What made this so bad?

I never got a chance to play it, was it really that bad that it was worthy to be pulled from all digital retailers?

I remember no local multiplayer and 30fps killed a good chunk of interest.

I think platinum agreed on the Activision deal just to make that transformers game… geez, where to begin with the TMNT game.

Imagine playing in a box that's advertised as open world but feels like you are in a shoe box, then throw in some weird MMO feeling quest based system that gives you quests that are so annoying you want to lose them… but can't and have to do them to completion no matter what… then take that action gameplay platinum is known for and throw it out the window and you wail on meat wall enemies that show no response to your attacks.

It really was a special kind of bad and it's amazing something like this could come from its developer.

Damn, that's a shame, I always wanted to play a Turtles game made by Platinum.

Same reason why the IP is so bad. They are dragging out a dead horse for the next generation. The shit coming out of that IP is only a reflection of how they treat it.
At least the Cartoon gave us Irma. She was pure sex and made me feel funny in the pants every time she was on screen.

Same, it seemed like a dream combo but I don't think platinum was feeling it and finished it as per the 3 game agreement. At least we got a really great Super Robot game out of it though.

if you really want a decent TMNT game though, the new board game is pretty solid so long as you've got one other friend to play it with.

Do tell, /tg/.

I never got the deal with Alopex and Venis.

I know Venis was apparently the 5th turtle, Splinter just somehow missed her, and she was raised by some Chinese restaurant owner , but like ,what was her signature weapon?

And Alopex, who the fuck was she?

Three of the characters are voiced by the same actor.
He is literally talking to himself in certain scenes.

I'm of the firm belief that they just wanted to do Transformers and dedicated 80% of their resources to it with the korra and tmnt games getting the leftover 20%, because Transformers was fucking amazing. So amazing, I'd fucking love another.

Is this a rage thread? Ok, remember when they remade TMNT IV: Turtles in Time and completely remade the iconic music?

I don't see how 30fps alone can make it bad.

I have a 360 hard drive with the remake on it. How much do you think it's worth now since it's become unavailable for some time?

It's unwarranted: the game looks horrible, worse than the cheapest stage in Korra. Worse than amateurish, it looks disrespectful to the fans: wherein Transformers was a love letter to G1, this one was like Platinum didn't give a fuck.

Wow Platinum is so #Based

and it was promised to be 60fps as well, talk about a fat lie.
but I forgive it for transformers

Let's start with the art style.
THIS is how TMNT should look for starters.


Shouldn't come as too much of a surprise that Transformers was more on point. Do they even know what TMNT is in Japan?

Real shame. 4 Player TMNT co-op game made by Platinum should have been top tier. Maybe even throw some gimmicks in

muh superior show

That looks like shit and nobody wanted it until they made a cartoon with different aesthetic.
Miracle of the first 87 season was making kid-friendly super heroes that were still badass.

That looks flat, edgy and terrible.

Too bad that it laster longer that it should besides that, it was a really good show I liked how everyone from the share universe like Usagi was portrayed

>(((somehow))) both of the games based on them are shit

It could be worse by being alive.

I think it gets even worse, where leonardo becomes a dragon?

It's the original design regardless of what you think of it, I like it a lot more than the crappy and absolutely fucktarded 80s cartoon which btw has aged like milk. Take off those nostalgia goggles.

I hear that that version was good at first but then they dropped the ball after they kill off Shredder because they had no idea of what to do next after that

"original" doesn't mean the best.
But with your shit taste there is no point in arguing.
I bet you like edgy anime too.


Shredder got his hands on some mutagen and started making his own mutants. Made her, his general douchery eventually made her turn on him and join the turtle side.

She's mostly just popular because literal touch fluffy tail.

Why do you put original between quotation marks?


Wasn't there a thing about how Korra and TMNT had a different director than the guy who directed Transformers?

oh my god, what? Baader-Meinhof phenomenon up in here, I was just talking to a friend about irma and how she was hot as fuck and he was like "haha you are so weird nobody even remembers that character"
I fucking love you guys

Alas, my diligence in seeking out and saving media has waned over the past two decades, but here are the other photos of that custom. Just spoilered to continue the theme, not that there's anything NSFW in them, but people would get pissy about the pics.

They tried to go with the comic book look. It doesn't look bad, fag, aesthetically speaking.

This tbh

Not really. They were really dumb compared to the comics. Off with your nostalgia glasses.

Watch this

She had the whole Renamon thing going till her main artist and lead writer became a tranny and ruined her. Sad thing is he was a decent guy up till that point but now he's just another cookie cutter tranny leftist.


Didn't they short him in the recent cartoon and have April get with Donnie?

The first seasons have Donnie liking April but never working out, but Casey is introduced in later seasons. I didn't like him at first, but he gets neat with the time. The design of him as a crime fighter is neat, but damn if he isn't fucking ugly.

Seemed part of the problem was just that they spent all their time in the 3 game contract on Transformers. I think they could make an awesome TMNT based game if they actually gave a damn.

We got an answer, folks.

They made him Mexican.

Back when females had tits.

Considering Konami had a thriving series of belt beatem ups? Yes.