Other urls found in this thread:

That's actually kinda funny though.

Jesus, is Forces that awful to play?

I unironically enjoy this theme, it reminds me of good old times of watching edgy action anime.


I wouldn't mind if the lyrics weren't so fucking cringy

That's part of the charm, it's called camp.

The modern Sonic/avatar gameplay isn't horrible (Classic is trash), but the level design is some of the worst in the series, at best it's "which hall way do you want to run down"

This is the most open level in the game.

The voices sound off for some reason.

Someone at Sega really needs to take a look at Sonic Team's expenditures.They should probably tell them spending 95% of the budget on the soundtrack doesn't make for a good game.

They did some sort of muffling effect to it.

Did Mario just bruise that dildo?

The spent the budget on hoes and cocaine as usual

That song sounds like it's from 2005, who wrote this?


Probably the same people who wrote the 2005 songs

The fag singing it still makes my balls shrink

Did you user's not see that this was the first piece of music they showed for the game.

Yeah, and it's still pretty boring. Embed related is how i like my edge

Next Holla Forums sings needs to be the bane version of this.

At least they used a remix of that song in the game for Shadow.
each Shadow level used a shadow related song and those felt like the best levels. they even used the menu theme from the Shadow game.



Well that was unexpected.

I prefer Raisins.

I'm not sure they even had much of a budget to begin with. I think there's three new lyrical songs for the entire game, and the rest sounds pretty cheaply made, especially classic Sonic's music. With all the fucking asset reuse, plus bringing in classic Sonic, adding a third to a still incredibly short game, I have to wonder where all those years of dev time went.


they wasted them all on the new engine, which wasn't even necessary since the hedgehog engine they had used since unleashed still could deliver good results and probably be ported just fine to the current gen consoles.


Jeez you're right. I knew it was shot but I didn't it was that short

And it’s not like those are GOAT insurmountable games either.
I don’t understand how they just cannot learn from the mistakes of the past.


wait, is that first image legit? Is that why people keep making hooters sonic fanart? what the fuck.

They seem deathly afraid of raising people's standards.


to beat the game it's about 3 hours yeah, but it took me 30 hours to get 100% not that that's saying much but at least they give you allot of shit to do. unfortunately it's not handled nearly as well as it was in Adventure 2.

Yeah there is a legit Hooters cross promotion in japan, but in japan Sex isn't really that big of a deal when compared to the west.
Also isn't hooters supposed to be a family restaurant anyway despise the titties.

You can't take the wife to a tiddy joint. That is how you stop having a family.

Modern Sonic plays fine but he doesn't have drift anymore for whatever reason.

Avatar is okay but wisp is OP.

Classic Sonic is garbage and incredibly nerfed from Generation (worse physics, spin dash doesn't go as fast). Drop dash is nice I guess.

The lead singer of Hoobastank provided vocals, so you're right on target.

Where's that pic from? Do I even wanna know?



>He doesn't know about VG Butts

It's pornography, user.


It's probably on /xen/

Somebody posted it before, it's just two rainbow furry OCs fighting it with one being ensnared.


Tomoya Ohtani


Pure laziness on my part

At least this could be turned into a rather /k/ discussion, of what could be a good caliber to purge such abominations

how about flame throwers?
It's not cannibalism if it isn't human

(checked and kek'd)

At this point they'd be better off just making Sonic games as rhythm games since it simply seems to be hopping from rails to rails and occasionally tapping enemies on the head.
Fucking Uncharted has more gameplay than modern Sonic.

Good songs are often ruined by dumb lyrics. Still like it though, really delivers on the delicious cheese I so desperately need.


You could say it's YouTube-sized ;^)

here you go user-kun.

Jesus fuck. Like I needed to be reminded of that faggot.

Isn't he jasonafex or are they different people?

I think he fucks jasonafex and cucked him

I can just tell by that art style that he draws futa on the regular.
I don't know how, but recently I've noticed I can accurately predict what kind of fetishes somebody has by how they draw, even if said fetishes aren't included in the image.


Jasonafex (aka Jigglebones) is a shitty tween animator that can't make a proper animation to save his life. Kabier is his gf?

But he's also in an open relationship and apparently lives in a fucking shack trying to pay bills in Canada (yeah right) and they did the responsible thing and BOUGHT A DOG

It's just sad


post the rest faggot I bet you won't

Holy shit user, that is the greatest form of autism.
I legitimately wish I was also a porn psychic.

Honestly this is the real reason furfags need gas. You don't put fangs and scales on a dog and call it a snake.

I don't even fucking know. All I know is that he/they make shitty furry flashes. The faggot(s) even voice act male moaning like the faggot(s) he/they is/are.

i wish i could find the other edits made in the general but my hard drive is a slow piece of shit and i didnt name them anything

A few sides of this.

Sonic himself is a product of a time. He was 90's EXTREME edge, the direct counterpoint to Mario. He was designed by committee to be as cool, and hip as possible, because they hinged on him to really put the Genesis into the spotlight. Couple this with cuts into MTV and ESPN to really drive home that it's a MATURE SYSTEM FOR US MATURE GAMERS.

