I hope it's not real due to the focus on streamlining, Serious Dante, Playstation exclusitivity and the remote mention of a stamina bar in a DMC game, but here's an archive just incase.
Devil May Cry 5 Rumors
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Hideaki Itsuno’s secret project for Capcom is the sequel to the original Devil May Cry series, the 5th installment. Internally it appears to be called “Devil May Cry V” instead of using the standard numeric system of the previous games (think MGS1-4 to MGSV).
If they do make a new DMC it will either have Bamham or Souls combat. I seriously doubt anything even remotely stylish is possible by modern Capcom.
That would be a huge "fuck you" but you're probably right.
That all depends on how they're treating Itsuno.
I don't trust capcom.
I don't know if I can handle this. So many games that I have loved have been raped, whored out, and casualized that I'm tired of it all. We've long reached a point where instead of wishing for sequels we now wish for a game or series to have an dignified death (or atleast just a death) rather than to be shamelessly kept alive to be abused. On the other hand I really want to root for this game because if it really is a proper DMC game the salt of its success over Donte will be unimaginable and will rival the likes of the Boston Salt Party.
If it's Itsuno and his team from DMC and DD, then I'm sure it won't be absolute shit.
I'm somewhat scared of this, but I hope that they're fun cutscenes like DMC3.
I believe an earlier leak said that the third playable character is Vergil.
Vergil "died" the same way he disappeared after the first two times you fight him in DMC1, it's not unreasonable to believe that he just disappeared after the final fight too.
Was there EVER really a storyline? DMC never focused on an overarching story.
I think that might be Mundus' son so the battle between Mundus and Sparda goes full-circle with their children.
Is this guy not counting "Legendary Dark Knight" mode from DMC4?
I hope the levels are more interconnected like DMC1/DMC3. I disliked how DMC2 and DMC4 were mostly linear.
Overall, I feel somewhat hopeful of these rumors, but since it's modern-day Crapcom we are talking about, I have no doubt they will try to fuck it up. I don't really mind the PS exclusivity as long as it's a great game. Everyone should prepare for the DmC shilling how "It was always good, you entitled shitlords!"
It's ogre
Vergil will come back, but he'll be black.
Its fucking nothing
The only good things from DmC are the practice room Ricoshot and Inverse Rainstorm, the rest is pretty meh/trashy.
fucking phone, didn't want that picture
nice picture :^)
Is this animu okay? I find animu fujos cute.
If DMC5 does exist, how would Tam Tam react to this?
give the source for that pic, i've been looking for some cringefest anime
if we're lucky full on autistic screeching
That would normally be the case but if it is the same guy on neogaf who made the MvC predictions and SFV season 2 roster leaks it's 100% accurate
Autistic screeching, crying that it sold better then his game, calling everyone that didn't buy his game racists/sexist/entitled, cutting himself for attention. That usual faggot shit I imagine.
Expected: Donte cell Phone Game
Probably: Donte May Cry 2 - Fuck you edition
Hopeful: DMC5 with the staff from 4
CURAZEE: In a microsoft hate filled rage, Kamiya teams up with CAPCOM for DMC5
Whatever happens, at least it's not another monster hunter or street fighter game; because honestly, what else does Capcom make these days?
DMC4 Pachinko, which turned out to be the result of the original DMC5 rumours when the mocap voiceactor staff were found to have been doing new work for capcom, was already released a long time ago. This 'leak' is fucking-nothing.jpg
But more importantly, why is everyone so obsessed with Kamiya 'QTE' Hideki anyway? You wanna play resident evil with swords again or you just want another of platinum's barely above average cut and paste action games.
you sad motherfucker
That would be perfect tbh
Isn't it basically what Nioh is?
Souls is not cuhrayzee
No idea, can't play that without mouse.
Soulslikes is pinnacle of video games. Cuhrayzee mus embrace it and move forward.
What does that even mean?
Well imagine if you couldn't juggle mobs or spawn royal guard endlessly. You had to manage stamina.
And also have stats, equipment, builds all those fancy things.
I watched some nioh footage, and while it is definitely as souls kind of a game, I don't see much cuhrayzee in there. Can you even juggle enemies?
Now I'm getting motivated
dubs have come and so have I
Its not crazy, you can do some neat looking 'combos' when an enemy runs out of stamina and you go ham on them. But it very much depends on you having the right weapons and moves unlocked for it to look any good, and there is no incentive to be stylish.
