Obscure horror movies you've seen. Quality not required

Obscure horror movies you've seen. Quality not required.

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And this would be your slasher villain. One of many shlock horror I saw on the Horror Channel in the UK.

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>>138870629Does she get nude in it?


I’m the only person that’s seen this.

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>>138870703What a waste


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70s schlock

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Can you guess the plot?

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I was really drunk when i watched it, so i dont really remember if it was good or not. Its definitely slow and tedious

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>>138870629I think OP some context would be required otherwise it's just a lot of pics of stuff no one has scene.

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Most horror movies are obscure at this point.

I really enjoyed this and the Toy Maker. Underrated series for sure

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I've seen some absolutely obscure shit in my time, from all over the world.Here's one. It's called "Guzoo." It's 40 minutes long as sort of plays out like a tentacle rape hentai, except the tentacled monster gruesomely kills all the girls. It came out in 1986 and was a straight-to-video release. Despite the low budget, the special effects are pretty good. The monster looks amazing for a low budget short, and the gore effects are totally on point.

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>>138870996The cover explains it pretty fine. A group of idiots go to a deserted island and wake up a pinata demon that is a terrible early 2000s CG thing and then it's a very bad slasher movie. Not much to say.

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>>138871103Here's a clear pic of the monster. Reminds me of the effects work in John Carpenter's The Thing, and I'm sure the people who made this movie were influenced by it.

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It's a "parody" you see.

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>>138870858One of the more entertaining Jaws ripoffs.

>>138870629Another gem of the Horror Channel, this one would just be another cheap and trash slasher except for the villain, who for some reason is a completely ridiculous somersaulting and backflipping karate scarecrow with a Power Rangers villain voice, complete with copious "Muahahaha". Also that the high school students all look about 40. I found the whole thing on youtube in the other thread, brought back memories.youtube.com/watch?v=rOaSzQSwKTU

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>>138871173nostalgia blast right here, i wonder if i still have the dvd somewhere.

>>138870721nah, I bought the scream factory bd release a while ago.

>>138870629this, machine girl, robogeisha

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>>138871384loving how the cast on the cover are being cited for other horror movies no one has ever heard ofgot layers of obscurity

>>138871327Wasnt Jaws a ripoff of Orca

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>>138871415Have you ever seen Meatball Machine? You'd probably like it, if you haven't.youtube.com/watch?v=s8RfEfmNxB8

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>>138871173Oh god why did you remind me >DEAD BONER WALKING

Genuinely a contender for the worst film I've ever seen.

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It's a very solid gothic horror flick

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>>138870629Drive-Thru, a generic slasher I only recall for its villain...Horny the Clown.

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>>138871570Bobbie Bresee is so damn MILFy in that movie!

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>>138870813I saw this. It wasn’t good but the redhead was insanely hot

Are these obscure? I feel like they are by now. They aren't very good. It's just gore.

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I've seen every "Tremors" film and every epolisode of the short lived TV show

>>138871607i didn't know about that one. thanks. you have to really be in the mood for that kind of stuff

>>138871746The first one is really good. I wouldnt say obscure amongst horror fans but im sure Holla Forums hasnt seen most of them

>>138871656barbara steele is awesome. i can watch about anything with her in it

>>138871746The first one is legit kino. 2 and 3 turn the ridiculousness up to 11, and were more low budget. Creature effects not as good, and lots of bad CGI and green screen.1 and 2 have Jenny Wade in them, and she's very easy on the eyes.

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>>138871641Why do they insist on making shitty reboots of everything

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>>138871792Tremors is one of my favorite horror-comedy series and I watch them every year in october

I struggle with these threads because I think to myself "If I've seen it, it can't be that obscure" but then anons post a lot of movies I've seen so who knows.

>>138871384this is atrocious so far user, thank you

>>138871072cool classic local zombie flickis this considered obscure in america?

>>138871844I can't think of any other woman so freaky looking but so sexy at the same time. She was born to play evil demon women characters

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>>138871944believe it or not WWE got into a trend for several years of making cheap horror and cop films and putting their wrestlers in them

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>>138871173The amount of Scream parodies was always weird to me. Like, the original is already a self-aware satire of slashers.

>>138872119Well I fucking live katherine isabelle so I may just watch this

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>>138872119>Danielle Harris>Katherine IsabelleYep that's a 2000s horror film.

>>138872172did she ever get naked?

>>138872119This one was directed by the Soska sisters, they've done a few gore films

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>>138872225very briefly in Freddy vs Jason

>>138872202Katherine could have done so much more with her career. Such a disappointment she stayed B list. >>138872225As far as I can remember the most lewd she got was in Ginger Snaps. She has a brief sex scene in Freddy vs Jason, and a pole dance scene in American Mary, but her clothes stay on

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>>138871641>this is what the leprechaun looks like>also it doesn't talk and is just a killer monster>and there's no "origin">the whole movie takes place in the same small patch of dark woods It's trash beyond trash. Makes the later actual Leprechaun films look incredible.