Sonic Team, for whatever reason, is really stuck in the 2000's Dreamcast era. They keep trying to reinvent the wheel, recreate the magic of the first time Sonic truly went into the realm of 3D. (Sonic 3D Blast doesn't count)

I think the end of that period and the death that came after is what left Sonic Team in a stunted state, and seem completely fixated on trying to pick up where they left off. Even if it means trying to reinvent the wheel several times over, when it never needed reinventing in the first place.

Atop of that, add to the Sonic Team's crew themselves. A bunch of dudes in their late forties who sport tattoos, hipster beards, faux hawks and listen to "hardcore" shit like New Found Glory. What you get is a 90's console-selling mascot who outlived his prime after 1995, delivering awful games made by developers who still think it's 2006, to an audience that outgrew Sonic twenty fucking years ago.

I'm convinced that Sonic Team makes more money from licensing Sonic than they do making Sonic games, and they know this. They're probably required to release a game every now and again to maintain the Sonic trademark on a games platform, while the licensing from cartoons and toys are more than enough to keep them afloat.

If that's the case, then for the Sonic Team, why try harder? Just slap old assets into the new packaging and sit out the cycle for a few more years until the gaming trademark is set to expire within another 48 months. Rinse and repeat the cycle anew.

It's hard to tell the difference because they all are sparkledog fags. I know Jasonafex pissed off a bunch of his fans one time in a post's comment section.
I get kinda mad when people compare my furfaggotry with this furfaggotry. I just stick to cute porn. No drama there unlike with sparkledog crap.


You're absolutely right, he's a big fan of futa.
How can you tell, though? What is it about the art that tips you off?

I just looked him up on your behalf. Never underestimate the power of autism.



Somehow I'm still suprised


why? futa is almost, if not more, common than fag shit.

It's more annoying than anything. I'll see a great image, but I'll be turned off by being able to tell the artist is a furry who's into hyper and dickgirls. I'll check the artist's other work and my assumptions will be correct. I can also tell with SFM animations.
I think my brain has somehow picked up on subtle cues I'm not conscious of.

I'm not sure, I just kinda know.

Good fucking riddance there's Sonic World.

Doesn't the absence of a vagina make them shemales instead of futas? I was almost certain futa just refereed to a character with both a feminine penis and a vagina.

Sounds like you have legit autism, normal people aren't able to do that.

typical things that set off red flags for me are

I'm glad I don't know who these people are. I'll just stick to the porn and stay away from everything else

Hey anons, what's the best fetish and why is it a combination of missionary, leg locking, size/strength difference, same race/skin and lifting and carrying?

No that user, but the furry community prior to the past decade has had a handful of genuine artists, and everything within the past decade has largely been attempts to ape those artists.

That's present for every media, not just art. I sometimes do the same thing with music.

Hard lining and unnatural choices of color. High amount of detail where it should be less (like eyes and mouth), unrealistic proportions and manly arms on females. And detailed salvia in mouth.

Its not hard to guess that's a futa author.

What other porn artists make great lolcows? Pic related is all about PurpleKecleon. I've heard a few rumors that Kayla-na is a massive cunt, but it's really hard to find info on her and she apparently has connections with Encyclopedia Dramatica admins. I've seen -8 act like a total sperg sometimes. There's also Jay Naylor but he's kinda old news.


my guess was going to be just your general run of the mill furfag commission artist, but you are completely right that there are certain artistic tells that signify someone has the skillset that furfags want.



I have seen that exact image. That's one of the creatures Furball often uses, isn't it?

Excellent lol thread

It's not just with futafaggotry, though. It's with loads of other fetishes.
I saw a cute image on paheal a few days ago, but I had this itching feeling the author was a gurofag. I checked their Tumblr and there it was: ballcrushing and anime girls getting sawn in half.
Is this a gift or a curse?

Do not feed the furfags.


sage for off topic shitposting

I have no idea who Furball is, but I think those things are called Sergals. I think they were made by some /tg/-tier Japanese autist.


I remember one of his friends leaked a bunch of his private art and he turned out to be a huge scat fetishist, but to be fair anybody could tell that by the way he draws assholes and how big of an emphasis he puts on faces being right up close to the butt.

Underrated fetish, stronk or larger women on smaller men is hard as hell to find throughout all of the giantess and fat shit.


Definitely the puch a nazi/feminist type, specially the latter one because

i still dont get it

jesus fucking christ i forgot about this guy, and i love him. there is LITERALLY nothing better than a well done furry futa girl.

I will never understand scat/piss/fart fetishists (Sadly, I do understand gurofags, but a lot are too messy/dirty with it to make it appealing).

Yeah, I was mistaken. Furbal uses something called a "kaisura" an awful lot though (Which look a bit similar, but not by much).

wait, who's this?

tell me about plague, why does he wear the mask?

Meant the other way around(larger/stronger man, weaker/smaller woman) but I see your point.


But that's just vanilla

Words cannot describe how much I hate furries.
They're a symbol of how far our world has fallen in just a few generations. They fetishize the obscene, they live their lives for pornography and video games, their entire degenerate existence is dedicated to hedonistic pleasure.

They are the Last Man Nietzsche so greatly feared would come about. They hope to achieve nothing of value in this world; they want to leave no mark, they wish to have no children, they just want to live comfortably in a blanket of decadence until the day they die.

