>this vedio is like wowwww just fire respect from india

>this vedio is like wowwww just fire respect from india

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Other urls found in this thread:


>>138865013what anime?


>>138865031Boku no piku

Are they copying animes

>>138865013If they can't poo in loo they should not be allowed on the internet. Same goes for Americans.

Pajeet cinema thread? Pajeet cinema threadyoutu.be/V-7aAexG8gc

>>138865013only reddit hates this scene

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I refuse to believe that pajeets are the same species as me

>>138865013I unironically wish I enjoyed movies as much as Indians do


>>138865198I wish I could be as passionate as Indians are about anything in my life

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Why are Pajeets so based bros?youtube.com/watch?v=z-kYGagd2sw&ab

>>138865079It makes me laugh so much

>>138865263How do they do it? Are they just coping with living in a shithole? Eastern europe is even less of a shithole but they're all suicidal.

>>138865013Why the fuck was the card so important?

>>138865371>Are they just coping with living in a shithole?They dont see it as a shithole. In one lifetime, india went from broadly thirdworld to making huge advancements into at LEAST the second world and in some parts, first. So it's a bunch of people with jungle mentality now living with smart phones and movies and motorcycles.

>>138865371they have soul

>>138865399i think it had a chip on it used to hack the machine or something

>>138865133>he doesnt stay after the credits for the indoor fireworks display You dont know SHIT about kino


>>138865013 I like how this is an over exaggeration of the 7 basic principles to magic:PalmingLoadingSimulation DitchingStealingSwitching MisdirectionPalming: the way you hold something so it can go unscene, them putting the card behind hair or whatever Loading: getting an important object where it needs to be without having it noticed, when the card was in the jacket and traveled through the sleevesSimulation: pretending that a certain event has happened even though it hasn’t, when she took off here bra and fooled them into thinking they outsmarted herDitching: getting rid of a important object for later or a no longer important object, when they were ready to walk out with the card in the jacket but there was one more metal detector so the had to ditch it somewhere elseStealing(not necessary the definition of to take something): to hold onto an object for a certain time till it’s appropriate, the whole scene was them waiting for the individual security man to lower their guard to then make their moveSwitching: to change and object without drawing attention, the card was the main focus of the group’s efforts and they were being searched so they weren’t able to switch the card with other objects but technically when the card get to the ones hat that’s technically a switch in a sense because the focus became the hat after it got thereLastly misdirection: to cause an action that will take attention away from what you need to do, when the gong was struck so the card could pass through the metal detector without anybody looking directly at it. All 7 are on display and I like this scene a lot because of the ridiculous take on the real foundations of magic.

>>138865491why is this so based but when americans do it it's completely cringe?

>>138865491>cheer for captain america>dead silent for captain marvel >lose their shit for tony stark /ourguys/

>>138865562anything americans do gets ruinedthe fact that americans exist is a huge stain on the planet Earth

>>138865562Because you're an assblasted eurotrash faggot with a permanent cactus dildo in your asshole.

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>>138865562because they get emotionally invested and excited. Its like theatre for them. Americans just blindly cheer and clap at the end because they're told to. They arent being authentic.


>>138865590>>138865562>marvelpajeets trying to spin this as if it's a good thingkek

>>138865802Chads, all of them

>>138865770>>138865850>>138865869lmao seething fatty spotted

>>138865013this faggot board is half ESLs and half resetr*ddit cocksuckers so I'm not sure what you're trying to accomplish here

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>>138865608see>>1388657705 mile wide asteroid off the coast of Germany when?

>>138865079What is the name of this movie please I want to what is the name of the movie it is the fantastic movie please reply me

>>138865886>all americans are fatDumb eurotrash, you're literally all swarthoid gypsies and somalians these days.

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>>138865989>>all americans are fat>>Dumb eurotrash, you're literally all swarthoid gypsies and somalians these days.

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>being so full of self-hate that you mock genuine enthusiasm

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>>138866003Based as fuck

If it were true indian comments it would go something like this"wow butiful girl. please com to banglades, i know good magic we culd teach other and marry"

>>138865940>sometimes he gets death threats

>>138865013Are you lost? Holla Forums is that way chud

>>138866022it's not pure mockery, there's some affection tooand envy

Bless India, the anti-China

>>138865133And I thought the theatres in Barbados were wild

>>138865013>ITT: Seething white monkeys

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youtube.com/watch?v=4p015cvRibIitalians lowkey worse than pajeets

>>138865013>youtube.com/watch?v=tanGQw7rWxoThese are the guys asking for sauce on some hentai I post but don't check the filename.

