How much memory does a single pokemon take up?

It's bothered me for a long time, I could make a guess, but I'm to lazy to do the math.

I was thinking about this when Pokemon Box became a thing so just assume I'm talking about the 3ds titles.

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Probably only a few bytes.

How much space would they take up in-world? Do pokemon die when the in-game P.C. crashes?

How much room do the animal and mineral matter take up?

Or maybe we juat dont be autism

More importantly is the software that stores the pokemon free and libre?

One sperm contain 37.5 MB of data.
Now, the average male ejaculates [something something] ounces which turns into [this amount] of sperm, knowing this information we can add a sufficient number to fill a Pokémon, for example a meowth.

Fuck, I'm lazy, you do the rest.

Knowing this information we can figure out how many Pokemon one could store in their average cum shot. With the data above we learn that there are 3750000000 Megabytes or 3576.27869 Terabytes of "sperm data" per ml of semen. With this we now learn the average male ejaculates between 7500000000 Megabytes or 7152.5 Terabytes and 18750000000 Megabytes or 17881.39 Terabytes of data per cum shot. Dividing both numbers by the amount of data a Pokemon takes up gives us how many Pokemon we have per ejaculation. This gives us the obscenely large numbers between 3.3897931 × 10^13 and 8.47448276 × 10^13.
TL;DR somewhere between thirty-three trillion and eighty-four trillion Pokemon could be stored in one tissue.

Holla Forums - Video Games

I've got a Braixen folder that's a few GBs big

Fuckin' saved

Most if not all of the characters in charge of the PSS in their respective games live in small houses surrounded by computers, except for in Sun/Moon, where he works in an observatory and maintains Alola's PSS as a hobby. All systems except for Bill's are considered upgrades of previous technology and is available for free for anyone to use. I'm pretty sure it's Libre, The bigger question is how can they maintain it if they have no income from users? Is it like a facebook scenario where the users data is the thing being sold? Is it subsidized by the government in exchange for the data on each trainers pokemon?

Maybe they run ads. This kinda the same conundrum of the pokecenters.

How was this worth a fucking thread?

How was that worth a single post?

this is like comparing pokemon to sperm my dude

With your logic its probably the Pokemon centers just supplying free computers with the software installed for anyone to use kinda like a public library. Bill, Celio, Bridget and all of the others nerds are probably just doing the software thing for free while providing their own hardware when needed (think leafgreen firered with the cross region trading machine). On the question of how it works perhaps its a decentralized network like i2p or the like which is why data can be accessed anywhere on the continent and further (HGSS Arceus side quest), this explains the free problem and why the system can be accessed on almost every computer in the games, it's either already installed or the protag installs it himself. That or its just region wide dropbox.

This is why Holla Forums exists.

But do we have the technology to inject pokemon into sperm?

God damn it I just double checked and the number is off because this user had the wrong number for mb per sperm, the number per sperm would be anywhere from 700mb to several gigabytes

Op here.


we have ids here you cuckchan rapeugee

i love this board. i love you.

This is the sort of thing that makes imageboards worth it you humourless fag.



So… You know how you can send a ten year old out into the world with little care for his safety? My theory is that the Servers are essentially run on Donations, a la Linux, because the digital-biological bridge involving Pokemon has probably led to major advancements in medical technology, to the point that you can essentially take apart and reassemble virtual data before reconstituting in the real world.
Put another way, I think that box full of inbred charmanders is likely supported by adults in the series because those incestuous little fucks are likely the raw biomatter they use every time the town drunk needs a new liver, or to bring a 10 year old back to life, because that happens a lot.
So… 10 year olds capturing wild Pokemon for medical biomass, supported by adults as part of a national free medical insurance plan, and none of the kids are told because that would destroy their childlike innocence.


Linux doesn't run on donations. Some of it is written by volunteers, but most of it is written by paid employees of companies that need specific modifications and improvements. By sending them upstream, back into the project, those improvements get maintained centrally and it costs them less effort to keep them up-to-date.
A lot of open source development is like that.



They're not stored in the in-game PC.
They get transferred to the Pokémon Storage System, presumably a cloud-based service of sorts. Exactly where they're stored seems to depend on the user's region, but beyond that, it's not really explained how any of this stuff works. All we really know is that each region's got at least one person maintaining the entire system for that area, for seemingly no compensation. that we know of.
The servers likely have a bunch of redundancies or failsafes to minimize the likelihood of dataloss, but assuming the servers were to fail somehow, that'd probably be the end of them.


>The basis for all that you are, sans experience, memories, etc can be represented by a combined ~75mb of code.


Learn how to read. A bigger problem is the lack of actually defining a pokemon’s genetic information in the “252 byte” definition.

Top fucking percentage, user.

Okay, but then how many generations of Pokemon would we need to go through to get max out that number?

Assuming simple consumer level gene sequencing USB devices become feasible in the near future and a script could be set up to interpret nucleotide sequences into either processor commands or memory bytes, look forward to Pokémon: Blue Version "Gotta Cum 'Em All!" in 55:29


its cool friendo, there is no exact number anyways


We already knew that.