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>>138872338I think you got a glimpse of tits in the FvJ scene but that's it. Disappointing

>>138871482Jaws came out before Orcathat's why in Jaws 2 they find a dead orca at the beginning

>>138872413She had a charm in American Mary. I could start posting her sexier GS scenes but I dont want to highjack the thread

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I remember watching this as a kid on Christmas Eve of all times, on TV. An absolutely fuck awful Predator knockoff.

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>>138871103I've seen that, and some other Japanese gore movies of that time.Good effects, but they're generally forgettable, sadly.

>>138870629any decent webms of Jamie's ass in a bathing suit from this movie?

>>138872513here's your alien hunter bro

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>>138872338>>138872319Yeah she is in the shower for second, not much of an angle but I think her nips are visible

>>138872274Oh snap I saw this on Netflix a few years ago Was an ok movie, had body horror Spoilers, a professor at her school rapes her so over the course of a few years or months idk she slowly dismembers him and mutilates him in a medically “safe” way, and by the end of the movie he’s a just a torso hanging by hooks but alive and got all kinds of extreme body mods on him Pretty fucked up and cool

>>138870721Was it early architect kino?

Signs rip-off but has some good nudity

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>>138872704I used to jerk off to that part or just get a big boner idk a mixture of the two

>>138870954Summer camp?

>>138872784No surprise, Katharine is hot as fuck

>>138872810Bingo, lake and everything.

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>>138871384>a high school teenager

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>>138870954Rented the first one many moons ago from family video. Was crap

>>138871064Initiation is objectively the best in the series

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>>138870629Sweetheart. It was pretty decent overall. I'm the kind of guy who'll watch an entire shitty horror movie just on the off chance it has one moment of pure gold, and Sweetheart came through.

>>138870858Fucking sold.

>>138872993I recall it being very tame for a slasher. The sequel was gorier. Both absolutely generic though.

Yeah a horror version.

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>>138873159And no Sigourney isn't playing Snow White

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>>138871384This is a Goddam masterpiece.

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>>138872928>hello fellow kids

>>138870629video game developers create a video game monster that comes to life

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>>138872665What rhe fuck?

>>138872665>Tom Hardy>Rutger Hauer>in a horror movie togetherAt first i was like fuck you this movie isn't real until i actually looked it up. How the fuck have i never heard of this?

>>138871103why are japs so accepting of gore and little girl stuff? this wouldve been pulled off store shelves in 80s america

>>138871384>WOOOOOAAAH!top kek

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>>138870629Patrician taste COMIN’ through!

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>>138873458>2001>video game basedI have a feeling this is very bad.

>>138871232started watching this and gave up about twenty minutes in. just wasn't feeling it. first was okay.

>>138870629This movie i turned on because of the description. >a bunch of mercs Rob a bank, one betrays them and parachutes with the money into a cornfield. The others go after him (they actually land the plane on a runway) and are killed off by scarecrows while they hunt for the moneyThere was fighting amongst an actor and his girl friends dad over who the true producer was as both ponied up money to get this retarded thing made

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This film had an opening weekend box office of a whopping 1800 dollars. It looks like a B tier piece of shit, but surprisingly it's not a bad film.

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>>138873763I remember seeing this after seeing the above Scarecrow film hoping for something similar but I only recall being bored to death.

Poster is shit but that's an actually pretty good low budget

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>>138873844Wait is this the one where the guy is in a wheel chair and has hot neighbors?

>>138873732Most horror movies take about that long to get good. Its worth watching it through. I was really drunk when I saw it, but I remember thinking it was the perfect movie. I'll give it another showing. The first prom night is fucking garbage though.

>>138873883Yeah it's not good. Reading about what happened while making it was more interesting. Evidently it did good in the VHS market so they got a very good return for their efforts

>no one posts the most best most obscure horror film of all timeI'm disappointed tv

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>>138870966Slow and tedious yeah, nice atmosphere though (lovecraftian horror inside) and pretty solid cinematography.I actually fansubbed this one in French back in the day.

>>138873052I only saw the first, Initation, and Toy Maker. I liked them all, but I ahree thay out of the ones I've seen, Initation was amazing. Really well made movie. >>138872704Webm rel

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>>138873721It is not awful but a very average monster movie. These are horror movies we are talking about, I have seen worse.

>>138871482Orca rules though. The fish has a reason to be so angry.

I did buy that deluxe edition lelDidn't regret it, the making of was pretty fun too

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>>138874103I vaguely recall it. Yeah it wasn't bad

Invisible Man knock-off, but with far more tits.

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>>138871103Mah niggaI subbed this into French back in the day, cool movie

>>138872373what were they thinking with that design?