Most moves in Nioh are pretty boring looking and its a Dark Souls game, you can't juggle, there is no style bar. Only different to Dark Souls is that some of the moves are faster.
Adding stamina management to DMC seems like the worst idea anyone could come up with.
>inb4 ID changed
I'm fd9f55
I don't watch much anime. Please inform as to how I'm new for not being aware the quality of this particular piece of weebshit.
Its fucking garbage
Go masturbate to the incest doujins of it
Yes, but not as well as you could before a patch.
maybe it'll get the God of War treatment :)
If you buy DMC5 after everything that has happened you are truly cancer killing video games.
thank goodness. DMC was at its best targeting playstation.
cancer killing the industry etc etc
I don't think you realize you are implying DMC2 to be the best DMC.
As expected of brainless cattle.
this is gettin' retarded
I don't know why would they do this with DMC.
DMC 4 had the option to play on easy mode with auto combos, how much easier can you make it?
Easiness is just the excuse. What they really want is controlling influence in any way possible. They want DMC to lose its identity to the point that, when people think of DMC, they don't dare think of the originals or anything other than AAA western gaming.
They tried that once, and failed miserably, do you think they are going for a western approach again?
They won't stop until they either control it or kill it.
Convergent evolution. Capcom has devolved to such a state, that they are going to independently reinvent DmC.
DMC is very western influenced already and has always been.
That said, its nonsense to say they want to further ruin DMC.
They already lost money and were mocked to shit, the genius that came up with remaking DMC and outsourcing it to a shitty western dev has been fired.
They only care about making money, and they lost a good bit of it. Fan response told them they could make a lot of money and maybe smooth out their failure by making a real DMC.
We'll see if this is what they did when gameplay videos come out.
Why are they so obsessed with changing Dante?
Just stick to cheesy Dante you morons
>tfw shills have to resort calling fans haters for not liking their shit game
They couldn't keep up the white hair argument or that Classic was gay so much, they now downgraded to just calling fans haters.
Its funny that Tam Tam wanted to make Donte gay in a pity attempt to expose the community as homophobic, only to gay bash Classic Dante at GDC.
sauce pls
I still don't understand why game journos decided to defend DmC, it doesn't have any of that "stronk independent womyn" shit nor does it have a good story. It's a game that was hated the day it was announced, so defending it, even three years after it's initial release is a complete mystery to me.
Ninja Theory has journo friends plus its a western game in post 2007.
no it wouldnt
souls game are good but are too slow paced for a DMC game
To be fair, -to be fair-, that model does look better than this one; It's still garbage but they did fix it.
are you retarded? get off muh board
Blame the current age. No one (read: No fun allowed shitters) wants cheese or obviously silly or cliche shit for the sake of it being cheesy anymore. Why do you think everyone is going for that seriously gritty bullshit in the past 12~ years? It's only making a recent resurgence from what I've seen.
The problem isn't that they want seriousness over silliness, it's that their preferred flavor of silliness is the obnoxious kind that doesn't sit well with DMC so they opt towards seriousness with a dash of post-ironic cynicism.
Tameem is a fucking idiot.
That's true, corporate hates when people have fun. With that said I personally trust the fucking Ninja Turtles Leaker over this guy.
I think what they're doing rather sensible.
This is going to be about Vergil being Nero's father, Dante rescuing his brother who he thought was dead. (Possibly from hell?)
Makes sense in context of the story they're going for, for Dante to show that he can be serious at key moments, similar to the last two cutscenes in DMC3.
Unless they're doing also a thing where Dante becomes a father-like figure to Nero, that has large potential to actually suck.
It's better than nothing!
That thread is a fucking mess.
Geoff Keighley popped in posted just Pic related and left and everyone fliped a shit.
One Leaker called out another leaker then got banned, and then said on twitter that his esports manager was using his account.
So the goal is to just not buy video games then?
The goal is to support those who haven't sold you out before, and to not come crawling back to former abusers because they offer you a little treat so they can abuse you again later.
Where talking about video games user.
You Buy good games, and you don't buy shit game, or you just be a pirate and buy nothing.
This isn't complex.
Learn English before you participate in discussions.
How about you shut up.
Devil May Cry is the best game I've ever had the joy of experienceing and it's one of my most played games on Steam but I can't trust Capcom after all the shit they've pulled.
