Starting off with the obvious
10/10 character designs
Other urls found in this thread:
Reddit really has taken over.
It’d be nice to see the image edited so that she had actual human proportions.
I think her boss costume is the best, she looks surprisingly good with black hair.
Tetradev pls go
That smile
have you not been seeing the newfags in all the threads?
The fact that you responded to obvious bait makes your post even worse.
Hopefully this thread doesn't just turn into a porn dump. Here's some I consider 11/10s.
There's some artsy analysis shit I could get into but I feel the pictures do them enough justice.
No wonder its spoiler.Ugliest thing i ve seen all year.
Get some taste, pleb
Best girl Isabelle.
Her head is shaped like a bag of bells.
She literally IS A BELL
Looks like you just outed yourself as the obvious newfag here, chum.
Anyway, here's my contribution
I feel the same way. Using artwork is kinda cheating. If the design is really 10 out of 10, the in-game model should speak for itself.
Stop derailing the thread, you shill fuck.
Not canon.
And strictly inferior.
George and shigatake are both great artists.
10/10 design indeed
George and shigatake are both great artists. Not sure if the first one went through or not.
Pic unrelated?
Part of the design
fine fine
got a laugh out of me, 9/11
I agree. Simple nip garbage is best.
Every time I get fucking pissed because I'm so jealous
user, please stop spreading fake news.
Are you an artist jealous of his skill, or a gurl jealous of them tiddies?
Not sure about him, but I'm a boy jealous of them tiddies.
I'm an artist who sucks compared to the skill and I'm angry that I can't suck on those titties
I just get sad I dont have a wife with breasts and hips like that.
What the fuck? I have over a hundred hours in this game and I've never seen this. When does this happen?
Does an entire population count?
Is this from Endless Space 2? It looks like the United Empire in ES1.
Tits like that don't look as glamorous in real life. You're better off with DFC, the superior fetish.
I want to fuck a woman, not a little boy with a vagina.
Go fuck a thai ladyboy.
I'd have to disagree, fag boy.
Warning: giant tits, nsfw.
You all need to stop thinking with your dick.
Anyway, Terry's Garou design is pretty good too. It's a shame his KOF14 design looks like shit.
Wanting to be the little girl doesn't mean you're not straight. Just unfortunate.
You unlock it from one of the boss challenges from the boss pack DLC, I'm not sure how to get it in the 3DS version though.
Yup, that's them.
Oh shit I didn't even know you unlock anything from those so I haven't finished them yet.
The DFC movement has been undermined by faggots. Don't let that be an excuse to call the love of flat chests gay.
Hat Kid's simplistic design is both sweet and memorable. 10 out of 10 imo. I posted the in-game model instead of some random artwork (like how other anons are doing for their choices) because again, I feel like the model can speak for itself.
What's so great about Pacman? He's just a floating cheesewheel/emoji.
You sure love shitposting, eh Hitler-kun?
You only unlock the costumes when you get an A rank though, There's one for Link, Lana, Zelda, Ganondorf and Cia.
the stoner kitty people are a pretty cool race, design-wise
You realize the art in the OP is official art?
disrespect on all yall niggaz posting cheap ass
The Senche's seem a bit off, I thought they were supposed to be as big as mammoths?
She's equipped with
Baka, take the udder pill.
That's actually a really neat idea.
Sometimes a simple design can be one of the best. You don't have to add random bullshit pieces of flare to a design to make it work, you have to make all the existing pieces come together to make it fit the context of the design and feel good. Pac-Man is a great example; a very simple feel-good design meant for a very simple game that plays well.
Complex designs can fall apart if a few details are misplaced or missing, but they feel incredible when everything is appropriate. By the same token, a good simple design can flow very well and feel satisfying to watch, whereas a bad simple design can simply feel underwhelming.
A Hat in Time's main character is a great example, as points out. Though, while I agree that in-game models should speak for themselves, that excludes a lot of older titles that have limitations on programming or art: you wouldn't show in-game sprites of Metroid or another NES game when official art is much better.
So let's see if I get this right.
In Daggerfall you are an Ohmes-raht, but in all the other ones, you are suthay/cathay, correct?
Rest of the game is garbo tho.
Your waifu is liquid shit
Trips confirm.
Cut off the rest of my post, oops.
As for character designs, I gotta say that I love the design of the NCR rangers. Dusters in general have an aura of badass about them.
I'd be interested in seeing actual smug tits, not just tits attached to a smug mug.
