EA Loses $3 Billion in Stock Value after Battlefront 2 Debacle


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Anyone have a smug image good enough for this?

Is that even a lot for a company that large?
What were their estimated profits from nufront 2?

Is it happening? This series of events will happen again.

That's not a big number. For jews.


nice, and checked

Pls respond.
No point in celebrating if this means jackshit for EA in general.

It means jack shit for EA in general. The people forced to make the watered down game will probably lose their christmas bonuses.

sure showed EA!

8.5? Tell me when it's a substantial percentage, it just sounds like chump change right now.

Correct. In the end, it was nothing more than a minor miscalculation on their part, and nobody important is going to get fired over this. The thing is, normalfags don't have a problem with microtransactions, or even lootboxes when they're limited to cosmetic items, but some project lead thought they could get away with one of the scummiest implementations to date, and that finally caused some snap back. They'll dial it back a couple of notches with their next major multiplayer release, and assuming the gameplay holds up, all will be forgiven.

Doesn't ea get most of their money from the sportsball crowd?

Wow it's fucking nothing


this is nothing compared to the phone game market

You even archived it, I"m so proud OP!

Well dang, EA will surely continue along as it has the sportsball contracts. We might see some real damage if the sheep remember this and don't buy the 3rd battlefront. But I'll bet against that.

is it a bad time to sell my stock?

Freemium games are a different beast entirely. People are fine with that shit when there's no initial buy-in, but in this case, they forked over 60 to 80 dollarydoos up front, for the privilege of getting raped by gameplay altering loot boxes and insane grinding times.


Its pretty big. Its basically all their book value, and just under 25% of their stock value (which inflates their real value).
Its not Gawker-tier, but it is really fucking brutal.

I am looking forward to the fifty reports for Holla Forums this post will get.

4 years ago, it was under $30/share
Even if you sold it RIGHT NOW, you still come out ahead at a +35% gain per year.

I have a feeling that stocks will inflate massively as BTC gains value.

60 or so down payment surely beats out the end amount some people pay to get shafted more

what was that one about mess defect2? couple of grand? I shudder to think about clash of clans or candy crush




Also, how does this different from eg, "blind boxes" that some toys come in now? From booster packs of physical card games?

"real world intrinsic value"

Okay, but blind boxes DO have that and these don't. Wouldn't that make vidya lootboxes not gambling and blind boxes gambling? Because now it's the opposite legally.

fuck are you talking about, he's not wrong

I don't follow, there's some jump in logic going on there

Sure, but for your average paypig, perception is everything. They can pick up a "free" game like warframe, and be perfectly fine with dropping $100+ on micro-transactions over a period of time, because they feel like they're getting a good deal with all of that "free" content. But take that same person and sell them a $60 game, and then tell them they'll need to drop $40+ on microtransactions really enjoy the game, and they'll balk. Their perception is that they already paid full price, and thus are entitled to the full experience.

It's the same thing with sales. Clothing stores are notorious for artificially marking up clothes, and then putting them on "sale" so they can pretend the discount is far larger than it really is. Hell, Paradox got caught doing that same thing on steam, and until people caught on, it fucking worked, because people are programmed to go for the best "value" with their purchases. To bring it back to micro-transactions, people are willing to dump an unreasonable amount of money into "free" games precisely because there was no initial buy-in. The larger the initial buy-in, the more resistant people are going to be to micro-transaction fuckery, and Battlefront 2 has a huge fucking initial buy-in.

To gamble you need to have stakes, something with "real world value". So blind boxes have this, and are not gambling, but vidya does not and is.


You can't sell anything from EA crates for money though.

To be honest I didn't think they could've possibly found a way to make (((microtransactions))) even worse/more scummy but they went and did it. At least this bullshit is being aborted in its pregnancy

Your claim was that lootboxes aren't gambling because there is no real-world value in vidya, but that's exactly how the CS skin market works.

Ouch, right in the shekels!!

But then why did EA catch so much flak but valve has gone almost entirely under the radar as of late?

Yep, gotta buy that yearly FIFA and Madden goyim you don't wanna miss out do you?