They may have jobs, but a cog is a cog regardless of what it is made out of.
Their lives are meaningless, they as people fail to have true value.
They sit on the internet for hours on end posting tweets nobody will read, commissioning art that won't be remembered, interacting with a "community" that has no values or common goals outside of dressing up like animals and masturbating.

Furries could only exist in a society where the spirit of the people is dead and we have passed that point many years ago.

I think you're reading too much into what people masturbate to.

just go away Holla Forums we are all happy with our furry wives here

He said furries to be fair, there's a difference between masturbating to art and being an outright furry.
He's not wrong tbh

Words cannot describe how much I hate weebs.

They're a symbol of how far our world has fallen in just a few generations. They fetishize the obscene, they live their lives for pornography and video games, their entire degenerate existence is dedicated to hedonistic pleasure.

They are the Last Man Nietzsche so greatly feared would come about. They hope to achieve nothing of value in this world; they want to leave no mark, they wish to have no children, they just want to live comfortably in a blanket of decadence until the day they die.

They may have jobs, but a cog is a cog regardless of what it is made out of.

Their lives are meaningless, they as people fail to have true value.

They sit on the internet for hours on end posting tweets nobody will read, commissioning art that won't be remembered, interacting with a "community" that has no values or common goals outside of dressing up like girls and masturbating.

Weebs could only exist in a society where the spirit of the people is dead and we have passed that point many years ago.

It's so faggy you need to eat an onion just to counter the effects.

I wouldn't be surprised if the mics in the recording studio were low budget shit. Just look at the behind the scenes content for any game made by Spark Unlimited and how "sibilant" I think the term is the audio in Lost Planet 3 is.


thats the problem, no there isn't, not anymore. no one makes the distinction. i have been jerking my little ding dong to furries bitches with fat titties for fucking 10 years now but despite having no desire to want to dress in a fursuit or wear ears and tail or whatever autistic shit they do, im still considered a full blown furfaggot

Even being a pretty heavy furry, I'd say he could still be wrong. You could still want to achieve stuff, still want to have kids (scariest part is that many do). They only fail to have value because he dislikes them. And I don't want to play devil's advocate for furfags of all things, but he's simply wrong.

You tried to flip the tables on him but you're also not wrong either.
Every group of people that define themselves by what their hobbies are belong in a trash compactor.
Civilization won't exist in 150 years anyway so I'm not too concerned.

Considering pic related happened nearly 50 years ago, and we haven't gone back since- it's understandable. There's not much left to explore on this planet, we're constantly at war over resources, and humanity is generations away from dominating the galaxy. Today's generation is stuck between the great periods of history, cursed to live in an unremarkable time.

Cut the astroturfing, and get back to your dungeon, Plague.

Hi Marche


Now I have to disagree, there will of course he exceptions but on a whole he's absolutely right.
Take a gander at FA or F-list and tell me the majority of those people will amount to anything.


So gamers, hobbyists, sportsball fags, etc. should all die?

We haven't gone back because we don't need to. There's nothing left on the moon to discover that telescopes do not expose. People who say civilization is collapsing are like those who preach about nintendoom or the vidya crash, it's just not gonna happen.

the majority of people in the world will never amount to anything.

christ guys settle down a bit would ya? he's just some guy on the internet
you're disliked for this exact reason

That's just my default response any time someone posts some sort of long rant in that vein. Half the time the result is a huge overreaction, the other half no one really cares, but it's pretty funny when it works as intended.

i assume everyone on Holla Forums and Holla Forums constantly jerk off to furries, but just pretend they hate them cause le hivemind meme.

pleague has been pissing me off recently, im getting tired of his cock teasing, just go back to drawing actual porn you fuck.

miranda is one of the best wakfu girls, and thats saying something since that show has a new waifu every episode.

christ guys settle down a bit would ya? he's just some guy on the internet
you're disliked for this exact reason

lad what are you even talking about
I'm just telling you to not get worked up over a random post

The reason we haven't gone back is because we spent a good 5 years up there before some stupid politicians went "Okay, enough fun, now fund my program and shut this shit down". Yes, it was about exploring but that wasn't the overall point. Compare how much technology progressed in the in the decades of the space program versus what we have now. We're just using optimized versions of technology that was already being produced back in the 70's. When was the last time science actually took a large jump?

If that's the main thing they define themselves by, yes.
You're only proving his "Last Man" point.

I'm just having a laff, and pointing out that if you speak of the devil he shall appear.

The fucking silicon chip? And like you said, it needs to jump, we're nearing the limits of our current tech, once we find a new thing it'll explode again.

How so? That has always been true.

why is Holla Forums so fucking easy to trigger?
the faggot mod banned me for a week, but the thread is still up RIGHT NOW

Yeah, but having space travel good enough to go to other solar systems within a human lifetime and colonize would give people some purpose even if ultimately they're just there to produce children in space.

Given the big overlap between most boards except Holla Forums, that's probably pretty likely. Honestly, that feels like the natural state of this site.

There's no guarantee that it's going to happen anytime soon. Humanity has gone a thousand years or more between advancements.

