If you see a girl communicating exclusively through gestures, please do not attempt to fug and report to your local daimyô. She may be an autistic gaijin in disguise.
Nioh thread
I shall communicate with her via intense dicking.
Nevermind then
Grinding for texts is the worst part of the game. You need to do everything you can to increase your item drop rate and luck in order to succeed. This means reforging armor, getting good accessories, using the right spirit, prestige points, maximizing kodama blessing, all of it.
I have been grinding Sakon for his spear smithing text lately, figured I'd turn one of the attempts into a webm.
Personally I haven't had that much difficulty with it. I end up getting a lot of different text drops just from playing the game normally, and the ones I've farmed normally don't take more than 5-10 attempts. There are a few that never dropped or took longer, but not normally
Just started but I feel like some times the same attack of mine will do way more damage than other times. Does ki pulsing increase your damage or am I just wrong about life in general and should kill myself.
There's a skill, probably one of the first ones you bought, that raises the damage of your next combo after a max ki pulse.
Probably it's just you attacking from behind though. Even without skills hitting an enemy from behind does way more damage
On it, coach!
Some seem to be much worse than others. The Great Halberd of Hiraghi was a huge fucking pain in the ass. After doing 40+ missions against various forms of centipede man I'm about 99% certain that it only drops from the twilight version of that boss fight.
That reminds me, DaS3 had really fun cheat engine tables that weren't so much cheats as they were on-the-fly mods like darkness or top-down mode. Does Nioh have any of those ?
Maybe if she didn't have that dildo hat, I seriously can't take her seriously
How are you supposed to damage him once you've destroyed both of his legs?
I beat him with some lucky hits of fireshot which did 8000 damage but I couldn't figure him out completely.
I don't even fucking blame you. Smithing texts shouldn't be a random drop in the first place.
Break one leg, run up and attack the head when he falls, break the second leg, attack the head again. Don't break both legs at the same time.
You SHOULD be able to do enough damage to finish him the second time he falls, use living weapon that's what the circles are there for. If you can't, you can try breaking his hands but that's MUCH harder.
Not yet. I don't start making those until I've beaten the game at least once.
You can hit his hands too. He's really not terribly well designed.
That was my problem in the first place
Breaking his hands didn't do anything when I did it.
Just LW with kusarigama and the skill reaper for the entire duration he's down. It typically leaves him so much in the red you kill him attacking his other leg.
Switched to an Odachi from a Kusarigama. The LW is way worse, especially the strong attack which is both slower and less damage (gama LW strong attack is the main damage dealer for that build), however the basic attacks especially mid stance quick attacks are just WAY better at poke and punish gameplay, and they do a ton more damage too.
Yeah, LW kusarigama kind of needs Reaper to be effective, and even then it's fairly situational. I mostly use the weapon as an elemental applier machine against yokai and a serpent strike cheese machine against humans.
I think my favorite weapon class might be spear though.
No you have it backwards. LW Kusarigama is THE best. Like it's been tested and the strong attack is the statistical best LW attack in the game
Has it now?
I never used strong kusarigama attacks aside from serpent strike, the rhythm of the quick attacks are way too satisfying to move away from
start at 4:40
Actually, start at 5:50
I used CE to reset my weapon type familiarities and now have I negative Samurai points.
pls help
Did it to yourself
git gud
Just cheat in some more then
well fuck me
Also, who the fuck drops smithing texts for wizard armors? I don't like the joe.
The best part is
Shigezane has nothing on Masamune
Centipede man?
Stop trying to hit his human body, hit his centipede head after he crawls in and back off. Sometimes he swings it so don't do it blindly and you're gucci.
Also after his long ass charge and vault his back is safe for 2-3 seconds so you can get some hits in then too.
It doesn't help that the nigger kills me in 1-2 attacks
I might just play on ng+ a bit and then come back when my level isn't 50 below the mission
That's what I did after hitting Masamune. Just be aware that Way of the Strong doesn't really give you better gear outright, you must soul match +x divine items. (+1 with a +1 or better gives a +2, the gear's effectiveness jumps up every few levels of this).
Oh my fuck.
Yeah then he'll just 3 shot you instead
Not everything there is still accurate, that video was made when Way of the Wise was the top difficulty and I think they've made some changes/nerfs since then. I've never seen attackx2 anything and his weapon has change to attack AA- as a non-star attribute, which as far as I know is impossible (star attributes can only generate on items, they can't be reforged onto them, making anything more than A+ stupidly hard to get)
I really wish I could switch between the two, but unfortnately they don't share any stats so at least one will always lose a ton of scaling
Is anyone interesed in doing some Abyss Coop? Id love to do some Yokai Realm with a Companion for as many floors as we can manage
I like to coop, but I absolutely hate playing for long stretches.
I think this game is better than dark souls granted I've only player the first level of dark souls so far
what did he meme by this?
Compelling mission description.
The abyss is better the longer you run it at a single stretch. Defiled items drop in there and when you leave the abyss they turn into divine or ethereal items depending on which floor you left on and how many floors you completed with them in your inventory. So basically you do lower floors to collect drops and leave on as high a floor as you can to turn them into good shit.
Also, Coop in the Abyss is really cool because you get to fight 2 bosses on every floor instead of 1. Double bosses are bullshit solo but 2v2 is always fun.
You can ghost through this mission without fighting at all if you want. I wish there were more missions that really let you play a ninja to the fullest.
Either revenants don't show refashioned armor or everyone's a fag
"Display enemy Transformation/Refashioned Items" in the last page of basic game settings defaults to Off. I'm not sure if it even applies to revenants anyway though because they never show transformations.
That's the other thing though, like 80% of people are going to be transformed 100% of the time so they don't really bother with refashioning.
They don't.
Considering that only a handful of the available armor sets ever seem to appear on revenants, I think that a lot of them are.
Why is that anyone? Are the li and warrior of west sets just that good? I ran iga ninja the whole time, I can't be the only one.
They are standard shitter sets for people who get hit
Red demon is pretty fucking great if you run a spear. I think Warrior of the West puts you at the Toughness breakpoint by itself
That said, I ran iga ninja myself. If nothing else the two piece bonus is amazing, but now that I know I do regret not having 200 toughness asap
Goddamn, I still can't beat that lightning dog in the third mission…
I don't know what it is about Nioh but I can't grok the game. I never had this much trouble with any of the souls or ninja gaiden games.
Take your time and learn the patterns
Everything has an abusable pattern.
Nue is kinda weird. you either destroy his ass or get your ass lightninged to death, just try and learn his tells for lightning, and use low stance. The dodge bonus is better than the extra damage from high stance or the block from mid.
You're probably underleveled and under equipped. The game is super fucking stingy and a little bit grindy in ways that Souls were not.
Here's a hint: blocking works.
Also dodge to its side, it has wide openings so you can dash in, slap it a few times and dash out
for what
Don't hit his face, the claw attack is the hardest to dodge.
