type [your favorite game] + feminism into google and post the first result.
Type [your favorite game] + feminism into google and post the first result
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Well, they're right about the fact class selections have next to no impact on the game. You pretty much just select the one that will let you have the lowest SL with your chosen build. The biggest impact they have is your starting gear which you're probably only going to be using for an hour anyway.
where's the gay porn tho?
I was watching 8CHANMANIA.
I searched up WoW because an old guildie of mine was a huge SJW and tried to form an SJW hugbox guild, and I found this shit.
She's basically right about everything. Clever girl.
Tried DMC3 and Devil May Cry 3 but they were all about the reboot
what do i win
Animal Crossing
The Game for the record was Fatal Labyrinth, and I can't find any articles for it.
I could say that Wario Land represents a man raping a poor harmless gypsy, and culture appropriation.
Article of the year.
So Command and Conquer is pro-feminism now
Nice try NSA.
Majora Mask's Gender Theory
Majora is a grill
"Girls should be treasured. I'm a feminist, you know."
Really gets the almonds ticking
No surprise there. I think feminists would be too scared to even touch the game if they knew about it.
My nigga. Which one?
Because it's obviously not Rance 1. Rance 1 is a kusoge.
By Jon (((Hockschartner)))
I don't know what to make of this shit.
link the doujins
It has to be a form of clickbait. It has to be.
This is what being a jew must feel like.
It's called Poe's Law.
Maybe I should count my blessings that feminist dont know dick about games cause my favorite title seems barely touched by their shit.
I couldn't make it past the first paragraph
The only good thing about this piece of shit is that is saves the original from being desecrated.
Thank god.
It's really sad to see a person cry so much and throw away all their dignity over a game as easy as Dark Souls. Yeah, a combat system with a light and heavy attack per weapon – how "intricate." Of course for numales like this faggot, whining for attention online is his passion, so I'm sure he enjoyed being able to bawl his eyes out over a game most people beat 3 years ago at the time he wrote that blogpost.
He's right, but that's the whole point of the class selection of course. It's more like a roguelike in that regard. It is disappointingly rare to see classless systems in modern single player RPGs. The class meme was created by D&D anyway and it deserves to stay there. Too many people act like D&D should be the standard for how RPGs are built and balanced when in reality it is flawed and naunced as fuck.
Google must not be indexing certain sites. Rance himself is a feminist.
Make it fucking stop.
7/10, forgot one faggot
tbh a feminist understanding the distinction between SMT and Persona games puts them in the top 0.01% in terms of knowing something of what they are talking about.
Feels pretty good
Probably because Ninty hasn't made another F-Zero game in years.
i guess i win?
smh tbh fam
Not only that, but the only things I can think of that they would bitch about would be the "damsel in distress" parts of the story mode in GX. Maybe something in the anime as well, but either way, I guarantee you none of them will ever see it.
The game is Secret of Mana, if it wasn't obvious. Interestingly, this was the first result, the next two were Kotaku talking about the remake. The articles didn't even mention feminism by name. Googling feminism actually just leads you to Kotaku articles.
In what world is this a healthy thought process?
Solid post.
Feels fucking good, man.
I am genuinely surprised by this.
My brother of African descent.
huh, you'd think someone would jump on the whole goddess thing.
Your favourite game is dark souls?
Man, what an individual you are.
That anime is dangerously close to some NTR doujins i read.
I hope that's a trap xD
I am still waiting when they will send muslim feminists into space and blow space stations up. For both diversity and gender equality. And russia will accidentally think its a nuclear rocket and fire nukes into europe.
why am I not surprised
I guess this means my tastes win.
where is the feminism in your post you stupid fuck?
Surprisingly tame considering the title. Terrible fucking color scheme.
not surprised
closest i found was this
Only a gamefaqs thread about HoMM6 for HoMM3. Shame, I was hoping for the Sandro child support screencap.
All I could fund was some numale bitching about the fact you have to eat meat in Monster Hunter, he does name drop (((Anita))) for some reason though.
Except SMT …if had a female protagonist on the goddamn SNES.
Mine was F.E.A.R.
Waterfox is a leaky sumbitch on Win7, how's it performing on loonix?
I think their priorities are fucked.
Also first result was this idiot pretending to be a feminist.
Always fun when these people accidentally admit their main problem is being unable to separate reality from fiction.
Must be of the whole wolf thing. I'm actually surprised there werrn't any femicunts complaining about Rao, then again, she only appears halfway through the game and we all know they don't have the attention span for that.
Really? Ammy must be too white for them to handle.
That's a really happy dogger
also why are Asian dogs also slant eyed
thanks for the laugh
Pet owners usually pick their pet if it resembles them, look up Charlie dog cartoon from Looney Tunes, perfect illustration of that.
I know Forza got affected by it in the latest installment (retconning the biggest rival in the franchise as a female), but I'd love to know if any femicunt has ever said shit about Gran Turismo before and I daren't look it up myself.
>What is Apocalypse because let's face it, Nanashi isn't a dude
I suppose there is some genetics shit with that
In fact the whole thing of the wolf into dog co evolution with humans is fascinating as fuck
The game is full of problematic stuff
What the hell.
No wonder some pay2win MMORPG is your favourite game.
"Is Chrono Trigger A Feminist Game?", a predictable template article from some news blog site called The Artifice where the author pretends that her liberal american college campus is the center of the universe and naturally the social context that japanese through the 90s were aware of when writing their games, throws in the obligatory gamergate bashing, then proceeds to regurgitate an uninteresting combination of a half-skimmed wikia overview and tv tropes article before rating some of the characters based on how they fit her progressive stereotypes.
Can't be bothered to think of a favorite game. so I'm going with I'm currently playing.
Was not disappointed.
Dumb bitch.
that is satire you fucking retard
then there's no point in posting it
I'm going to stop reading right there before this thing actually angers me
I am simultaneously shocked and unsurprised at this.
I know NeoGAF is an absolute shithole but I still struggle to believe that this is a real post
That's a rather tame one by neofaggot standards. He isn't screaming about entitlement or whining about the game not having enough DLC for one thing.
Too bad they're only complaining about NuDood and not actual Doom. Knew about the complaints against NuDood's "violence" but it still surprises me that Antifa Snarkessiaen is doing what the Moral Majority did in the 90's and that she didn't go after mods like Brutal Doom or Grezzo.
That first pic will always make me smile.
I dunno, they certainly have no problem reaching into real bullshit territory. See twitter.com
Though I did have to specify kirby game to get this result, and it was the only one.