Should I do it Holla Forums? Its a quick $300 for doing a little work
We got 2 of pic related in stock for $98 CDN
Also should I keep one for resale in a few years or dump them both now, maybe buy one cheap after the holidays die down, and then sit on it as a collector item?
Nintendo isn't going to keep up the shortage for long. Even Meme Theory points out that they're creating a false supply/demand margin so that when they do actually supply enough, the demand is high enough that they can sell more consoles for less than what they could sell them for, appealing to a wider audience.
Take advantage of the shortage now and flip them all, then wait six months and watch their price drop like a stone.
Don't step into scalpel territory. Don't buy multiple ones.
Not even because it is being asshole. Nintendo will be restocking NES next year, most likely SNES soon after. I cannot really fucking blame you for trying to be scalpel when Nintendo encourages people like you to do it.
No, I'm linking to this shit.
Don't listen to this whiny faggot. Nintendo created a wonderful oppurnity yet again.
dude a raspi with those controllers is MAXIMUM 75$ and you will get all games for free and online play
Pottery. Whoever bought it may actually play it, doing everyone else a service in the process.
Get fucked.
I could have but I figure an example would show him how much nintendo lets me fleece their fans. I do feel bad about it but then I see how their fans act and the feeling goes away very quickly.
Nah one person bought two
Don't feel that bad, only morons would buy amiibo shit anyway.
yes, kill yourself
Honestly, I could care less one way or another but when you hear your friend mention that they only get 3-5 amiibos a shipment and everyone is clawing to get their Morth figure it's only natural that your MMO auction house autism kicks in and you play the market you know.
It costs as much as a PS3 in the third world hell I inhabit.
They actually sell for around 140-150 so buy accordingly.
I made $60 on the steam market when Undertale came out
I feel shameful tbh, but when the shit is still' over 200 used'' and I got it for 80… yeah I don't feel bad at all.
Do it. The SNES and NES mini are late 90s-tier emulation and inaccurate as fuck. Only retarded shiteaters will buy them so they can virtue signal their nerd cred. Scalp the fuck out of these dumb fucking goyim.
Yes, you can make a nice profit from it.
Why is this even a thing? How did our hobby become a fashion statement for normalfags?
you realize the term "normalfag" is just a fashion statement for normalfags.
Do it. Jack up the price as much as you can.
nigga even the new hori snes are shit compared to originals, bought a console just to get those controllers, sold em with wii classic controllers clones
also you can, today, put a pendrive with otg cable and run all your precious 2d emulation on it, it has a good decent processor so even n64 games run fine, also aesthetics at least on the european or japanese snes console version
the fuck is a CDN
get cucked, OP
tru dat, the amount of "look at me im such a darn nerd REEEE normalFAGS!!! (but im I R O N I C guys? only pretendo)" around is kinda staggering