Were the Volus based on the jews?

Is someone at bioware a closet Holla Forumsack when they came up with the volus?

Space operas having a greedy species is about as groundbreaking as medieval fiction having swords.


Quarians are the worst.

Most works of speculative fiction have a greedy faction/race/culture in them.

Quarians are gypsies not niggers, those would be the Krogan.

The only reason I finished max effects one was because I liked listening to the narrator read me the codex entries on alien races. I thought I would find more interesting aliens if I played more. I was wrong.


To think, later games had wring so bad it was actually worse than just listening to a guy read you an encyclopedia.

When they switched to ammo "clips" in the second game it was a dealbreaker for me. No justification will ever be good enough, why would you ever switch to limited ammo. It might make combat encounters easier to design but it broke all immersion for me

The combat played much better though

They've brought the heatsink back in ME:A, too bad 90% of the game is shit.

Krogans figured out space travel. Niggers in Africa still live in huts made of sticks and dung.

they didn't figure out space travel the frog guys gave them space ships because they needed muscle

The salarians gave them everything.

The krogan supposedly had guns(not even sure if the new space guns or more primitive crude guns game doesn't say), but were basically the game equivalent of niggers. Just look at their home planet. I hate how the game makes you feel bad about continuing the genophage. Vid related: the most redpilled moment in the game before Mordin went full retard in the next game.

dees white bois need a lesson in basic history again 😔

Krogans had nukes and it's specifically stated that they nuked themselves to hell

No, the Volus were based on the Ferengi.

Who were based on the Jews.

The Krogan are just naturally better than most of the other races. The Salarians were assholes for using them as essentially cannon fodder, so the Krogans got pissed and went to war with the galaxy. Which they were essentially winning since they're more or less invincible and were actually able to produce children at the time. The only reason they didn't conquer the faggot races is because of the genophage which was literally sneaky kikery. Denying the natural order and survival of the fittest is highly Hebrew, user.

that only pushes the question back further

You act like this is a Holla Forums or Nazi only thing, but Jews are so stereotypical it's impossible for most people to not protray them this way. It's even more stunning when you witness kosher personalities in media and entertainment act like their behavior is normal or even cool while simultaneously acknowledging all of those stereotypes.

Wouldn't the Salarians be "naturally" better than the Krogan for being able to engineer the genophage and infect the Krogan population without them being able to stop it? Or is that somehow not honorable even though the survival of the fittest is not about honor?
Yeah well I'm not the one suggesting that space nigger muslims "deserve to win."

Salarians were better than the krogan for not nuking themselves into oblivion as well as for developing the genophage. The turians were better than the krogan for deploying the genophage despite the salarians fretting over the ethics of it because they were tired of fighting a war they could end decisively rather than losing more of their own by letting the war drag on while the salarians pontificate.

i bet you think liberating the queen bug was also a mistake.

The Queen will leave as promised, the Krogan are well the Krogan.