NCR rangers are the only good thing about NCR.
Original PSO had some great character designs and artwork.
Though some of them looked like ass in game
Shame they went with generic anime right after
I don't know what I expected.
Still, a good character design that hits all your weakspots without looking ridiculous isn't bad.
A very visually appealing design isn't always easy to make. There a hundreds of thousands of 2D sluts. But making one that you can recognize right off the bat, while not looking absurd isn't so easy. Still, post some good characters that aren't just fapbait instead of complaining about it.
What even is this?
I like that Shimako based her designs on fashion sketches
The new Japanese people obviously. Don't tell me you are one of those folks stuck in a past.
My nigger
Pretty sure it's because it's some sort of power suit made by the japs. Nice dubs btw.
We can know that feel together, brother.
I'll try to unwaifu the thread a bit.
Mind sharing a link to that mod in the first pic, user?
I just realized that Yae has green hair because Green and purple complement one another
*teleports behind you*
Heh nothing personnel kid
Thanks doc
My favorite armor in any videogame.
How hopelessly tragic and autistic.
Here are some I like.
sorry its shit
These are the only people who are okay.
Everyone else is a faggot.
goblin form or gtfo
good taste
good comfy
C'mon, I love the character as much as the next guy, but the Wii/Gamecube fire emblems had the worst knight designs of the series (though Awakening and Fates were arguably as bad).
I see you're a man of taste and doubles confirm. Tits monsters get out.
I thought Dillon's design was pretty cool. Nice idea, tough cowboy armadillo, simple enough.
But then he got put into a tower defense game and was doa. It's kind of a shame, rolling at high speeds to different towns and dungeons would have been cool if done right.
But maybe that's a good thing, after a cursory search I saw that Japan got a new Rolling Western and it scares me enough to never ever want to see it again.
what are the fist two?
Original design isn't 10/10 (Too cluttered and I'm not feeling the red-brown on blue color scheme), but it's a solid 8.
First one is Tanya from Youjo Senki, second one is a boat from one of the sixteen shitty boatgirl animes.
First is Tanya from Youjo Senki. They fucked up her design in the anime. That illustration is from the light novels.
Second is Graf Zeppelin from the Kanolle game.
Arena you're a Ohmes
Daggerfall you're a Ohmes-Raht
Morrowind you're a Suthay-raht
Oblivion and Skyrim you're a Cathay
I specifically remember being freaked the fuck out by Oro's deformed goblin ass.
tetradev please stop embarrasing yourself
Cheers fam
I really loved the firekeeper's design in DS3. It's just so elegant. The firekeeper being extremely subservient probably adds to it.
It's an absurd design but I still like it. Impractical as hell but it still looks cool.
Isn't that Tanya in the first image?
Warframe in general has a really cool system for dividing out sections of a character in a way that allows your to design it well yourself if you're good with pallets.
It even appears at times that the randomizer is good at selecting pallets for you.
It sucks if you don't like meat robot suits though, because the whole game is just that
Anything with skintight costumes is an automatic 10/10.
Seeing her always reminds me of that avatarfagging hafu Korean slut who posts on another board here I won't mention.
Does she stream overcuck from time to time?
Use snapchat?
I always thought that OG Frank West vaguely looked like Reggie Fils-Aime.
Literally perfection.
Another great thread.
If Yorhas were designed as disposable combat androids from ground up, why do they look like women and children and wear high heels?
"Cuz I like girls xD" is not really an explanation.
Best character designs are those that both look good AND make sense in-universe of their respective games.
I don't have problem with cute girls, but they should be logically justified.
No idea. Not really a fan of the game myself so it's not something I'd watch.
Osaka Bancho and Kanagawa Bancho were fucking baller.
Fucking 10/10 aesthetics.
Boobs, ass = 10/10 character
Explain this then.
Literally poetic. Seriously, make the legs smaller or the torso bigger.
what the hell is wrong with you
Yeah, Tanya from the light novel, before they gave her fucked up lips in the anime.
You can wear a duster all you like if you're attractive.
gets me erry tim
Is everyone on Holla Forums now an underage redditor?
No Castlevania art yet? That's absurd.
Don't forget Ashley. Ashley + Megumin when.
Are you?
Anonkin, I told you it would come to this. I was right! The plebbitors are taking over!
Don't you faggots get tired of doing this every single fucking thread?
Go away, Reddit.
