State of the industry

AAA games are now merely platforms for blatant attemps to fleece money from colossal dimwits that somehow have financial independence despite not being able to open a can of beans without losing an eye.
How did we go from video games being a nice hobby full of actual good games to this?
Why can't we just have nice things?
Is it the jews?
Is it the normans?
Is it the inclusion of women?


The communists ended up betraying their own cause and condoning the same shit practices that took place on the other side of the field though.

Redpill 101. Jews play both sides.

Truthseeker is that you?

Its always the jews my man

Oh yes, leftycuck, tell us how those great communists gave us so many video games.

Because humans are fucking animals with no self-restraint and should be treated as such.
Normalfags exist to be milked dry.

What is this a start of a joke? An user, a commie and a goon walk into a bar…

And get aids.

No, Communism, just like Capitalism is a way to secure fund to the ones behind said ideologies. Which in turn is the leaders in Communism and the ones printing and lending out the money in Capitalism. Behind both of them are jews and their goal was all along duping retards into thinking that those ideologies were real and mean't something more than just giving away our resources and freedom while ensuring us in a never ending slavery where we don't realise we are slaves because retards would rather fight their own kind in the name of said ideologies than actually killing the kikes who did this.

Normalfaggotry as it currently exists is an artificial state induced and cultivated by kikes. There have always been ignorant masses, true, but the current state of demoralization and dependence on authority figures has been deliberately engineered by foreign parasites who are trying to destroy civilization.
And so, having brainwashed the masses, the subhuman kikes (in their infinite hypocrisy) point to the masses and declare THEM to be the subhumans, and then exploit and torture them endlessly to sate their hideous appetites.

Go suck some more cock you, pig ass tranny.

gaming explained in 1 sentence

Industry is in perfect state.
Fuck off.

More like the industry of muh dick, right?

What a coincidence! It's almost as if people who care about making good games are also not huge fucking numale cucks.

wew lad kys

somewhat yes. But there are a lot bad apples who prove otherwise. Of course, good video games will remain no matter how old they get and bad video games will fall into the voide of abadonia. But with the rise of 2007, when shit got real and those fucknuts learned to exploit the normalfags through the social media, those bad video games alos learned how to stay longer relevant. Just look at nomansky. They pushed the PR three or two years befor and when it came out it died down immidiltey. But look, they had a run of two years.

A lot of these rotten AAA video games do the same, overwatch etc. But more agrressive, on the f2p market. As if they buidl some rando frankenstein exploite to keep the game alive as long as possibruuuuu. Than we have star wars battlefront 2 where even disney had to ask
turns out dischney wasn't aware of the rotten corps tactic the hippster industry is doing nowadays.

AAA today has to take huge loans for the ridiculous budgets, and guess who they're getting those loans from? Yeah. So they're now on the hook and can be forced to spread dieversity propaganda.

the issue was that it never got a chance to start off as a hobby, it was a market right off the bat while books and films had much longer to settle into an respectable state with films falling from grace in the main stream but still having quality being produced and recognized

video games have none of that because it costs too much money to really strive to perfect the medium

It's always the jews. They're responsible for trying to appeal to normal fags with "geek culture" and the inclusion of women, along with marxist propaganda. Remember, jews ruin and destroy everything for their benefit.

Fucking this as well.

2006/07 fucked everything

I'd hope even normalfags have realized AAA games are just propaganda after the Jewish wet dream that was Wolfenstein 2.

Holy fuck stop making these threads. Yes, the industry is shit and run by jews, you're like a broken record.