= Friendly reminder that Pokémon GO still killing people ==
fastcodesplease use archive.ism/90152591/pokemon-go-car-crashes-are-just-a-small-part-of-a-larger-crisis
= Friendly reminder that Pokémon GO still killing people ==
fastcodesplease use archive.ism/90152591/pokemon-go-car-crashes-are-just-a-small-part-of-a-larger-crisis
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we don't want you here.
Reintroducing natural selection.
Great news, I sincerely hope more people die because earth is overcrowded as it is, so getting rid of undesirables by making them walk voluntarily under a bus or drive off a cliff is great.
Pokemon Go take this bullshit and laugh at it
go back to cuckchan
Gee, I fucking wonder who's behind this post?
He didn't specify on race though. It could be latrinos, niggers and pretentious spoiled beaner memers dying and it would benefit everyone.
You walk out for a beer when they were handing out brains there buddy?
Study happened in tipecannoe county, so its like 86 percent white. Although the purpose and scope of the study kinda makes race irrelevent. This paper also hasnt been peer reveiwed yet so take that for what you will.
I hate to tell you but whites can be stupid as well. It's not as common, if only we could find a correlation like where they lived or what they did that spurred these deaths… :^)
>not archiving (((WaPo)))
Even among OPs, you are a faggot of the highest order.
What if they're liberals?
It is called Natural Selection.
Pokémon still a thing?
god bless, user
Deus io Vult
Damn. Well, there goes my hypothesis.
Good. People pushing the "pepe nermies tendies xD" meme deserve an untimely death.
People still play Pokémon Go?
Too many factors like phones coming out, self driving cars, and everything else.