Yorhas were designed to be as close to human and the human ideal of beauty as possible by the one who designed them and the white hair comes from the combat models all being inspired by a female soldier who was extremely famous. (This is also why all combat models are female.)
The "disposability" portion of their purpose was never really part of their initial design and was added in by someone basically going insane.
As for the original creator, they were essentially the continuation of humanity when extinction was likely. Which makes the fact they are all doomed to an endless cycle of fighting, killing and a life with no justifiable meaning a pretty apparent parallel to humanity.
I believe some of this stuff comes from side story material so I can't blame you for not knowing this and my memory is hazy on account of it being a while, but the information is out there somewhere.
stop posting that reddit shit.
Splatoon 2 sucks
Is she really a good design? She doesn't really convey what her abilities are, or what she's supposed to be.
Do mechanical designs for player ships count?
This basically.
Now pic related is pure style
I really like the boss icons in GTA2.
Can't say you're wrong vidboy.
just spent an hour trying to find out who this is. Had no idea she was a minor character.
I've always liked the look of the masked assassins from DaS2. There's something renaissanceish about them, while still being very dark thematically.
I've always wondered, were the dusters and armor a desert rangers thing before the NCR, or was it just the dusters the desert rangers wore before the Ranger Unification treaty? I've also always liked claire redfields look without the coat from RE2.
Yes, the rangers were a separate entity from the NCR, in Fallout 1, one of your companions, Tycho a ranger that came all the way from Nevada pretty much was the basis upon the rangers in NV. So we can assume he was a ranger.
How does this make you feel user?
Huh. Never played fallout 1, only 2 and up, so never knew. That's interesting.
His combat was pretty cool and his whole theme was nice, but the tower defense aspect was so shitty with the towers NEEDING to be specific setups otherwise you lose. Would have been better being a more straightforward action game.
This user is absolutely right if you can't tell by the post quality alone
Here's a hint. It has to be striking, unique, something you've never seen before, something unmistakably that character.
Not to single you fags out, but look at this shit.
Who even the fuck is this? She could be one of a million pink-haired anime girls. Her artwork isn't even all that great.
Durr, guy with a hat, vest/shirt combo, jeans and generic sneakers. 10/10. Wew, easy as fuck to please you faggots. This isn't "which character do I like", this is which one has perfect design. Again, not picking on anybody, I just randomly scrolled down and saw this.
This is 10/10 character design. Icing on the cake, her fucking costume is her hair, so there's lore behind it. Brilliant.
Complain all you want, the armor makes sense from a power progression perspective.
Pic related has the best design/art-style for me
Have you seen the size of his mouth?
Find me a design that looks like him without it being a reference to him. Just because you don't like a characters design doesn't mean it's necessarily bad. Terry Bogard's design is simple, clean, and yet immediately recognizable. I get you want people to justify their claims and imo this thread would be better for it, but you could've picked a better example.
She's not even the best character in that awful game. She's not even second place, either.
go yiff in hell philotes
Dem Confederate Flag Pants Tho
I still ask myself what in the hell is up with this fucking character every time I've seen it for the last several years.
It isn't a 10/10 character design just because you want to have sex with it, folks.
I cannot have a large enough erection for powered exoskeletal suits
Here they are. Am I on point?
Don’t get me wrong; 2B’s design is great. The whole aesthetic is masterfully crafted. But her legs are too long and the design doesn’t fit into the world in any capacity.
It's pretty much 10/10 if it manages to do that, what other than sex can elicit a higher response in humans? This is why sex and predation are highly controlled.
Ms. Pacman is literally Pacman crossdressing and the medic… just visit tumblr.
Thanks for the nightmares.
You know that her designer is a hue, right ?
your really busting my balls here user.
It's such a shame Jin does so much of that particular fetish, because i fucking love his art.
Whoops wrong image
How about her?
It's been a while since i've seen the shitty vanilla textures for that NCR Ranger outfit.
… a moment of silence
There's people who have been doing shit like this since Morrowind. Many of which can make low poly clothing hold up today. Play the mods before you talk shit.
It's technically art but it's featured in-game. In fact, all the Chamber of Fate murals are pretty great.
Have they worked at a studio? Have they been professionally trained? Then they're still amateurs.
Many have been hired actually
The best artists are the ones who do nothing but practice and git gud. Likely they've taken lessons on blender through free access tools but define "professional" in this cancerous industry if you will.
Confirmed for not knowing shit about doing basically anything. Don't get me wrong, there are plenty of people who just grind the shit out, but saying that professional training is bullshit is retarded. It's like you think all professional training is getting an arts degree from some gay college.