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Cast him

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>>138866003evil abed chillin in the background



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>>138866575Made up Holla Forums fantasies whites end up bullied all the time and like to congregate in user forums to make up ginormous cope like your pic related and circle jerk each over other le masterrace meme while Tyrone is busy banging every girl they know lol, truly the most pathetic race to exist which is why their rhetoric is only ever repeated in anonymous forums and nowhere else

Why is Holla Forums full of streetshitters?

>>138865371>Eastern europe is even less of a shithole but they're all suicidal.what ???

>>138866747Go find more nig feet to lick beta pigskin cuck

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Seriously asking why indians are dumb like this ? is it the lack food ?


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>>138866949Probably the cold weather

>>138866949>even less of a shithole than Indiawhat the fuck are you talking about? are you Indian

>>138867059Are you actually implying that eastern Euro is liveable?????

>>138866949But, In that graph only Poland and Ukraine is East EU,

Pajeets are some unintentionally funny fuckers, burgers were funny once but now just come off as assblasted and sensitive

>as someone from x, blah blah>blah blah, respect from xWhy do people do this?

>>138867106>EVEN LESS OF A SHITHOLE THAN INDIAwhat the fuck, pajeet, every country on earth is less of a shithole than India

>>138866717impressive seethe

>>138865079Why do indians love this so muchI would have loved it when I was 8

>>138865079amazing when i see cinema it was best scene

>>138865079omg!!! sir!

>>138867463because they think its reallyimagine if someone REALLY did that, it would be nuts

*shits in your thread**requests bobs and vagene**turns your grandparents savings account into target gift cards**encourages you to buy chainlink*heh, nothing personnel sir

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>>138866416based sunkara

>>138865079>you will never be at a cinema in mumbai that degenerates into a nightclub when this scene starts playing

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>>138865890Are you talking about /g/ or /a/?

I bet they get so excited because they’re all nofap virginsEither that or a healthier microbiomeNot sure which

Didn't watch this movie, why are they smuggling a card?

>>138867688It has Pakistan’s nuclear codes

>>138866328Reminder there are people who actually believe this

>>138865802Are they bug people? Are they capable of rational thought? Is it all just a laugh?I don't understand the mindset of writing these comments.

>>138867711kek and nice digits

>>138867757yes, they have a caste system for a reason10% of indians have a western IQ, the other 90 are an insect like swarm

>>138865079>tfw imran khan comes back when you think it was doneThat shits hot

>>138867115Whoa, you want me to make a whole new collage just to include even more worthless eastern Euro cunts to suit a one-off argument you could quickly research by your own?Why are slavshit subhumans so fucking entitled...?

>>138867757Dude, over the past 10 years, hundreds of millions of actual street shitters who have never used a toilet and milk goats for a living got internet access. India has been putting major effort into infrastructure lately. So now you see all these people who wipe their asses with their hands typing stupid barely literate messages with that same hand.

>ITT: scenes Holla Forums will never understand

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>>138865431‘Second world’ is not used to describe states transitioning rom 3rd to 1st world retard

>>138868201What's the third panel from???

>>138865013I doubt an indian would know how fire is used these days.

>>138866416That guy fucks

>>138865013>IndiaDumb theory: India like it because it's Chinese guards who are being played.

>>138868284I'll tell you once you give me the source for the first

>>138866949Why is it so different between Pakistan and India?

>>138867795of the brahmin I've met/known, this isn't accurate at all. they'll be even more retarded because they'll believe they can't be.

>>138867252Stay mad slavtoid, everyone will only think of your countries as barely a step above Inidia but still just as uncivilized and poor


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>>138868718calm down, paki

>>138868875inject more heroin and die like the pig you are

>>138865079I hate those fucking brown subhumans so much

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>>138869028>even less of a shithole than Indiaimagine typing this god damn you and your family, Kumar, I hope you get bitten by the nastiest of dogs

>>138868370t. indian

>>138869335Yes, we fuck your women. Whatcha going to do about it, internet tough guy?

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>>138869499Imagine being this obsessed that you have to make an entire collage only to prove nothing, sad.