I really hope this is one of those "meme tabs open for replies" kind of screenshot

wh-what? wh-who would do that….?

We have always been at war with Eastasia.


It would be cool as fuck, but we are nowhere near that.

Technological advancement works on a exponential scale, the more we advance the shorter the time between advancements is.

Kill yourself kike.

Not really.
In olden times people use to make a living by doing something of worth, like being a potter, farmer, brewer, etc. These days you sit in front of a screen for 8 hours a day and get some data on your bank account balance changed as compensation.
Not so much a problem of "the spirit of the people dying" as it is with overpopulation and industrialization.
But like I said humans aren't really gonna exist in large numbers in a couple of decades so it's all good.


wew lad, that's some high-tier logical fuckery

How are those more or less of worth than any modern job? People have always done what they need to live. Whether it was manual labor or some other menial shit makes no difference. Do you think everyone just loved their jobs in olden times?

Oh hey I've got one too

you are right :^)
but i do actually frequent all those generals, or have in the past, i have like 4 permabans from 4chan at this point and can only get around them when im at home
lmao, besides, /sug/ is a shithole now.

also 8/co/ is deas as fuck at night, but star vs. is a good show, just finished it yesterday.

finally, i have seen every episode of MLP, and you just reminded me i still need to watch the movie, will probably go look for that now. thanks /)

there is literally nothing wrong with bestiality, give me one reason it should be illegal that isn't 'muh religion' or 'it's icky'

all me tbh

That you SU horsefucker?

*you know it*
i need a new show too, what do you recommend, i was thinking OK K.O. i guess? i dont feel like wathcing wakfu right now.

Maybe use archives next time? You should honestly do that without exception to every article.

"you secretly love x because you hate x" is a pretty terrible argument. However, given the amount of furry stuff that gets posted on Holla Forums, I'm pretty sure 50% of the furry hate is shitposting.

The animal might bite your dick off?

hahahaha kill me

go away.

i dont know about archives and have no intention of learning.

not if you aren't a fucking retard. im thinking of consensual sex with a female horse or dog specifically, as that is my are of expertise.

Animal abuse

What are you looking for?

sure, once Holla Forums isn't the ONLY board that has traffic during the night. i dont get off work for another 8 1/2 hours and i need something to do

Exponential growth doesn't and can't be maintained in the real world. If it did then we would be up to our asses in puffballs. Personally I don't think pressing for constant development is such a great idea. Let it go slow and steady. I don't like the idea of stumbling around in the dark and accidentally bumping into the Filter.

There are so many things wrong with this post I don't even know where to start.

obviously you dont force an animal into sex, you dont rape it. if you are drugging it or restraining it in anyway thats wrong. im talking about like… when a dog or horse are in heat, they are giant sluts, and if you have a good relationship with them, and they trust you, you are being more cruel by not letting them get off, and just suffer through it.

Big suprise people on Holla Forums will reply in threads made in Holla Forums. Btw, you need Holla Forums to complete the perfect bait screenshot

Nigger if anything is mediocre as fuck, it has good moments but the whole love triangle bullshit is killing it

it's pretty much rape, user

Didn't say growth, advancement. Growth of knowledge, maybe. Ever heard of the concept of the tech singularity?

Tell me how I'm wrong.


all traps are gay. this is not arguable.

star is a slut and deserves to suffer.
jackie is way better, only second to hekapoo.
some of season 1 might be whatever, but its cute and light hearted, and thats what i want. (i have watched all of MLP and steven universe and loud house)

already covered this, im talking about consensual sex only.

Sure the horse might want it, but by definition horses can't consent. If they could talk that'd be another matter, but still. pls don't fuck the horse user is what people use to archive sites. You just put in the URL of a page, and share the link it spits out. It basically denies ad revenue to a site, and prevent tracking of page views and of users.

I thought we were talking about the real world and not a fantasy setting here.

user, are you seriously implying that being a guy who stacks selves or some other random modern job is the same as a person who works in a trade?
I'm sorry, but you seem to either be a bit dim or going into complete cognitive shutdown. The difference in skill is massive, the difference in time is massive, the overall added value to society isn't even comparable.
A farmer cannot be compared to a fry cook no matter how you try to boil it down.

i like stuff like SU, MLP, loud house, star vs. gravity falls, i like the… idk how ot explain it, the innocent type of stuff, the bright colors and feel good stuff is what im looking for, but not aimed at toddlers, it needs to have some kind of mystery or dark edge to it to keep it interesting, there needs to be tension or drama along with the moral of the story, or the flavor of the week badguy that the power of friendship always overcomes.

Do you realize that most people were not tradesmen or craftsman of some variety in the olden days? Stacking shit is what most people have done throughout history. You are romanticizing the fuck out of something you never experienced.



why do i have to explain this every time?
mares are giant whores during estrus, they will constantly proposition their HUMAN handlers by exposing their dripping wet pussies, moving their tail to the side and winking, the same invitation they give stallions.

mares will also get impatient and frustrated when you dont do anything with their invitation, they have been known to back their asses into the chests of their handlers, grinding their pussies into their chests.

if you honestly think "the horse can't consent, doesn't know what its doing, doesn't know what it wants" you are a fucking retard, thats the equivalent of some slut spreading her legs in front of you with no panties, spreading her cunt open and you going "she didn't SAY it was okay, so she didn't consent!"