Do I focus a lot on one attribute or is it a good idea to spread out your lvls a bit? I've put everything into Body and it's sitting at 12 now. It gives the most HP and spears have mostly been my main weapon.
you have to like hit it when it does its laser, its a free a billion attacks.
when it spits out lightning four times, as long you're moving you won't get hit, so no need to dash.
you might want to remember how to kill him because they are repeat bosses in this game,
The only stats I ever invest in are spirit, because LW is always nice, and the required ones for whichever set bonus you want, which you do want one. Otherwise I just stuck with my main weapon stat.
You might want to go to the first three areas in way of the strong before the DLC as the DLC is about thirty levels higher than the last missions in the base game.
You need to spread a bit since leveling up gives diminished returns, you will get less everytime you lvl up.
Generally lvl up spirit to the minimum amount you need for whatever spirit you use. For ninjutsu (dex) and onmyo lvl them up to 30, one or both of them, whatever you prefer. No matter what kind of build you use, any of them up to 30 give a great support and will cap the amount of slots for them (my recommendation is first focusing in one and later when you reach 30 with one start giving points to the other).
The rest divide between two, one for strenght or skill (whatever you will focus on) and the other at any other stat, in your case body if you are going for spear.
It's belly is it's weak point. If you get a hit in while it's glowing you'll interrupt his current attack and he'll instantly run out of stamina, so you also get to combo his ass for a second or two.
And then whenever he randomly feels like it he can stand up and instantly lightning bolt your ass as his "recovery escape" attack.
If you break his Ki bar just run the fuck away.
Thanks guys. Can I respec at some point, or am I stuck rerolling if I want to use different weapoos?
You get tons of respec items throughout the game, don't worry about that.
I always have time for a combo before he wakes up and decides he's had enough of my shit.
geds me every dime :DD
Since the netcode isn't amazing/most people have trash internet pvp is kinda worthless since it's more of a fighting game in that mode
I have found that the boss battles in nioh really fun so far, and then some bosses go and pull this bullshit that just makes me mad.
This one was fun since it was a dps race, first Moth guy and after some time this dude joins the battle, really got me going all out in the combos and pressured me into ki pulsing all of my combos.
Block more
Use ki pulse
Low stance and mid stance are meant for bosses
This game is basically Demon's Souls without the health and stamina stats being necessary. Focus on your damage stat(s) and get 15 dex and magic for cursed weapon and second chance.
wew lads
i've never felt like giving a boss the biggest fuck you by just doing that
Use water. Use a water weapon or apply it with a spell. Mizuchi's talisman attack breaks his ki almost immediately. Water shot is great too.
Mitsunari is second only to Masamune as most bullshit fight. Neither of them really give you a chance to try to fight back or to recover. Put distance on either one and they hit you with a million waves, get close and they go ballistic, and both of them use Wind element so good luck doing any damage.
Where you are, Mitsunari can just be out-DPSed. Facing him in the Abyss is another fucking story.
Human-like youkai tend to be the hardest hitters in the game, as are the few youkai-like humans.
WIll it run out of juice if I keep killing shit?
Do they drop anything at all after the first wave? Those 4 arm fucks have a fairly useful material
Is the lion the best spirit in the game? That damage boost is ridiculous. The spirit attack is fucking awful though so I guess it balances out.
I'm yet to try the abyss to be honest it sounds scary
yeah I find their patterns hard to read, hopefully I'll eventually get them
Enko? One of the best for sure,
I've only cleared up to floor 48. It goes to floor 999 and the stats keep going up all the way
Yeah you basically learn what weapons allow for cheese strats very quickly once you get past 100
Kara jishi, the lightning lion one. Every time you use a ki skill you get a pretty big longlasting damage boost.
I guess that would be decent. I have similar buffs from 8 sources already. Attack on dodge attack, attack on dash attack, attack on critical HP, attack on enemy out of ki, attack on amrita absorb, attack on attack, attack on purification, and attack when out of ki. I'm about to put together a set bonus to add attack on healing
That's not counting Carnage Talisman
And here I just playing like whatever.
It applies lightning mate, it's one of the best by default.
Can I just betray that Tokugawa faggot yet?
I just finished the DLC, so do I now have to autistically grind smithing texts with ninja cheese builds for efficiency until I get what I want?
I think you ony get amrita after the first two. One of the rocks disappeared, and I don't know how. Just vanished while I was on the floor above it and killed a kappa. None of the other rocks vanished.
Tokugawa did nothing wrong. Also you can't since real life William was a good servant of Tokugawa, he built him a western ship.
I know those feels user.
I wish more games gave respect to your enemies like that, every one of them except for that asshole Kelly were cool dudes.
I think I like Izanagi's Grace a lot more than Susano. I lose the roughly 17% strong attack damage, but gain Change to attack Spirit A and Increase Attack (Life Recovery), which DOES trigger during LW and triggers off of close combat lifesteal.
What's a good sub for Tonfa that doesn't spread stats out too much? Looking for something that's on the meatier side, so despite the stat overlap of dual swords that's not the answer right now.
I'm getting vaguely stonewalled by the first real boss, Onryoki, (I called for help to beat him) and I feel like Tonfa just aren't gonna do it for bosses.
Yeah, he just started the fucking war after Toyotomi Hideyoshi's death because he wanted to be in charge. Don't believe his lies user.
You best be joking nigger.
Kusurigama uses the same stats as Tonfas and Spears use 2/3s of them.
I wouldn't really recommend Gama+Tonfa, you'll never actually use the Tonfa. Spear might be a good pairing.
Did you put stats into HP instead of damage? Are you wearing heavy armor? Those are the two biggest things that fuck you over for Onryoki, not tonfas.
No, the biggest thing that fucks you up is trying to dodge his wrecking ball spin. Put on the heaviest armor you can and block that.
Block his ball spin, doesn't matter if you're stunned, it has a long recovery.
Strafe to the right to avoid his ball throws.
Hit him in the back when he's attacking.
Be careful of his spin when he's unarmed.
He shouldn't even hit you once.
Also note that not getting hit here is good practice because when you encounter him again later he's probably going to one shot you.
you can just dodge into the ball and be fine in WOT:samurai
I can't run this game on my PC, feels horrible.
We never get the Spanish lady, so will there be more dlc?
I bought a controller for this game. and I uninsralled it at the second map, it was really fun at first but it gets old fast
kek this has to be a shop
Muh keyboard and mouse fags can finally stop bitching
wew lad
Wait so the game didn't support KB+M at release? Like how is that acceptable at all?
Compared to other Koei Tecmo PC ports, Nioh might as well be a master piece.
Don't know shit about Nioh, but if it's a Soulslike then I don't see it being enjoyable with KB+M in the first place.
poopie shit
Dark Souls 2 is perfectly fine with a mouse and keyboard.
What do you mean by, get? If you mean her skin you do get that. If you mean actually defeating her no, there won't be more DLC. If they decide on a Nioh 2 she'll probably make an appearance.
Any night-owls and/or early birds wanna add me? I live in UDT - 06:00 but I work evenings and usually play from 8pm to 4am (or later if I'm having a bout of insomnia)
p.s. I'm only on the second mission… is there a reason why none of the Revenants I summon have light armor or Tonfas, and the most popular weapons are dual blades and Odachi?
