Also seems to hint at a Nintendo-Direct on January
Plebbit User Receives Confidential email from EA by mistake
sounds like manufactured viral marketing to me
they even aknowledge that it's trailer failed to catch on, only with 500k views.
It doesn't deserve any attention.
Anything associated with EA needs to be binned.
It looks like one part of an investor newsletter.
Reminder to ignore EA at all costs.
Let the company burn, pay to attention to them.
*pay no attention
On one hand I am surprised the redditor did not delete it before relling EA. On the other, it isn't exciting or even useful information.
I guess this confirms what I had been thinking for a while. EA and Ubisoft just use the reactions of people at events like E3 to understand if a game is worth funding or not.
That's why so much shit that is presented just doesn't come out lately
lol yeah right and I'm gonna get dubs by "mistake"
Did he receive (and promptly delete) the email on his xbox dev kit turned PC and then return the starcraft source code?
Oh hey, the Jewish Elvis prison game. People really forgot about that one quick didn't they?
good point
This is the first I've even heard of it. Doesn't really look like my kind of thing, but it does look like great normalfag bait.
either fake, run by retards, a shill campain or all three.
It had like 20 minutes of stage time at E3.
What the fuck were they expecting?
it did, and it looked like crap
Looked alright to me, worth a pirate x2 for coop at least.
I didn't realise it was EA though, it does taint it rather a lot.
fuck forgot to sage
There is literally nothing confidential about this. But you can trust it goys, EA has never in it's history staged fake events for PR, like for example hiering people to pretend to be offended christians in order to promote Dante's Inferno.
Does it contain schemes to jew players to death? If not then it's manufactured marketing from (((EA)))
Man, for a "confidential email" there sure is jack shit in there. You sure you don't work for EA yourself, OP?
Why even ask?
Should have made that game about an EA dev trying to break out of their office dungeon. I'd play it.
It leaks the next Nintendo Direct.
No it wasn't, this is just a marketing gimmick.
Genuinely surprised.
That's a cute way to refer to shills. Sage because fuck EA
Thats because anyone with a functioning brain knows no confidential mail with important business matters looks like a fucking indiegala spam mail. sage
right, but this is a redditor we're talking about.
the fakest shit
delete this shitty shill thread, the less anyone talks about an ad-show, the better
Bad publicity is still publicity.
Shill thread.
What the fuck?
Hey friend, I think you meant ((accident.))
Nice! Its also good to see EA damage control is out in force- meaning this leak was not intentional and they feel as though they have something to lose.
We're flooded with so many newfags people do buy EA games on this board, so we can't even make a thread to poke fun at them or we risk helping EA advertise to those people.