No it fucking isn't, you're right about most people not being in a trade but the US population was majority self-employed up until the around the industrial revolution.
I'm not even the guy you're arguing with but the amount of bullshit you're spewing is making me mad just as a bystander.

I said 50%, not 100%. It's purely anecdotal anyway, all I know is that a non-zero percent of the furry hate is shitposting and I enjoy watching the arguments. they're fun


Yes and that might be the Filter.

What do you think they did as a self employed worker? They were mostly subsistence farmers. Do you think that was fun?

futa isn't gay, this has been mathematically and experimentally proven multiple times.

the math takes longer to explain, but ACTUAL gay men don't like futa, because its "too feminine" the short of the long is that the penis isn't enough of a masculine trait to constitute it as gay, because the majority of the body is still feminine

Traps are gay

two things to that
firstly: to a mare you are simply an inferior and tiny looking, disfigured pony that's standing on two legs
your limp little 3 inch pecker couldn't even satisfy her, let alone have them bear a child
what you're doing is using this state to rape a horse and the only one who gets off is you, simple as that

you might want to go to your nearest doc and pick up some meds, hopefully they're strong enough so you never post again

depends who is fucking the trap, see equation

Most stores were stacked by the owners themselves and/or their family sometimes just slaves for a long time. Supermarkets and large stores did not exist in any significant number until 60 or 70 years ago, so there was no need to pay people to do it.

But that's what I said like 30 posts ago.
>like being a potter, farmer, brewer, etc

i need more qt snakes please.

fucking casualfags

that's short answer.
Traps aren't gay until the moment you get caught in one.
i.e. you discover you were rused and still continue as you would with a woman, or worse yet you're so much of a sodomite you actually prefer men dressing like women

plague likes them quite a bit, but he likes all furries, all while claiming he isn't a furry

People stacked various stuff, not just in stores. Any kind of job transporting stuff, which there are a lot of, consisted mostly of moving large things.

And what the fuck is so great about farming? It's back breaking work that takes all fucking day. The only positives are taking care of animals, and you can just get a fucking pet in modern times to fulfill that. Seriously, life was only harder and shittier as you go further back in time. You take anyone from history and offer them a deskjob instead of their current one, they would fucking take it in an instant unless they were some sort of royalty or intellectual.

imo futa is gay if it's not futa on girl, traps are fucking objectively gay because they're guys

I never understood this argument, directly stimulating the organ that is responsible for sexual gratification in males is not inherently gay. If you attracted to the general male physique and you find the average male attractive then you are obviously gay, that's the end of the argument. As it turns out the genitals hardly have anything to do with sexual attraction, if you presented a guy with a tranny that was more attractive then most of the women out there without the knowledge of what is in their pants, every straight male would be sexually attracted to them. The fact that some males try so hard to deny their sexual attraction to something that has the form of a woman because of what is in their pants so they can distance themselves from the idea of being gay really puts into question that persons sexuality ironically.


smittyg is a good reason to not move past the second part

that is because traps are always homosexual, always
what makes you a faggot is learning that the party you want to fuck is a trap and then still fucking it

futa on girl is more straight than regular sex, futa on futa is the same straightness as regular, but futa on male starts to tip to gay

traps are basically the same thing as futa in this regaurd assuming they are completely feminine except for their penis. then it would be the same as above. if they are NOT complete traps that are 100% feminine plus a penis, then its different

The point is, why staple a dick onto a woman unless you specifically want the dick, cause there is no shortage of dickless women.

I'm really just going by the law here. Besides, I can't really justify fucking something that isn't human-level intelligent I'd advise you to stick to humans until some horse xenos show up or something

Ok so I do have some xeno stuff
pic related

I never said it was fun, I said it was valuable. You've arguing with me on a point I never made for the past half hour.

I'm going to stop now because I need to sleep. See all you fags tomorrow. Probably not because lol threads are cancer, I don't know why I even entered this one.

I'm not arguing that physically having sex with a passable tranny couldn't be considered gay but there is a huge difference between having a fetish and masturbating to it and actually committing to the physical act. Most trannys are completely un-passable ogre looking monstrosities anyway.

Because traps are fun sometimes, I don't really give a shit if it's gay or not. It's obviously less gay than regular masculine men.

Assuming you do ever come back, what about it is so much more valuable than any other fucking job? Cause it's hard? What is so much more valuable about it?

Well, just so you know, you're gay.

jacking off to it is still a form of voyeurism, like any porn

I don't know, but the farmers I know seem to enjoy it. I helped my grandpa grow a small plot of crops for a couple of years, and it was enjoyable enough

I also like women, I am not a gay.

did you know that horses have incredible muscle control in their vaginas, and can easily grip down on any sized dick?

also, being an actual horsefucker straight from /mlp/, i know that stallions last very little time during intercourse, and mares have big, easy to access clits. with a little bit of time you could easily finger/fist a mare to orgasm, even just fucking her with your dick you could probably make her cum because human stamina is something they aren't prepared for.

i suppose you're right about 2D traps MAYBE. but 3D traps are 150% gay because there's nothing feminine about them

Look up The Irresponsible Captain Tylor, W.I.T.C.H., Justice League Action, Sabrina: the Teenage Witch, I My Me! Strawberry Eggs, and Totally Spies.
Get Ed, Xiaolin Showdown, Star Trek TAS, Jackie Chan Adventures, Code Lyoko, The Batman, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Teen Titans, Star Wars: Clone Wars, X-Men Evolution, Ben 10, Batman Beyond, Avatar: TLA, possibly Blue Drop. and maybe Metal Fighter Miku. That should give you more than enough stuff to watch.