Your mod zealotry is hilarious. This is like CRTfag levels of retardation.
Ian was a bro.
She's Purrfect :3c
Didn't even allude to that. Training comes in the form of research. You shouldn't need somebody looking over your shoulder to be solid at it.
Still haven't named what "professional training" is retard.
So far that's the only thing you can assume "professional training" is according to you.
More like you don't know what you're talking about. Modders often fill their images up with filters and edit them to look more appealing. Because of this you often have to look at screenshots uploaded by people who have tried it or see for yourself. Fuck off for a while and actually learn how the community works before you try and educate people. You're literally defending Vanilla textures for Bethesda and Obsidian here.
She's also censored
How so? Are you talking about those two panty shot edits a year or two back?
It was more than 2 if I recall. Either way it's pretty cancer in principle.
How so? Sounds like that's your preconceived notion and it sounds like now you're trying to force that notion in to my mouth when I'm saying exactly the opposite.
What community? The modding community? Why do I give a shit how the modding community works? Also I certainly hope I understand how it works given I have mods up.
Who said I was doing that? I'm mocking you for being a smug modfaggot.
I forgot was getting to it
The way that I heard it was that they didn't want needless/gratuitous underwear shots. I know it sound a bit odd, but I can sort of see what they were getting at.
If you say so. Frankly you're just acting too smug to get anything through to, but that's about what I'd expect out of a retard who thinks there are no avenues of professional education in game design from industry professionals that are worthwhile. Mind you, clearly you know dick about game design and have shit taste so I guess faggots gotta suck dick.
They wern't needless. They were fine.
You haven't given a single example that can be debated retard. You're just screaming at shit you don't understand.
Like fucking who? This is the 3rd post I've asked this question and your inept ass still can't answer me. "Industry professionals" can allude to just about anybody. And as far as making clothing goes you don't need a professional in the industry to produce things. Fuck there's modders who are more experienced with the games they mod than the actual developers.
Look at this amateur hour shit
Is that reflection in his glasses real time? Also jesus fuck that chin.
mofumofu is obviously 10/10 ('ω')
Thath's fucking disgusting, what's wrong with you?
you're not wrong but why did you post literally the ugliest warframe
the salt that my PSO2 character generates on 8/v/ will never stop being a light in my life, I literally laughed aloud for a whole minute at this post
thanks for the laugh, Holla Forums
(and no, she's not a joke character, and yes, I do legitimately like her design, although I obviously recognize she's not to everyone's taste)
Whats wrong with her face? And legs?
I could overlook all the brown but the niggerlips
Those proportions are all fucked up, jesus christ, she looks like like the Pillsbury dough boy. And her eyes or fucking googley eyes.
She's a nigger.
bout as real time as the reflections off the vanilla scopes
and tell me that doesn't look exponentially better than this
I apoligise of his behalf mr fun police, please allow him to check his privilege.
her mouth is actually almost as small as I can make it in the game and doesn't have any lipstick applied… you can check the portrait image here to see her mouth a little closer up, her lips just look pronounced because they're lighter than her skin
this looks amazing! although I have to say that boone looks a bit like BJ "Terror-Billy" Blazkowicz (ugh) here
oops, didn't mean to repost that remilia reaction, sorry
aaaaaaa and then I deleted them all, sorry, I'm retarded, never use the delete functions before today
I hope he will learn a valuable lesson. Now please condone your exercises to never say an N word.
For a second I thought I was in the LOL thread.
Please stop posting your weird, fat, nigger waifu. It looks awful.
it looks like this
Cease your uncultured uneducated oppression.
mofu is looking for who asked you
you would probably appreciate these blogs:
they are dedicated to making fun of terrible character designs in Champions Online, I am sure there is one of these for PSO2 but I dunno it (and I am probably on it)
you save naked pictures of your mom?
You don't want racist nazis on your tumblr, user.
Yes he does. Faggot's begging for attention.
incredibly, I don't have a tumblr!
says the person begging for (You)s
anyway, here's another character with a 10/10 design sure to trigger lots of people here
also, the best character ASW has ever created
(totally not (You))
So is your wife Erin black, and if not, does she know about your race fetish?
she is not! (and neither am I)
she likes mofumofu also, she had a picture of her on her phone background for a while after we were playing PSO2 together a bit
as I said, mofumofu is not my waifu!
pic related
ahahaha I never saw this, that's fan fucking tastic
Another good one that comes to mind for me is Angela Orosco. She may not be as flashy as a lot of other characters you see in games, but every aspect of her appearance was very carefully put in place. I've heard Sato say in interviews that he wanted to make her design special, there's definitely a reason she's used in most of the advertising material.
