing? This sounds like they're intentionally taking the piss out of videogames

Regular coke has aspartame in it too, they dont have to say there is because they also put loads of sugar/corn syrup in it.

It's obviously made by someone who doesn't play much video games, look up the artist and it's probably a girl.

I fucking knew it
Third year student of some Canadian school.

Well if you're drawing something maybe you could do at least some tiny bit of research. Two of them don't even have a hand on the mouse for Christ's sake

Reaearch is a patriarchal social construct, I prefer to draw by how I feel it should be done.

(((They))) think it's okay to do the same to me, so yes. Semitism casues anti-semitism, and the Jews have only themselves to blame.


When their belief is satanism (judaism), yes

I don't know why I was compelled to do this.

I raise your coke meme with my destiny 2 raid meme


thats why i compared using coke to eating dirt.
to even further set them apart, pepsi is opening up to the idea of using superior tasting real sugar. its probably less terrible for you too.

Global report for not even trying.

Good thing pepsi used shit in their products that original came from aborted fetuses

they really do some fucked up things to our food

I know there's no way to actually confirm this or prove it, but I work at a supermarket, and to recoup losses from a recent renovation, the managers let advertisers for Pepsi Zero do their bullshit outside, and they were handing out samples. Not even an hour into it and someone had come by, tried their soda, and collapsed in a seizure.

I decided to try it before that happened and one of the ingrediants for the cola listed was aspartame, and multiple studies that were done showed seizures in 10 percent of participants, along with loads of fucking other symptoms i don't remember, with private studies done by Monsanto that were shut down after it was found that there were loads of problems with the sweetener.

If you want to diet, STOP DRINKING SODA. it's sugar or nothing, there is no alternative. if you drink that diet shit long term it's worse then smoking long term. It's actual poison in a can sold because it tastes sweet, and sugar tastes better.

Also stay the fuck away from corn syrup, check your fucking labels, it'll make you fatter then sugar ever will.

also, one of the first results on Google is this, if you type in "aspartame in regular coke".
You know, the company that outwardly admits that they alter search results to "prevent false information" ie propaganda.

corn syrup should serve as a warning about irresponsibly modifying food

Woah, Deus Ex got so much right, man. Other pieces of fiction didn't even come close lol

guy in blue is gonna knock that shit onto his keyboard

anglos at it again


I don't think you understand, but mass media isn't really the modern holy war's bag. There's other things behind it.

do you think NSA doesn't have a backup when a bad goyim doesn't use faceberg so they make a separate one with flag "super terrorist, doesn't have facebook"?

I find it odd how many times deus ex was spot-on about stuff that has been happening.

sadly, when entertainment like video games movies or books are centered around it, it makes it easier for most people to brush it off and disregard it as fantasy.

I probably realized that before deus ex came out.

Not only him, but fact of the matter is that Deus Ex whole story is based on the conspiracy-theories around at the time which they made into a story. What's interesting is that most of the shit has rung true and has become a reality, which makes you a bit worried for the future.

The story of Thief 2 is better. Thief 1 is very unclear of what it wants to be, mainly due to the fact that it wasn't mean't to be a pure stealth-game until the 11th hour. Thief 2 is better made in that aspect (and the story is cooler).

fuck resolution too low

he also has keyboard turned upside down.

Coca Cola already sells Coke made with real sugar in glass bottles.

Just as programmed, like "conspiracy theory" and the "tinfoil hater" stereotype, people will ignore it in fear of social reclusion even when its happening right in front of them
But in shit like 1984 and Brave New World, there is a mix of criticism with showing the "worst case scenario" if people just let it happen with irreversible consequences and show people can be exploited for total control.

Specially when we take generational programming into account, helping to know the predictability of said conspiracies, to slowly "train" or "initiate" gradually each generation until one fully accepts to submit to their overlords (thats how commies, new agers, jesuits, zionists)kikes operate
It works wonders, anyone that see were it leads will be label insane or paranoid and everybody will accept, even desire it, it at the end.

The future lies within the proles George Orwell said, giving us the key for our freedom.