NTR is fun when you steal qt girls, its even better when they got married and are still in their wedding dress and arm your own harem

Cause you were bonding with your grandpa and just doing it for fun. The other user is trying to make a case that modern jobs are soulsucking and a detriment to society while old ones were "valuable". I don't see why that would ever be the case.

You're definitely not straight.

Are you serious, or does your flag say all that it needs? If the former, go to >>>/pone/ for better horsefag discussions.

I guess you're right, most of the people do it these days do it by choice because they enjoy the work. If it was your only job opportunity you'd probably be less happy.

only to OTHER people, i would never partake in it myself. but the dynamic of star getting cannonically cucked by jackie was fun, especially with how fucking assblasted starco fags were.

would you like me to explain why starlight glimmer is a shit that is literally just s1 twilight and ruined the season?
and glim glam posting is the worst cancer since IWTCIRD?
yes nigger i said eariler that i have seen every episode, ive been on this train for like 5 years now

If I had to guess, it'd be because most people who are into Futa are either so experienced with pussy - or got so burned by the bitch attached to the pussy - that they are either turned off by negative association, or just that the pussy is so alien and foreign to them that it might as well be like trying to jack off to a picture of one of Saturn's moons. Maybe not that bad, but you get the idea.

Anyhow, they all have dicks and have plenty of experience tugging on their own cocks - so they are well familiar with both the organ and the sensations it can produce.

Hence, Futa is a way for people who are either scared of pussy or don't know pussy, to enjoy the concept of having sex with a "woman" and get the complete erotic experience.

Unless you're a bottom bitch, anyhow, who wants nothing more than to feel her balls bounce roughly against your buttcheeks - in which case, you're 100% faggot in denial.

best pony, fight me, faggot.

That's not even close to what Sonic is. Even the Rush games, which are the closest to being guilty of it, still had random bottomless pits that actually needed to be avoided via platforming.

I'm pretty sure ever since season one it was established that Trixie is the best miniature horse

Dr. Ogi Ogas actually did a talk at Google a few years back about this exact thing. (See embed. Starts going into shemale/futa porn at 21:35) and how swathes of straight dudes are attracted to chicks with dicks. Pretty interesting stuff.

Nothing wrong with futa/shemale stuff, since it replaces the male entirely (if we're talking futa-on-female), which is a whole lot more appealing than seeing a guy going at it. It's lesbian porn but with the graphic appeal of penetration that strap-ons and toys lack.

go to bed seth.

Yeah, 2D sonic is your average platformer, just with momentary bursts of speed every now and then.

I prefer Sunset, but she's stuck in such a shit series.

its really not fair that ONE family has the 2 best girls

is that faggot still running EQD?

i haven't watched the new flash movie, is it anywhere, also didn't that camp equestia girls movie come out? how bad was it?


I thought y'all niggers dispersed and came to your senses years ago, I haven't seen you people shitting up Holla Forums in forever

runs or ran equestria daily, was a massive trixie faggot. i think he even got triggered over people making porn of her or something, or like, removed fanfiction about trixie or something from the site. i was never too invested in that ponychan shit

So is all of Holla Forums coming out of the woodwork or something?

well, yeah, someone needs to be the hasbro shill

biggest crime so far

the ride never ends, user

nah, that was some autists that married twilight and sent a letter to an artist demanding him to stop making lewds of his wife

Pinkie was alright until about the end of season 2.
The same goes for the whole show, really.
It shit the bed hard with season 3 and that abysmal finale.

I dropped it long ago. I wouldn't make a thread about it or go to any threads about it.

That stuff really didn't interest me. Sounds like a huge sperg. but then again, it's mlp

TBH LOL threads have become the local shitposting general. It's like the waifu, 4am, and Friday night threads combined with Holla Forums.

except LOL threads tend to be fun

That's how it should be tbh

oh yeah i remember that, thats shit was great. remember the 'lewd' pictures that were released of the twilight plushie in like straps?

i like pinkie… because is think she would be the best wife:

About the same as the rest of the EG films, but the sadder part is that now they're making a series instead of semi-annual movies.

I gave up on watching the show by the time I started and finished Season 6 since it lost it's interest and was just meandering along for quite a while. RWBY is well on it's way to joining it.

They've honestly become my favorite threads, everyone's so fucking chill in them now. I used to get real disgusted at them because people would post the tranny comics or the sick fuck of the week, but now we all just sit around and chat about furshit. It's really quite nice.


