Bannerlord hype - I can't help myself

So according to the most recent info from TaleWorlds we can expect Bannerlord in 2017, ie. sometime in the next 31 days.
While I don't really believe that I find myself looking for a new RPG and hope it's true.

Other urls found in this thread:


do you have a single fact to back that up?

As I said I can't help myself, this is the first time I have been hyped since Farcry.

Ali Erkin, managing director

Early access confirmed.

I want a mod to play the Warband campaign or Anno 1257
Even if it comes out, the wait is long

It'll be out in 2018 at this point.


As I said "the most recent info from TaleWorlds", it's not my fault they won't talk to us.

isn't it pretty much the same exact game but with a few new game play additions and prettier gwaficks?


why even make a thread with such outdated info?

OP is a faggot, as always.



Maybe it's just me but this is what sequels should be, if you change too much it stops being a sequel.
Personally the main thing I want is custom weapons instead of hoping I can find / buy something that fits my play style.

I hate Turkroaches too user, pic related.

His joking aside, i remember reading they gave the HL3 announcement

if you change almost nothing it might as well just be a patch like warband could have been. So far bannerlord sounds like a graphics update first of all considering that's where all the effort is going (and lets face it, it's not really pushing any visual boundaries.) and a few game play additions.

OP being a faggot as usual, unless you have proofs fuck off

it is a mount & blade thread after all

Considering what they've shown at E3, which was after OP's article, there has to be development wrapping up for a 2018 release around February. If not, they seriously have patience or bad management of their time.

Why y'all racis?

I only wait for Bannerlord and Kingdoms Come at this point. I have little hope in Cyberpunk 2077 too.

I think it's patience along with not knowing what's going on
The sudden multiplayer focus is not helping either, once again the social addict dweebs are killing single player

You really are a faggot aren't you OP?

It's ogre, sea raider holocaust incoming
There's really no other games incoming that hear good enough, even niche stuff is overhyped and overrated to hell and back like Cuphead
This is what a crisis looks like, and i feel the turkroaches are going to exploit that + GoT faggotry bait

it might as well just be a patch like warband could have been
Tell us again how a patch could have made it run natively on my slackware lemote rig, brainlet

I thought it was a joke, but it looks like the Turks really are among us.

Haven't sleeped, teacher

Early Access pretty much confirmed.

Kill yourself
Check my dubs


I want to replay Silverstag, do i get 0.27.02 or stick with 0.26.3?
Been reading a couple of bugs for 0.27 and they sound dreadful, but it does fix crucial features from 0.26, namely the garrison training. Don't plan to use Oathbound if that's a factor (it seems to be)

You make another thread because this one sure as hell ain't going to cut it.

Lol this nigga asshurt






I hope you're not shitposting, OP. I really want anothet M&B to waste hundreds of hours on. Warband was fun, but very vanilla. I can't wait for PoP 2: Return of the Noldor.


Citation needed. Sounds like complete bullshit to me.

Read the thread you newfaggot

Someone's not having a pleasant day.


I want the eventual crusader mod for /comfy/ kebab removal