But aren't there barely any major historical internal Japanese conflicts after this?
I played dork souls 1 and 2 with keyboard prior to getting a controller. It's feasible. But ultimately it's less about no kb+m support ruining the game and more it being kind of a basic feature. It shouldn't really have been an issue in the first place.
I'm more peeved about the crashes myself. Overall I'll take the port.
How does that make it excusable?
Charge attacks are easy enough to parry but I need to use that set which increased parry timing window to be able to do with Iai strikes.
Yeah, after the siege of Osaka you pretty much have to wait about the black ships and the Bakumatsu. If a sequel to Nioh does get made, I strongly believe it would be set during that.
Is the port any good?
I haven't heard any real complaints (apart from the lack of KB+M, but that will be fixed on the 30th), and I'm thinking of picking it up when it goes on sale.
There are some crashes, the most common taken care of by disabling steam overlay. Performance is reported to be generally good. Coop works if you set your region to limited.
As in most things, pirating first is the best way to check if it works on your machine.
What did he mean by this?
It's a reference to the scene after onryoki where Hanzo checks the time with the contraction of his cat's pupils. It was supposedly a technique ninja used at the time. The connection between those two scenes isn't the most solid.
If he'd said something about the cat clock when hanzo actually checked it, that'd make sense. But at that point I was just fucking baffled as to what he was going on about.
Also why would you use a cat as a clock when you're outside in the open air and can clearly see what fucking time of day it is?
I can only agree with you. The game has several of these disjointed moments, another is in Sekigahara when William suddenly gets angry at Sakon just so Kelley can bait Mitsunari into sacrificing his troops.
Cat-clocks always struck me as a silly concept in the first place, considering cat pupils depend on light and mood, not the time of day.
how did you manage to change skins when you're that low level?
When you see your visitor raise his hand, he's trying to high five you. Pls respond.
Circle clockwise, dash in and rape is face when he does his laser because that always staggers him. Never stop walking perpendicular to him clockwise and his lightning will never hit you.
You guys watch too much anime. You're bothered by the efficacy of using a cat as a clock, when clearly the first problem is the implication that all ninjas carried a full-grown cat around inside their ninja pajamas at all times
Cheat Engine
Which is also what makes RE4 PC the best version due to the bigger FOV.
I hope someone adds an FOV option for Nioh
Well how do you check the time, you cat-less loser?
I stare directly into the sun like a man, you nancy-boy.
So what is everyone's weaponfu? Any weapon that is objectively bad and should be avoided?
I'm guessing people focus on 1 type of melee weapon despite having two slots since there's also ranged and magic options.
I'm trying to avoid falling into any traps where I make the game unnecessarily hard for myself. I've been playing around with a spear for the reach and relatively good speed, but it felt kind of shit against the first real boss in the underbelly of that boat.
I felt like I would have preferred more damage over the range my spear offered.
Also I'm not really aware of what half the stuff on my equipment means at this point, is the game still in tutorial or do I need to go and read up independently?
I mean yeah I'll buy it.
There is a button you can press that give decriptions of most things.
>the first real boss
Why do people keep saying this? Is there anything that could even be confused for a boss before it? Nothing has a life bar on the bottom of the screen until this enemy, like all bosses do.
I ran with odachi most of my NG run but spears are the weapon I ended up liking most. It's especially true for human enemies, it has extremely high grapple/final blow damage and lots of ways to set them up. For yokai, it's inevitably different, but the basic spear chains are still reliable, though I do tend to fall back on odachi or kusarigama cheese for those.
Derrick the executioner. He has a bar, and he's a joke. Most gameplay elements aren't even unlocked when you fight him for the first time.
Maybe they're saying "real" ironically, since onryoki is a normal enemy being fought as if it's a boss battle?
Oh, I was casually looking for one of those but must have missed it. Thanks.
And I mostly meant for "feel" when I said real I guess. Derrick was too easy to get the recognition and that monster just turned into a trash mob. So yeah pretty much what >>13872512 said
I need to try more move sets and see what I like, just got a bit reliant on spear, especially since I pumped Body. But I do have fun with it, I know I'm not using it properly yet as well.
Forgot about that entirely. I was really pissed the first time when they have you use LW, and if I recall correctly, that just ends the fight.
Hello newfriend.
Don't expect me to remember every formatting quirk you nigger.
Get billied nerd.
I started Odachi/Kusarigama. It carried me fine but the Kusarigama just ended up being what I used almost all the time. I ended up picking up Tonfas as my curren 2nd weapon. They are a blast to play with but I wish they were better ki/guard destroyers. Otherwise the Tonfa is great for people like me who want to play Nioh like Ninja Gaiden.
I played a bit with the Kusarigama at the start and had a ton of fun with the heavy high stance long range attack, but I put so many points into body that eventually it felt a bit weak compared to my spears. Other than that I used Axes for a bit but didn't enjoy them very much.
pretty good feeling
Counter bullying!
Holy cunt the Quick-change scroll is fucking amazing
i've always said this as a joke. "oh, i'll wait for the completed edition" or "oh i'll wait for them to release the finished edition"
now theyre actually going to go ahead and call it that?
is this edited?
its complete as in it ships with the two post release DLC.
The quality of the PC port is suspect though
How in the shit does this skill work? There's no button presses indicated anywhere, which leads me to believe it's automatic, yet it never activates.
I like complete edition better than GOTY edition. It's more accurate, if nothing else.
You need to press L1 again
I completely forgot about Backwave and only used watershadow/haze.
Gonna give it a whirl.
Apparently the window is tight. Also since I think it's a parry it won't work on youkai, except for maybe skeletons.
Weird, I'm always just holding L1 after a timely guard in case I fuck up and need to keep blocking.
Jesus fuck, time to practice.
This is where DMC gets it right. "Special Edition" is what makes sense.
Just make sure you know when to do the plunge attack and when to just drop, those few seconds you are in the air is the drawback to the scroll.
This is my first playthrough, I went Spears and Axes. I have been doing skills but weapon upgrade wise how does shit work?
Where can I farm summoner's candles? I'm completely out.
I have the recipe to make them, but the materials are absurd and it seems like it would probably be easier to farm the candles than the materials to make them.
Just the fact that I get a "Oh you fucked up but it's okay" card makes it 100% worth it with how much damage the enemies do, and it also gives you a "free" critical attack. I have no idea how I never used this before.
It would probably be faster just to farm glory and trade at the teahouse for them.
I've been wondering about that. This entire playthrough, almost everything is able to one-shot or two-shot me, including trash enemies. If I fuck up my parry timing on a human with an axe, the overhead will one-shot me cleanly for example. It's either play perfectly or die instantly.
I'm fine with that, but when I watch gameplay videos, people only take about 300 damage on hits that would do over 2000 to me.
Am I playing on a secret Hard Mode, or did they patch the game's difficulty up significantly, or what?
Were the enemies debuffed? Bluster + Weaken Melee Weapon neuters enemy damage.
If they wore heavy armor like Tatenashi and had the Oyamatsumi grace set they'd also have around 5k def and 68% damage mitigation.