I literally just explained that. Read the fucking thread.

the thing is though while you're right, all it's going to take for that to change is three things, lots of companies nudging it towards that direction, a "just world" emotional reasoning on the part of the consumer and targeting children.

the "stakes" are your money

Wait until Disney decides to drop EA. That'll kill their stocks even more.

Because they're cosmetics?

The stakes are your potential gain, in EA crates there is no money to be gained.

Because normalfags praise valve, and enough people have infested enough money into it and its been around for a long enough time that people dont think twice about it. League of Legends has it too but they havnt received any shit either.

because people still like valve and EA has been groomed for the main stream consensus to be the worst company ever, see every EA thread over the last 7 or so years. not saying EA isn't fucking awful, they are, and they'll continue to be so because they'll still make profits this way but I just find it disgusting how they think this little grass route will completely save video games despite the fact that they're actually the ones who allowed EA to be how they are now in the first place

it's almost as if it's a kinda mystery trade in a closed market or something

Why care about loot boxes that are just cosmetics? It's only when the game restricts functions to loot boxes, like EAfront 2, where it becomes an issue of NEEDING to pay more money to experience the full game and all play styles.

There isn't a company in the world that isn't worried about losses in billions. EA got wounded, but isn't dead or even crippled.

See, this is the case in most games. The things you can get out of loot boxes have no inherent value and only exist on your account to improve the quality of your game. You're literally paying for a random chance to gain access to a piece of data that improves the quality of your gaming experience.

In this respect, it's not gambling. It plays off of the exact same psychological triggers as gambling, it provides the same feelings of excitement and pleasure as gambling, and it can lead to the same addictive tendencies and, ultimately, the same massively wasted money as gambling… but you're getting nothing for it.

I think that makes it worse than gambling. They're literally building an addictive mechanic designed to sap a select few people who can't control themselves of all their money, and they aren't even giving anything of value in return. They intentionally hamstring the product, reducing the product's potential quality so they can sell it back to you in bits and pieces.

When is this conversation going to move away from "should this be considered gambling" and into "why should we allow predatory business practices like this to continue?" When are people going to finally get smart enough to realize that these companies don't care about providing us with a quality product and would rather shell out a low-quality piece of trash in bits and pieces that, when combined, cost us ten times the original value?

I mean, it's not like development or production costs have REALLY gone up. The inflation meme is a fucking sorry excuse that they will parrot, too.

The mobile market is awful about this, to be sure, but all the big corporations are doing this all the fucking same. EA, Ubisoft, King, Valve, Riot, everyone, and they know exactly how they're making their money.

It shows the world that these companies are not infallible. They can't just keep doing this shit over and over and over and expect to make record profits time and fucking again. It might only be a little pin prick compared to what needs to happen to make them really play ball, true.

However, I can guarantee that if they include loot box microtransactions in the next major release they publish, the public is going to fucking SCREAM at them. They already take the time to obfuscate the price and the value of the digital 'goods' they sell, but when a journalist with two brain cells to rub together does the math, they could wind up making a giant fucking mess out of everything. If they keep going the path they're taking now, it will hurt their wallets hard enough that investors will demand some real changes from them, their stock price will tank harder, and they'll lose the faith of all but the most die-hard shills they have.

True, this is just a small cut, but this is proof that, with strange aeons, even death may die.

Never let people fucking forget the sins of the past. Never let up, and remind people daily that EA is a horrible company that should cease to exist.

america was build on those principles

yeah nah, they'll move onto a different exploitative practice which will still effect the same people who it effects, children, people who don't know any better and whales then in ten or twenty years after the hard fucking people may scream a little like they are now wondering why they're getting shafted up the ass but they'll forget that it was them who stuck that dick in their ass in the first place and kept it there

These greedy fucks will take advantage of any system that allows them to. Any loophole, any psychological trick, anything they can find or do, they will do it if it means making a profit.

Child labor, pollution, hazardous materials, lead paint, slavery, false advertisement, price obfuscation, addictive mechanics, blatant lies… You name it, it's been done. Every rich asshole, every large company or corporation that has ever existed has taken advantage of SOMETHING to make a few quick bucks.