Having a hot chick in an outfit that nobody would normally wear because it's a FANTASY SETTING seems to be like a pretty good excuse.
What's all this stuff he's screaming about straight people? Is this guy some sort of flaming faggot that hates "breeders" or what?
man, anita sounds really masculine these days
Johnathan is just upset that Anita ditched him to a even bigger manlet.
oh yeah.
Hey didn't this guy used to write all of Anita's stuff?
Is he cucking and still writing for her? lol
Oh man, the memories. Fuck you, user. I didn't want to remember.
I like Nilin
nice! me too! it's a shame her game was such unmitigated garbage, ahaha
knowing that the developer of remember me is the same cuckhouse that went on to do life is strange makes it all the more obvious that she was made half-black for purely progressive reasons and not because it improved her design. still she's really pretty and a nice design, play the game in french language for an audio treat (her french voice actress has a much better voice than her english actress)
there were a lot of things to like about that game, but I wish the combat was better–as it is it's pretty much "derp around until your super is up and then press the I-win button of your choosing." so boring
>That walk
I don't really like Skullgirls but i do love this Nurse Ninja design.
I have to agree with the other user that ms. fortune is the best girl from that game
excellent taste sir, hayato has a great late-80s/early-90s anime feel. I know the game was later than that (96?) but he reminds me of the art in a lot of stuff from that period
I want to cuddle with justice
Classic Lara (nuLara can go fuck herself. I'd still watch but old Lara is best) and Izuna the lesbo titty ninja are two great characters we'll never see again.
HW Zelda is best Zelda, no denying it. The french shorts she wears underneath her dress are amazing. And she has the Keoi Tecmo tits.
Aside from the fact you posted Cassandra instead of Sophitia, sure.
Selvaria 10/10
I miss Classic Lara, too bad Crystal Dynamics is pozzed beyond repair to bring her back.
Best Ninja girl
Izuna 3 Never Ever
why do you do this to my heart
Brah, I love Sophitia too, but I'm more attracted to Cassandra.
kill yourself fur faggots
I absolutely cannot fap to those horrible models and proportations
built for sex
half of the designs posted here are shit
Only 10/10 with a skin tone mod.
I love everything about Farah.
Are you confusing character design with her ass?
These threads need a new rule: no sex appeal characaters. Dressing someone up in a suggestive suit is a cheap way to gain disproportionate popularity and should not be valid let alone encouraged.
Truly the best pokermon
Das rite.
That's a retarded rule, sex appeal without a good personality doesn't make a character a 10/10 anyway.
The animators slipped pantyshots where they weren't intended, so they looked very awkward and out of place. They remade those frames to look like originally designed. Out of 9 million pantyshots in the game, they removed like 10 frames worth of, and only because they looked like shit.
OP and much of the thread clearly show that it does, for many people. This is why it's a good rule.
Also. Just as a proof that it's an actual fact of life and not some snarky retort.
shit like this is why I will never appreciate or value the human race.
Despite being an inferior to my fiance in every way besides physical appearance, I've still climbed the corporate ladder far faster than him, solely because I know how to socialize while looking attractive.
what's the confusion?
Sorry to disappoint, it might have been institutionalized female privilege rather than ability to capitalize on your good looks. Affirmative action, all that crap.
How about we get less porn, and some more actual character designs?
Pointman from F.E.A.R. and his buddies have some pretty tacticool gear.
Not an assumption, inferred knowledge. Anyway I know for a fact that a lot of women browse places like this, but most of the time they pretend to be men. That's because I personally know a fair number of that kind of women.
There is some truth in this. Ugly people simply cannot have a good personality because they are ugly.
tits or gtfo
Yep. And pretty people cannot possibly be scumbags, they're as good on the inside as on the outside.
Fuck, what do you think is the reason "don't judge the book by its cover" exists? To at least attempt to alleviate this psychological bias.
