I don't think this nostalgia trip they were going for worked.
Play dishonored 2
I wish Bethesda had never gotten their kike hooks into them so we could get the Arx Fatalis sequel we deserve.
I don't think that's what they were going for either.
It's supposed to give you nostalgia? I never played Thief games, they always crashed for me and by the time I had gotten the first level to load I had already lost interest.
Dishonored is more of an action game, than a stealth game, though. The most fun way to play is fighting everyone head-on.
The underageb& have been really easy to spot lately.
Sorry you have bad taste.
Stopped reading there.
did you all play the new thief 2 campaign?
What a godawful model.
Dishonored admittedly looks like a fun game once you've achieved a certain mastery level. I've been thinking of giving it a pirate.
They are completely different games though.
There's a new genre of games that's started being made with games like AssCreed and Dishonored, and the biggest problem is that they always pretend to be shit they aren't. I liked AssCreed 2/Brotherhood/Black Flag, and I also liked Dishonored. But they market themselves as stealth games, when what they really are is "Fucking about" games. The games aren't fun because of how hard they are, but because you get to obliterate niggers in all sorts of different ways. In a way, they're kind of like Musou games. It's not about the challenge of successfully beating a level, it's about the cathartic, wholesale, slaughter of minions. The difference is that games like AssCreed and Dishonored make you badass by giving you million tools at your disposal and free reign to approach the problem in a million ways. It will never be balanced for a challenge, but it doesn't need to be.
If they actually admitted that's what these games are about, they could probably improve them greatly by finally codifying how to do it properly for maximum fun, but instead the retards keep pretending games like this are "totally a real stealth game that has challenge, we swear to god."
Trying for them 8's
Oh fuck. Here we go boys
8 baby
Time for me to kill myself
Who got them?
You mean Belethor's voice actor :^)
yeah but it misses what made the thief games good. the whole teleporting thing ruined it, making it super easy to run away and there is little to no punishment for getting caught if you have crossbows and pistols and magic powers. also the long boring cut scenes are even worse. the whole short intro and then have the gameplay tell the story approach was the best.
Haha wow
That's a good way of putting it.
Dishonored was always a shitty stealth game but it never fit into the "awesome melee killing simulator" zone either. It's probably all Bethesda's fault. Fuck, Raphael Colantonio apparently quit Arkane just to get away from them.
Have any of you tried a self imposed challenge in the first Dishonored? No gadgets or powers, only the zoom function of the mask. Saving only at the start of the level and sticking detections out.
I've been thinking of that too, just to see if the second one is actually fun this time unlike the first one (minus all the faggot shit in their garbage plot), but I can't find a proper torrent that has update 5 patched in (FitGirl's latest repack only has update 3), since I if I'm going to install that cancer on my machine, I at least want it to be running as smoothly as possible.
if you even know who garrett was and you were enough of a cuck to install dishonored 2 then you've fallen a long way, faggot
Dishonored shills in a nutshell
You need the fan patch.
The only thing Dishonored needs to be amazing is a style meter, but since there isn't there is no metric in the game to incentivize you to play cuhrayzee the only reason to do so is to fuck around. While that may be fun for some people, it makes it more like a toy than a game.
who got them?
Second this
fuck off with your hivemind shit, that's reddit tier
if it smells like shit, looks like shit and tastes like shit, it's shit, not because a faggot says he doesn't like it