It's obvious though, that Orwell always had a distain for the common, regular people, like most high-society brits. They are very jewish in that regard.

Reminder that in Deus Ex there were no twin towers. It was released in June 2000.

When someone posts copypasta, does anyone actually read it?

I do

Why does the cute asian girl reminds me of Shunjou Shuusuke's art style?

What fucking asian girl?

One has to wonder

Blogpost ahead: I'm playing Deus Ex for the first time, just completed Hell's Kitchen. I love sneaking on enemies and using the flamethrower on them, so satisfying and there are just so many ways to tackle objectives it's ridiculous. The faggot from the armory didn't gave me any weapons after heading back to HQ for not being stealthy enough and murdering everyone. Don't care about the story so far because I have no idea about what's going on.

He never gives you anything unless you stealth the mission. It's a bug where the game doesn't differentiate between knocked unconscious and killed.

Is there a fix for that? I'm playing it vanilla at 800x600 on a small CRT for an authentic experience but I can get around some QOL improvements.


Read in pic related's voice.

Someone that knows what they are doing really should re-webm that.



This user is right, I stopped drining soda and now mostly drink water. I had load of little aches and was feeling shitty most of time, when I stopped soda I started to feel a lot better. Just drop the jew carbonated drink.

And Joe gets his mind blown by fucking fungi and not this!?


Pay Every Penny


Nigga get yo' eyes checked before you fap next time. Now you queer as sheeit.


Deffo drop Coke and all brownwater shit and anything fizzy with any calories, no-one needs to be drinking liquid lard. I still use no cal lemonade and orange mixers for vodka but have cut everything else out and don't miss it in the slightest, my abiding memory of coke is how OTT sickly it was. It's obviously shit-for-kids cos you can process and use that toxic shock level of sugar now and then when you're young but as you age it just piles on and most people are ignorant to fluid making them a fatass.

I always knew there was a reason I fucking hated pepsi, I just didn't realize it.
That and it looking like poop filled water like most soda

Wish I still had the edit where he does do just that and the rest of the panels have him screeching over everyone else about it.

You better tell me where the ambrosia shipment is headed for before I add you to the list of NSF casualty.

Come on now. That's not "da joos". That's "that family of ultrarich plutocratic elites".


>Pay Every Penny

To be fair, he is a pothead so it would kinda be expected that he would relate more to someone saying that humans evolved thanks to drugs making them super smart than to someone talking about world domination.

But the Rothschilds are kikes.

Yeah. Poisoning the masses while owning the justice, infomation and media systems so no one can do shit against them or get the information they truly deserve then make people turn to pills instead of changing their diet or growning their own shit and offer a "organic" "light" or "diet" version so that it sounds like the companies in question do care. They play from multiple sides and the only way of breaking free is to turn your back completely.

Also make people that question these companies and start to take care of their health by growning and making their own shit look like fools and idiots. Cutting off the root of nature completly.

The Rothchilds are also the type of slime that will hide their tiny jew hat as soon as there is a sign that everyone else is getting tired of the yid's shit.

Uhh is there like a command line code or something to restart a stage if I fucked up and saved with both my legs crippled and a few shots away from death?

Or how they made local stuff even more expensive by labelling it "local" or "Eco-friendly" so that you're forced to pay extra just because it came from nearby farms. Which is bullshit, considering the farms probably had to pay extra to get the stamp of approval aswell.

Makes them feel less lonely.

Deus Ex predicted AI and continuous monitoring.

Morpheus is being worked on right now.

Actually there are chemicals in your water.

Its called lead.


Sounds like someone hasn't heard of JADE II

The gay frog shit is to do with birth control contaminating water supplies through sewage and thus affecting the wildlife. Gay frogs in particular is to do with fish that were examined and were found to have undergone gender change due to all of the estrogen in the water.

Literally all the hoaxes against aspartame were started by (((Monsanto))) out of fear that their precious HFCS poison would get booted out by a harmless chemical.

As for the facts of what Alex Jones said, has it right.

And if you have lead in your water, you either live in a shithole country or a ghetto.

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