I think they are in fixed spawns, like hair, but unlike hair it respawns infinitely as you repeat the missions. You gather some eventually as you play.
>"oh boy, maybe i'll get one of those divine things i keep hearing about!"
I doubt they had anything like that. They were mostly just bumbling around mid-game like me. Maybe the difference in defense between light and heavy armor is just a lot more significant than I thought.
Forgot to ask, does Weaken Melee Weapon work against enemies that use their fists as weapons, like certain yoma?
I'm fairly sure divine is completely locked even from revenants until you beat the penultimate boss.
In addition to that, there are bosses/red monsters that are immune to specific debuffs and weaken melee/bluster are among them.
I just started playing Nioh today.Picked Odachi and Tonfa.
So the idea is to keep changing stances to get bonus KI recovery and attack boosts?
The perfect ki pulse attack boosts lasts for all of ONE attack.
Its the ki you're really after so you can keep the pressure up while bobbing and weaving between attacks.
Oh, alright then. I guess I can keep waiting for that delicious loot bump.
Well, shit.
There's different ways to go about it, and each skill tree has skills for various playstyles.
I generally stick to one specific stance depending on enemy, or whether I'm trying to inflict an ailment and so on.
Are you supposed to level up one weapon skill tree or mix it up?
You're supposed to experiment with different weapons at the very least since using those unlocks a lot of samurai skill points. And you can respec easily so don't worry about investing.
Up to you. You eventually get enough points to max everything, if you grind hard enough.
There are passives that work regardless of weapon littered around all of the trees as well.
There isn't really a wrong way to go about it and the game has respecs.
You can level up two different weapon skills fully in your first playthrough without much effort
Pick a main weapon and a sub weapon and stick with them. If you want to completely switch weapons just respec.
Hold on a tit-fucking minute. Isn't that the icon for weaken melee weapons? Because the axe I was using does not have it.
somebody datamine all the icons from the game already
Fuck Yokai, does it work on LW bosses like Masamune?
I think that's a rather ingenious tactic to keep people playing into NG+. Just making them easier to get and gradually higher level wouldn't do it
its basically Diablo 2 design
I don't think diablo 2 actually locked entire tiers of loot behind their second difficulty. A few unique drops as the levels increase, but it's not like you suddenly start finding uniques period.
Theoretically yes. In practice you better be damn good if you want to try that on someone like him.
Also it probably won't work when the boss is actually in LW mode so pick your times carefully. In particular don't even think about trying it when he has Green Dragon active.
It locked specific events behind difficulty which in turn locked specific loot.
Your best bet against Masamune is the kusarigama high strong attack. Basically you want to deplete his ki so he drops out of the mode.
I dropped this game after the first level
Thank god
is this you Frankie
>Game (((translates))) Byakko to "white tiger"
Only if he's in wind mode, because he's going to switch modes about 3 seconds after you knock him out every time. Water is a lot easier to deal with than Wind. He's slower and he doesn't negate all your damage.
That was the question and why I specified LW bosses. "Does it work against LW", "No", "then it's shit"
maybe they don't know what a hideyoshi is.
He probably just used the axe in high stance and didn't bother with any other playstyle.
But… I already got used to playing it without a mouse
I feel the same way. Of course, this could be a nice excuse to make an archer gimmick build headshotting everything forever
wheres the support for multiple controllers?
I want to use my racing wheel along with my mouse
This has to be shitposting.
I mean what the fuck's a Nobunaga anyways? Is that some sort of spear like the Nigganata?
Good thing I watched Nobunaga no shinobi, I now know everything about japanese hitler.
Jokes aside, I do find the japanese names extremely hard to remember and tell apart. Not that I think they should change them, but it does make the game hard to follow
I know a guy who's a huge souls fan and got this game because it looked right up his alley. He dropped it after an hour because it 'felt like a shitty Dark Souls clone'.
He assumed because it looked like a souls-like it has to play exactly like one. It didn't cross his mind to approach it like a new game and learn the rules.
Four games worth of conditioning made him a fucking moron.
oh it's real user. I watched him bang his head against the wall on Nue before he literally rage-quit live. It was something else.
Do you you have a video? I want to see this shit.
Nioh really assumes you know a good deal about the Sengoku era. I'd recommend playing Samurai Warriors 2 or 3 before playing Nioh, or else a lot of the impact is going to be lost on you, but no amount of localization is going to fix that.
That's why I got the game, too, and I like it for its differences. I think it could do with a sequel - or at least a mechanical sequel if the story wouldn't make sense to continue - in order to clean up, improve and build on its mechanics.
It's pretty damn good for Team Ninja, since their sole claim to fame before this is tit jiggle technology, as well as a few okay Ninja Gaiden games. Solidly enjoyable through and through.
I knew next to nothing about the Sengoku period before I played Nioh and the game actually got me interested in it. I knew more about youkai than the historical events of the time.
Well it's too late for "before", and it took me at least three Dynasty Warriors games to understand WTF was going on there, so I'm not sure how much that would help
I'm an old fart who likes the side-scrolling style of the NES originals better. Don't read too much into that, since I'm sure it's a combination of nostalgia and stockholm syndrome talking.
If those games had just been side-scrollers, or named anything different, I probably would have liked them a lot more. They were fun enough, but they just didn't feel right to me.
For that matter, Nioh feels like it's taking the "sort of demons souls kinda game" genre in the right direction with all of the added RPG mechanics. Loot farming and build-crunching are like heroin to me.
The sengoku era is really interesting and rich in nigh-unbelievable events, there's a reason why it's Japan's number one favorite historical period. And I find Samurai Warriors to be a suprisingly comprehensive introductive lesson. Except 4. 4 is utter shit.
Is there any ini tweak or something that can get rid of this fog? I don't mind the darkness, but I feel like I'm peering out through a window from a lit room at night.
around the 40 minute mark or so
he's not a bad guy but just kept trying to play the game like DS even though he should've learned he couldnt
this guy.
I think it looks better in windowed mode
They can be alright if you build for them, but otherwise they are a complete waste of hotkey space.
Oh I thought you were talking about the old NG games. Yeah I can see how the the new ones wouldn't set right with you. They didn't seem exactly right to me either.
Thank you, now I'll have something to watch during dinner tonight.
I sort of feel that I'm fortunate in a way since Nioh was the first of this type of game that I ever played so I could go into with few preconceptions. I wonder if I would just get completely destroyed if I went and tried Souls or Bloodborne now?
I mean the guy put points into dex, he might as well get the free damage in.
Trips of precognition, see
It's all he did,
I spent points on water sword without noticing it's for high stance only. Feels bad.
>newer Ninja Gaiden 1 and 2 are great and the third is shit supposedly
It rhymes.
I'm playing in borderless windowed mode.
Actually, I think my monitor settings are partly to blame here. The picture looks much better on my browser monitor.
user… that was the tutorial level. It gets better once you make it to Zipangu.
You're forgetting that the cat is literally a spirit and not a cat.
No, it's a regular cat possessed by nekomata.
