NIOH Ambition Edition

silk only

Useful link to prevent any more grindan frustration than necessary.

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Are the mission levels based on the level of your equipment or you as a character? I'm 500+ levels below the recommended level for William and I am wondering if I'm doing something wrong as I'm trying to do the multi-boss fights on the higher difficulties.

Why the hell am I under-leveled?

Those missions exist for the sole purpose of being excessively difficult. Don't worry about them unless you want to hurt yourself.

The highest mission level is 1220. The highest possible character level is 750.

Has anyone tried the Date Axeninja set?

What level are you and where are you?

I'm completing the main missions where the level is at 120, but my character level is under 100

The "suggested mission level" is wildly inaccurate above level 100.
How far under level 100?

around level 85

I'm in a similar situation. I think things jump in level a bit excessively in the 5th area. The missions there also seem to be pretty sparsely populated with enemies, making Amrita more of a chore to get. Not sure if I should grind or just push on and see how it goes.

Any torrents for this anywhere? I heard you can play online with a torrented version.

Don't bother grinding. Your Amrita gain goes up exponentially as the missions do so you are just wasting time if you could do the next one, and levels barely matter anyway

Well if you're completing the missions I wouldn't worry about it too much. In Nioh you'll level up pretty much when you need to level up. Having higher levels is mostly useful for build flexibility. The one exception is Ninja and Magic builds.
You're not hoarding amrita are you?

Will i eventually be able to get my hands on a retardedly long Katana? Those are always fun.

That's what Odachis are for.

All weapons in the same category are functionally the same, save for their basic stats and properties. You can refashion any katana into any other sword, so there's no gameplay change for having it longer.

Odachis are pretty good though. Not necessarily the best DPS, but they have amazing reach and poke.

Yep. In fact it's classed as an entirely different type of wepon in Nioh.

I don't feel like Nioh is all that fun. There's something about it that feels janky and imprecise compared to the Souls games or Monster Hunter. In Monster Hunter I felt like I could really hunker down and learn the enemy movements and tells, and with good timing I could avoid their attacks and counter well. In souls games I felt like the combat was simpler, but more responsive and I was able to be really aggressive when I wanted to. In Nioh it's like

Any attempts to stay close to enemies results in death, usually by grapples against which there is no defense except total avoidance.

Git gud

I hate to be a meme spouting faggot, but . Stop trying to play like dork souls, go in and combo their asses right back.

Dont get me wrong spacing properly in the game is important and you can probably beat the whole NG ignoring magic,ninjutsu,combos even the living weapon mechanics and all the other shit as long as you are using proper spacing with Agility B iframes against but to claim that you cant agressive make me think you are less than 2 hours in to the game

I had to create a set with 70%+ item drop rate to farm that Tengukiri for that Yagyu set and after going through that I can safely say the effort and farming was eh not really worth it but its fun

There are less enemies with that obscenely long combos in the game than Dark Souls 3.
What enemy are you even talking about?

I never played DS3 so I don't know about that, but I'm talking about just about every single non-trash non-human mob, like onis. They don't flinch so there's no chance of getting good damage in, and they all have grapple attacks that destroy you if you try to stay too close and play the DEX game.

Blocking actually works in this game. When you do dodge, dodge AROUND you opponent not away from your opponent. Also you have three stances and dodging works differently in each stance.
Please do not hug the youkai.
Actually the first thing that I should probably ask what weapon are you using?

You need to work for your stunlocking m8. Don't expect the game to hand it to you for every enemy.
Grapples are heavily telegraphed with those particle effects. They are also a perfect time to get hits in. Get rid of your memesouls mentality of "block/dodge only".
If you're having trouble formulating a strategy on your own then list your weapons and I'll tell you what to do.

>like onis
One of the most important things in this game is to know if you are fighting a human or a you kai and how their respective stamina works.
Humans have white stamina bars; Their stamina works just like yours.
Youkai have purple stamina bars and are a little more complex. They don't loose stamina just be making normal attacks. Their stamina works more like a mana bar, they spend it to do special attacks and it doesn't auto regenerate. Once they're out they can be easily stunlocked and they can only get stamina back through a miasma field, either one they've summoned themselves or one summoned bysomeone else.
Hint:Use strong attack on oni to break their horns.


Been working on my gear with the tips anons gave me last thread. Currently have Attack+20(35) on 3 of my armor pieces with a fourth currently cooking. The only other Attack+ inheritable I have is +18, and I'm not sure what that will end up being with max familiarity, but I'll be running with it until I find another +20 or better if better exists.
I also got a lucky roll with reforging and got Tenacity and Everlasting Ki on my boots.
Pic is current state of my weapon. Not its final form yet, but I can feel the improvement as it chops through higher and higher level enemies more and more easily. Gotta win the arms race.

I should be collecting a massive hoard of my weapon and matching them all together with other things to then match with my weapon and level it up, right? If I'm understanding the system correctly, the cost increases as the difference in level AND the difference in type/name increases. So fusing random +1/+2 shit into my spare Taro Tachis and then fusing those higher level Taro Tachis into my weapon is the cheaper way to go?

I'm sorry you PC anons get a goofy Valve helmet instead of this one. It's just not right.

Levels only go up once per soul match unless it has the (rare endgame) property "inherits + level. Price never actually changes while you are fusing the same level gear, but fusing it a bunch of times might increase the cost when you finally want to level it past 150.

There's an Ethereal only property "resets number of soul matches" that will let you resume leveling an item that had been too expensive

I would've seriously considered getting the console version of this game if that helmet had a dangly physics enabled nutsack on it.

I really want to get back to playing the game but it's too fucking hot where I live at the moment to keep my computer running for more that 20 minutes at a time.

That appears 100% of the time on the frolicking cats kabuto and the blacksmith's hammer.

>second try: beat him easily without even using quick-change, LW or any items

>fifth try: shoot her in the face with my bow and stab her in the butt. over and over and over and OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND

I know, but I was hoping to finish all the missions one final time before I put the game down for a while and play something else.

Don't use sloth against the DLC bosses, they will have it removed sooner than you can say, "Oh fuck" as they barrel towards you.

Oh boy did I ever learn that lesson right quick.

Use these instead.

Mouse controls are live. Keybinding looks good, going to test my control scheme now

I can't even imagine playing this sort of game with a keyboard and mouse but godspeed for all of you that do.

Imagine using a Bow with a mouse.

Seems to be working well. Binds are as follows:
WASD move
1234 Items
Tab switch item set
E use
Shift dodge/run
Alt slow walk (I'll probably never use this)
CTRL ranged mode
Left click quick attack
right click strong attack
middle mouse lock on
scroll up/down change lock on target
Mouse button 4 (rebound as K in an outside utility, MB4 isn't recognized by the game) Block
Esc menu
G gestures

With stance (space) held
Left click mid stance
right click high stance
Middle click low stance
scroll up change ranged weapon
scroll down change melee weapon

With range (ctrl) held
left click shoot
right click zoon
middle click swap ammo type

I still use my controller for menu navigation currently, as there's no specific bindings for that (it plays off your other binds which may or may not even include bindings for certain buttons)

missed 2. sheathe is stance+MB4 and change spirit is stance +Q (same button as using a spirit)

My god this is so much better with keyboard and mouse. I can dash attack without weird claw grips and knuckle button pressses. I can actually AIM with ranged weapons. I don't have to deal with the stupid Xbox dpad anymore. God this is so fucking comfy. 200 hours on controller and it's from hell and into heaven

What does the level spread look like in this game?

I know in the Dark Souls games the cap was usually somewhere around 50 or 60 because pvp, but you needed at most three stats to have mastery over any given weapon and plenty of magic/whatever to spare.

In Nioh you need a minimum of 3 stats to achieve full mastery over one weapon, you use two weapons at any given time, and magic, ninjutsu, and spirit powers are all independent stats to look after as well.

At what point am I "overleveled"? Should I keep my level under the current level's suggested level to make sure I'm adequately challenged, or is the stat spread enough that being a few levels above will still provide challenge?

You'll probably end up hitting the level cap sooner or later because you have nothing else to spend amirita on.

Don't forget about upgrading your spirits.


Gear>>Level. Don't really worry about being over (or under) leveled it's gear that determines whether you are strong enough or even too strong.

Shooting is done from first person

You don't really even NEED the edgelord set. Maybe for the unlimited ammo 7 piece bonus, though sadly you can't combine that with the Takemikazuchi bow damage bonus anyway (would need 10 gear slots)

Oh maybe you can do the same as a single rifle shot then! Seriously that bonus is pretty garbage simply because bows suck, anything with a helmet is immune to it's headshots, and the damage is pathetic compared to a HC especially if we're talking about endgame where you can get hand cannon speed bonuses

It's a speed tradeoff.

Bows have the fastest draw speed, followed by rifles. Hand cannons have an extremely slow draw speed by comparison even with speed up (and keep in mind, bow speed up exists too), and they completely immobilize you, plus put you lower to the ground making it harder to shoot past obstacles. There's also ammo count to consider.

Also faster fire rates as well.

Prior to mouse controls it wasn't much of an issue. You only ever dared pull out a ranged weapon when you were completely safe and could take your time, and for quick shots you use shuriken/kunai ideally. Now that you can aim in real time speed matters a lot.

couldn't you get a ranged weapon that could lock onto the weak spots automatically?

The set bonus only defaults your croshair to the weak point, it does not lock.

There is a weapon property that autolocks, but only to center of mass. It overrides the set bonus

And even then, only if you lock on first. you cant lock at long range

Maybe we should template this for newer players:

Some other interesting things:

I remembered this tip from yesterday's thread, and it was the sole deciding factor in my victory over "nothing personnel kid" Maria.

I am really really really reluctant to put points into Body for any reason, but I'm respeccing for Spear + Ninjutsu and it seems like it might be unavoidable unless I want to be doing 30% less damage.

Any advice..?

Here's a stealth tip:

Suppa Scroll's stealth effect DOESN'T disappear if you attack AND KILL an enemy in one hit, i.e. a backstab or a headshot, even if there are other enemies around (unless you physically bump into them during the animation).

Just… somebody tell me what I'm doing wrong here.

Spear/Axe, Axe has Ninjutsu Scaling B+, light armor only.