It's time that people stepped up and demanded better. Spread the fucking word.

user you're a retard

Oh fuck I thought Battleborn sank, I thought Might Number 9 was a flop, I thought Yooka Layee was a shitshow, I thought Mass Effects Andromeda set the bar, I thought you couldn't get worse than Lawbreakers but here we are, say it with me Holla Forums

At most it'll sell 15 million copies and that's a very generous estimate ignoring the decabarcle completely
EA gets what maybe at most $40 a game and that's again pushing it
So we'll say at absolute most they're getting $600M, and with a dev cost of probably $100M they've lost AT BEST $2.6 Billion Dollars which is about Trump's wealth

It's an 8.5% hit, so it won't kill EA but it's a pretty damn big blow

Dance thread?
Dance thread.

Also, investor confidence (by fat the most important variable) will have plummeted, and with grumblings about regulations being introduced that would basically slash 50% of EAs yearly income (since they make $2.6 billions from lootboxes) that money isn't coming back, and it's likely more people will sell their stock causing a domino effect. EA is extremely vulnerable to getting fucked over by regulations since they have virtually no IPs or studios left. They basically have no quick way to tide themselves over.

Well there is FIFA, and just FIFA, not even Madden is reliable anymore, which I find hillarious that Trump being against the NFL has cut badly into EA

Reminder that when a company's market value drops, that's just an indirect indicator that a company might not be doing so well. The company itself doesn't lose a single penny. Market trends and bad PR can drop it's share's market price, without that having any bearing on the company's health.
Too soon. But we'll take any news taht remotely validate our desires anyway, so why fight it?

A sharp drop like this means shareholders are losing confidence with the company and are likely to demand a change in management. If governments actually go through and apply gambling laws to lootboxes EA is pretty much dead. They'll never recover from such a blow.


It's one thing to have this sort of freemium bullshit in an actual freemium game, but that shit doesn't fly in the land of $60 games, especially when the lion's share of games that do this sort of thing at least keep it in the realm of "nice gold faggot"
Hell, even TF2, which arguably started the whole thing,

Youre a big goy

So EA's fuckup is literally 3/4ths as large as the entire Star Wars brand?


for jew

this is horrible b8 have a pity (you)

ggrevolt shill gtfo
someone call mark my dick is shrinking
etc. etc.

I personally still find cosmetic DLC, whether it's in lootboxes or not, to be pretty shitty. Especially when the game just released and has like the entire game's price or more in just cosmetics ready for purchase. It's really lazy to me, like all that shit could easily be in the game for the base price and add to it's value, but they just decided to jew you instead because people will defend it as "just" cosmetic. It's not as bad as progression/performance affecting gear, but I don't think it's a good practice either.


Of course they will. What sort of fantasy la la land are you living in?

how about this instead,i'll call you a faggot and you fuck off back to >>>/reddit/

My god you actually called mark lol

what the fuck has happened to this place

speak of the jew and he shall appear

jews ruin everything they touch and seek to destroy all good in the world.


Oy vey, you filthy goyim, how dare you mock the loss of so many precious shekels? Shoahing three billion shekels are almost as bad as shoaing six gorillion Jews!

you overestimate normalfags, user
they don't care about gameplay
they care about whether or not their friends buy it


not really. probably made some shareholders a lot of money through shorting the stock. chances are it'll go right back up

He said "smug', not "gout".

Cuckchan retards flooding in for one reason or another and many not having the idealistic move the board had in 2014 with older users also not having that 2014 drive and downright distaste for cuckchan.
Worst shit I've seen is:

>Was bitching to me about how mad he was that he didn't spend another $100 before they removed for a limited time micro-transactions


I didn't see the posts but we do have alot of highly autistic posters who's unrefined efforts could power a war economy tens folds.

Now there's the FCC taking away our Net Neutrality.

GET HIM, user


How's it feel to get a taste of your own medicine CIA-sempai?


Finally, good news.

A bit of good news before the inevitable bad news next month.

Such is life in the videogame industry as a videogame fan

What would we do when Net Neutrality is gone? FCC is playing by EA's playbook now.


It's the compromise.
Game company say "I want to take all of the goyim pocket money". Gamers says "We know what you're up to jew, we'll shut up if at least you make it so it's something not related to the game."
Compromise is the disease of the western world, because of course you're facing people that will NEVER compromise and will always ask for more.