Hanzo cannot see spirits. He doesn't know his regular cat was possessed by Nekomata
Horrible advice.
Once you break the Nue's stamina bar use all your heavy ass attacks, then swap to your low-stance and be a bit more conservative once your bar is almost empty. The Nue will always stand up before calling lightning and it will always be two bolts directly in front of it. A quick dodge to the side or any angle will put you in a safe position and so long as your in low stance and not committing to any attacks dodging will be simple.
Well, atlas bear is a foreign spirit like saorsie, so that makes sense, for giant toad I got nothing.
ok Ive finished way of the stronk
should I focus on like a proper build now shit is getting hard? and everything out leveling me to all fuck
also good grinding spot?
Giant Toad is Jiraiya
Nice trips, but the other user was pointing out inconsistency in translating. I know giant toad has a jap name, but why did they translate it as opposed to all the other youkai names?
I suppose thats just because he is a giant toad form, I dunno.
Jiraiya is probably copyrighted or trademarked in the west by whatever the western branch of the Naruto company is.
That's so stupid it's probably true.
I ran Kusarigama for most of the game. Odachi/Gama was my start, then I went sword/gama. Sword was pretty good at poking in brief weakness windows and for the damaging end of a serpant strike combo (serpent strike, foot sweep, weapon switch, Iai quickstrike, final blow).
Now I'm endgame and switched back to Odachi/gama. The odachi does WAY more damage in a single strike with better reach and control, and odachi LW attacks are way more controlled and better at breaking guards. The gama still has the best LW strong attack for quickly damage-racing bosses. I had to switch to a spirit-primary build so that I could use both efficiently though, as they share exactly no stats. That is, I'm using Izanagi set for A-rank spirit scaling plus A+ rank on both weapons, with 200 spirit.
There were a few others. Wheelmonk instead of wanyudo, one-eyed imp instead of hitosume-kozo.
A-Rank, not A- rank.
Probably not, dark souls has a much simpler combat system, bloodborne is slightly more complex than dark souls but it doesn't come close to Nioh.
Nah. Those games are about knowing the system, not execution. Nioh is execution-heavy.
As an example, Capra Demon's famous for demolishing new players, but as long as you know what the poise stat does and how to acquire it, he's a total joke.
Level 570 and I still can't cross a bridge without falling into the holes
Did… did that kappa just punched me in the ass?
I forgot that I had this
I think he's supposed to be taking your soul.
true quality
Yeah, that.
It's the game japanese schoolchildren play where they try to stick their fingers up their teachers' buttholes as deep as they can go.
If you have the mystic art that increases their damage they become good even if Dex is your third best stat
I don't think so. In the youkai glossary it says that they can take your shirikodama if you turn your back on them.
Which they do via kancho, otherwise known as the game japanese schoolchildren play where they try to stick their fingers up their teachers' buttholes as deep as they can go.
It's too bad you can't disable a kappa by bowing to it.
You'd think they'd have that considering the stuff for nurikabes and mujinas.
through my ass?
I knew it was something like this but couldn't remember the name, that's fucking hilarious
yes. "… or gaining power by taking their shirikodama (尻子玉), a mythical ball said to contain the soul, which is located inside the anus."
Just wait until you meet the other kappas.
Fucking I made a huge mistake
Dude swam to Japan with a dream.
The eternal niggaboo, spirit of Fightan games and Dragonball Z.
Swords are pretty fun
Do you still get Samurai skill points all the way up to 999999 proficiency? or do they stop coming after a point?
I'm getting so damn many leveling weapons ive not used so I can do the dojos
I think the last point might be at 500k, though it's possible you get one more at 999
Also if you wait until Way of the Nioh you can 0-999999 a proficiency in a single level
eh I'm getting 50000 to 80000 in like 30 seconds in wots so not too bad
Whatever works. I think you need to do all the dojos to unlock one of the better farming missions, so it's not a waste. Just don't worry about it too much because the later you do it the faster it will be.
the sword and spear dojo unlock a bunch of misssions and the farming one
Who the fuck thought this fight was a good idea? What am I even supposed to do to this fucking thing?
I managed to beat the first phase with arrows, and then the second phase with all of my rifle rounds.
In the third phase there's 6 more fucking heads, and I only had handcannon ammo to kill three of them. The rest just sit there wagging around like limp cocks forever until finally one of them ate me.
Is there a gimmick for getting the heads to pass out? Or is there a gimmick where I can somehow magically fly up to them?
how do you even play video games?
I have trouble with ridiculous gimmick bosses that don't follow the general rules of the game. I'd rather fight 8 humans than an 8-headed giant snake that I can't hit unless I do some obtuse musical chairs dance dance revoution bullshit.
Do I have to solve a sudoku puzzle or some shit to make a head fall down?
Its not even a gimmick boss, you are too stupid to just attack them.
You just wait for them to attack and then they linger close enough to the edge of the platform for you to combo them twice. Not even on the platform, just near it
I can't just attack them because they're hovering over a giant death pit spitting projectiles at me endlessly from all directions at once. How do I make them come down to a point where I can hit them?
Did you even fight the boss?
try to coax one of the heads to attack the giant crystals, when one of them breaks it releases of bunch of amrita that gets absorbed by the nearest orochi head (and overloads it for some reason)
also after they use a physical attack, they're necks get close to the edge of the roof where you can melee them
Their necks get close after every attack
You literally can't fall off during that fight, it won't let you off the roof
Haven't played since spring. Is the dlc any good or should I pass?
Can you seriously walk on the air between the castle roof and the giant snakes 100 feet out over the lake?
Well, it'd be nice for the game to tell me that by putting some kind of visible force field around the edge or something. How am I supposed to intuit that the one time cliffs are magically safe is this one isolated giant snake head boss fight?
Alright, I'll give it a shot.
Alright, it went better this time. Managed to take out 4 of them in the third phase before I died.
Doing this with only 7 medicine is a bit rough, since dodging the projectiles from behind me is basically impossible. It's just an HP tank race, pretty much.
Still, it's doable now that I know that I don't have to cower back from the edges like I normally would be expected to.
Bitch the game won't let you fall off a ledge unless you move off it. You can attack in the direction of a ledge all you want and you won't go anywhere.
Attacks generally won't send you off a ledge, but combine some less consistent edges and some more acrobatic attacks and you can fall regardless
Did it on the third try, and it was really easy. Figuring out what to do on these is just the pain in the ass.
I wouldn't have a problem if the entire game was giant gimmick boss battles, because then I'd generally know what I'm looking for. But this is a game about sword fighting against other humans and human-shaped monsters. "Get the snake head to attack the glowing rock so that magical orbs come out and make it sleepy so you can stab it in the head" isn't exactly something you learn as you play the game naturally. It's something you learn in the middle of that fight only, and only if you happen to notice it by chance while you're not staring wildly in 6 different directions at all of the non-stop projectiles trying to kill you.
The boss I had the second biggest problem with was the Giant Skeleton thing. It took me 6 tries before I could figure out how to get to and hit all of its pieces. Not hard, just really stupid and pointlessly annoying.