Put points into Spirit to unlock your Guardian Spirit bonuses.
Put points into Magic to get sloth talisman and other buffs/debuffs to trivialize bosses.
You have more than enough Dex for ninjutsu unless you're going for a ninja themed build.

Hell, if I were you and playing through for the first time again I'd just go 20 dex 20 magic 25 spirit and spread the rest of my stats evenly until NG+.
Stats don't really matter that much, keeping your gear up to date is way more important.

I do not want magic!

Axes and light armor do not mix. With the slow wind up axes do, you will get flinched from the lack of toughness as quick attacks from the enemy sneak through.

Holy fuck mouse aim trivializes bosses with living weapons.

Is it finally time for the Yatagarasu build to shine?

Thematically yes, but the set bonus does nothing useful other than the unlimited ammo, which isn't good enough for a 7 piece.

"Auto target weak point" only defaults your aim to the weak point. If you are any good at aiming with a mouse you don't need that at all. Plus target lock in KB+M is fucked up because moving the mouse changes targets and AFAIK there's no way to turn that off.

The valve helmet shoots bigger jets of steam during living weapon. It's alright.

Too bad speed means basically nothing when you do 50% less per shot compared to a rifle. This is assuming normal ammo type too, if we go into the special ammo it's greater because the bow's is more for ki depletion than actual damage like the rifle's.
Excluding that the set bonus for the bow damage up, assuming you're trying to go for a ranged build, isn't enough to make up for you constantly pissing through ammo even with a shadowround talisman up. The Yatagarasu is the surefire bet set, and then you'd want to use a rifle just for the more damage per shot especially in later NGs where headshots aren't going to always kill

Matters plenty when all you really want to do is headshot something to make it fall down so you can final blow it

better hope it's not a human with a helmet then if you're trying for headshots

That only applies to the basic guards. It doesn't apply to bosses or any of the DLC humans

Aim for the chin.

Yeah, I too want to do way less on my main attack method just to… what exactly? The bow fire rate is basically garbage because it's insignificantly faster than a rifle, the reload rate is slower but that's only if you manage to botch a shot.
If we're just using it as a method for getting final attacks then why would you even bother using a set for it and not just get a final blow set.

that actually sounds like a plan

Feels great

What's a good light__ armor to use with swords? And what's a good backup weapon that isn't ds?

How well is the kusarigama compared to the other weapons? I picked it as my secondary weapon choice in the beginning of the game for shits and giggles but I kind of think the spear moveset is really cool. I'm not really fond of anything else but the odachi and single katana.

Grab one and try it out. Respeccing is cheap, especially if you pay via glory. You can get a few thousand per coop mission which'll pay for a few respecs.


Dual wielding swords is the most immature edgy teenage bullshit in video gaming to date. Especially katanas.

Fuck you.

This tbh.



I had been using the Tactician's ingenuity set in NG until I farmed the Yagyu set in NG+.
Odachi, Spear and Axe are great backup weapons to go with swords. Spears are governed by the body stat which works well with the heart stat(you get to increase both Health and Ki) and Strength governs both Odachi and Axes. I think Odachi is the only weapon with a proper guard break move which works great against humanoid bosses/enemies.


Making my way through wotd
this shit is getting hard


Didn't the nigger invent his own signature style?

Wasn't he a jackass who won a duel by challenging someone to battle three times and didn't show up for three days and then stabbed the persons ass when he did not expect it?

If anyone is using GPU Passthrough and the game runs like ass make sure that you are using a PCIE 3.0 8x slot instead of a 4x. I now run the game on a 980 with very little problems except for a few areas where at the lowest it goes to like 55.


Does this mean if you time shit correctly you can end enemy LWs with an overhead strike, like when you succesfully hit an oni in the horns?

That poem reads like it was written by Bike Cuck.

Humans normally fall down when head shot. Can you knock them to the ground with a single overhead strick to the face? If so, I'd imagine that you can cancel LW that way. Do the headshot LW cancels work in pvp?

This is how it's gonna be, is it? I mean, she's not a problem, but any boss could just emerge from any fart cloud at any time, huh? That what's up?

the objective is the same as in the main mission
If I am guessing it right you're on the mission where you need to kill the onmyo mage leader after a bossfight with that gun toting birdfuck

Yup, that was the one. I barely even remembered that mission, since both times I've encountered it I've jumped down the hole immediately and killed the boss without realizing that there was another path until afterwards.
The spider lady put up more of a fight than harvey birdman, too. That guy needs a buff or a room with a higher ceiling or something. You can just melee him out of the air for final blows, it's ridiculous.

Just how important are the starting bonus stats? I chose +1 body, ki, and spirit.

Doesn't matter for absolute shit.

Item spamming motherfuckers deserve no better.

Not at all

They ain't worth shit nigger.


Murchad mac Briain (Brian Boru's son) is another notable historical dual wielder.

And we still don't get his cool ronin hat.

When do I get an armor set with Odachi benefits?
I also haven't seen one with a Kusarigama either.

Not until the first DLC if I had to guess. That's when those weapons were added to the game.

I am halfway(?) through it and I haven't encountered any set for odachis. Even the Odachi master is just the way of the warrior master.
Also kusarigama is in the base game.

I can barely get it to work. Parries are okay for the most part.

How do I stat/play axe and which set are fun with it? They're the only weapon I have yet to max proficiency with.

I think Hanzo's set has a gama, but I don't know if you get any damage bonuses for it.

Just block when you are about to be attacked.

What's the cooldown on it and how many frames are active timely frames? Because when enemies spam combos at me, I keep rapidly tapping block, and I'll block every hit, but generally never get a timely guard out of it.

There isn't any
Timely guard is just reduced Ki used on guard. Any other stuff is just bonus that comes from skills(like backwave) or gear special effect(like reflect damage)

Backwave is mainly what I'm talking about.
It's supposed to knock fuckers back and stop their combos, but it almost never activates. Is it only against humans, not yokai? I rarely bother to block against humans.

Date Shigezane has an odachi as a human, so I guess him? But definitely not before Dragon of the North since that's the DLC where the odachi was introduced. The DLCs really aren't too hot content wise but they definitely brought a lot of changes to the game as a whole.
Speaking of which, I know the abyss didn't exist until Bloodshed's end and Twilight missions give the items required to access it, did they appear with the DLC as well or did they just add the cracked ochokos as rewards ?

Yokai in general can't be parried. Its only humanoid enemies which can be parried. Backwave follows the same rules as parries because it can be followed up by tempest.

I'm beginning to think that Kojuro's armor is meant purely as a multiplayer co-op support armor. It really feels like you need a tank buddy.

Shigezane's Unrivaled Warrior armor and General of Kigetsu'sarmor are both Odachi armors also the guy you get Hiraishi armor from wields an Odachi. Tatenashi isn't specifically an Odachi armor but it syncs damn well one.
You can always use one of the heavy axe armors in the mean time. Try to get increased damage when surrounded on you armor since that helps with Odachi.

Holy fuck is the chicken boss pure no fun allowed.

The fucking what?

It's basically a giant Tengu, it fights exactly like one.
shoot its horn

He's talking about this thing from the second to last level of the last DLC

First actual third DLC boss since literally all the bosses of the second DLC are recycled in the third. It's a chicken skeleton that throws poison and wind all over the place and little else.

It spins constantly if you so much as get near it, flys around, dives you, pretty much a tengu.

Like I said, shoot the horn and it falls down. Also chug some Daion-jin's Sake for elemental protection unless you feel like doing no damage

Oh that thing.

Does "Reduced Elemental Damage (Guarding)" and "Received Elemental Damage Taken" also reduce the speed of elemental ailment build-up and/or nullify it if you're at 100% elemental reduction?

Is the DLC worth getting or should I just ignore it?

It completely nullifies it unless its a red / boss monster that has the debuff listed as one of its mods.

Alright, that's pretty dope.

You already have all the DLC you dope.

It does nothing at all until you hit 100%, then it nullifies it.

the Sake nullifies it completely even if you take the damage.

Which is why I expect this KB/M patch is gonna make pvp really interesting :^)
and by interesting I mean mexican standoffs where everyone has a gun out and is just waiting for their opponent to make a move so they can punish

I wouldn't be be too cocky. There's a couple of armor sets that let you ignore 100% of ranged damage if you build it right.

Will they add a fart build to the sequel?

why even live?

Those pics are why I love japan.

You have no fucking idea. Those pics are just the tip of the fartberg.

It's literally just a comic strip.

Why do japs have the weirdest coincidence in names?

Timely Guard has a different window than parries, you have to block earlier for Timely Guard which makes it basically impossible to use vs rapid attacks unless you can get it on the first hit, although there is a set bonus somewhere that expands the timing range.

Backwave specifically only works on Humans, the little Yokai Skeletons can be affected by other parries like Haze or Shrike, but Backwave only works on Humans which is probably for the best since Backwave is the more overpowered parry.

The funny thing is that the "gassen" part is "competition" or "battle". The "he" part is "fart".

Speaking of timely guard, I love using deflect projectiles (timely guard) to kill Cannon Oni.


How's this look? Anything I should replace at this point?
I might try to pick up Water or Lightning on it, if possible, but I don't know.
I will also need a better roll for my Close Combat Damage for sure.

Should dual wield shield and bash fuckers instead.

How do you people even play this game? I just tried a second time to do this twilight mission and there's nothing enjoyable about playing the game at all. Defeating enemies doesn't feel satisfying. Attacks don't have any weight to them, and movement just all around feels kind of bad, like you have a joystick but there's really only 8 directions that register (not literally but that's how it feels). There are way too many fucking floating numbers and when enemies die you can't even really tell what's going on because they turn into fountains of sparkling lights and shit and cover the ground in more sparkling lights. None of the weapons seem to have fun movesets, and you're almost forced to rely on spears because having distance is the only reliable defense. Everybody says blocking is amazing, but blocking even minor attacks drains all stamina and leaves you wide open.

I'm really struggling to find anything even cordially enjoyable about the game.

What level are you?

