What are the best romhacks out there? Super Mario 64 Last Impact and Star Road were both really well done.
Metroid Rogue Dawn is also surprisingly good.
Sonic 3 Complete is a good quality-of-life overhaul.
Sonic 3D Blast Director's Cut counts too, I think, even though it's done by the original programmer.
I dunno, I got a few stars from the starting areas and got to Chuckya Harbor and the boo level, but I sorta lost interest. Is it actually good? It feels like their levels are these floating islands with poor flow and if you mess up, its back to the start
Project M
Some of the levels are better than the others. The later levels are better than the earlier, but they do all suffer from some weird camera issues, to be honest.
Can't believe I forgot that one.
I usually like the GB,GBA and 16-bit era hacks.
Changes the way the game is played
Mario Adventure
The one that is like metroid in mario
I've made it to the second batch of levels. The quality seems to improve as the game goes on. I guess he was learning as he went.
Oh, almost forgot. Here are the roms themselves. Save the image and open it with 7zip to get at the roms.
Again, open with 7zip to get the roms.
There's a hard as fuck F-Zero X romhack. Links under the video.
Apparently this is a thing now too. Haven't played it yet.
That's pretty interesting, reminds me of that weird Yoshi in Sonic 2 romhack that is surprisingly complete.
Damn, that's pretty cool. I hadn't read of this one. Full conversion for Rockman 4 (as expected).
Pokemon Red++ is a pretty good update for the gen 1 games.
It's pretty solid. Plays a bit like Castlevania mixed with Sonic. Playing as a cute bunny girl is always a bonus.
Ass we can.
Super Metroid Redesign (the original)
Super Metroid Legacy
Super Metroid Limit
Super Metroid Z-Factor (I guess, still never finished it to really vouch for its place among the above three)
A furfag with good taste for once. Nice.
That's actually pretty cool. I tracked them down and patched them, in case anybody wants the roms (again, open the image with 7zip).
Which is the best of those? Are they all complete?
Mario Usual Day
Super Mario 3mix
Zelda challenge of the Outlands
Zelda the Legend of Link
Zelda 2 Part 3
Zelda Triforce of the Gods
Metroid Deluxe
Metroid Omega
Metroid Genocide
Mega Man Ultra
Layla- the Iris Missions
Castlevania Fan Edition
Blaster reMaster
Alex Kidd in Miracle World 2
Alex Kidd Stormtrooper Hack
7th Saga+
Chrono Trigger Flames of Eternity
Chrono Trigger Prophet's Guile
Earthbound Halloween
Final Fantasy 6: Return of the Dark Sorcerer
More Zombies Ate My Neighbors
Super Mario Arcade
Hyper Metroid
Super Metroid Phazon
Super Metroid Redesigned
Super Metroid Rotation
Zelda Parallel Worlds
I wish 90% of featured hacks were something other than Super Mario World or Mega Man though.
And yet no one makes a Megaman hack where you can fight all bosses from the get go, like Cuphead. It would sell millions. Figuratively
the arcade games are nothing but boss battles
That's the one that Toby Fox did, right? I'd heard it was decent, and had things like remixed music.
I spent days on this one and made very little headway. It's really fucking hard, and there is a stupid amount of backtracking. I've heard they were busy overhauling a lot of the dungeons. Some other autist revamped the hack to make it less difficult and less annoying.
I'd really like to see some more good N64 romhacks. There aren't a lot of those other than Mario 64 ones. I'm only aware of one Zelda OoT one that was actually released (Zelda's Birthday) and I never played that one.
But they have different mechanics.
There's a single level that's been made for Banjo. I think the creators plan on a full game eventually.
Hah stupid you can't trick me jpegs aren't zip files
The only rom hacks I ever played are these:
They're hard as shit though. :^(
Does anyone know of a good Paper Mario TTYD rom hack? I would play the shit out of that.
The Last Promise
Can I shill my project again or has everyone already seen it
Last Impact was technically impressive but from any game design metric was absolute dogshit.
It your game is any better than whatever you posted go ahead.
pokemon life , incomplete yet , i hope the dev won't give up on it
star revenge night of doom
It's cool on a technical level, but the actual design is trash.
The boo level is definitely the worst level in the hack. While there's still a number of levels that just consist of platforms over a bottomless pit, they aren't as bad as that one. Well, there's one other that might be just as bad, but it's not worse.
Okay so I'm literally scraping the bottom of the barrel right now and it will only get better? Good stuff.
Are there any overworld stars? Is it still 120? How many courses?