Actual hardest bosses for me in terms of difficulty, rather than obtuseness:
Every other boss I killed on my first or second try.
I've fallen off of ledges so many damn times while playing, and there are often enemies designed to knock you off ledges when crossing thin bridges and such.
How am I supposed to just assume that the snake heads aren't programmed to try to sweep me off the edge?
You ran off, then attacked.
Is there really any point to fighting Revenants in WotW/Nioh? You should more or less have the gear you want, and normally they only drop fragments (instead of ethereals) anyway.
you get glory, I'm not really sure what it's used for though.
It's currency at the teahouse. You can buy emotes and transforms with it.
You could use them to farm glory, or you could do coop for 5-10k per run. Killing Revenants is a waste of time at that point.
There's always renown.
I find it a bit stupid you fight Yukimura two times, and the second DLC is really pathetic content wise as a result, but there is the fact they all bring changes for the base games.
It's worth the 0 bucks it is for the PC version :^)
Were any of you ever at the same level as the missions you were running, other than at the very start?
Right now, I'm 20 levels lower than the lowest level mission on the map. That just seems a little strange to me, though judging by the gear-over-levels style of the game, I imagine it's probably pretty normal. If anything, I'm surprised I'm not seeing level 20 revenants around my level 140 missions.
japs pretty mad about him in general
he is always changed to something instead of being the exotic slave novelty he was irl
what rooftop do I need to run off of to get to that Kodama on the roof over there?
nevermind I was dumb, he wasn't on a house at all.
None, you just go to the right when you unlock the shortcut once you get to the beach.
The highest level missions are at least 1220, the maxiumum level is 750
All of my nope.
On his own Nobunaga is easy, but playing interference for my personal kryptonite is just no. Nooope.
How am I coming along guys?
First time player, still figuring things out.
I may be wrong in thinking this, but I don't think minmaxing is as pertinent in Nioh as it is in dark souls. You're sort of expected to try out all weapons to gain samurai skills. Also, do not underestimate onmyo magic. It's not really about damaging spells, it supports melee combat and one spell in particular breaks everything before the DLC where it's nerfed.
You are so very very wrong. You don't really need to minmax in WotSam, but it's way bigger and more important in WotN than it is in dark souls.
That said, attributes kind of don't matter, especially in WotN. Diminishing returns are huge, so besides picking which stat to max weapon damage from (ie you stack "change to attack" bonuses for that attribute and get it to 200) you pretty much get everything worthwhile from every attribute.
For that reason, I've always had full stock of anti-paralytic needles on my shortcut items.
Well, yeah. For NG the diminishing returns are going to be the important part, aren't they?
Just another day on the ghetto nioh
Also I found this weapon, is high attack ki reduction worth? or should I reroll it? I don't know if I could get something better
The * Attack Ki Reduction just means it takes less ki to do an attack in that stance. If you use high attack a lot, then sure.
These are my options? This is a hint that I'm supposed to grind out a full set of divine gear and about 50 more levels, right?
Honestly there's not a single thing on there I wouldn't reroll.
Ki reduction is kind of meh, hit your ki pulses or use living weapon and it shouldn't be an issue to begin with. Neither of those rolls are partularly high either.
Close Combat Ki damage is another low roll. Odachis are pretty good at ki damage so you might make your strategy around it, but not with that kind of roll.
Equipment weight damage bonus is the best bonus you can have (provided you keep your weight >30.1), but C+ might as well not even be there. You want an A (starts at A- with no familiarity)
Weaken Armor (Arms) is the worst weaken armor you could get. Arms provide the least armor, so weakening them means reducing the enemy's armor by the least amount. Body would be best, but the value of Weaken Armor is doubious anyway. Meanwhile, Weaken Weapons (same slot) can practically neuter an enemy's damage.
The 3 kellys aren't nearly as bad as you think. They don't have boss-tier health for starters. It's also possible to get them stuck on the level geometry in order to fight them one at a time (kite one into the space between the big vats and the closed portcullis gate, the others often won't be able to follow).
Those other dual bosses are meant to be the original game's end game challenge content.
You just made this fight immensely easier for me. How the fuck was anyone supposed to know that?
By noticing the heads floating near the platform after an attack and trying to attack them?
You can cause the heads to fall down by making them smash crystals that overload them as well as hitting them in windows after certain physical attacks like the bites. Considering ledges have always meant death and there's ways to make the heads fall down, why would anyone try to run to their death?
I'll bet you fought umibozu by item spamming him too
I used fire talismans and attacked his arm crystals mostly on the first time. Now I just hug him. He's much closer to the edge than Orochi anyways, and reaveals a giant glowing weak point after the laser, strongly implying you can attack him at the edge without falling off.
Well if you hug him then you know attacks won't send you off the ledge. You could have at least TRIED to see if they would reach Orochi
And risk falling off when there's no clear hint it's safe like with Umi-Bozu? I already said Umi-Bozu is closer the edge. His body itself is what keeps you from falling off, since you still can if he moves. Orochi doesn't work like that since you simply cannot fall off, and I had no reason to think it was a good idea.
It is extremely weak to elemental bullets, 2 or 3 hits kill a head outright
I like to shoot him with a cannon when I get summoned there, but it's really annoying how he will sometimes be invulnerable and I can't really tell when it's OK to shoot
i never knew
Usually when he's not attacking. The last head especially will be invulnerable for like 30 seconds while it goes through it's "transformation", but the other ones tend to be when they spawn in as well until their first attack.
Gotta kill quick though or the host will find new and interesting ways to die.
I just kinda threw magic bullets at him and won easily. Granted it was only the first difficulty so who knows how it is on ng+ and up.
end yourself
How do you even high five back, other than timing it right (which is really hard)?
please respond
your profile has warning signs of some faggot who would post in a steam friends thread and is probably a tranny
I just started playing the game. Do all spears have the same animations? Cause i was expecting pokes and there are just swipes. Maybe I didn't see it right.
Pokes/vertical strikes tend to be the heavy attacks.
So, it's a yes to "all spears share same animations" right? There are no "special" spears with added animations or something like that?
Yeah, all weapon classes have the same set of attacks.
No, but the new skills you unlock keep the weapon fresh.
I feel the need to respec but my next respec is going to cost 100,000
Can I find Swords with ninjutsu damage bonus so I can use them despite not having the stats for scaling? Or Hammers?
Is it terribly unwise to put next to nothing into Spirit? Is the extra Ki gained by putting points into Heart really worth it?
I'm confident I don't need more HP than I'm given for a standard level-up to get through the game, but Body gives scaling for Tonfas (my main weapon). Does the softcap/diminishing returns for skill/dex damage boost ever get outpaced by Body? Would I be doing well to put 10 points into Body, or is it largely a waste unless I'm dying to bosses too much?
My main intentions are to go light armor, Tonfas, and though I haven't decided on a side weapon yet I know for sure I don't want it to be dual blades or kusa and am definitely leaning towards a heavier weapon if I can find a way to make it good despite the lack of scaling. I also might just go bare-handed in the second slot and use the disarm jutsu because I honestly haven't used a second weapon much.
I just beat Nue. I'm not proud of how I did it, but I did it.