Level 18, twilight mission was level 15. I just gave up, it's nothing but oni, oni, and more oni and no matter how many I kill it just doesn't feel satisfying. This is also the third fucking time I've had to do a mission in the starter village and I'm getting sick of the repetition.

because I got it on console before the game came out on PC

Are you using ki pulses and stance switching? Perhaps read this post, it might clear something that you previously didn't know

Holy shit user. Just as a starter, there's a lot of meta knowledge in this game that you should ask about. If you don't like your weapon, try a new one, it doesn't matter too much. If you don't like the move set switch stances or try unlocking more. You've barely started the game. Hell try being a ninja, it's fucking fun.

You'll start getting the hang of things and begin entering the main phase of the game once you've hit the 100 hour mark


Because Odachi is a DLC weapon

Also apparently that "recover stray projectiles" attribute is fucking unique to those first-time divine weapons, wish I had known that before I scrapped them

The only weapon with a leap attack is the axe though. The spear just has that big overhead swing in high stance or the wide slash in mid stance.

Why is there so much complaining about this game in here? When I played it on PS4 (single kat OF FUCKING COURSE) it was incredibly satisfying to play once I got the hang of it - I don't see how that could have changed from a PC port. Are anons on 8/v/ really this bad at videogames now?


Spear has a fucking pole vault move that lets you drop attack enemies afterward

Bullshit there are no pole vault moves in any of the three stances. How do you do it?

if you used the skill tree, you would know you could dash forward after a combo and you could leap around real fast. after another upgrade, you can also cancel in mid air during the leap and drop down to hit someone.

just play the game harder

couldn't you get infinite ammo instead, seems worthless

Flying Monkey II. The last skill on the list directly above the ranged damage green skill

So you're telling me the game sucks shit until I grind enough levels to unlock movesets that aren't boring?

You do know about spending samurai/ninja/onmyo points to earn techniques, do you?

If you seriously aren't finding it satisfying, uninstall the game. To me the entirety of that game was like taking Dark Souls and mixing it with Onimusha, and being aggressive and quick was just so fuckin fun. Of course there were frustrating parts, but never enough to make me even consider stopping.
Just sounds like it's not for you, nigga.

You have to learn it. You'll probably need to beat way of the warrior: adept or wotw: expert in the dojo in order to unlock that skill.
If you're not having fun try kusa. You may end up having too much fun. I'm trying to wean myself of of that weapon and onto axes.

No, you can beat side missions and use hair locks to get more samurai/ninja/ezmagic points and also leveling up in general, but you get a lot of amrita, so don't sweat it.

Since poise/toughness is an actual thing in the game, getting hit you can actually block or dodge away instead of being nuked to 0 hp.

Flying Monkey II only requires Way of the Warrior: Novice, which I think is unlocked completing the first region

You can get the base Flying Monkey without completing any dojo missions.

Samurai skill points are easy as fuck to come by. The hell is this slut going on about?

I wasn't certain since the last time I used spear was in the alpha.

You don't need to grind you just need to progress through the game.
Beating the very next main mission gives you you first special spear set. Don't give up.
Also you can wear two different type of melee weapons at once.

How much is actually factored into that big "Attack" number on a weapon? I have a suspicion that it doesn't actually include any of your assorted Increased Damage bonuses, Armor bonuses, Guardian Spirit bonuses and so on. I say this because I just increased my odachi from 150+1 to 150+4, and the number only icreased by about 150, but the in-mission damage is hitting things like a god damn truck all of a sudden.

Don't ever grind. Amrita gains are exponential, which means the farther you go, the more you get - and the amount you get eventually outpaces your ability to spend it from what I've heard. I'm not there yet, but I was just fucking around in some Way of the Strong early-game content and without realizing it had 10 million amrita just chilling there in the corner.

>I'm not there yet, but I was just fucking around in some Way of the Strong early-game content and without realizing it had 10 million amrita just chilling there in the corner.
Bullshit. Once I got The Demon King Revealed unlocked on WotS I went there for some easy fast amrita gains because they hand you Hanzo and Okatsu for the first half of the level. Killing everything up to the end only got me around 8M.

When did you do that level? They've rebalanced amrita gains several times since the initial released. Also it's going to depend on your armor attributes and your GS.

Not sure what to tell you, user. You must have sucked shit at getting amrita somehow.
I did a few missions in the Kyushu region and got 10 million. I just now did Bridge of Bone and got 3.5 million from that in just 10 minutes.

Immediately after beating Orochi I went to some boss rush mission and repeatedly got my ass kicked repeatedly. Before I realized I had around 12 million amrita and a lot of ogress claws and whatever the dumb spider leaves behind

I just did Way of the Strong Isle of Demons to test. Without going out of my way to kill anything or using any shrines (or sake) I got 1,953,168 amrita. First time clear exploring the map and maybe attempting certain parts multiple times you could easily end up with 5m from that mission alone. Isle of demons is NOT a particularly good farming mission,

He didn't say which missions he completed, how many, or how much he killed in them. Ending up with 10m Amrita in way of the strong before you even notice it is NOT difficult.

I took this to mean he searched a corpse in a corner and it gave him 10M. Getting 10M in WotS isn't hard, I just thought he said he got it all at once.

You misunderstood then. What was meant by that statement is that he was sitting on 10m unspent amrita that he only just noticed

Just something to look forward to: Way of the Wise adds new attacks to many enemies. For example, One-Eyed Oni will attempt to sit on you if you go behind them, and large axe-wielding skeletons will use an attack similar to mad spinner. Bosses are included too, Giant Toad has an attack where he twirls his spear over his head to hit 360 degrees multiple times for instance

Are any new enemy moves unlock in WotN, or is it just stat and resistance buffs?

As far as I can tell the new moves are all in WotW

Who the fuck is chickenman and why did they make him so shit in this game? Is he some truly hated figure in Japanese history or something? They took a shit all over this guy. He's easier than most revenants, spending a third of the match screaming, a third of the match falling, and a third of the match getting cut in fucking two by final blows.
Also got a smithing text which basically never happens. Score.


In that Twilight Mission version she can be. She has a LOT more health/defense than normal and there are little spider eggs and oni-bi all over the place to mess you up. Harder than birdman, and I've had some difficulty with him at times too (mainly because I don't equip Kunai)

I said "more of". As in "a feather is more of a threat than a flower".
She hit me with her silk spit once. I was more annoyed by her army tiny spiders destroying my framerate than anything she was up to.

I was ready with those kunai. Hell, i was ready with just about my whole arsenal since I'd never done a mission this high level before. I used almost nothing.
You can just knock him out of the air with any melee attack that reaches above your shoulders - odachi excels at this.

I've died to her on that twilight mission many times in WotW and WotN. Anywhere else she appears in the game, including the Abyss, is fine, but right there there are enough adds to really fuck me up and I swear she has quadruple her normal health

Yeah, she was definitely tanky. You don't get the benefit of those mysterious chunks you pick up on Spider Nest Castle that remove her leg armor, at the very least.

As a general rule most of the human bosses can be fucking destroyed by either headshots, groundfires, or yokai water pots to exhaust their Ki or knock them down, setting them up for insta-kills. That's of course discounting the use of Sloth or Weakness if you want to fight them without ground-fucking them.

"Chicken guy" aka Saiga Magoichi aka the guy that uses that one banned yugioh card as his guardian spirit is definitely one of the easiest human bosses in general. He just doesn't do much that's threatening other than one grab attack, and he has a triple-shot combo thing that can fuck you up if you repeatedly try to heal without doing anything else other than trying to heal. That's it. They had to add a mechanic where your lock-on drops when he teleports to try to make him more challenging, but he's still easier than fucking Onryoki.

I think the reason he's so easy is because not much is recorded about the guy he's based on, other than the gun thing, so they didn't want to give him too much power. Then again Oda Nobunaga is also one of the easiest bosses and he's supposed to be Samurai Jesus.

I think Nobunaga is easier than Magoichi actually. He doesn't have ANYTHING remotely threatening, at best there's the fact that he spams Living Weapon and can inflict multiple elements (ie confusion), but he's so easy to overpower it doesn't matter.

Magoichi actually guards like a bitch if you aren't knocking him down all the time.

He's easier than tengu. If that guy was anything special in real life, he's spinning in his grave right now.

you can almost unconditionally cancel any weak attack into a strong attack and vice versa im all stances with Tonfa.

Too bad tonfa suck donkey dick. They could be fun to use but not at the cost of doing absolutely no damage

They're great fun for running lower level twilight missions for the umbracite.

I'm very disappointed in Kojuro's. It's just not doing what I want it to do. I've switched over to Kaido and it's doing great or it would be if I could fucking move. Since I respeced for Kojuro's, which is a LIGHT axe armor I now don't have enough stamina. So I'm going to have to respec all over again.
I'll be very glad when I'm at a high enough level that I can switch builds without HAVING to reallocate all my skill points.

How so?

It's not bad, after figuring out weaknesses of opponents and how ki works I've had a lot more fun than earlier. I'm still not perfect and die like a retard often though.

Their damage output makes them tedious to use in higher level missions, but in lower level missions where their damage output actually feels good, you can have a blast beating everything to death with your flippy-dippy arm-clubs. They're really flashy and it almost feels like playing yakuza at times.

Are you implying that your hopes and dreams are gone with the wind?

They're hard to beat when it comes to staggerable enemies, and for non-staggerable enemies you can get by with the L1+△ High Stance attack for raw damage and the iFrames on ki burst will protect you from retaliation.

Man fighting Umi-Bozu seems kind of a chore.

Even with all three bonfires to eat he's got so much defense unless you hit his weak spots, which only exist long enough for one or two strikes.

I only made it into the second phase (When does that start exactly?) once.

Half health.

Don't "eat" the bonfires. They kill the adds for you. Use onmyo magic fire talismans or else consumable fire talismans. Other than that just hug his body and dodge when he attacks like once every 10 seconds

I actually realised that after seeing the first Mini-Bozu evaporate as the fight starts.

I've already got some Onmyo talismans, but they seem really short lived. The bonfires last much longer, but I think the lack of adds is worth the loss of damage.

Umi bozu is a chore, even when severely overleveled since he pretty much only takes fire damage. I don't even want to imagine fighting him without fire and with all his mini-mes.
Last phase starts at third health. He's aggressive but has a few windows when you can safely pop a hyottoko mask, which absolutely ruins his shit.