Evil Poofy hair Bitch and her sisters are the best.

i dont want to remember

to bad they all starved to death

only when you get to fuck all 3 of them at the same time

There's definitely still some of that "sick fuck of the week" stuff, but I think we got bored and ran out of material somehow. My internet bullshit folder is only so deep

I never really bothered with those kinda thought, was only there for the show.
But I don't see Pinkie as wife material, not even the ED one. One wrong move and she will turn into some kudere psychopath ala season 1.

I also never thought I'd like them.
They had this file name thread or template thread stench to them for a long time, but now they're pretty chill as you say.

Fucking why?
The entire fucking point of muh small horse is that it's about small horses




for some reason this lol thread isn't particularly funny


stop reading fanfiction, she only got depressed.

You're still posting from it.

whoops, meant EG not ED here

I don't know why but I kept this here drawing.
Must've been a good draw thread, the kind we'll never see again probably.
Ironically it's been in my LOL thread folder the whole time.

sonic mania was pretty gud

why can't we have more sonic adventure 1/2 style games.

It's also damn fun, and one of the best places to have discussion on character or design philosophy.
Also furbait


it turns out I haven't exhausted it quite yet

i blame this and cuckchan for my furry pussy addiction, you people say you hate furries but post furry porn so much you can't escape it

its ok when the nips do it

How could you say no to this?
if you pretend it's aliens then it's Holla Forums approved

It is

I know what you guys are thinking. There is no way Fag Theory could be anymore condescending than it is now. But you guys have yet to watch his recent video. Behold anons, new games are branching out beyond what they used to be, by ignoring that current games are modern copies of shit games from the past.

i perfer western

can't kobolds are only worse than gobbos, which are complete top tier in BUILT FOR SEX living cock sleeve shortstacks.

muh dick confirms

patrician taste

ok, go right ahead, user-kun

my man


I think everyone involved with those got fired because of 06. Even though it was Sega's fault for splitting the team up, having them make 2 different games, and rushing 06.

Say what you will about 06 but it defiantly start really ambitions and then they weren't able to finish anything. You don't just put 9 playable characters in a game and make 6 of them only playable twice each.
Shadow has one upgrade that references Chaos Blast but it doesn't give him Chaos Blast.
All of Sonic's gems are Broken and there a debug rainbow gem that looked like it would let you be Super whenever you want.
I don't see how more time would have fixed the Elise Sonic romance but everything else had so much potential.

The new Sonic team has shown they have no ambition so far.

woof….i know what comes next.

This whole thread needs to be burned and start over fresh.

wanna make a new one that just starts with posting furry porn?

Beta as fuck.
Skyrim being the modern art of games actually is true. though

I like this dragon better

But why would you want to post furry porn?
It's shit.


The people who take interest in the sort of stuff posted in LOL threads tend to be involved in it to some extent themselves.


Bullshit. Goblins are trash, and you know it. Kobolds were straight up designed for draconic pleasure.

It's like looking in a mirror. I had no idea this happened so frequently

Where do you think we are?

becuase there is literally nothing better in this world, then a strong, muscular futa horse girl, with a massive throbbing horsecock penetrating another furry girl who is noticeably smaller than her, with the horse girl completely dominating the other women, pinning her down, full nelson, choking, etc.

mm hmmm, i like it

I prefer the term "xenophile", thank you very much

LOL is it too subtle?

It seems you're at a loss there friend.

meaning they make the best size queens, taking cocks that would normally kill them with internal damage with relative ease.
plus if they are nice and THICC its the perfect body type


Kobolds are literally designed for dragons. That means they are purpose-built to take cocks far, far larger than any goblinoid could ever dream fo.

Plus, they've got the perfect egg-laying hips, and a nice, flat chest, all at the best height.


missed opportunity


thats the problem, i want big fat K cup titties to put my dick between and suck on.

ehh, its still cute

nothing is hotter than a futa with size difference and possibly muslce dominating another woman, its my number 1.
its also straighter than regular porn

nothing really happens on Sat anymore so i still watch it

who is that semen demon?

That's because you are a homosexual.

possible other course of disscussion, i dont know if anyone here watched "the house of perpetual incest" but i say that leni is best sister/wife


Everything after the alicorn bullshit in season 4 is utter garbage though, but yeah I guess it suffices to kill time.

>watching mlp

i love these

The show was never that good, but I did enjoy the worldbuilding in S1. But afterwards, certainly after S2, the whole thing just went for cheap writing and low-tier building that continually contradicted itself.
Good example is the griffons.

vanilla dragon love is truly the best love.

It's not like you'd know about it unless people admitted it or you found out their internet history, the latter being near impossible because anonymity.

i wish there were more of these


el oh el

Sanzo does a lot of stuff in a similar vein.
Still too little, though.

For some reason I remember something like this, but with the skeletons just patting the knight, doing nothing but annoying him. Anyone got that comic?


Yeah. Not a dragon, though. Kobold.


Like you need an excuse to drag the furries out.

it's a shame the full dragon mom manga will never be scanned. He sold it at a convention. and it quickly disappeared.


That's because you'r a fucking moron who thinks this is new.
Seriously, mate. The last three lol threads I've been in have gone this route.

Lurk more, newfag.

Cheers, for some reason just everything about the concept rattles my funny bone

Fuck you for reminding me of this.

he still goes to cuckchan for his horse fix, what do you expect



Yeah. Just like I did in the past few lol threads.
You're even using my crop.