Someone aughta do something about these damned kikes.

8.5% is fucking huge. Especially when we're talking ruining the star wars brand which was supposed to be a money printer.

Apparently Bungie also cancelled some stream because of "an uproar regarding microtransactions", so it's not just EA getting fucked by this. I don't know anything about Destiny though so if anyone wants to actually explain it be my guest.


that doesn't mean much but yeah I'd imagine people are looking at this whole drama asking themselves "what's EA fucking up so I can avoid that" the issue is really the hidden element. why is the video game journalists not utterly suppressing this or even sites like reddit and cuckchan?

Wait, when did Battlefront Nu even launch


The graphs make it look like nothing is going on, but 8.5% is a big fucking number.
People lose their heads over half the amount.

They're probably performing some jew sorcery to keep away the actual effects from showing.


Isn't EA known for flat out lying to their investors all the time?

They're using shell companies to buy their own stocks.

Lying and withholding information are two different things.
Also, giving false financial reports is a crime worse than murder. You'd get a more lenient sentence for killing a dozen people than you would for switching a few numbers around.

Economics are a tricky thing and there are a hundred loopholes and workarounds for every issue.

But the game was a clear flop and the fact that they had to respond to the poor reception in the first place is telling.
That is the only thing everyone needs to remember here.

It won't kill them, but it does hurt them, and if they take a hit for every game they release they'll be in trouble.
Remember, nothing lasts forever.


You all seem to be focusing on the small spurts of blood drawn from this event that forget the bigger picture.

EA fucked over Disney, by damaging the starwars brand with the "starwars casino" label just on the heels of the new movie release. The poor sales and reception was simply the salt on the wound.

Disney will likely, not renew its contract with EA.

Why the fuck does this matter? Simple. The micro-transaction system used if bullshitfront2 is similar if not exactly the same to the ones in EA's fifa and madden lines. Games which give EA a majority of its profits.

Like Disney, Fifa and Madden would prefer to have a family-friendly image, but unlike Disney, they aren't in the public eye. Thus they are currently complicit in EA's Money-grubbing.

However, now we a perfect case of this kind of behavior not only negatively affecting the sales of the game but also negatively effecting the brand of the licence. If we strike while the iron's hot and bring the similarities of madden, fifa's and Bullshitfront's Micro-transactions to the public eye. The damage to EA would be massive.

I know it's fake but it wouldn't surprise me if it happened.

I don't care about how much it really hurt them, I don't care if they'll learn, I'm just happy they lost a shitton of money and they're pissing people off with their jewery.

Is that some kind of behind-the-knee pussy?

Any discernable reason why you're not telling him he only thinks that way because he's absolute dogshit at video games?

Knee pussy is best pussy. Armpit a close second.

Heel pussy

armpit pussy

Those God damn Japs and their laws. I don't know whether to be a mused or annoyed 'cause I can't tell if it's a joke or not.

did someone said armpit pussy?

what the fuck

Maybe more feminism in their games will help.


Didn't save them last time.

They don't turn to social justice to sell games. They do it so they can blame gamers not wanting feminism and social justice on their bad sales.


I've been on the anti-microtransactions war drum since the industry started turning that way. It's great to hear the apologists who said "You could ignore it" or "You don't have to buy it" bitch at EA. They should have listened, now the suits are fucking up Star Wars no great loss however

It wasn't microtransactions that led to fan rage, Kotaku is just being lazy as fuck once again. I assume that is the kotaku article, archive isn't working for me Even once dedicated fanboys are pissed off Bungie threw out all the vestiges of fun Destiny 1. Here is a list of some of the shit their forum and even reddit, where bungie actually checks the community, is rightly complaining about:
Destiny 2 was an obvious attempt to reboot the series and get all the casualfags in, except just like marvel comics it has only pissed off the fan base that supported them until now. Game journos are only talking about this now because the lootboxes in Destiny 2 can be earned without paying money, only bungie set up a system that lied about xp gains when you were close to achieving one. After kotaku ran an article, 22 days after players figured this out, bungie turned xp throttling off. And in the same move cut xp gains from activities 50%

Break his fingers

I still remember when they were down to 12$ per share in TORtanic days, TWELVE. It saddens me to see that they've gone beyond 100$, it really makes all these dents and shitstorms pointless when seeing that number. I really hope they lose their sports licenses someday, because we really aren't going anywhere with killing EA unless that happens.