We know there was a Saika clan of mercenaries which liked the Yatagarasu. Magoichi is their presumed head because there had to have been one. If you like the concept of the guy, play Samurai Warriors 2 and 3 where he is more fleshed out. Or go Sengoku Basara where he's a chick and just about the only character in this game that isn't a cartoon.

Here is a question. Would it be wise of me to buy it on the first sale it's featured?
Fishing for people with enormous amount of criticism for the game.
I'm breddy gud at vidya and endgame dynamics (which include general replayability within a single playthrough and online) are somewhat important to me.

There's 999 floors of the abyss that get progressively harder. Each floor takes one boss from the game and gives him a bunch of different buffs ranges from increased attack to inflicts everything and the kitchen sink on you if he so much as breathes at you.

There are also 4 global effects in the boss arena (unrelated to whatever buffs the boss gets) which can optionally be deactivated by completing a randomized selection of levels generally drawn from the normal game levels but with different enemy placements. They do repeat, so they are randomly chosen but not randomly generated.

The Abyss is primarily postgame. All floors after number 30 unlock by completing the game's 5th difficulty, Way of the Nioh. As for rewards, you have to go pretty deep into the abyss to find anything significantly better than what you get normally, though drops are generally more common at least from the begging. Clearing small sections of the abyss can also be helpful in upgrading existing gear.

Oh, and if you do co-op in the abyss not only are the bosses generally stronger; but you also have to fight two different ones at once.

That and PVP which I don't think is terribly popular are pretty much what the game has for post-game content. Of course, there's 5 difficulty modes to clear diablo-style before you get there. Co-op in the regular game levels pretty much just amounts to your summoned partner one-shotting everything for you because there's no limits on levels for matchmaking outside the fact that you need to have a mission unlocked to be summoned there.

Well you've come to the right place you meme loving fuck.
The content is MMO tier, to put it simply.

There's a cracked version. Try it before you buy?

The abyss is not infinite. There are 999 floors. You can find a list of the bosses you face here

That's why I said virtually. There's also the defile mechanic which encourages replaying floors anyway.

But user, all games are free.

Fuck me, really? I was hoping that it would be available (I just got into the second dlc)

Can someone explain the significance of this?

To try out this game I'd probably need to complete it, after which I'd have to battle myself to buy it just for the sake of it since I've already completed it and that's unnecessary if I'm pretty much ready to go for it at the first chance. What I'm looking for is not obvious to the naked eye flaws that some lurking autist could notice and sperg about, like I could about brigador.

B-but I h-haven't even memed yet.
Not by the literal meaning.
Additional question, do you find it fun, do you see any meaningful for you depth in all of that?

Am I focusing one stat too hard?

Not hard enough. You min/max or you go home, kid.


Get your spirit up a bit so you can use the special bonuses on your guardian spirit. For instance, if you are using Kato the fire dog getting your spirit up to 10 will grant you a 15% bonus to all skill damage, which is WAY more damage than 4 points of Skill (attribute) could possibly grant. That's just one example, and there are many other guardian spirits with different bonuses and higher requirements.

Second, get your Toughness up to AT LEAST 100 by wearing heavier armor, and then increase your Stamina to bring your Agility back down to A rating. 200 toughness and B rating is much much better, but if you have to be light, at least get 100. Toughness determines your ability to block attacks and to not be staggered.

Third, a few points in Magic would really help you a lot. You already have Ninjutsu, but some Omnyo abilities like Sloth can be totally game breaking, others are just really useful depending on your build and playstyle.

Body, Heart, and Strength can all be mostly ignored. Body isn't terrible for life and heart for ki, but you can wait till later to deal with that if you want.

Of course, Body and Strength are both common stat requirements on armor. If your armor attributes are greyed out you don't have enough stats.

I have no idea what stats I should be getting. I'm using an odachi and so far light armor. I've put the majority into strength so far, since it seemed like the obvious choice and the game claims it's what benefits odachis the most.

Odachis do gain the most damage from strength, but the difference is rather minimal compared to heart, which increases your maximum Ki. All strength does is increase your max equip weight, and it's not even as efficient in doing so as Stamina, which happens to be the Odachi's third stat.

Id say worry about Weapon scaling later. At lower levels you should be more concerned with what the attribute itself offers. Stamina for heavier armor, magic/dex for onmyo/ninjutsu, spirit for guardian spirit effects, maybe skill for improved ki pulses.

who the hell localized nio to nioh?
also its just a hercules rip off, nice meme nippon, keep stealing culture like always

It's niou technically, I guess nioh was the easiest way to get gaijins to pronounce it "ni-ô" instead of "nyo".

Does anyone have the webm of the horned bong helm?

Don't use the bonfires, his glowing parts are the weakness which means you should be using your ranged attacks on his face AFTER he uses his water cannon attack which leaves him open.

If you don't have any ranged weapons then you need to bait his arms attacks and hit those. Again, the glowing part is the weak spot there, you do double the damage when you hit those instead of just the black mass.

Another handy tip is that it only receives reduced damage from physical attacks so if you have a weapon that does non water elemental attacks then you can almost double your DPS.

why are you using spears if you aren't even investing in their primary stat?


I'd rather dodge.


I wish you fuckers would shut up about this. It's incredibly fucking annoying.

In fact, do you know what the first google search result for "Nioh Sloth" is? It's a Kotaku article written by a tranny. That's how obvious and annoying your "advice" is.

I don't want to trivialize the challenge of the game, and even if I did I'd at least have the decency to do so in a more creative and less blogged-about manner.

Dodging only gives 6 i-frames. You CANNOT dodge every attack in the game.

Listen nigger, you're expected to use every tool in your disposal in this game. Some enemies actively punish dodging, and only one stance uses it as an optimal tactic. Eschewing magic isn't "doing a no magic run", it's just hamstringing yourself out of an important mechanic. Nioh isn't bloodborne. People with experience in the game, so listen and stop virtue-signalling.

I'm not talking about spot dodging or abusing iFrames, I'm talking about outright not being in the attack range when the attacks come out.

Because I started off with Tonfas and then found out that they were spammy as fuck and got bored.

I refuse to believe developers would push out a game that is only possible to beat by using a single specific ability (Sloth) without either forcing it upon you or directing you towards it, which it has yet to do for me yet.

I'm not avoiding magic, but I'm not putting points in it because I don't like it. I tried out all of the magics and I'm not impressed. I'm not too terribly excited by buff abilities and if I can't get by WITHOUT those buff abilities then I'm just going to outright quit the game.

The game gives me an option to play without magic and I'm going to play without magic except for the goddamn rejuvenation talisman because sometimes I like to save on elixirs.

That means you're avoiding it you retarded mongoloid
Don't fucking post in this thread asking for advice then.

I mainly use tonfas so I assume you mean using demon dance to basically hit for days while avoiding some attacks, but the fun in the weapon comes from mixing the stances and skills and getting a rhythm to them. Also there's an item to respec.if you are want to move from skill to mainly body for spears.

Skill raises significantly more additional stats than Body does, which is why I've invested in it. When I was leveling up at the shrine after respeccing, I put 40 points into body at first to see the difference and it didn't seem altogether significantly higher.

Plus I have a weapon that adds an additional B scaling for Skill (and posted a screenshot of it) and I'm hoping that's something I can recreate in future stronger weapons as well since it doubles up on a stat that also improves Ki Pulse and Ninjutsu power rather than just being a dump stat for life.

The softcap for that was 30 levels ago.
All your investments beyond 15 aren't worthwhile just for raising numbers because of diminishing returns.

You can reforge "change to X" onto weapons if they don't come with it. They take less time to find if you use umbracite, otherwise you'll have to pray Tomoe likes you when you try to reforge with iron chunks.

Anyone got some protips for Kusarigama usage? The windup on the light attacks is really annoying against stronger enemies and bosses when I maybe just want to get in a hit or two before dodging away. I feel like I'm stuck spamming heavy attack in either medium or low stance a large part of the time.
The Kusarigama is fun and the light high stance completely shreds enemies but I'm not always sure how to use this weapon correctly.

Skill is really overloaded as an attribute.

Personally, I would delete Stamina and Body from the game and apply their effects to Strength and Heart respectively

I've got more samurai skill points than I can use and I've completely maxed out my spear skills. The only situation I could see myself ever switching to a different weapon without respeccing altogether would be if I was stuck on a level with too many enemies in a tiny room and my spear kept knocking against the walls and getting me killed.

And Stamina/Strength Body/Heart could easily be put together but I'm pretty sure the devs decided to split them at some point late in development after they decided to make the level cap 750 and desperately needed an Amrita sink.

You get plenty, and late game you get samurai points based on your level rather than the stats you raise. It matters early game though, when you are trying to unlock the skills for your main weapon(s) as fast as possible to use them.

past 10 the returns it gives are negligible.
Its a dump stat if you're not using Tonfas.

Heres what stat investment does for me at this level.
The weapons are an odachi and a sword with default scaling.

What's the differnce between each NG+ difficulty? Is there a list of all the changes? Here's what I know
>WotS unlocks 150 +10 divine weapons or was it +15?

>B-but I h-haven't even memed yet.

WotD unlocks gear past level 150. Haven't been too far into it but that's the main draw.

Serpent strike followed by a leg sweep and a final blow for humans and little skeletons. Blade spin and reaper for everything else.
Actually reaper is great for anything if you can get behind them.

Thank you, I've sort of underutilized a lot of the combos. Are these the "skills" that sometimes have damage bonuses on weapons and such?

Also I've hit 30 dex which I hear is the cap for ninjutsu slots, I've been thinking about leveling up my magic a bit but right now my hotkeys are filled to the brim with ninjutso shit. Maybe that'll become easier as I unlock third tier of some stuff.

Have you purchased the two extra hotkey sets from the blacksmith?

Well I did list
But I only listed it one WotS because it was one I specifically knew the numbers for. No idea what the new caps is for WotDemon, Wise, or Nioh, aside from character level 750 on Nioh.

It's the cap for slots but not the cap for ninja power or for ninja skill points. The same goes for magic too.
Don't neglect you spirit you need that to unlock GS passive abilities and it helps LW stay for longer. Leveling spirit will help you level magic a little too.
You can do some nice things with magic and I don't just mean buffs and debuffs.

Damn, how much Onmyo magic power does that take?

I think when you get to high NG+ difficulties the cap is raised by about 10 slots.