Get some magic, pick up the sloth and devigorate talismans. Use both of them on a boss and he can't hit you, but if he does, will do fuck all damage. Otherwise, grab heavy armour. Light armour pretty much means you go from being one shotted to being two shotted.
I'm not using sloth or devigorate. If I get magic at all, I'm going to get the heal magics, and those are really expensive for just a side thing so I probably won't be getting those.
Besides, if I want to cheese a boss fight all I have to do is summon help and let someone else kill it for me. I fully intend to finish boss fights without hard cheesing them.
are you a souls autist too?
I think Nioh is a bit like Ninja Gaiden meets Toukiden 2, really.
Quit being a fag. 5 points in magic and some hair gives you enough onmyo skill points to throw on a couple healing spells and some debuffs.
probably because sloth is horribly overpowered to the point of absurdity in WOTS (both of them) even after it's been nerfed time and time again.
How can I get more magic slots without putting points into magic stats?
What kind of melee weapons scale with spirit?
Look at the bottom right onmyo skill you retard.
don't call me that
Both ninjutsu and onmyo have a skill to get 4/3/3 more slots in the bottom right for novice/adept/veteran. You need a min of 20 points in magic and dexterity to get all the skills from the way of the whatever dojo missions. So with 20 points in either you should have 30 slots to play around with.
Stupid. Idiot. Ignoramus. Dumb. Baka.
In addition, if you really don't want though points in magic, you can just respec after completing the dojos.
Not like you don't get enough free respec books throughout the game.
Sub missions?
If I mainly dodge, what agility grade should I aim for? Is down to C okay or do I need to be A-B? Is it correct that if you weigh more, your blocking drains less ki? So I should choose one playstyle then and gear accordingly?
I'm not a big fan of playing as a complete glass cannon but dodging in C-B has worked out so far.
I'll also need to dump points into either skill, stamina and strength to wear armor later on right? I've started seeing stuff pop up that I can't equip.
Does stamina and body have decent value even if you don't use the corresponding weapons? I've only been putting points into dexterity so far, and enough spirit to unlock the A B move.
When you play Mario, why don't you experiment with every single pit and make sure each one actually kills you? I'll tell you why: because games teach you how they work, and experimentation with established concepts is never necessary in a well designed game.
Nioh is very well designed and teaches you everything you need to know - except the giant boss battles which feel like they were thought up by a temp with ADHD. The "cliffs are safe" convention they use is completely contrary to the rest of the game, where cliffs are so dangerous that you should never EVER be within 10 feet of them if you can at all avoid it.
I've got 7 and am about halfway through the Osaka Summer map.
You can equip everything, you won't get the special effects if you don't meet the equipment requirements. They're listed at the bottom of the equipment page.
Yes, I have 25 and am in WotN. You can also buy them from the teahouse at 800 a pop, so don't worry about ever running out.
Agility affects running/dodging/attacking ki cost, ki regeneration rate and running speed.
Agility B has around 1.1x more cost across the board, takes 1.3x longer to fully regen ki, but has the same running speed as Agility A.
Agility C has around 1.5x more cost across the board, takes 1.5x longer to fully regen ki, and has around a slower run speed, though I'm not sure by how much.
Blocking is affected by your weapon's Parry stat and your total Toughness, as well as Guard Ki Reduction mods.
Toughness has two breakpoints at 100 and 200 where guard ki costs go down significantly.
Also around 200 Toughness you get super armor against most enemy attacks.
In conclusion, get 200 Toughess, stay in the Agility B bracket, do w/e you want.
Remember that dodging in low stance gives you the most iframes and costs the least ki, and blocking in mid stance cost less ki and lets you regen your ki while you block and move.
Needs 15 dex and magic/10
Thank you, that's a lot of things I had no idea about.
Because Mario doesn't have infinite lives?
you retards are why games have mandatory tutorials. You aren't a human, you are a Pavlovian dog.
forged gear has less status requirements than the one you find randomly.
I'm never going to just wander near [thing that always kills you in game] to experiment, user. That's something someone with brain damage would do.
Rich coming from you who can't even put 2 and 2 together.
Did you have trouble clearing the first level of Megaman X too?
No, because that game teaches you what you need to know. All of the game's concepts are introduced in that level, and they don't change throughout the game.
If Nioh put a giant boss battle in the opening tutorial and showed you that cliffs are magically safe when the boss is bigger than an elephant, then there would be no problem.
I can't beat the vampire lady boss.
This game's too hard for me, unfortunately, as I enjoy the combat.
Equip anti-paralysis charms and the Archer set to be mostly immune to her paralysis.
Bait her kick and umbrella combos and punish her. In the air she takes a lot of damage from shurikens/kunai/arrows/bullets, so you can punish her there - just make sure you dodge while still holding the aiming button (L2) because letting go of L2 will lock you in the put-the-bow-away animation.
Good luck!
she also has some very predictable slow combos that you can either dodge your way through or block and then get behind her to whack away at. Her paralysis blast isn't tough to dodge either, just don't be greedy and get a feel for her patterns.
Honestly dude, she isn't tough, especially if you can stay alive until she's in the air and toss ninja stars like candy
Also, if vampire lady is giving you trouble, then you're going to snap your controller when you get to the ice queen. It's a good, happy kind of rage. Drink it in and grow stronger.
Except when they do and you get your shit pushed in because you are not a functioning human but a DSP-lite.
Paradigm shift imminent.
What ninja stars?
Compare it to a much better designed game like Monster Hunter.
There are giant monster battles that "change up" the mechanics, except they don't actually change up anything. The boss is huge and you can walk on top of it, but you can still fall off the edge, all of the normal rules still apply, and there are clear tools littered around for you to figure out logically what to do.
In the Orochi battle, the only way to figure that fight out is to say "gee, I wonder what happens if I walk off the edge of this massive cliff? maybe something good will happen".
It just doesn't make any logical sense that the cliffs would be safe. No normal human being would ever think that they would be safe.
your ninjitsu skills user. Out of curiosity have you been using your samurai/ninja/magic points by buying and equipping items and skills with them?
Not sure if you're still having problems or not, but also listen for audio cues for her attacks.
She'll say "tch" sound when she's about to charge at you, and she yells when she's about to blast you with her paralysis wave. When she's in the air it's the same, except she'll also say "tch" when she's about to throw knives at you.
She has some nice big openings, but they're hard to see when you're on the defensive. The more familiar you get with her, the easier they will be to see and exploit.
No I didn't even know they existed.I've been using the adachi(longsword) only.
This soul matching shit is obtuse as fuck. According to the game's explanation of it this should be perfectly fine, but when I want to soul match the game keeps telling me the combination of material and base equipment doesn't allow for the effect to be inherited, and I have zero fucking clue why that is.
That's a balancing issue. The inheritable ability is too close to something else you already have on the base weapon. Your ability is close combat damage and your weapon already has what looks like close combat attack. There are measures to stop you from getting a weapon with effects that are all the same thing or very similar thing. You can't have a weapon with 4 versions of "break +15" for example.
