What are some games where i can play in an open world but in an alien world?
Pic related i was anticipitating but it was cancelled
What are some games where i can play in an open world but in an alien world?
Pic related i was anticipitating but it was cancelled
Well, No Man's Sky :^)
Or Kerbal Space Program
Both shit
Well. There's also rimworld and starbound.
More like my picture. Retard
The only choices you have are Kotor 1, 2, Mass Effect 1, 2
yeah fuck off
He's also fallen for open world meme, that's the worst of him.
Whats wrong with open world
What a cunt.
Oh yeah, alien worlds with humans of different hues.
So alien, so mysterious.
Today, like every day. OP was a faggot.
What's your pic on ayylmaos in video games?
Good choice of game, op should try it out.
Star wars is shit and mass effect is boring. Is the government supressing alien games? I just want a realistic open world alien game. Where i can interact with different extra terrestials. Kinda like skyrim but more sci fi
In other news, op can't stop deepthroating massive dick even for 5 seconds!
I thought your thread was a little bit serious up until this point.
Actually a gta style game set in a different galaxy would be cool too. You can choose to be a criminal or a police. Just think about it
Iam not getting it? Do people here hate skyrim?
It just werks.
You would be the first one to buy it faggot
Is neofag still leaking?
He must be trolling
Such game exists, and you even made me flashback about it. I just forgot its name. I think it was about some freelancing guy who owned a flying car, and was helping around town. It may or may not been about robot people.
It was about robots.
No i just dont come here hardly ever. Iam not a hardcore gamer like people here but iam just really into extraterrestials and just thought i would ask here
Well, let me tell you about the jews…
Well, at least you outed yourself as a shitposter. I am done with you.
oh yeah jews are so intelligent. its not hard to scam people and steal knowledge from other cultures. you have no idea whats going on. i bet you think the earth is flat
Parasitism requires some basic intellect too.
That's why mark can't be jewish.
they're not open worlds, but The Dig and Tormentum have that great feeling of being in a totally bizarre and completely alien world
One for every tribe of israel.
Anachronox, Startopia, Outcast, Twinsen's Odissey
Good game, OP
OP's broken english smacks of slavic. Maybe he is just a lost retard.
Is this about blacks or jews?
ok now weere talking thanks bro
no i wish atleast then i would be white. kek
i cant take this stupid milf seriously
are colored folk not aloud here?
Of course they are, if their color is white.
iam not full black if that helps
There was an old n64 me and my brother used to play all the time! Not really on an alien world but fun. Might need to look up a walk through guide when playing it can get a little difficult finding out where you need to go.