Is there any way of swapping clans without being connected online?
Also whats the best guardian early on for Living Weapon shenanigans? I love cheesing bosses and strong enemies with it.

What is matador sekllingman going to do with ramen?

Oh shit, just recently unlocked that Patronage thing and had not looked closely at everything. Thanks this will help a ton.

Spirit is fine right now at least for my Paired Raiken, but maybe I should start spending some more points there in anticipation for a better spirit. On the topic, can someone explain to me when the Guardian Spirit Protection comes into play. When I activate my living weapon or is it always on?

When I made a build like this I needed around 70+ to get really solid damage. Notice too he's using Genbu for extra magic power. The trick to a build like this is putting unlimited onmyo on every piece of armor and putting other reforges that help with magic. An onmyo headpiece speeds up your casting.
The real secret it to get discord/confusion on your opponent as quick as possible. See how he's alternating the onmyo shot.

It's always on as long as you haven't losts you spirit or it isn't recharging.

Make me, nerd.

you filthy min/maxer

It's more than one point. Without directly testing I can't say how much, but I think it's 3, 2, 1 repeating. It's especially good if you have two different weapons because the ONLY things that don't scale off skill are axes and odachis. If you use something like Sword+Gama or basically any other combination that doesn't use axe or odachi stacking skill means improving both weapons by roughly the same amount

That and ki pulse, which is a fairly useful stat by itself making your attacks much more efficient, skill is the best weapon stat in the game because it does basically everything.


I believe you are just talking about the high stance backstep attack. You don't need to be locked on or mid combo, you just have to be in high stance and do a backstep.

The lowstance backstep move is exactly the same as a mid stance swing, which could be useful as normal lowstance moves lack much reach and dodging in lowstance is expected.

No, it's from mid-stance. I've been trying over and over various ways, and it only works if you dodge backwards while locked on first.
I thought it was just a Waking Winds: Heaven variation, but my stance remains in mid-stance after the flip-slam. It's not Tiger's Blade, either, which I've never even been able to pull off.

It's a clear leap forward covering considerable distance followed by a two-handed vertical overhand slam that comes out extremely fast - also clearly distinct from Groundquake.

After further testing, I'm even more puzzled. The move itself is indeed the high stance backstep attack, but it's coming out in mid-stance under circumstances I'm still trying to figure out. While testing, I've also seen the mid-stance backstep attack come out while in high stance.
I can't reliably duplicate either, so I'm starting to think it's a bug that has to do with rapid stance changing.

Got it. Here's the sequence:
It's tying my fingers in knots pulling it off, but the sequence is reliable. How the fuck I've been doing it without even noticing is something I can't explain. Did my body git gud before my brain?

Nope. The forward flip comes from a back ROLL. Simple as that. If you backstep twice in mid stance you roll, then quick attack and you get the same flip as a roll from highstance.

If you try the thing you are talking about you get a forward step and a horizontal slash, provided you do it quick enough to hit the attack while still in backstep.

Holy shit, you're absolutely right. It all makes sense now. Thanks for clearing that up, user.

Fuck you.

It's not thinly veiled at all. There are no veils. The title of the thread is literally NIOH.

How many koku of rice did this post cost you?
Gemfire a best.

I swear to fucking god don't get me excited by seeing a Nobunaga's ambition cover as the image on the catalog, then have the game not be Nobunaga's ambition.

I'm sorry user I'll do better next time.


Do PVP armor buffs work in PVE?
I got one from an anima stone that says "Bonus when out of Ki (Increase Ki Recovery Speed)" and it has the PVP crossed swords next to it.
Is that ability disabled if I'm not in a PVP arena situation?

I think they do but I'm not 100% certain. That is provided that the buff doesn't require an ally/opposing player to trigger.
Anyone else have any idea?

Why does it feel like there's such a gulf in difficulty between the DLC and base game? Or at least a gulf in levels.

Cause the DLCs are borderline post game turf.

The mission level is pretty much meaningless once you've passed the 100 mark. It's all gear at that point.
I think you're expected to have a full set of divine gear for the DLC, but I don't think you really need it by any stretch. Just gather as you go.
The actual difficulty of the missions and bosses doesn't really feel out of place to me, other than the bosses and new enemy types in general being a bit more fast and aggressive.

someone pls add me and actually play nioh with me because the last two dudes that added me quit playing the MINUTE they added me

You know you're just going to get wolfspider and no one else, right?

I want to play with humans, not furries

I need every single Kefla scene edited like this with full audio and subs.

I would, but it wouldn't be very fun for either of us for me to walk around one-shotting everything for you. When you get to floor 31 in the abyss we can talk.

Only 8 friends user? I'd add you but I feel I'm too much of a normal fag for someone like you.

pic unrelated.

It isn't unless you put in 5 points at which point you get 3 points. Beyond its softcap the Ki pulsing stat has negligible returns.

Am I understanding defilement correctly?
Just testing it out, I defiled some junky +4 axe I had in my inventory. Is it normal for the item to not change whatsoever, because its stats are all exactly the same.


It's a fucking dump stat that does nothing and shouldn't even be in the game, FUCK.

I beat the 4th boss and so far the game has been underwhelming.
Does it get better?

Filthy gaijin, get defilement cucked. You are supossed to defile at floor 28 and leave after 31 for best gains

Is it normal that the spidergril boss is a complete and utter pushover?

I had more trouble with the FAGGOT wheelmonk outside the building than I did with her. It was just a case of continually smashing her with my sword, as she couldn't really keep up with constant circling (even despite covering her arse constantly)

Did it bug (heh) out? We're there supposed to be gorillions of spiders crawling out of the walls at me during the fight? Am I suddenly a god?

Underwhelming in what respects?

She's easy as fuck until she gets more supporting enemies in higher difficulties.

Bosses(except 4th)
Regular enemies
Level design
Loot system

She was easy to me too, the ice boss which comes a mission or so after that was easy as fuck too.
I just emptied my ninjutso into them with a defense reduction and sloth talismam.

Oh, so it's strictly tier-based, then?
Since the highest possible drop on floor 4 (that I found) was +4, then my item couldn't have been better than +4 since that's the floor I exited?
I'll clear up to 30, then, and see if defiling at 27 gives me a stronger item. Even just a few +levels would be nice.
It'll be a while before I'm able to unlock floor 31+ after all.

What's the loot progression again, by the way? Do I have this right?
I'm just guessing based on the gear I've seen on revenants (in the pre-fight overview, the gear obviously gets scrubbed before it's dropped to lower difficulties). Basically, after about level 200 I stop seeing anybody with divines anymore.

Hate the loot system. Enemies and bosses will get new moves on the fourth difficulty tier, level design is hit and miss. There will be much better bosses later on, and larger groups of enemies that test your ability to manage the chaos. Also, there will be double humanoid bosses available after the main campaign. If you get bored to easily and the game isn't hard enough, feel free to skip most side missions. Ignore recommended level.

Complaining about the game being easy when you're on your first playthrough and using sloth is akin to complaining about easy mode being too easy.

Not entirely accurate.

First, you need to complete at least 4 total floors. Continuing to the next floor 3 times and then leaving on (or after) the 4th. You'll notice a number on your defiled item that increments once every time you move on to the next floor and caps at 3.

Second, you need to leave on or after floor 31. The higher the better theoretically, but in practice you need to go VERY high (in the hundreds) to see any real benefit past 31. 31 is the minimum floor to turn items that are level 251 or higher (way of the nioh quality) into Ethereals, which is the primary purpose of defiling.

Third, any items (except accessories) that do NOT have a set bonus already will gain a "grace" if they turn into ethereals. WHICH grace depends on which floor you leave on, in multiples of three. The pattern is as follows:

Floor 31 = Magatsuhi / Izanami / Sukunahikona / Kushinada / Futsunushi / Izanagi / Takeminaka / Okuninushi
Floor 32 = Tajikarao / Sakuyahime / Omoikane / Sarutahiko / Ninigi / Izanami / Ame-no Uzume
Floor 33 = Susano / Amaterasu / Shinatsuhiko / Takemikazuchi / Kagutsuchi / oyamatsumi / rest of older sets
Floor 34 = repeat from 31.

This pattern depends on which floor you LEAVE the abyss on, not where you start.

You can savescum for graces, backing up your save before you kill the boss on the floor you intend to leave on and repeating that boss until you get what you want.

WotD goes to 200+20, WotW is 250+30, and WotN is 300+40. Then the Abyss after WotN is 320+150

Alright, that's what I was both afraid of and hoping for. Afraid, because I did a lot of crafting on my gear and it's going to be obsolete as soon as I get to WotD. Hoping, because I love finding better gear to craft.

Ninjutsu + sloth + weakness completely breaks the game until you hit NG++, then sloth becomes worthless and you run out of ways to scale storm kunai and your weapons start scaling better.
By NG++++ you'll only be using quick change / tiger running / cat walk / supa / caltrop ball / paralyze mine because everything else scales too badly.
They really should have tied item damage to average gear level or something similar to stop it from being OP early and worthless in end game.

Levitation is pretty good too. It lets you ignore fires and shit.

I completely forgot about that. Running around with 100% elemental immunity spoiled me.

That's only an option if you have some crazy ass charms. Besides you can ignore things like caltrops too

I like to use the groundfire trap instead of the paralysis version, the regular one will send humans flying and available for a final blow if they step on it while not in a attack animation.

I want to point out that the legit highest damage you can do is to paralyze+iai quickstrike from behind. There's a helmet if I'm not mistaken that adds +40% damage to paralyzed enemies by itself, then you add in damage for iai quickstrike, the sword mystic art for damage from behind, and all your normal damage boosts and any other paralyze damage that might exist.

I used to use the katana before the tonfas came out along with the kursarigama. I might just respec out of the kursarigama and go tonfa and katana because pretty much everyone that uses the quickstrike seems to kill most non-bosses in only a few hits.

It's a gimmick. Good fucking luck using quickstrike against something that isn't already disabled

Besides, with my Odachi in high stance I can do over 10k per hit from the front. I end up killing most non-elite enemies in Way of the Nioh in a single combo, and I'm not even really built for fighting outside of Living Weapon.

This fucking "bonus"
why does it even exist?