>>138865158stupid frogposter

>>138869611Have you taken a look at the OP yet?Worthless schizo cunt, kys

I am a day dreamerI am a night workerI am a risk takerI am a self-blamerI am a brain eaterI am a heart stealerI am a mind readerI am a truth finderI am a smart cheaterI am a pain killerI am a good teacherI am a perfect learnerI am a backbencherI am a new sencerI am a kids loverI am a soul builderI am very angerI know it's very dangerI am my life driverI am a routine changerI am a rules breakerI start a new chapter

>>138865884>>138867757>>138867795>>138868528>>138868166this is fake you fucking retards

>>138870009Cause' I'm a pickerI'm a grinnerI'm a loverAnd I'm a sinnerPlayin' my music in the sunI'm a jokerI'm a smokerI'm a mid-night tokerI get my lovin' on the runOoh, ooh, ooh, ooh

>>138869499I literally can't tell if this is pro Holla Forums or anti Holla Forums

>>138870541Pro Holla Forums of course, watching cuck porn is their time honored tradition

>>138865371dont you know user, india is a superpower its 2020 come on now

>>138870009Who else a dreamer here? youtu.be/Alsa-zrSQ4c

>>138868247But you know what I meant so it worked anyway

>>138870852Based and wittgensteinpilled

>>138865133that looks fucking lit

>>138869260So is this kino for an entire nation of retarded subhumans?

>>138870044evening choudhran

>>138865805condescending much uh?you just think they look cute doing it because you see them as lesser beings, in fact american sois and pajeets are just as pathetic pulling this kind of shit

>>138868135Enjoy Tyrone fucking your wife while you convert to Islam you disgusting rat

>>138871426Why would I need to, slavshit subhumans are already onto it

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>>138865802Well Bouguereau deserves this

>>138868780Fuck me, I had no idea how jewed this film was

>>138865940Absolute mad lad

>>138869499>imagine spending time making this

>>138871930Yes, imagine being >>138865013Such a cringe thread for a cringe people

>>138869499I see no pajeets in that compilation.

>>138871966Why do you Indians always get so mad about this?>heh look at these comments on youtube, pretty cringe>ayo white boi we take yo women and then shit on yo street how do you like dem shit white boi?The most fragile race in existence.Pathetic

youtu.be/55EWHflRTZghttps://youtu.be/CMKWPtJc18cso much kino sirs

>>138866717Sometimes I wish it wasn’t true because it’s off putting hearing it all day. You clearly have never traveled to poor countries. White worship is real and fucking wild. I think it’s mostly because they want your money it’s just dumb complements so you give them money or buy their thing. But still very weird to see people degrading themselves and calling themselves worthless.

I just cannot comprehend Indians. How do they lack self-awareness this much?

Reminder that the satellite India sent to space is literally named SCATen.wikipedia.org/wiki/SCATSAT-1

>>138868370He must be drowning in pussy 24/7

>>138865940even bug people making fun of trannies

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>>138865940unbelievably based

>>138872109never interact with boomers IRL?

>>138865079I've said it before, India is the future. This is just the beginning.

>>138866328India really can't move on from the number zero bullshit. Pajeets haven't accomplished anything in mathematics in the last 1000 years.

>>138866949>women suicide is higher in india than any other country guess the rumors are true india national sport is rape

>>138865079can someone give me context for this scene in the movie? why is it so important for them to hide this card from these security dudes?

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Third worlders ruined the internet.


>>138873141The internet in itself was a mistake and I am aware of the irony of me saying this on a Mongolian horse breeding forum. Yes, communication became faster and information available to all and stuff but at what price?

>>138865013this fucking scene is so hollywood it hurts

>>138865013Do indians think it's a real card trick? is the entire subcontinent retarded?

>>138866949>source: WHOso it's a completely useless chart then

>>138865079>>138865013now the snyder cut makes a lot more sense....

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>>138874242Brown hands typed this post

>>138874291t. tranny

its hard to tell if these are because low IQ caused by fecal matter cranial infections or if theyre being paid by youtube and google to shill this movie


>>138874422Yikes no, I'm not some nazi

>>138866949Please note that the only communist country in the chart is the only country where women commit more suicide than men.

>>138869499whats this supposed to prove? theres videos of every race fucking every other race

>>138873125The card has a micro sd in it with giga bytes of loli porn

>>138865802kek, do they think thats a real person?

>>138874603wtf I like communism now

>>138874603finally, some REAL equality

>ITT: butthurt PakisIndians are based

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>>138874603>>138866949does that graph show suicides per 100.000, split in men and women? or does it show male suicides per 100.000 men and female suicides per 100.000 women?Because if it's the first, then China's situation looks even more dire since they have a surplus of men

>>138875169Pakis barely have internet access dumb streetshitter. You just can't accept that so many people would hate you.