This is some Shitting Dick Nipples tier stuff you posted

Just wait until the new Star Wars movie comes out and all the normalfags buy nuBattlefront because "it's just like the movie".


So, Holla Forums How do you think that large companies react to this?
Will they spend more money on social media campaigns and crowd control as a result of this?

This won't change anything.
People will still keep giving money to publishers who engage in shit practices.
Lootboxes in multiplayer focused FPS games are here to stay. For now.

With all that being said, it feels me with hope for the future to see the market punish a company for its bad practices.

They'll focus more on China and, hopefully, get banned after doing something trivial that pisses off some chink bigwig.

Is it actually fake? I don't think it'd be an actual win a match you're in, it just sounds like you get the rewards of winning a match. I can see EA doing that.

China would ban them anyway once they had learned to copy their stuff enough for a Chinese company to shit out a knockoff.

Is the niggercattle waking up?
Will a good video game come out after all this time?

How much is a trillion?
I can't wrap my head around an amount this big.
I just can't picture a trillion as anything other than "whole fuckload of million dollar assets neatly set next to each other"

The most annoying thing about the lootbox shitstorm is the constant shitty amateur stock analysis. This "catastrophic" loss in stock value is literally nothing.

A million millions, or a thousand billions if you'd prefer.

I might not have made myself clear, I know how much is it when you write it as 10^12 or 10^18 but i can't comprehend how much power it is.

That pic reminds me of the "gamergate cats" we had when looking at Holla Forums's rising internet rankings after the first exodus

You aren't fooling me you double spook

A trillion dollars is such a large sum, I can guarantee you can't actually comprehend it. I don't mean that in a "hurr durr you're a retard way," but a trillion dollars is such a huge magnitude, the brain just doesn't fucking comprehend how big it is. It's like talking about the distance between solar systems. After a certain amount of distance, you write it off as being, "Real fucking long" and lose the scale of what it actually is.

I bet you a nigger could burn through a trillion dollars in a year and have nothing to show for it afterwards.

it just kept getting worse the further I moved along, so why did I keep going?

There's a movie about that, actually.

Does it star Obama?

Don't worry it is fake, but let's not give (((EA))) any ideas.

That's just communism for you.

And they still have enough money to keep fucking up vidya for everyone. You can be happy they lost that but don't celebrate if they don't go bankrupt.


The article doesn't list a source nor does it provide any evidence the stock has gone down by $3,000,000,000.

Fuck off, Disney bought Star Wars for 4.1 billion you ain't telling me EA stock is worth half of that.

Top Kek.

I don't know shit about how companies are valued but that does seem pretty high given their actual net income and assets

I don't think you understand how losing money like that will affect corporate decisions going forward, FUCKIN IDIOT. No suit is going to want to make these decisions anymore because to them, every penny is worth it.

Market value is a largely speculative value based on assets, and this includes intellectual property. EA owns the exclusive video game licenses for Star Wars, Madden, and FIFA. You do the math.

Except if paying every penny is to save Israel.


Yeah you go ahead and let me know when EA stops being shit. I'll wait.


Got a laugh out of me


I wanna pinch those cheeks with my dick.

Holy fuck, what where they selling?


Assets from the companies they've acquired.

Most companies have seen similar or better boosts since Trump got into office. The economy is "good" now according to economic experts.

Does he have a long term memory problem so he cannot retain knowledge and experience from each match to allow him to improve his skill to become a better stronger player? Eg, map knowledge, weapon usage, sight lines, knowing when to retreat instead of just running forward and dying.

If they kill online MP I wouldn't mind.
I doubt it will be that drastic, I can't find many arguments citing the bill in question (on either side), just people calling each other stupid.


Fuck you EA I would make a pink Darth Vader and run around killing people while spamming "TEE HEE I TOUCHED YOU WITH MY MAGIC PIXIE WAND" in chat


Is this a good opportunity to invest then? Surely their share value can only go up after a fuckup this bad.