Dick or gtfo.
the person posting the nigger kitsune pso2 character is a huge dyke NEET who posts on imageboards for approval because her wife is always out fucking other chicks, I know her in real life and I used to work with her wife
hi shorty :^)
Please continue sperganon.
wee lad
people miss the point of this all the time because it doesn't mean the same thing out of context. back then on 4/b/ attention whores were a huge problem and "tits or gtfo" evolved as a way to deal with them, tits or gtfo is not the standard response to a female on any terms, it's the standard response to a female who is attentionposting. saying "I'm a girl!!" apropos of nothing is attentionposting but bringing it up as corollary to another point or article of conversation isn't, and shouting "tits or gtfo" like a 13 year old boy is just like calling any other user a faggot when he disagrees with you; it's puerile and wastes everyone's time
shut the fuck up tyler, I know it's you you fucking autismal reject
How does someone accurately assess a person's personality on a dating website?
One might say appearance is the only tangible thing to go on.
I want to fuck the wraith from Evolve
I want to fuck the snakes from Xcom
I want to fuck the sheep from League
all 10/10 character designs
OKCupid used to have a thing (might still do?) where you "match" with someone and then chat with them about your preferences/hobbies/whatever to decide if you actually want to share other contact data and/or meet up
the point of the image was to point out that their system didn't work because generally speaking people were more inclined to rate attractive people's personalities higher
however, there's also that other user's argument that attractive people are more likely to be sociable, which means more likely to be successful in other areas of life, which means a more confident and positive personality
personally I think it's 6 of one and half-dozen of the other, either way the end result is that attractive people are going to be more successful in basically everything they try
the lamb? really? all the cute and sexy characters in league and you pick the lamb?
best girl coming through
how can one person be so wrong
tristana has that sassy punk girl thing going on and while I like her and think she's cute, new poppy has a great innocent, sweet, and gawky personality… if a bit dumb admittedly
I wish there was a league of legends game that wasn't… league of legends, I can't stand the standard summoner's rift gameplay and while I liked dominion it was really unbalanced (and they removed it anyway because riot are incompetent jews)
in fact thinking on it I'm really glad I don't play that game anymore heh
To make here fully robotic, I presume?
i dont play league anymore. when i did i would just play purely ARAM. I stopped after I figured out riot kept nerfing underused champions while keeping skin bait picks untouched.
What a fag, whats his problem?
Why do people say this? It just doesn't make sense. Its redundant. Just say people. There is no context in which using the term "human race" is acceptable outside of discussion of intelligent alien life forms.
Its like saying 3rd rock in the solar system instead of saying earth. Its like saying electric lightbulb and the only reason people say it is because they are retarded and want to sound more dramatic and cool. It just comes off as sounding stupid.
Wrong. You are just a newfag. The person was also a newfag. Tits or gtfo means tits or gtfo. Thinking it meant anything more was mere projection.
I was not aware. I was under the impression that it was like just about every other dating site with just a picture and a short bio.
Low T brought on by a primarily soy-based diet.
You know how people like to think they are "different" from most animals on the planet? Well, a lot of people think the same thing about other people.
What's this?
tsuki from xenoblade chronicles 2
Is the translation cucked?
it's not out yet, so I have no idea
I would play it in japanese anyway
HRT is bad for you, mkay?
Excluding all the generic as fuck waifu bait, anyone else notice the majority of characters posted are Nip shit. It's almost like they have a superior industry or something.
2B is good design.
Reminder that if you know how to draw a sexy girl she's automatically 10/10 character design. She doesn't even need to be wearing any clothes. :^)
They didn't look awkward or out of place at all. The fuck are you on about?
Ironic shitposting is still shitposting. Hide it if you don't like it, report it is it breaks the rules. What's so hard about this? Why willingly enter a thread you do not like and then post in it. You have sparked this very reply which will bump the thread causing it to stay around longer instead of just ignoring it.
It's always the people who understand imageboards the least, that complain about outsiders the most. Insufferable whelps that need to lurk more and post less. You know who has a whole system devoted to marking each comment with your opinion in the form of votes? Reddit. You know which site you can use to circlejerk with other posters via replies? Reddit. There's no need for you to judge every thread and voice your opinion on it here, if you want to do that, take it to Reddit, where you can vote on everything and people will pretend to listen to your meta bullshit opinions about the community. Please don't do that shit here, you're not going to change anything by doing it, this community as a whole does not care about you or what you think of them, they are going to post about video games and that's that.
And, yet here you are…
While not always original, anything from SF & DS was typically treated with care and detail in game and concept.
10th class confirmed to be self-insert fucking the medic while the octospy watches.
I wonder if she's fire vulnerable, like her Mario Land counterpart.