Because centipede is honorbu full frontu attack!

It just needs to be much higher. You aren't just sacrificing back attack but also a potential attack bonus from a different spirit AND taking some pretty shitty LW stats too.


What are some good ways to grind for divine weapons? I wanna go past Way of the Strong but I am doing not enough damage on the enemies with my +4 gear.

Play some coop. The missions with the Sanada Ten Braves are also good.

Welp just got to way of the nioh
Ive not upgraded my gear since way of the demon so im getting 1 shot by arrows and throwing weapons

Marobashi or the toad fight or basically any dlc or even quests in the last zone of non dlc in normal mode like killing 2 guys at once

Basically anything that you kill a big guy

But Marobashi is best in general for amrita farming and getting a lot of gear dropping in the mid levels

Why is everyone dissing Tonfas? I went all the way up to Way of the Nioh with them and I'm still kicking ass, humans get stunlocked by my massive combos until their ki's 0 and yokai scum get turned to dust after I get their Ki during my attack chains.

You haven't actually tried anything else. You have the choice between stunlocking a single target or obliterating him in two attacks.

I tried tonfas and found them awful to use over dual swords

How do I unlock Marobashi?

Does anyone know if amrita earned bonuses of any kind have any effect on amrita gauge or living weapon recovery? I don't really care about earning extra amrita at this point, but if those +30% "amrita earned (using living weapon) mean that my living weapon recovers 30% more when I kill something (or from hits via extraction talisman) then it's definitely worth it.

Complete ALL the missions in the Sekigahara region to unlock the dojo weapon master missions
Complete the sword and spear master missions in the dojo to unlock The Two Masters in the Tokai region
Complete The Two masters to unlock Marobashi in the same place.

You might not have to do every step listed on every difficulty, just check the Tokai region periodically as you are working on it in case Marobashi pops up early.

Because bosses are the main concern not random enemies. And there are far and away better options for dps. Duel Swords suffers from the same issue unless you use the one DS that inflicts 2 elements at once for easy chaos.

But I tear bosses up too, Humans get stunlocked while blocking for the most part while Yokai bosses take a ton of damage from consecutive hits and take massive damage from combos, they might be worse than other weapon types but they're still very much usable.

Who says they're not usable? As you say they're just worse, which is why people shit on them.

yeah they're usable there's just better options.

Like ninjutsu is a viable damage source using kunai and shit even in Way of the Nioh, you just don't do a lot compared to other sources.

How does item level work in Way of the Demon? I had a level 150 +10 divine Odachi and the girl with raikiri was outdamaging me every single time on the same enemies. The enemies themselves only dropped 170 level gear which didn't make much of a difference.


So what are you supposed to do when you run out of items critical to beating bosses, like antiparalytic needles? That's it, you're fucked, go home and re-play the level or something?

Don't git hit pleb.

Willliam, you are the gaijin demon.

How about fuck you.

no such thing

The second boss hits you with instant paralysis even at full sprint around her.

It doesn't. You are just bad at dodging it.


Git gud aside, it's definitely true you can waste all your stock against hino-enma before getting how to consistently dodge her. It doesn't make her unbeatable, though, you just have to grit your teeth and learn her patterns. Make sure you have the upgrades that let you use ki pulse on dodge, you need the mobility against her.

It fucking does. I'm sitting here literally sprinting full speed with A held down perpendicular to her and I still get hit by the purple wave.

Use the dodge button
It exists for a reason.

If you are up against the vampire lady, bait the 3rd hit of her melee combos (her kicks and her umbrella) and poke her afterwards. Stay in low stance and remember the sound she makes when she's about to throw her paralysis projectile so you can dodge. Also, wear whatever item with paralysis resistance you can find until you can resist her projectile.
You'll eventually get the hang of evading her most telegraphed attacks like her projectiles and her flying attack. Just remember to block her spinning attack and stay under 70% equipment weight.
I managed to kill her without getting paralysed a single time this way.

And why the fuck do all of the videos show people knocking her out of the air in the first second by throwing shit at her? That's total bullshit. I throw shit, she doesn't flinch. They throw shit, she's on the ground.

I'm starting to think this game is more level grind based than you people are letting on.

Well that wasn't a challenge at all.
What the fuck.

if you are gonna be this much of a casual bitch just stop playing.
If you can't handle the second boss of the game and have to resort to video guides to beat it then don't even bother continuing further.

>Need anything but whatever random shit you picked up to beat the second boss.
Nigger, you suck at videogames. I've didn't start paying attention to anything but whatever gave the biggest numbers I happened to find until after I beat the main story. I ape this shit like it's Bloodborne, and fucking suck at the game. Hino-enma is piss easy and you need to

this is what the downfall of civilization looks like.

William x Hanzo forever.

why did they make him such a mary sue?

True bromance.

I didn't mind William, but I kinda wish he cracked a few jokes every now and then or something. He's a bit of a dry character.

William is a man who sailed across the seven seas to wage a one man war for his waifu.
After sailing home to bully the bald old man who was behind his waifu's kidnapping, he once again sailed the seven seas to wage a one man war for his best bro.

You can't portray a man like that to be anything less than perfect.

Oh give me a fucking break, like none of you niggers ever watched a video guide after getting your ass kicked by a boss 20 times because getting paralyzed is a guaranteed OHKO.

I didn't have to because that boss is piss easy.

What weapon and what level did you do it at, if you're so good?

How's my stat layout so far?
I'm thinking going to 20 magic & 30 spirit like an user said then just pumping up my strength like mad. I use axes, odachi's, swords, dual swords and the kusaragima. Mainly the Odachi and just swap my off-hand to whatever for proficiency. As for the ninjitsu/magic they don't do a whole lot for me so I use Onmyo to heal & ninjitsu's to do chip damage mostly, I figure why not go to 20 if anyone figures I should.

I did it with a sword.
Levels are irrelevent. That boss along with the first one get relegated to mini boss/stage enemy status.

Get some fucking antiparalytic needles. Even without them, the paralyzing attacks are the easiest to dodge. I got hit more often by the grapple attack for being too cocky up close than I got paralyzed. Why would I watch a video guide to something without some stupid gimmick that needs to be figured out?

You'll need 20 dex for a ninja mission later that unlocks your ninjutsu mystic art.
The 2nd one gives you instant cast ninjutsu buffs, which is amazing so get it.

Okay I'll do that. Otherwise 20 magic/20 dexterity 30 spirit fine?
was thinking of pumping my strength after that.

stats don't matter as much as weapons themselves but then again you won't be getting any spirits which require more than 26 Spirit in the base game.

Something that level 30 bestows I guess. Second life or some such?

Made this because I had nothing better to do.
Could've done better but tracking attacks threw me off.

Learning how to beat that bitch with an axe was a pain in the ass.

Is this a decent set? First I've gathered and I feel like it helps a lot with my ninjutso damage, but on the downside I sacrificed a ton of toughness. I don't fully understand the meaning of the set 7 bonus though. Does it make my ninjutso items scale stronger with my Ninjuto Power?


It makes your regular attacks scale with your ninjutsu power

Damn that's pretty goods, thanks.


Fokken saved

Saying "this game is piss easy you suck" is not "trying to help you".

Wew fucking lad. Go back to whatever hugbox you crawled out of.

Not really. It adds about 1% damage per 100 ninjutsu power, and diminishing returns kick in hard by the time you hit 500 power. Hitting 1000 power is probably impossible even with gear specifically dedicated to increasing it.

[citation needed]

Confirmed for illiterate nigger.


And exactly none of those were the ones I was responding to or


Is this for real?

nah, but i did get a divine odachi with 80% soul matching discount.

They've spent levels into becoming a ninja. The thrown suriken and kunai are really good at exhausting ki but you do need to build your character around it a bit to maximize effectiveness.

Not that user but I'll answer. I don't remember exactly what weapon because I'm getting it mixed up in my mind from when I fought her in the beta but I know that my level was right around what your is. I'm sure the weapon was either 1 kat, 2 kat, or kusa because I didn't use spears much at all and I only started using axes much later and tonfa/Odachi didn't exist yet.

Like many anons have said, level doesn't matter, and most people do most levels very underleveled, and the gap only increases as you play more.
I beat Hino Enma by using the odachi in low stance and dodging well. It was basically game over if I got paralyzed and I didn't use the needles because I didn't want to end up relying on them only to run out. Took me maybe 3 or 4 tries.

Meant to post this too. This is more similar to what you should experience at you level rather than a one hit knockdown. I say similar because you can't actually do this anymore since they gated off some of the skill progression since the beta so you can only have about a third as many throwables at this point. Still you can do some pretty good damage to her with ninjutsu if you carefully pick your times and get her ki close to zero before she goes airborne. Reforging equipment for enhanced ninjutsu damage and unlimited ninjutsu would help too as would lucking out and equipping accessories with good ninja stats. You should have access to a small hand full of shinobi boxes which renew ninjutsu so you could keep those on your shortcuts but don't actually use them unless you've got a good shot at killing Hino because they aren't renewable until later.

Alternatively you can quit being a bitch and just learn to dodge. Low stance makes dodging easy.

Nice goalpost moving. The replies you got there were shit because those two posts you made were just you implying everyone is as casual as you are and simply by being a certain level or using a guide neither of which you need. Well maybe you need those things. You've already been given more than enough advice on how to beat an easy as fuck early game boss and it's your own fault to too incompetent to take it. Are you just waiting for someone to tell you how to cheese it or something?

Fucken typos. I should sleep.

Oh one more thing I do remember facing her in the beta and I failled a bunch of times against her and I was using a spear at the time. Then I switched over to single sword or dual sword, I can't remember, and I beat her within 3 or four tries.
Spears are very technical weapons in Nioh and with how many parries they have they are less focused on youkai combat than some of the other weapons.
Maybe you should try using a sword. Iai strike does pretty nice damage and sword ki can blast away ki from you opponent really well. Great against youkai since they don't have regenerating stamina. You don't have to abandon the spear just keep a different weapon in you second slot to deal with times that you primary weapon just doesn't cut it.

Am I just using a spear wrong? I spend most of the game feeling like a scrub because I rely heavily on the standard mid-stance strong/strong/strong combo. Poke, poke for ki damage, poke. Maybe toss in a Pole Kick if I'm feeling saucy, it fucks youkai something awful.

