Checked the catalog, no emulator thread. Does Holla Forums have a consensus on the best emulator front-end? Something to make my gigantic ROM collection more visual to comb over when bored.
So far LaunchBox looks jewy, QuickPlay is just ugly, mGalaxy looks decent, Ice sounds ok since I'm on Steam all the time anyway, etc.
Poorfag with an 8-bit/16-bit focus, so no premium bullshit. Would be best to find one that works completely from a controller, as this might evolve into a custom cabinet someday. yeah fucking right i'm lazy as fuck
Emulator frontend?
Other urls found in this thread:
I'm down, is there a distro specific to retro gaming front ends?
Lakka. Everything else is either Jew-y or tacky as hell.
Since you're only interested in 8/16-bit you're covered under RA.
Fucking normalfag, just use Retroarch and play your fucking games.
Checking out both of these, thanks anons.
Lakka is the default frontend for RetroArch, so if you're using Windows just download RA and you'll be good to go.
What the fuck? No it's not. Lakka is an official distro of Retroarch with pre-packaged cores, designed primarily for SBCs. Retroarch is the 'default' libretro frontend.
I've used GameBase for years.
You can set up multiple emulators, screen shots, and make all kinds of custom groups, notes, input high scores, etc.
It was built for C=64 but it works with any system.
Gonna stick my newfag neck out and ask: why not just use 'it just werks' emus like SNES9x?
As opposed to what? Higan?
Uh, yes.
I only know retropie but that's more useful on a single board computer.
As always, the only games worth emulating are games on arcades because arcades are way too expensive.
Retarded faggot.
There's really no reason to use Higan. Snes9x via retroarch is the way to go, especially if you've got a decent CPU and can take advantage of the input lag reducing options.
Even Retroarch is a piece of shit. Every romhack I've ever tried doesn't work there, but it does for SNES9x.
I want off this ride.
Not everyone here is a muh specs autist, you fucking retard. I'm going to use Snes9x to play the entire library, and you can't stop me.
What did he meme by this?
This is the worst kind of autism.
You're a subhuman, and I will cum on you.
What you're not understanding is that one genre is for world leaders, and the other is for niggers who think about combos.
I don't know how any of this shit works. Is there some kind of retard-proof guide on what this is and how it's used?
That shit won't work unless you have a floppy drive user.
RetroArch is good.
What I memed by this is that communists have a literal agenda to dumb down games.
I use the emulator for the specified system because I'm not a retarded faggot.
Ah, I see. Sorry for spouting misinformation. I'm new to RA so please forgive my ignorance.
whats this frontend faggotry?
why did this suddenly become so prevalent
OP back from another machine, I've got Lakka/RetroArch up and running, configured pretty much how I like it (it sees my 8/16bit ROMS, has downloaded box art, I've got most of it stripped down to where I can put it in kiosk mode, set it and forget it), but I'm curious if you anons have had any luck with DosBOX on this. My initial testing is pretty spotty. Is DosBOX just an afterthought, or do I need to keep digging? no hand-holding, but a guide would be niceā¦ It's not make-it-or-break-it, as DOS games are going to be a pain in the ass with a controller anyways, but fuck man, it feels wrong not to put some DOS love into this thing, Syndicate, Tyrian or something.
Which one? They aren't the same.
Lakka, sorry, still trying to get these two straight in my head. Lakka is a derivative of RA, is that right?
Anyway, Lakka for sure.
Are you running this on a single-board computer like a pi clone or xu?
I've got a Raspberry Pi 3 on order for the long term setup here, for now I'm just getting my feet wet with some old hardware lying around (a Microsoft SP1, don't ask, I didn't pay for it).
Does anyone know why citra is so fucking shit when I try it while other people seem to get games running at great speeds?
For reference I have 8GBs of ram, a quad core i5 and an AMD R9 290X GPU. Something tells me it's AMD/Open GL related
In that case you might as well be using Retroarch, which will give you access to nightly core updates.
That tells us basically nothing. This is "I'm having problems with my 4 door sedan"-tier.
Is RA anymore friendly with DosBOX than Lakka?
Assuming you've read the basic dosbox readme in the git, you shouldn't be having any problems with it, but having nightly core updates instead of waiting for pre-packaged bundles is huge.
I have a different emulation question, but I figure it'd be better to throw it in here than make an entirely knew thread. What's a good program to use for converted img files to bin? I've got some ps1 games in img that I can't find bin downloads for, and the mednafen core for RA only accepts bin files.
Why would you go through all of that retarded bullshit to make your bad dumps work instead of just grabbing Redump copies?
Because the redump torrent I have doesn't have these specific games. These are Asian releases that, for some reason, aren't there, so I had to find them off other sites, and, while emunation had the redump copies of the US ps1 games, their downloads for Asian releases aren't up to par.
What games?
I think Angel Eyes is the only one right now. I've had the same problem with other games, but I can usually find an alternate download. This one has been an exception. It's not the biggest deal, since I only got it out of morbid curiosity.
You'd have to figured out the nip registration, but there does appear to be a reasonably current (2017) ntsc-j redump torrent with that game.
Citra is CPU limited and single-threaded, in most cases there isn't a performance difference between native and 10x resolution.
All you can do for performance is to disable vsync and use canary, unofficial or per-game builds.
#include std::system( "C:\\emulate\mame64.exe gng" );
use any MIT or BSD licensed UI system to build a small C++/OpenGL fullscreen application with whatever you want on it. I like GLFW for taking care of the window/screen setup and all the opengl setup.
retroarch is shit.
You're doing something wrong then.
something like retroarch serves as a menu system to pick a console and a game on that console, then the back end loads the emulator core (of which the emu core in single-system emulators are all present)
if you like the snes9x emulation, you use that core.
Has anyone tried out Retroarch on Android with a DualShock 4? I just got a new phone that should run PSX emus just fine.