I have a few smug dukats if you need them, but I doubt I have one smug enough for this.

I can understand that. There's nothing really else you could do with Darth Vader. There's only his black armour or pink. Other options are impossible to think of.

Sarcasm aside how about offering a design more similar to his original armour design? Or one with his helmet gone? Or one with his helmet blasted open with Luke's face inside? Or fuck it just straight up more Samurai Vader armour? Or fuck it skins of completely other characters?


Why not a sexy vader?




What was the July 2017 dip anyways?

That was a previous release by EA.

8.5 percent loss is a very hard tanking, there will be heads rolling all over their office. Will probably not make the news though.

Nigger bitcoin is already well past the point where no one legitimate businessman will ever take it seriously, it's unstable as all fuck and hyperdeflates to boot. The only people interested are retards that don't know how it works and just expect free money, the retards that think they're hot shit and will game the system for profit but end up wasting money, and kike scumbag scammers running the whole operation syphoning money from retards right into their pockets.

They're not. It's just the mystery toy type deal for driving the sales have been generally considered innocent enough to gloss over.

Says fucking who? I for one appreciate being able to put on silly neon colors, because it makes my victims saltier after I deliver royal ass reking for all eternity to them. And then it spawns more faggots using silly neon colors.

it doesn't make anybody saltier.
at most somebody will exhale sharply at the thought of you spending shekels to "ironically" look like a faggot though.


cosplaying really is just 6/10s trying to get attention

I can agree that is really common, at least on slutty genderbends. Pics are from some World of Warcraft gamergurl.

I could get on board with that….

I'd force choke her while I force impregnate her, if you're picking up what I'm putting down.

Kek. EA is a throughly jewed business company. They don't even produce games, they're not developers, they just buy and milk success of others. Always the same:
They always just ride the waves of smaller studios that made a good game. Fucking kikes.

Spolier that shit.

That faggot is a kike though.

Last reported annual revenue was 4.8bil, and revenue isn't profit. From these numbers, safe to say $3.1bil is for sure a year's revenue for EA.
Damage from making idiots of themselves in front of investors, spoiling another golden ticket in the form of the Star Wars brand and being perhaps the first publisher to manage to generate a mainstream boycott of a game may hurt them worse in years to come. Especially if it gets gambling crates restricted to adults in all the countries that matter.
>mfw EA decides to fuck off from all vidya except the sportsball shit they can consistently sell to the


I don't think these number mean jack shit. Maybe for the workers slaving away at EA, they won't get Christmas bonuses or OT. Execs, of course, will get raises and bonuses. EA will continue to churn out whatever and consumers will follow along. Corporations can't be killed. EA "failing" = getting swallowed up by another corporation and continuing the consolidation of corporate power to fewer and fewer people.

>EA decides to fuck off from all vidya except the sportsball shit they can consistently sell to the


Reminder that this game is missing some of the most quintessential heroes of the franchise in favor of Iden Versio and Bossk.


This is some hilarious backtracking and fucking hell is it stupid to boot, I have no idea why people continue to suck their rancid dick, there's still a large amount of people adamant it's not pay to win and that it's totally fine to have this in a $60 game.
Meanwhile you can buy Witcher 3 for $30 and have 100 times more content and no shitty loot boxes.
And you get cosmetic items!

Buy literally any game instead.

To be fair, you already have Darth Vader

Daily reminder that the previous Battlefront game had fucking Greedo as a character because they couldn't figure out what to put in so they just made a meme hero instead

funny how they leave out the best lightsaber wielders. almost as if they didn't have the skill to make the necessary animations for their chosen forms of combat


I'd have to look through a list of everything they've made to make sure I've ever actually bought anything from the honestly. Everything I know they made I only played secondhand years after it came out.

Nothing it's the central banks quantitative easing effect.

It's basically "we print money to inject it on the markets and watch all the graphs go up". It's pure insanity and the reason why shit like gold, silver, cryptocurrency, real estate (in the EU, the US are still sore) are booming.
Everyone with half a brain is bunkerizing assets because that's the kind of shit that can lead to an actual currency crash.