It's fuckflings like this and that keep giving them a chance instead of just letting them die.
The last DMC game was came about 9 freaking years ago, if Capcom really respected it's fans it would have released something else during that period. And now they want us to wait ANOTHER FUCKING YEAR!
Fuck them. They're only doing this shit now because MVCI and DmC sold like cold turd and the yakuza want their money back.
Devil May Cry is dead, it's done for and the last thing we'll ever get is Dantes good-bye to Nero (which is tragic now that I think about it).
I bet most niggers in this thread haven't even properly played DMC and are just weebsters with
I only care about Itsuno's work, I believe in the man. He hasn't made a bad game aside from DMC2 which wasn't really his fault since he only started directing late in development.
DMC5 didn't happen sooner because Itsuno was making Dragons dogma. Keiji Inafune being the genius he is decided since nothing was happening with DMC at the moment it would be a great idea to make a western reboot, because the Bionic Commando reboot sure was a huge success. He somehow got everyone at Capcom to agree with him and then promptly left Capcom to go waste Kickstarter money. Ninja theory was making a buzz at this time so Capcom got them to do it.
Everything about DmC makes perfect scene when you think about it coming form a bunch of executives.
It just so happen that all of those things made for a shit action game.
None of this was Itsuno's fault, and I haven't seen any proof that he can't still make a quality game. DMC 5 will be as good as Capcom lets him make it.
This must mean something.
… that's not auto-lock right?
>I bet most niggers in this thread haven't even properly played DMC and are just weebsters with
Yes, hard lock on is the normal lock on from the past games.
Good, for a moment there I thought they were trying to pull the auto-lock system again.
Guess we'll have to see how much Capcom censors it and cuts it up.
I looked through the thread and there are claims it's still being shown at PSX or even The Game awards. Geoff Keighley made a post and left so that's also suspicions.
If this all ends up being bullshit, I'm at least impressed.
As foretold in the book of our Savior Sparda.
< Showtime 10:13
I think Aqua team is stoner garbage but that one scene still makes me laugh for a solid minute.
Uh oh…
Well it's the same cutscene director as DMC3 and 4 so i'm not worried in that aspect.
i donno why but after reading this the second time im getting the feeling there will be QTEs
What about the part where it says there are no QTEs
If even DmC had no QTE's theres no way they would put them in.
Those two are complete opposites of each other
DMC actually does have QTEs they're just done more organically and never have any control popups. For example timing Nero's buster vs certain enemies & bosses can lead to instances where you need to mash. Instead of having the button come up on screen, pulsating and flashing wildly, the player just understands that they should be mashing this button because Nero looks like he's attempting to forcefully power through with his arm and the player already knows what button controls his arm.
When fighting the plant boss, if you grab her as Nero at the right moment you actually have to press the Red Queen revving button to shred and burn up her insides. This is never explained in any nuGame QTE fashion but, at its core, it's a God Of War-tier QTE mash. I'm quite fine with more of that. As long as its presented organically in the game world, not overdone and actually requires some GIT GUD. Of course game journos probably don't even know any of this exists.
I'm not sure I'd call them QTEs per se, seeing as they're completely optional and almost function as rewards for players that experiment. It's definitely what they were inspired by though and I can appreciate that they tried to evolve the idea into something better.
I really don't consider Nero's Buster to be a QTE. It may have been inspired by God of war but it's execution far surpasses it.
QTE's are a Cutscene that wants the player to press or mash a button. In DMC4 the player Chooses when where if and how they use the Buster, and they are still in control of DT and Charge shots. DMC4 will never tell the player to use the buster, the only time when it's 100% necessary is at the very end of the game against the false savior
There are also advantages to mashing or not mashing certain buster moves. Catching Credo's Spear is not a QTE.
This guy gets it. That's how I only dream of making any remotely cinematic shit. Make the player actually capable of making it happen with advanced physics, practiced skill and mechanics while not self inflicting an impossible work load programming.
What a faggot.
Good lord, this place has gotten worse.
Also Trish's voice actress Retweeted some things on the rumors.
and Johnny Yong Bosch Tweeted This now Tin foil hat wearers are saying the 5:05 stands for Son of Sparda. Which is the user name of the person who made the leak.
God Damn it Dan.
He's the one who started all this shit in the first place.