I'll start with this great piece of work
Licensed games better than the OG properties
Superb taste
I wouldn't say this one beats the OG but its near it in terms of quality
Good taste, but I think it was a step down from BB.
Micro Machines (games)
Better than Heavy Metal? are you nuts? Or did you meant to say 2000?
I meant to say that its not not better than the 1981 animation but near it.
that was pretty fun game
This game had no right to be as good as it was, took me by surprise.
Calling it "Redemption" felt like it was making a point out of it.
They were, the last t3 game was so bad they made added the redemption to the title
never played this how is it user?
my contribution
Gyrozetter 3DS game. Anime is so boring and strictly formulamatic even the subtitlers gave up halfway in. The 3DS game combines the hilarious dialog of Custom Robo: Battle Revolution, a decent Pokemon clone with some interesting designs, and a good twist on the FF 4+ time bar system
Also that Ecks v. Server FPS on GBA. The movie is genuinely one of the worst films (with an actual budget) of all time. The GBA game is actually the best in its genre on the platform (however little that counts for with GBA's controls)
The Lego Star Wars and Indiana Jones games are better than the movies.
Really nigger?
The decision to make that game rated M really made it a lot more fun.
Fun as hell and with a more engaging plot than the movie.
Are you an actual child?
They have some smirk-worthy charm but they are definitely not better than their sources. MAYBE the lego prequel games are better than the star wars prequel movies.
Good thread OP
That got me hyped as fuck for the movie (which I didn't see until years later). Imagine my disappointment.
To be fair, it'd be incredibly fucking hard to fuck up a Punisher game.
Then again I said the same thing about the show
and its not because the movie is bad
This game is fucking amazing. Thank you for posting this.
Can we not?
Quit being so salty Universal Pictures
What, tired of trying to convince Holla Forums is a bad dev? Your autism is lacking, lad.
Star Wars is shit in general.
so we're just gonna pretend only 2 Alien movies exist and nothing else came out user?
I honestly think the star wars franchise's power lies in the video games and not the movies.
Isolation is pretty strictly based on the original Alien.
Prequel Trilogy > vidya > Original Trilogy
The lore and universe is it's strong point, as it's got a strong following that loves what's unique about it, but its also vague and ill-defined enough that you can basically do anything you fucking want and still have it fit in the world.
This game should be an example for ANY IP-based vidya
Every time.
Excellent choice, user.
What version is the best?
It's good because Wolverine's claw are portrayed to be as Savage an brutal as one would expect. Good times.
Mad game.
When you walked away from the others they'd call you back and other stuff I can't remember.
The game is surprisingly good it's a shame that the pay to win mechanics killed the online function before it even had a chance
No John Candy?
You're forgetting a good one.
AvP 1/2 weren't that bad, at least it had a new type of alien hybrid. 3's story was trash, but that xenodog was cute.
the game was also quite bad, though
It's garbage. Both original Battlefront games were better.
Mediocre isn't good
Where did the droid touch you?
And still they only churn out shitty movies and half assed games most of the time, hell you could give the IP to anyone that doesnt have double or single digit IQ and the person would pretty much be able to print cash.
On that note, would AvP count? The (excellent) games actually came out before the (godawful) movies, but the games themselves were supposedly based on some comics I haven't read.