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Contribooting with this masterpiece youtube.com/watch?v=B611ROsP7Vc

>>138873807I just had to Google this just based on the cover, and I saw a bunch of screenshots that left me disappointed. The movie doesn't look anywhere near as cool as the cover suggests.>>138874015There was a kid's cartoon made from this in the early 90s. I've seen that, but never the actual movies.>>138874229Based. Fansubs are the only way to properly see a lot of that obscure stuff.

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>>138871103>>138874229Oh and speaking of low budget tentacle erotic V cinema I also subbed the whole Angel of Darkness (Injuu kyoshin) series which was shit but had its moments plus lots of tits and tentacle rape

I found this at Dollar Tree. total letdown. It's not even one of "those" movies. no tiddies or booty. just a few gore scenes made in windows movie maker

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>>138874015 Fucking based. >>138870629

>>138871607Shit another one I subbed ages ago lmao.Awesome one for a low budget Tetsuo rip off

>>138870629>>138870672>>138871126I remember watching this shit when I was a kid I admit I had no idea was going on and got scared

Yet anothet old french fansub of mine, good one from what I remember

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>>138874283Fucking hell.

>>138872413I think it's a double in the shower, as I recall.

>>138874597you can see her face so nope

>>138874087one of them was about a blind chick. surprising amount of variety in the series. yeah, initiation is truly underrated.

>>138874362I think its time to ketchup on these saucy classics then

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>>138872665>Rutger Hauer>Tom Hardy>MinotaurThis must be the most based movie of all times

>>138874534Dude Gakidama is pure kino.You ever see Conton? There's only a shitty quality VHS rip out there, but that movie is something else too.

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I pussed out and didn't buy it. Was it as retarded as I expected

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>>138873711Absolutely based.Sam Lee is my man

>>138872496by the same director of Kids and Ken Park

>>138871641No Warwick, No Watch

It's actually rather good, as croc movies go.

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>>138874362It is awful indeed

>>138874534>>138874698Almost forgot Cyclops. No subs exist for this one at all, despite a decent VHS rip existing. Has some great makeup effects.

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>>138871792How about the pilot of the new show with Kevin Bacon that didn't get a pick up?

>>138874879VZONE magazine scan about Cyclops. Get a load of that shit. The Japanese were making some seriously good shit back in the day.

Attached: cyclops_vzone.png (1433x1022, 2.47M)

Pretty much the same premise as Kill List; two hitmen dealing with weird occult shit. Except this has a much smaller budget. Almost the entire movie takes place in a single house and it's almost entirely nothing but dialogue. Definitely not for everyone, but I really liked the atmosphere and gradual build-up of dread and horror. It's like the horror equivalent of The Man from Earth.

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>>138872119>2006 or so>Go to $1 movie theater>Watch See No Evil, not knowing anything about WWE>Redneck kid in front of me with baseball cap on>He's screaming out "watch out!!" Or "here it comes (insert character name here)>Dawns on me that this is this kids favorite movie and it is shit>Now I know who Kane is

>>138872665is the minotaur a big guy at least?

>>138874015George fucking Clooney made his debut in the sequel of this movie, Return of the Killer Tomatoes.

>>138874776>Gonna need a bigger boardWhoever got to write this might actually have one of the best jobs on the planet.

It was so forgettable that the actual only reason I remember it is there was an older lady with absurdly long fake nails, like 2-3 inches along with ridiculous false eyelashes. Very distracting.The rest is just "some guys die I guess" in my mind.

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Excellent shit here, the sequels are good too

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>>138871384Watched this this morning from your previous post user, cheers.

>>138874968For me

>>138874698dayum I never heard of this but that poster is fucking rad

>>138875050And what did you think?

>>138873188But does Sam Neill play the Evil Queen?

Horror + Kung Fu = This Movie

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>>138874999Said tag line almost convinced me but not quiteAlso cheked

>>138874371how do you cast a porn actress and NOT include nude scenes?

>>138874015>obsucre>had a saturday morning cartoonyoutu.be/-jWnG4JZgpk

>>138872119There was actually a reason for that, it was so Vince McMahon could cheap out on health insurance for the wrestlers. No joke look it up.

>>138875006I posted the OG poster for that previously >>138874362It's definitely a good movie. It's sort of like what if the Japanese made a giallo movie? The influences are all over Evil Dead Trap. Great spooky soundtrack too. I've been meaning to watch the sequels for a long time. I'm going to make sure I watch them this Halloween season!

>>138871944Which Hunger Games is this from?

>>138871384How do you do, fellow kids?

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>>138874620You see her tits from above and you can't really see her face anymore.

>>138874879>>138874934Fucking hell you've got some seriously awesome recs pal, I see you're a V cinema connoisseur, patrician as fuck.I take it you already checked Hisayasu Sato's stuff out?How about some Daisuke Yamanouchi, Girl Hell 1999 (pic) has to be his "best" and is not completely amateurish for once

>>138875308Her face was in frame a few times and obviously her though

>>138875197Its really a shame that asians make such amazing horror movies. I fucking hate listening to that language and reading subtitles. Feels bad