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Battlezone 2 Remaster
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Promo material always has this for one reason or another becuase normalfags ahve the taste of a Piglet.
Wasn't it worse than the first game anyway?
No, rocky launch
Was the remaster of the first game any good? It looked like it just added a bunch of flash and support for modern PCs.
it was more fun
Pretty much plus a bump on the textures and official multiplayer support.
It completely scrapped the Cold War in Space theme of the first game, it was shit.
to bad it will have gog galaxy like the first one and make it fucking drm
What about this one?
Careful user, some autist might come out of the woodwork to say galaxy totally isn't DRM.
i actually got battlezone to play with a buddy only to get fucked in the ass by good ol goy
GoG Galaxy is__ DRM.
nice satan
Price tags are DRM. Games won't truly be free until they are entirely free. There is literally no good reason for ones and zeroes to cost money.
It's a real time Battlezone like the original arcade game made for handhelds.
Speaking of Battlezone, should Holla Forums have a Battlezone night?
enlighten me again how is this drm?
You require a GOG account to access any multiplayer or online portions of the games that have it, like pawns for Dragons Dogma. Are you seriously this stupid?
Steam Workshop shit, too, so that's got me nervous about what they're going to pull for this.
b-b-b-but it's not DRM for the entire game!!!!!
nope, it was fun, but i wish they continued the whole cold war story.
so, you will be forced to install galaxy to play the multiplayer?
Just gib game for free, amirite?
Oh, goodie.
Also, it looks like shit, is this a PSP release?
Yes, it was fucking garbage.
Are they the ones hosting the online servers for it?
If so its reasonable to expect to use their client to access it.
Only thanks to shit eaters like yourself who take it up the ass as a matter of course.
nigger at this point you might as well say all storefronts are DRM. Give me an example of a game that has multiplayer provided by an official host that doesn't have a client to it
Before talking Battlezone 2, let's talk Battlezone 1. The game had a pretty decent fan community as far as I could make out, and fans plus a few old devs managed to put out a version of the game that ran pretty well on modern systems. People were making mods, playing multiplayer, and things were generally great. The game even had a little known expansion called Red Odyssey, though with little to no modern technical improvements due to a loss of source code.
The remaster for Battlezone came out and ruined what was good. The community became fractured. Modders working on the free 1.5 version largely stopped development, not knowing which version to build for. People don't seem to play online as much anymore. What did the new version have to offset this loss? HD textures and Steam Workshop integrated modding. Whoopie. Also, the only reason this Redux was possible was due to the availability of source code, so guess what happens to Red Odyssey? No update into the modern version whatsoever.
If the first Redux is anything to go by, this one won't provide any kind of stellar improvement either, and its announcement has probably already started dividing whatever community may have existed around that game as well.
I can play both of these games on my machine right now. I don't see any reason to play a Redux.
By Battlezone 1 you mean 98 Redux?
No, I mean Battlezone 1.5, the version of the '98 release that has received several patches and updates to be made compatible with modern systems. Don't know if there are any download links for it left. All the ones I found with a cursory search were broken.