Markets currently aren't markets. Because you have someone buying everything because they literally have an infinite amount of money.
Just the ECB alone is pumping €80 BILLIONS per MONTHS into the markets.
Basically it's adding the value of three Exxon per year out of nowhere and marvel that strangely the values of your markets tend to go up a bit… and that's just the European Central Bank.
The Bank of England, Bank of Japan and the Federal Reserve are all doing the same shit.

And either they will continue this eternally (and there simply will be no free markets anymore) or the markets will correct… HARD.


EA is about to lose more money since they are doubling down with the lootbox bullshit with UFC 3 Ultimate team mode. Since they can't seem to control their own greed, chances are the government is going step in and regulate their little casino, which would expose 50% of their current revenue to said regulation.

One, Star Wars kinect is a thing (gif related), so that excuse is out. Two, jewtubers have already datamined a hidden cosmetic menu found in Battlefront 2 (vid related). My guess is EA would have "expanded" their little store to include cosmetic lootboxes once the sales from the regular loot boxes started to taper off.

Lurk more until you realize the mistake you made


EA will lose more money since they are doubling down on the lootbox scheme with UFC 3 ultimate team mode. Governments have already warned they will resort to legislation if EA can't get their greed under control, which will expose half of their current annual revenue to regulation. archive.is/L9cEH

Cosmetic skins have already been datamined by jewtubers. EA will probably enable cosmetic loot boxes for money after sales from regular loot boxes taper off.

A EA movie.
A EA game.
A Greedy mistake
A PR disaster.
This is their story……

A sense of Pride & Accomplishment
Crashing EA's stocks with no shareholders surviving.

Rated BD Billion dollar loss

It's happening in EA UFC 3 as well.

Archive doesn't work, nothing shows up.


The game takes a massive step back in gameplay and AI. Gameplay is much worse and all the focus was on adding microtransactions.

Also, keep in mind this game was in development before the Battlefront 2 shit happened.

I work at Target and next week Battlefront 2 is gonna be on sale for $40.

They're getting desperate.

Holy shit that's some anal annihilation right there.

It does mean a lot. That is more money lost than they made in profit from all micro transactions this year.

Say what you want about Mark but the fact that I can literally text or call him and tell him to ban a shitposting faggot and he literally will makes him a better mod than anyone on 4chan. Too bad his co-mod is a fanboy faggot which will delete your thread if you insult Overwatch.

Because valve games are free to play and at least let you buy items directly. Overwatch, Battlefront, ect are full priced games that make you grind/pay for content in a game you already fucking bought and there is no defending it.

I wouldn't celebrate just yet

It is very likely just a 2 steps forward 1 step back strategy, like bethesda with paid mods the first time

So false advertising should be legal, right fellow ancap?

It's been that long since Origin launched?
Man, time sure flies.

Nice, I should buy a share of their stock and then sell it when it bounces back.

Maybe they should hire everyone back from ME:Abortion and let them have another go.

That's fucking delicious

Maybe I'll take pity on th- yeah fuck no.

There's a petition to get the license taken away from them on Change org, it won't actually do anything but it's worth sticking every middle finger up we can, enough negativity might make Disney do it to protect their IP.

I'm still salty about this.
Soooo fuggin salty about this.

This might do. A tranny niigger.

Of course it will. History reverberates in time, we are stuck in a hellish oscillation with a surprisingly high frequency.

Gotta get blacks to boycott EA sports games for not having the option to kneel during the anthem.


Nah, the pressure's rising, and they know it's on the way out. Countries are stepping up to ban this shit, and they're either going to pour it on and face the law for a needless risk that will kill them or they'll stop to jew another day.

It's actually worse then gambling while also BEING gambling by technicality. Gambling isn't about stakes, not legally, it's basically money input+random payout output and since there's only digital payout ie none, it's considered worse by law as fraud if scrutinized in court, as WELL as a unregulated scam gambling charge.

If these lootbox idiots head to court, they're fucked when they have to explain it to the judge.

Then it's money for nothing ie fraud.


Trump has more cash than that, but yeah that's a lot of dollars, ea just got fucked


God dammit OP. I fucking got my shit ready and everything thinking I could make some money off someone else's stupidity. It's fucking nothing.