It's still 120 normal stars, plus an extra star in a super tough level that you can only get to after getting the other stars. And then getting that one causes nine "fake" stars to appear throughout the hack. I don't think there's any overworld stars, but there are a few secret levels, some of which have to be accessed through the courses themselves. There's fifteen normal courses plus the secret levels.
Anyone here played Chrono Trigger Crimson Echos/Flames of Eternity? I wonder if Holla Forums likes it?
This. And the developer refuses to share his assets because "people are lazy and will steal my work wahh!"
Only romhacks worth playing are Green Stars and maybe 74. I beat Star Road but god damn is it a chore after a while. Funnily enough the one I go back to is Hidden Stars because it turns the game into an easter egg hunt which is pretty cozy until you realize the fucker puts them in places like 1 unit above the bottom of the map and shit.
Some good ones I've played
Some kind user sent me a level he made in SMW called "Vanilla Airship". I enjoyed it a lot. Thanks Cobraaaaa
I'm playing the Axeil Edition, is there something wrong with it? Also, what are your thoughts on Hyper Metroid?
Fucking awesome soundtrack, embed related
Oh dear user, tell us your secret for sacred embedding.
You just create the 7z archive and concatenate its data on the end of an image. The image metadata determines the byte size, so the image reader never reads the concatenated data on the end. The 7z archive reads expecting a magic number (a special sequence identifying it as an archive) and won't do anything to the data that doesn't have it (it has this so that a 7z archive can be written to a backup tape drive, which must be written and read sequentially. It's useful to have 7z do the seeking itself, if you only really need a 7z archive off the backup). So it's actually more a happy accident (and the fact that both systems are very well self-contained) than some engineered thing.
With Linux or OSX, you can use "cat" from the command line like "cat image.png archive.7z >image-witharchive.png". Personally, I use "cat archive.7z >>image.png" and simply modify the original, but it can be useful to spit them into another file to make it clear what it is (and to maintain the original in case you need it again).
With Windows, there's a special flag to the "copy" command that lets you append files. I think it's /b or something for some reason, and you have to specify all your files with + signs. Windows shell is fucking weird.
If you need more references, google "concatenate files" and look for stackoverflow entries. It'd probably be in there.
Yeah, it's pretty good as far as EB romhacks go.
The Hallow's End romhack is also good, if not a bit buggy.
Like I asked in a bunch of threads prior to this one I would really appreciate a download to the Mario64 rom that the hacks can be applied to.
I've downloaded about 10 different versions from different sites that were all marked as the right one but the patcher refused each and every one of them.
Just thought I'd ask.
I always just search around for a ready patched rom to download.
This one?
sorry if doublepost
Thanks user
Here's the rom in .png format in case the ls command doesn't werk.
Thanks a lot user. I'll use this now for sharing roms.
Can't you just play that shit off of emulation software? What am I missing?
Here's a surprisingly fun one. Unzip the image.
He's looking for a copy of the rom to use for patching. Most romhacks are released as a patch that is applied to an existing rom so that they won't get taken down or the creator can feel good about being a moralfag (even though everybody knows that we all just download the roms and it's all illegal regardless). Anyway, that rom has to be the exact same rom the patch was made for or else the patcher will either complain that your rom doesn't have the right checksum or it will patch the file regardless and you'll end up with a fucked up franken rom with some highly visible or possibly unseen issue depending on what's been corrupted.
Bump. Any new Mario 64 Romhacks in the works worth knowing about?
Bumping with some fucking awesome Metroid Rogue Dawn Music
You should guys try Super Metroid Arcade.
Anyone wanna play through a mario 64 hack they've never played with coop? It'd probably include my other buddy, too. I have The Green Stars, and don't know much about hacks other than trying 74 and being disappointed.
oh so it's going to be a sinks thread?
I'm just waiting for Metroid X Fusion to come out (it's a retelling of Metroid Fusion with the Super Metroid Engine). It looks pretty damn good.
This looks like a really fucking fun spin on Super Metroid, gonna try it on my hacked 3DS , thanks a lot user.
Could someone recommend me good full-conversion hacks? As in, those which feel most like brand-new games.
Preferrably Mario and Rockman ones, but doesn't really matter as long as its good.
Speaking of Megaman, there is another hack akin to MM4MI in scope called Rockman CX.
It's a full-on new game, with a completely new story, completely new bosses, abilities, music, everything. It even has an opening similar to X3 despite being on an NES.