For human enemies Twirl is the shit, if you can time it right, especially with the second skill that gives you a hefty damage boost after pulling it off. I spent endgame in my first playthrough feeling genuinely sorry for Yasuke and Nobunaga - the Grapple replacement that lets you follow up with a ground finisher is brutal. I've tried diversifying a little in my current playthrough but I still can't get the hang of low stance quick attacks. I think the problem is that you start doing more hits than button presses and it really throws me off, especially against youkai that aren't staggering.

That said, this is a fresh playthrough since I started again with all the DLC. It probably changes on higher difficulties, I dunno.

One think that I love about the spear is that while you are in LW you can do that helicopter levitate attack that Sakon and Sanada do. And it has a trip move too, one that works on skeletons just like how kusa's leg sweep does.

From what you described it doesn't sound like it.

Or maybe you're just a cunt?

Haven't been on Holla Forums in a while now

Good to see that Nioh is far more popular now: I beat the game back in March. How is everybody enjoying the game so far? How are the expansion packs?

Koei these days has a thing for bad, out-of-place credits songs. Maybe it's some futile attempt to normie-fy the games. Nobunaga's ambition, Musou games, all suffer from this fate.


Why aren't you using the weak-attack combo's?

The last game that hooked me like this was mount and blade, specifically the gekokujo mod but that's not to say vanilla didn't have the same effect.
As for the expansions, the difficulty is a fair bit higher than the base game but WotS is still too easy (I think I'll just stop autistically upgrading my gear and just horde shit until I actually need it). I'm looking forward to the higher difficulties.

I never even noticed the credits song. The first 30 seconds is just the same exact type of music that plays for the whole game, and I'm not going to sit through the credits for that.

Looking it up though, holy shit is that some tonal whiplash. I guess it plays up the waifu theme?

Thanks for your reply.
Yeah this game had a similar effect on me. I couldn't stop playing it from day to night. I was very happy that an actually good hard action game could come out in the current year and sell lots of copies (the sales in japan were kind of shitty, but that's mostly because it sold out so quickly, by the time shops started stocking it again three weeks later, it lost momentum).

Good, because the base game was actually rather easy, although that might be because I beat every side quest on the way, and stocked up on money and amrita. The feeling of easiness also comes from this game due to how enjoyable it is, which is not what I felt in the souls games.
Is that the one with Sanada Yukimura? Damn, I wanted him to have a tough battle, since he is such a memorable man in history.

hah, I didn't even go through any of the cutscenes.

I'm pretty sure they do.

It's actually quite the good bonus, because the main difficulty of the game is to avoid getting killed, rather than to kill the enemy as quickly as possible. So you eliminate one uncommon situation where you are very advantageous, to make the more common situation more advantageous and thus less prone to death. In terms of probability, it the "bonus" that you mentioned actually makes a lot of sense. I used it a lot.

We can have a Nobunaga's ambition thread, but the latest game is not that good

You really have no idea how strong back attacks are, and they are far from uncommon, in fact you should be hitting from behind around 50% of the time at least. Dodge past an enemy when they attack and then punish them.

Even if you did want to go full frontal, why not just use something like Kato or turkey for straight damage with no drawback?

WotS as in Way of the Samurai, which is the first playthrough of the game including the DLCs. Since the difficulty is mostly tied to gear, if you're smart with it, you can make them game pretty easy. I've avoided using the crutches like Sloth and Quick Change, in boss fights at least.
The one with Sanada Yukimura is the Siege of Osaka (Winter). Out of all the DLC bosses I've fought so far, I'd have to say that he was the easiest (evidently since I beat him in one try), but he's still harder than most base game bosses. Date Shigezane was probably the hardest, took me the most attempts so far. Maybe I should start doing boss fights without using elixirs.

I'd argue that the frequency of back attacks depends on your weapon of choice, your strategy and the enemy you're fighting. Full frontal is not the best option on most yokai, but with the Odachi against human enemies I find myself just slamming heavy attacks right into them more often than I circle and attack from behind. The bonus isn't completely useless, just circumstantial.

I beat the game so I do have an idea of what I am talking about, thank you very much. Through my playing of the game, I found that the most common situation that leads to death is from the enemy facing you, and being sandwiched by two or more enemies. There was never a situation where the lack of a greater back damage lead to death, because in such a situation nearly every player is likely to win against the opponent anyway. There are hardly any parts of the game where the enemy placement is such that a player has to stealthily pick off one enemy so fast that by the time other enemies come to William, the first enemy has to die.

Therefore, my point still stands: getting rid of this advantage is worth it for the smaller one. It's more important to reduce the chances of death rather than increase damage-per-second.

What is that? Something to do with Kato Kiyomasa?

Right, sucks that I started the second one (way of the strong, isn't it?); now the DLCs will be too easy. Oh well.

Man, I never used any of the Ninja/magic other than the item limit unlocks, because I wanted a mostly pure warrior build. Apparently, they make the game too easy.

Damn, that sucks. There is no way why Shigezane should be stronger than Yukimura, but whatever. Shigezane is basically Masamune's sidekick, after all.

Kato, the first guardian spirit in the game, grants +17% close combat damage
"Turkey" is the nickname for Oda's guardian spirit, Tengen Kujaku, which gives a significant damage buff for absorbing amrita in high stance as well as significant buffs to elemental effects
There's also Kara-Jinshi which gives a roughly 20% buff after using any attack skill and a few others as well. Taking Centipede means not taking any of those, so the 15% damage bonus you get is already worse than the frontal damage you could have had with no sacrifice made.

As for doing more damage, the best defense is a good offense as a dead enemy can't kill you. Lack of greater damage is therefor ALWAYS the cause of death: if your first hit could kill every enemy you wouldn't need to risk getting hit yourself. If your first combo can kill the enemy you don't have to spend nearly as much time evading and therefor are not in nearly as much risk.

Also this is an outright lie. As a matter of fact RIGHT NOW I'm playing in an area where this is the case. On the twilight version of Shigazane's own mission right after the third shrine there is a Namahage. Around the corner from the Namahage is a one-eyed oni who starts running at you the second you attack the namahage. Kill the namahage fast enough and you don't have to fight two at once, which would be pretty much a guaranteed death.

Doesn't the game not support KBM? Thank god those faggot KBM purist faggots who think they are "MUH PC MASTERRACE" yet don't know the whole advantage of the PC is that you can use your favored hardware (the best for the job) instead of using the game-pad for every genre ever. These faggots would literally defend using KBM for driving games.

Can someone in the contiguous United States with not-bad internet please add me?


my bad, I never played the DLC, I was speaking for the base game. How is it?

The game DOES support KB+M now, and it's MUCH better for two reasons. One, you can put your fingers on all of the necessary controls at the same time rather than having to awkwardly claw the controller and press buttons with your knuckles, and two, you can aim bows with the mouse.

The Guardian spirit you are talking about comes from this DLC mission. Not only have you not played the hardest missions in the game, but you haven't even played the game past easy mode (wotsam/strong) apparently as it's the DLCs that added way of the demon/wise/nioh.

And you now realize you are talking to someone who has completed all difficulties and missions and is over a hundred floors into the Abyss.

Yeah, it's way of the strong, then way of the demon, and I think way of the nioh after that. You could always give yourself a handicap.
My first build was a magic build. After seeing that this was made by team ninja, I figured that the magic would be some Ninja Gaiden level shit. I was rather disappointed in that regard. So eventually I respecced to a melee build with a bit of ninjewtsu/magic for elemental talismans and passives.

As for Sanada, I did do that DLC after playing a bit of WotStronk, so it may actually be closer in difficulty to Shigezane than I thought.

Right, thanks for the overview.
I don't recall using any spirit other than those that increase Amrita output, since I'm a sucker for seeing numbers getting bigger.

Yeah I know, my argument was that defense was better than offense, but I guess that's to ones own, I suppose.

good point; trying to drink elixir while moving was kind of a hassle.
Hardly relevent
Are any of those advantages worth the advantage of analogue movement? I can't imaging KBM being better unless you have one of those game-boards or whatever they are called with a joystick and keyboard.

Anyhow, I suppose it doesn't really matter since the game itself is really good. Hell, I bet this game would be fun on a fucking driving wheel.

Anjin's Youkai Racing

Shit, there was more Newgame+? Damn. I can only play so much of the same game, especially when I searched through every level for every Kodama, spending 100 hours to beat the game in the first try.

I think I made the right choice when I went for the warrior built, since I took an intuitive guess that it would be more satisfying.

I mean he is called "The no.1 soldier of Japan" for a reason, after all; he nearly overthrew a 3to1 disadvantage against Tokugawa Ieyasu.

Analog movement is pretty irrelevant. There's no point in going slow, but if you wanted to you just hold down a modifier key. 8 directions of movement are more than enough when you can control the camera. It's a little more iffy in lock on mode but the advantages FAR outweigh the minuscule costs.

Bow/Rifle aim is huge because headshotting human bosses will end their Living Weapon mode and drop them to the ground for a Final Blow. In fact it's TOO good.

You only have to do Kodamas once. You don't even have to do every level in the higher modes to "clear" them, only 17 total missions plus The Queen's Eyes. He also forgot way of the Wise after Demon and before Nioh.

Worth mentioning, enemies get new attacks starting on Way of the Wise.

Shit, now it makes sense that you support KBM. That's fucking broken!

Btw, do you bind down-movement to the space bar instead of s? I can't be the only one.

Yeah I know. I wish they were more types though, those things are absolutely adorable. Better than any forced phony cute character corporations have released in recent years.

Cool, thanks for the info. I like to beat all the levels though.

Shit, that makes it a pain, since I have to forget the old movesets and remember new ones.

Not new movesets, just new moves. Generally speaking they either get something as an answer to you trying to get behind them or else they have something to shorten their effective openings.

No that just sounds weird. Space is dodge.

Sorry, I consider new moves = new moveset because I think that there is something of a synergy of the moves. I can't use the old strategies against the same enemies

Really? What about the whole thing where the middle finger has to be responsible for both up and down movements? It's not easy to switch between pressing w and pressing s.

Forward and back movements are always mutually exclusive and it takes less time to switch between them than it does to tilt an analog stick from front to back.

