Why did Konami thought the SAW video games were going to be the new Silent Hill?
Why did Konami thought the SAW video games were going to be the new Silent Hill?
Why do you want to know that haha cheers
It's konami, no logic applies.
Come to think of it. I can picture Telltales games making a saw reboot
The games were terrible and didn't feel like the movies AT ALL
Didn't the second game have a really retarded fucking decision at the beginning of the game? I think it was that if you died, the main character was saved, but if you reached the elevator you died completely invalidating all of your progress.
I realize that what I said is confusing, so I'm going to clear it up. If you reached the elevator, the main character dies at the end of the game, making the entire playthrough worthless.
They played like third person condemned criminal origins with shitty combat
Konami are one of those special jap companies like Squeenix who don't live on the same plane of reality as everyone else.
Anyone ever play the lost game? Reminds me of it
What the fuck happened to Konami anyway? They used to be top tier.
Oh my god.
Did they really think that though? I cant think of a reason why they would.
What’s sad about the lost game. It could’ve easily been it’s own IP. It was a third person point and click adventure game
Hell, that'd actually be a good fit, and choices might actually matter for once.
They won't
I’m still pissed over being invested in lost. Nothing mattered. Lost is like television telltales games
Sad thing is the first 2 Saw movies had a genuinely decent story going on before they dropped it completely and made the movies gore porn and shock value.
I don't really know how you would handle a good Saw game though. I'd say either go survival horror puzzle like Obscure, or go the Until Dawn route.
They did?
Jigsaw will remember that.
Yes. They told gamespot saw was the new silent hill
I think they're focused on slot machines, saw a Castlevania one the other day
I think the self-suturing part in The Walking Dead 2 would be what it would play like.
They killed their mayor development branches and are now making low budget rehashes and rereleases like ZoE2 VR and MGS Survive or whatever it was called. Also using the Fox Engine to render pachinko cinematics. They could do something right for once and port MGS3 HD to PC.
They used to be greedy but also geniuses. Now they're greedy and absolute retards. What the fuck actually happened?
Lots of flops during 7th gen.
Because Homecoming existed at one point.
Intelligent greed understands that reputation and quality are equivalent to long-term free marketing. Blind greed values profit now over profit later.
so jews?
Yeah. They wanted to make sure you'd play through the game twice to get both endings, since people were just reloading a save at the end of the first game and doing it that way.
Kill Yourself My Man
I'd have thought they were defined by their ability to plan long-term.
Nah, the movies were shit, so I'd say the games are a pretty good adaptation.
Because Kojima's cancerous "games should be movies" ideas are all over Konami.
This is probably the most reasonable thing they could do. There really isn't much in terms of interaction with Saw besides decision-making. The only other way it could be adapted is a puzzle game where you play as the Jigsaw killer and create elaborate ways of executing people, but I think that would be better for a Final Destination game.
Wait, so what's the gameplay? Either do it or just don't play the game? This is even more retarded than that dumbass Spec Ops The Line bullshit.
Tecmo's Deception and Trapt have you covered there
Nah, if the rothchilds were as smart as they were rich then things would be a lot worse than they are now.
No need to worry when your sitting on dat Metal Gear Solid money. That Kojima hack almost bankrupt them ripping off Ridley Scott films and releasing unfinished games.
Change in management, the new guy wanted pachinko and gambling. Everyone who blames Kojima always willingly ignore this fact.
Hey now, don't go around blaming me for this shit.
The first Saw movie was so terrible I was loudly complaining afterwards to my family why they show me such shit.
The characters are all retards and if you have watched enough Thriller movies you know the plot twist at the end before it happens.
I am still amazed to this day that there were enough retards that liked this trash, that they could make Saw into a franchise.
I see what you did there.
The Evil Within 2 is a better Silent Hill than SH4.
SAW is not even relevant in the Current Year.
I liked it, its just a puzzle game with shitty combat