Also includes lots of nods to other games and some obscure japanese internet memes. Haven't seen anything better in a technical aspect yet.
Extra Mario Bros. does some pretty cool shit with the Mario 1 engine, and I honestly think the one-way scrolling works surprisingly well with the Metroidvania formula. I'd like to see that expanded on, but we all know that'll never happen.
Oh, I've played that, but thanks.
There is also Mario Adventure (Mario 3 hack), you should play it, too.
Anything similar for SMW?
Mario 100s challenge is a hack with unique levels that you have to complete in under 100 seconds. The levels are quite well made, (some with multiple routes and challenges) and introduces a great wall jump ability. I recommend it if you want to play Mario in a very different way.
Why's my 7z being retarded? I had to cut the PNG out of these by hand to get it to recognize the file.
Anyone care to post this one?
Pokemon Vega is neat. Pretty much the only romhack that's meant to be a new game (instead of a tweak or remake) that's entirely complete.
Wasn't there some hack that added keyboard/mouse support to Goldeney?
I can't even fathom the amount of autism needed to make this, but it's admirable as hell. This goes straight to my backlog
Not a hack actually, it's a version of the 1964 emulator preconfigured with the necessary plugins and a mouse injector executable, that works for Goldeneye and Perfect Dark (and supossedly Duke Nukem Zero Hour as well)
Nifty. Does it work with Goldfinger 64?
I don't know, dear user. You'll have to try yourself, as I'm using Loonix (and the emulator works f.ine, but not the Mouse injector). Be sure to actually read the "readme" file, though!
Yes it does, gamer!
Golden Sun: The Lost Age Reloaded is a fun hack that really fixes a lot of the wild imbalance and easy gameplay.
Breath of Fire II Maeson smooths out the wild imbalance of its game (In the unmodded game there are 8 characters plus secret character. 3 of the characters are plain crap, 2 are very similar, and the secret character is directly superior to one of the remaining ones, so that's only one party setup that's any good.) but is generally a pretty pure patch. Worth a try if you've already played BoFII and want to replay it with the fan translation.
Also: Does anyone have a pre-patched Goldfinger 64? Wants a rom other than no-intro version.
Also looking for a prepatched Project M because that one is a pain to set up.
As for lesser Pokemon Hacks
Pokemon XG is a nifty concept that puts the special/physical split and Fairy type in Gale of Darkness while increasing the shadow Pokemon count, adding new Shadow Pokemon, making the game harder and changing the shadow Pokemon list for more interesting in game teams.
Pokemon Red Adventure's main game is great, but the post-game original stories are kinda meh. I recommend waiting for the next version that's supposed to hit right before 2017 ends and contains a lot of improvements.
Touhoumon is fun, but really hard to figure out the mechanics of (Types, evolutions, learnsets) without documentation.
The faces are very lovely in this mod!
Yes they are, in fact CP is distributed by hiding it inside an image. Hope you weren't careless downloading anything you see.
This just looks like you're given a bunch of abilities that make the game easy as shit.
best Rom Hack ever
Are you someone too young to have grow up with the n64? Because game being reasonably difficult is traditionally considered a good thing. Star Road is no Kaizo Mario, its harder then the core game but not terribly hard.
The Level design is actually decent. Its the out of bounds clipping that is keeps it from being god tier.
that romhack is surprisingly good.
Where did you get the right rom?
Great Autist Extraordinarie Optomon (known for his work in Castlevania Chorus of Misteries, Metroid Rogue Dawn, Guardian Legend Secret Edition and his own total conversion of Castlevania II called "Pyronaut") just released "Castlevania The Holy Relics" (hack of Castlevania I for the NES). As usual expect custom graphics and music. I've played it for a bit and I'm liking it so far.
Did I do it right, S-senpai?
I don't know if it's a result of playing on an emulator with a PS3 pad, but some of the precision platforming doesn't seem fit for the Mario 64 engine. Traversing the spinning platforms in the Boo level is way more awkward than it has any right to be.
Looks like a good embed. I've never heard of that one.
I didn't appreciate some of the removal of features in Axeil Edition, particularly mockballing. What the fuck, Drewseph?
Super Mario RPG: Armageddon
Last Impact is very good.
Hyper Metroid.
You'd be wrong. The inability to jump on top of things and kill them changed they dynamic of the game quite a bit. You also don't move as fast.
This one is the one I used
This is the MD5 Checksum for the proper rom:
Let me try it.
Works. Thanks. It's looking for a bad dump if the no-intro rom doesn't work.