Oi cunt, that comic is all about the skellies.


wrong image, here.

That got me thinking, I don't remember seeing a general xeno chart yet.

There's the "furry scale", but that doesn't hit the grove, you ask me. I don't want something between human and animal. I want something of its own being.


goblins are better smol race

We're not even sure it is the same team.

pretty good shit, user, keep it up


I was thinking of something akin to the gynoid scale. Something that'd start with blue-skinned babes and end with non-humanoid meandraco-tier stuff.

Pretty much, yeah. I don't mind more "animal" people, but they have to essentially be established as their own thing.
Only example of this I've seen that actually seemed to be done well was the avians in Starbound. Game was shit otherwise, but if you play as an avian, the information you get about all the tools, furnature, idols, and so on are quite interesting. You get a real sense of culture. Up until the point that they apparently added an extra group of what seems to be a split-off faction of the main avian lot, who's furnature is still in the main lot, and who's stuff get their own dialogue that apparently would be conflicting with the ideology of the main avians.

Unfortunately, that's all with the best dragon. 'Least ,so far.

That sounds pretty interesting. Personally, I don't like full-on autism aliens what have no basis of functionality. Given that, though, this'd be a pretty good chart I'd wager.



Reading All Tomorrows encompasses that experience pretty well.

what a shame

Keep it up faggot, I want to see where this goes.

Yeah, comic starts going a bit downhill. Recent bit is just some fancy action panels. Sad, honestly. Hope it goes back to the dragon soon.
I want to see qt NEET-tier dragon getting some human knight 'polearm'.


at least it got some good old kobold lewds

True enough.
But lots of people do kobold lewds, and hardly anyone does good dragon romancing.

so i guess there is no more pages of the comic?
i guess im off to bed now.

That's all the artist has done for that character
Artist name is seii3

There are some. Look up "trash knight". The rest are all just dull action scenes by large.

You're turning someone into a scaley, are you proud of what you are doing?

If you're a degenerate homosexual who loves lizards with mammalian tits. I guess.
I prefer my dragons to be actual dragons, not humans with a fresh coat of paint.

No furry can beat the supreme waifu

I like me some yaoi but I keep that shit to containment boards. What are you doing nigger?

Why is that fucking bat so fuckable? Is it because her body looks like tanned skin and her head just a mask? I absolutely hate all furfaggots yet there's this unnatural response to this one character everyone has.

That's from bootleg toys isn't it? Is there art of Robert Cop or Spader Man?


The only trip into furfagotry I've every done is horses and pokemon but that's it

Kabier is an actual woman. It was confirmed after people found out that she only lets Jason do anal, but goes all out with the other guys she sleeps with. Apparently he gets really pissy when someone brings it up too.

The only Sonic characters that are even remotely fuckable are Amy, and I probably only feel that way because there weren't any other female Sonic characters (I guess, other than Sally) when I was young enough to pop boners at shit like Sonic characters - but not yet old enough to know better.

If anything, Sticks is the only other even remotely fuckable Sonic character, but that's because she's basically just a furry version of best girl Aika.

you know when I woke up today I wasn't expecting confirmation on jasonafex being a cuck
but goddamn if it isn't satisfying

Did anyone save pictures of the tumblr drama?

This woman is a coalburner, by the way.

You're demonstrably wrong

There's no option for vagina?
Well I guess according to your chart futanari is not gay.
Checkmate atheists.

Holy shit weren't LOL threads suppose to be about shitty comics and laughing at leftys? When did it turn into this distilled form of cancer?
I like it.

stop ruining things


plz post more

Adds up.

you must be new

So he's stuck down on skidrow?

That style seems familiar

It was never meant to be funny, only to make you feel miserable.

Fuck all of you


Could I please get source of your image?

this is you

Why must you scare me like this, trips?

the lol is our taste

posting the original panels

It's Tezuka's.


Doing something taboo is exciting. That's why in our current political/social climate you're seeing a trend of 2D succubi (the epitome of taboo) being portrayed as loving, caring partners that do their best to make their man happy.

I guess you haven't seen this yet.

Are you an ancap?

Is this for real?

You wanna know how I know that an edit?
A knight will never refer to a maiden that way.

Maybe he's a fake knight.

Yeah, I pulled it off some twitter page that I can't find anymore.


But why dicks? There's tons of other things that are taboo and don't remove things that are unique to the female form. I can only interpret it as a secret longing for dicks.


Maybe your self esteem, faggot.

while i agree its a shit series. the few lewds (almost exclusively from spectreZ) that exist are top notch.

Maybe what?

I mean… I know this is a lol thread, but god damn


Sticks is like Alex Jones but is a girl.

first and last pic are good. other ones are shit

song in 2nd webm sounds like buck bumble

Now that's some real LOL. I genuinely laughed.

There's also one of these that I can't find, but i know it makes me laugh every time. Something along the lines of:

just now noticed a small, yet key error


Is that a miss translated thing or japs just dont give a fuck about naming their smut shit, by writing odd or bizarre titles ? Shit seens like a tradition of sorts.

They really do not give a fuck.

Well now seems like a good a time as any to post this



