This was a weird game for me. I like some nintendo first party ips but can't stand others. Odyssey was the first Mario game i bought since Galaxy for example. So i dont fall into the Nintendrone diehard that believes nintendo can do no wrong.
But that is what surprised me with ARMS. The switch got revealed with ARMS and all the nintendo fanboys i know surprisingly DIDN'T like the game on first impressions. They hated the characters, the style and did not want wagglan again. While my reaction was the exact opposite, i loved the designs and energetic style that reminded me of Power Stone meets Punch Out. Even the wagglan was fine -though it works better in traditional controller mode- was an okay use. The Wii era had enough shovelware to make us sick of wagglan -along with move and kinect compounding it- but a boxing game is the perfect application for waggle controls and i didn't see the issue.
But now its the end of the year and i wonder what others make of it. Personally i'm still having fun but i'm still really using my main Twintelle and Master Mummy characters because the new characters really didnt interest me and didnt get much play in the ribbon girl and minmin span online. The unlocking arms and customising is fun, though i wish we could get some skins to unlock for more customisation and something to keep you chasing after the initial charm wears off but overall i still really enjoy it and would recommend it to 'some' switch owners but not all.
What do you think of it now its have some months of patches and balancing?
I wish I could play it but I am absolute shit at fighting games, and this one is no exception.
Luke Kelly
I hate the motion controls in this game, so I didn't like it.
Elijah Cooper
It kinda had some virtual on vibes with how the movement and parts of the combat worked, so I got a bit interested. Then an actual Virtual On game got announced so I stopped paying attention.
Evan Lewis
I wish it wasn't an online PVP and that it had been reworked as a 3D single player brawler of some kind Fighting games really don't have enough content to stay relevant and playable for more than a week or two unless you've got mad autism
Benjamin Hughes
try it with the joycons in controller form it plays much better actually.
Isaiah Thomas
I'm surprised how little porn there is of the game. I guess Nintendo didn't bother doing illicit commission work for this one.
Brandon Cooper
Its a shame too. This franchise seems doomed to go the way of chibi-robo.
Thomas Anderson
Only the loli and the noodle girl are worth doing porn of anyway.
Cooper Martinez
Okay nice blogpost, nice garbage mains, unlocking arms is the biggest gripe of the game because it takes forever a whole hour to get all of the arms, but before that you can get those arms you have to first rake in 10k of coins which has been made easier but that's just the worst part of the game.
The online is better than splatoon 2's frequent communication errors but it still has peer to peer online and possibly low tickrate as seen with splatoon 2 at least I'm not paying 20 dollars a year for this mush. Oh wait I have to next year, thanks Nintendo.
Oddly, not punching both your arms is the best way to win.
you can play the game without motion controls.
Benjamin Morales
I still forget that exists from time to time.
Jordan Barnes
my twintelle and minmin folders beg to differ friend.
Dylan Cook
It has low volume of porn and it needs more
Alexander Murphy
kid cobra pls go and stay go
Dominic Taylor
what the hell are you doing
Jose Gutierrez
Haven't played it, but the fact that Splatoon has had non-stop threads since release and ARMS has only the occasional thread, I'd say it missed its target by a bit. It needed more of a world, a place to move around and explore. Yeah, it's a fightan game, but without that element of feeling like you are in the world is what makes Splatoon resonate so well with its audience.
Jaxson Moore
That and Holla Forums loves lolis wearing spats.
Jack Powell
Lincoln Peterson
Dominic Diaz
they are for giving the d
Brandon Moore
The base gameplay of ARMS is basic and it's not flashy enough to grab a bigger audience. It's a game where the staying power solely lies in the drive to hone your skills with the few tools they provide. Casually, the game doesn't offer much, and Nintendo's main audience in the west is pretty casual oriented. In Japan, the game is booming like crazy with their Grand Prix stuff and multiple tournaments with lots of entrants.
Luke Robinson
Isn't it also 1v1 only? I imagine the main reason ASSFAGGOTS got big and stayed big was because shit players can always just blame their teammates.