So let's be honest, this is the only good game in the series, right?
So let's be honest, this is the only good game in the series, right?
blood money and the rest before it except for the first are all good, everything after BM sucked ass. and if you bought nuhitman you're fucking retarded
The new Hitman game is good, user. Just because it's new doesn't mean it's bad.
user there are plenty of good games that are new, but nuhitman is not one of them
/bait thread
check 'em
You can play the game without having to be online.
If you actually played the game you'd understand the A.I. is well made.
That is your opinion
Oh no, poor Trump got made fun of. SHIT GAME.
Anything else? Hell, they even removed Denuvo after they got the IP from Squeenix.
Let's be honest, you belong on >>>/cuckchan/ with your shitty template thread.
One of these things is not like the other (^:
guess it's been so long since i've played that shit game that i didn't even know :^)
oh i have played it on my friend's machine and the ai is piss easy to get by, there were times where a guard would see me kill someone and instead of chasing me he acts like the enemies from assassin's creed; walks around, does nothing, and eventually goes back to his spot.
yeah no shit, prove me wrong though.
Who thought that was a good idea
okay, good
Sounds cool
Bloodmoney is piss easy although good as fuck since the level design is god-tier
I haven't been able to crack the autism that is Silent Assassins though. It requires far too much patience and has too many pitfalls, like the knockout move only lasting a few minutes. The furthest I got was an underground Russian bunker you need to break someone out of, after that I couldn't stand it.
The new Hitman game is actually pretty decent. It's not BM-tier but it's up there. I'd recommend getting it during a sale.
The older Hitman games haven't aged very well, and Absolution is trash.
I remember playing Hitman 2 first instead of blood money and found it really fucking fun despite being hard as fuck. Then afterwards I played Blood Money and was blown out of my mind on all the little stuff that happened around the small sandbox levels they gave you. I'm pretty glad I went into the series knowing nothing about it and not even spoiling myself with watching a gameplay video first. Really made it worthwhile for me.
I don't think it's supposed to be taken very seriously.
Wrong. Absolution was fun.
It starts and ends badly, but there are some levels in the middle that are just great.
Silent Assassin still holds up. Its a very close second place to BM as far as I'm concerned.
It was lackluster even if you ran every mission guns blazing despite their attempts to revamp the action aspects of the franchise. What an abortion.
Ruined by the save point system, actively discouraging you from exploring.
My penis likes the nun fetish squad, except for the ugly niggress.
The problem with C47 is that it has no stealth to speak of. You get the correct disguise and you can go anywhere.
And blood money doesn't do this?
Without any exaggeration? Yes.
Kill yourself OP.
Unavoidable for titles that want to have some decent story. MGS is shit because it has politics then. C&C for also having politics.
MGS is shit because it has bad writing and awful stealth despite being touted as a stealth game.
Not that much. In C47, you can literally stand behind a guard forever if you have the same disguise as him. Don't get me wrong, I love C47 but the stealth was terribly undeveloped.
Nah, you're a faggot what doesn't play video games proper like.
Contracts had fun levels.
™ > Blood Money
Hitman With A Box Around It would actually be quite close to Blood Money quality if it wasn't for all the DRM and always-online bullshit surrounding the actual game.
Oh and the IO niggers didn't fix any of that after they separated from Squeenix so it proves they themselves are the cunts and it wasn't Square's fault.
lmao this faggot started playing Hitman with blood money and thinks its the best one in the series
To be fair this could have been done well, like in Black Lagoon.
Codename 47 has some interesting ideas but few are fleshed out, I like the buying equipment thing and huge levels. Great music though.
Silent Ass Ass is great but disguise system is bullshit and you can't walk past someone without someone screaming, also a few shitty levels like the first 2 in Japan.
Contracts is my least played one and I know little about it.
Blood Money is a bit too easy with the disguise system but level design is godly with a ton of ways to solve problems. Weapon customization is great too but it can end up with a overpowered magnum ammo Silverballer with perfect accuracy that's completely silent which is really easy.
Absolution isn't that bad. Some levels like King of Chinatown are absolutely acceptable, but it was clearly a mess of mixed direction.
HITMAN™ is both best and worst Hitman. Amazing, huge, detailed levels with interesting targets and plenty of ways to kill and a good disguise system, but at the same time it runs like ass, has no weapon customization, seasonal stuff is bullshit, you can't unlock stuff while offline and voice acting is frankly awful. Why the fuck would Thai people speak English with a British accent? BM got that right.
To be fair there is no DRM any more since Denuvo was removed, unless you count Steam and the fact you can't entirely play while offline as DRM.
You can play it offline, but you cannot unlock all the stuff in the missions like alternative spawn points, disguises and equipment while offline. That's super shit too, since you basically can't play half the game while offline.
Of fucking course not being able to do basic things like unlocking things offline is DRM. Is this a joke? Also, did they ever get rid of the retarded checkpoint system instead of the limited saves that Blood Money has? I can't remember but I think I read about TM having checkpoints.
What? It has saves. Stop relying on second hand info so much.