What do you guys think about the music in this game? I thought it was really great, but it seems like it most players didn't really like it.

I don't really care one way or the other. It's not bad and it's not memorable. Personally I think that's how a game should be, I'd rather remember it for gameplay or story then music.

I like the boss music. This one's my favorite track.

I think that good story and music significantly adds to gameplay, rather than subtract from it.

I can understand that the music was not that memorable. I think it's supposed to be like that due to the nature of the gameplay (actually memorable music would have distracted from the gameplay).

That one was a great theme. Really adds on to the emotional aspect of the battle.

the only theme i actually found memorable in the game was this one, I guess it's alright overall though. Don't want the music to be too distracting in a game like this anyway.

You are doing it wrong. Charging bull knockdown into a full high stance combo from behind does more damage.
I'm not forgetting this any time soon.



I thought you were making a joke about the whole soundtrack being memorable. you could've gotten away with it too.

What are the best Jutsu?

I've tried almost all of the ones available up to Advanced (Veteran/Expert not unlocked yet) and just want to hear some outside opinions.

For Ninjutsu, Quick Change for second life. Maybe either of the mines (explosive or paralysis) or the caltrop ball. The shuriken and kunai can be good in specific builds but I don't mess with them much. A lot of people really like Tiger Running but it's fairly short lived and the effect in combat isn't that good. Power Pill is the weakest damage booster and overwrites the stronger ones from omnyo.

In omnyo you have the two amrita talismans for Living Weapon builds, one about triples how much gauge you get at a time and the other can help slightly extend the duration every time you hit something. You have the two much stronger damage talismans, carnage and leeching. Leeching is good for critical builds while carnage is the opposite, they don't stack either. Guardian spirit talismans are useful with certain spirits like the starting bird for various cheese methods. Last there are the attack, speed, and damage debuff talismans that are of varying usefulness throughout the game. Some enemies are practically immune while others they can last a long time and be very effective. They CAN still be powerful in way of the nioh but it depends on what you hit with them.

saoirse theme is great

Surely I'm not the only one who just chilled out in the death screen and listened to it for a while every now and then.

Hon hon hon

How can I reset soul matching costs? I am in Way of the Demon and they are kind of absurd.

There's a property on Ethereal items, "reset number of soul matches" that does it when you use that item as a material (applies to soul matching with that item as well). You can get this property by reforging or tempering Ethereal items. Ethereal items don't drop until Way of the Wise though.

How does one keep with the increased defenses in Way of the Demon then?
My Odachi is doing 500 damage per hit despite being level 170 and +10 with 50 Strength.

Better itemization goes a lot further than higher item levels. Also if you can't soul match gear anymore you should already know that means you are supposed to replace it.

Replace it with what? Forged garbage that does even less damage than it?
Randomly dropped shit with worthless abilities?

Either forge something and soul match it up to +whatever or pick up a drop already at that level and reforge it to be useful. Use the fucking reforge/temper system.

Put it this way, if you have 20% close combat damage and Familiarity damage bonus A on your weapon, Agility Damage bonus A on your ranged weapon, and Equipment weight damage bonus A from 3 pieces of Tatenashi armor that's an 80% damage increase right there. Stick an amrita absorb damage boost on your helmet and status effect damage boost on your pants and use a carnage talisman and suddenly you are doing almost 300% damage, and you haven't even maxed out yet.

Which kusa mystic art is better?

I just bought Nioh a few days ago. I'm at around level 55 now and I've begun to notice that I haven't fought any humans in hours and hours, other than in side missions, which is still rare.
Will I ever fight humans again? What about that war in the intro, I want to participate in that shit.
I want to fight fucking humans. I don't get my sadistic thrill from killing dumbass anime monsters.
I remember when I was younger, I used to play the first few chapters of Ninja Gaiden over and over because the beginning of the game is the only time you ever see fucking human beings and the rest is dumbass aliens. Looks like more of the same?

You'll fight enough humans, don't worry.

ah fuck it
I'll just use DOTs to get to ethereals.

Here's a list I'm compiling to get the highest possible damage on an enemy outside of living weapon. Notice that outside of CtA + CCD + Fam/Agi/Equip Weight/etc., most of your damage actually comes from temporary buffs that all stack multiplicatively.

Flat damage on weapon:
Change to Attack (Stat)
Elemental +X Generally not worth it, the damage scales really bad

Flat damage on armor/accessory:
Attack +X
Increase Attack for Weapon +X
Increase Attack & Defense for Weapon +X
Increase Attack & Defense for Guardian Spirit
Increase Attack (+Value) This increases attack by the +X value on your accessory, multiplied by 2

Multipliers on melee weapon:
Close Combat Damage Goes up to 20%
Familiarity Damage Bonus
Agility Damage Bonus
Equipment Weight Damage Bonus
Ninjutsu Damage Bonus 1% per 100 Ninjutsu Power for A tier
Increase Damage (Consecutive Attacks) 2% per hit, up to 15% for A tier; seems to work with shurikens too
Enemy Defeated (Increase Attack) 2% per kill, up to 15% for A tier
Bonus on Evasion Attack (Increase Attack)
Bonus on Dash Attack (Increase Attack)

Multipliers on ranged weapon that affects melee:
Agility Damage Bonus
Equipment Weight Damage Bonus
Ninjutsu Damage Bonus 1% per 100 Ninjutsu Power for A tier

Multiplier on armor/accessory:
Bonus from Absorbing Amrita (Increase Attack)
Bonus when Surrounded (Increase Attack)
Bonus for Status Ailment Suffered (Increase Attack)
Bonus After Purification (Increase Attack)
Increased Attack (Timely Guard) Two versions, one is starred and appears on accessories, the other is yellow and appears on gloves; stacks with each other
Bonus on Evasion Attack (Increase Attack)
Bonus on Dash Attack (Increase Attack)
Assist Bonus (Increase Attack)
Increase Attack (Critical) Seems to be a 30% boost

Multiplier from sets:
Life Recovery (Increase Attack) Izanagi 3 piece bonus
Increase Attack (Ninjutsu Item Hit) Hayabusa 3 piece bonus
Damage (Status Ailment) Seven Misfortunes 4 piece

Consumable/Skills (don't stack with each other):
Power pills 25% boost, no downside
Carnage Talisman 40% boost, drops defense stat by a 1/3 it seems
Leeching Talisman 60% boost, 5% life drained per second
Summer Twilight Kusurigama only, 40% boost
Rage **Axe only, 40% boost*

Tiger Running is best for combining with Suppa and Catwalking so you can ghost through a stage.

The low stance quick/weak attacks just confuse me and aren't really worth it, I don't think. The first hit's okay, so's the second - then it goes into some swishy swishy fuckery that doesn't have the damage to stagger and it's hard to time the cancel. I just don't think it's worth the trouble, especially when both high and mid stance attacks can hit those pesky crawling Dwellers.

The mid stance quick attacks are more useful, but still kind of situational. The sweeps work when there's a couple of targets in front of me, but I try to avoid that whenever I can, and if I can't, the odachi's got better crowd control anyway with its wide swings, so I treat mid quick attacks with the spear as a setup for Pole Kick more than anything else. I've been using a lot more high stance quick attacks this time around, but low stance quick attacks with the single katana are still the best way to catch oni horns.

Have you tried Spear Shove?
You can slot it in any stance and it does high ki damage on block with a fast animation. Paired with stability it hits high/wide/far; since you use odachi, a comparison you can understand would be a mid stance evasion attack that does more damage/ki damage and hits high enough to headshot yokai.
It does have problems hitting small/grounded units, but everything else spear has is good at that.

If you're feeling cheesy, the high stance combo finisher Spearfall can ground human enemies infinitely. Just get ground them once, run behind them and do a finisher, then Spearfall - they can't block because you're behind them, and you'll ground them again with the 3rd hit.
Rinse and repeat.

So now that I am in Way of the Wise, how do I get my hands on some ethereal gear?
Did 2 missions and only got a single drop from a one eyed ogre but it had nothing worthwhile on it.

I crafted these together, and now I noticed by browsing the thread that there is a fucking new tier above divine?

Fuck my ass, how many playthroughs do they expect you to do?

The double boss missions on normal already fuck me in the ass

You can't craft Ethereal gear from what I gathered so you'll be stuck with Divine if you want to run specific sets and weapons.
Ethereal is nice to have but the main reason you'll be looking for it(at least I am) is to reset soul matching count on your divine shit.

I actually run spear/single sword pretty much exclusively because that's what I have IRL, but I've spent a few missions trying out the other weapons and making a few inroads into their skill trees - I know it's not exactly an optimal strategy, but I wanted to try out everything. I don't think I have Spear Shove yet, I'll have to give it a try. I'm terrible at eating my hair stock, I just put them away for a rainy day and never end up using them unless I'm one or two points away from getting something that looks cool.

That bridge fight against Benkei made me want to play the first Genji again.

…in retrospect, that game was pretty much Nioh in a lot of ways, just with less Souls influence. I might have to break out the PS2.

You can turn divines INTO ethereals by defiling them in the abyss. Mechanics explained here

When you defile a divine item and it becomes an ethereal it usually keeps the exact same stats, so you are free to defile existing equipment. I say "usually" because items with no set and 7 stats already will lose one of them semi-randomly in order to gain a Grace.

The best way to do things though is to craft Divines at the blacksmith until you get one with the right number of properties (make sure that it CAN have 7 in the end) and preferably with a Starred property you like since you can't add those later. Then you take them to the abyss, do 4 floors and savescum if necessary to get the right grace, then you come back and reforge/temper until it has the right shit

Oh, as an added bonus, when you defile an item is usually gains item level and + bonus up to whatever drops on the floor you left on, so you won't need to soul match very much to max it out as it will already be 300-310+35-40

I didn't realize that. That would work good with Warrior of the West set bonus.

You would think so, but since the same kind of bonus stacks additivly instead of multiplicativly Warrior of the West only makes spirits like Kato (+17% close combat damage) even stronger by comparison.

What is the Japanese name for the Living Weapons?

I'll have to repost this next thread, but if anyone can answer in this thread it'd be nice:
What are the SILLIEST outfits available? I need to make my willy look proper silly.

The tall onmyo hats are pretty silly, Satan.

Then you're already going to like next thread.