Surely someone will be able to mod or hack items to allow for truly absurd gear. Not that it's necessary, but 6x break+15 tonfas would be fun as fuck to use.
At that point, why not just give yourself broken stats?
I'm talking about for fun, not for cheating your way through the game. Hacking your stats would be much easier, I imagine, but that's really kind of boring.
Somehow re-rigging the game's loot system to take out all of the balancing restrictions would make for a kind of silly and surreal playthrough.
This is what was meant to be.
To be honest I don't think there'd be much harm in allowing people to reforge all 6 columns to one effect. I'm sure it'd break the PvE in some cases but if everyone can do it there's not much of an issue.
Honestly, I'm still not sure what niche tonfas are supposed to fill in this game. I assumed, based on the fact that they're basically dual cudgels, that their main focus would be break and ki damage, with lower attack damage to balance them out.
But they have low everything except for super high player mobility.
I heard they excel at keeping humans off balance.
Ninja Gaiden fan service maybe? I loved those things in NGII and you can combo with them forever. The gun sticks are my current stand by. They really should be ki destroyers though, it's not even a damage boost that they need because if they could smash through guards all day you wouldn't need much damage considering how long you can combo with them.
They attack fast and once they start they keep going without interruption, even if I get hit by something that does half my health. The problem is they don't drain enemy ki nearly as much as they need to and you get stuck playing keep away trying to bait out enemy attacks just to get their ki lower.
Then where is the similarity on this weapon? How does skill scaling relate to anything I already have on my weapon? It's not letting me soul match.
At a guess, I'd say the close combat attack is conflicting with skill damage. They both raise the physical damage of your weapon. The way I understand it is you've got abilities that affect
And there are some more special effects like life regain, prevention of enemy parries but they're sort of one of effects.
I think the way it works is you can't have any two that fall into the same category. So "Skill Damage" and "Close Combat Attack" both fall into Physical Damage and you can't have both. I'm still not certain of it myself though but this makes the most sense thus far to me.
Close Combat Attack (Enemy Attacking) conflicts with Skill Damage.
I suppose that explains it. Is there any reason to hang on to max familiarity weapons then? The game loves warning me about the fact I'm about to disassemble such a weapon, but I see no reason to keep them if I can't even use them to soul match anyway.
I hang on to weapons with inheritable abilities that relate to elemental stuff like "Lightning damage +45%" because they're just a cunt to roll for and I found them dropping semi-often. As you get further in the game you'll find that forging new stuff or just reforging more recent drops is more efficient than keeping your older shit that keeps getting more and more expensive to soul match the further it gets away from it's original level. Until you get level 150 drops in which case you hit a sort of soft cap and you can hang onto and commit to something more easily.
I read you gain passive damage the HEAVIER you are, maxing at 10% with 30.1 weight. This is in addition to the "equipment weight damage bonus" which also maxes at 16% with 30.1 weight
Here's a table that shows the reforges. It isn't 100% accurate to the current version but it's good enough. Most of what it is missing are Ethereal-only bonuses
Everything in the same category conflicts, meaning you can't have two different mods by any means (Reforging or soul matching). You also can't have multiple of the same mode or variants of that mod, even if they are in the "no conflicts" category.
I think the passive weight damage bonus was removed and was added into Equipment Weight Damage Bonus.
Before it used to be 10% from passive and EWDB gave another 5%. Now EWDB gives the full 15%.
Makes sense, EWDB would be pretty shit at 5% only, then again magic/ninjutsu damage bonus only gives about 5% (1% per 100 power but it's really hard to get much over 500 power)
I'm not sure what stats to continue pumping at this point. My main weapon is Kusarigama (any protips?) and I also wonder if I'm missing out on any good consumables from ninja and magic, a lot is locked but let me know about stuff to keep an eye out for.
Everything but strength and stamina should be good at this point.
Dex/Magic to 30 gives you the max number of slots,
Spirit to 34 lets you use every spirit in the game, 36 is where diminishing returns hit
Skill to about 20 should really help your ki pulse as well as adding damage to most weapon types
Body to around 20 is where the first stage of diminishing returns on health hit
You can just pump dex until you cap at 99. It scales best with the kusarigama and as a bonus you get ninjutsu. Shuriken and Kunai can get stupid strong. Other than that some armour sets require about 13 in body, heart and skill depending on the set, lower if you forge them yourself. In my experience you don't really need much in body if you're a focused dodger and you beef up your armour to take the blow when you do fuck up, there's also a ninja scroll I use to account for my low health which is basically an extra life.
moar dex
moar magic
if you're relying on ninjitsu items i recommend at least 99 dex
FYI you get another 10 slots for going from 99 to 200
Thanks for the advice. For now I think I'm putting Skill and Body at 15 or something while keeping an eye out for new spirit requirements. Then maybe dex to 30.
I've been meaning to play around more with other weapon types but I just fall back on the Kusa every time.
Which sword and spear mystic art are better?
Do you block a lot with a sword? Pick the first.
Do you parry a lot with a sword and/or attack yokai from behind a lot? Pick the second.
I haven't used spears much.
Sword better dodge window is nice but you might try dual sword if that's what you really want, it gets a bonus autododge that also boosts attack when it triggers. Damage from behind is probably best, thats how you do the best damage anyway
Spear range/damage art is probably best. The thrust damage actually affects other weapons with thrust attacks, including swords. The other might be more stylish but it's likely to get in the way when you just want to switch and combo
Back attack and thrust damage it is. Thanks.
The first DLC has red kappa, namahage, and rokurokubi (long necks). It claims "snowclops" is new, but that's just a recolored one-eyed oni. I think cannon ninja oni are new too, though they are the same model as existing enemies
The second DLC doesn't have a damn thing. It has red namahage but doesn't even pretend they are anything new. The Third DLC only introduces Magatsu Warriors (4 arms), but at least it has a decent number of new bosses.
The first DLC and second DLC added the Odachi and Tonfa respectively.
Is that why there are only like 6 different Tonfa variations?
I imagine so. It's also why when you beat Orochi there's no Odachi or Tonfa among the divine drops. You'll notice the DLCs sort of introduce the weapons too. Shigezane has an odachi in Dragon of The North and Sasuke has his tonfa in Siege of Osaka.
They kind of ran out of juice, huh? It kind of shows in the level design of Dragon of the North's first mission. Shrines are extremely close together, as are shortcuts, and most shortcuts don't even make sense or are totally useless. The Kodamas are all also pretty much just dribbled along the main path with two exceptions.
I like the new enemy types, and I'm glad they extended the game mechanics with new weapon types and whatnot, but I probably would have been pretty pissed if I paid for this DLC on a console.
Alright, I've managed to put together my first set of divine gear, and I did a little reforging on it so far.
How's it look? Anything I should definitely reroll on it?
Oh, and this is the set bonus for it.
First thing I've noticed about it is that I take so SO much less damage. I used to get one-shot by everything, and now I can tank 3-5 hits and sometimes more.
Ok, first things first you need to learn about Tempering. Tempering uses Umbracite, of which there are 4 qualities. Umbracite drops during coop and is granted as a reward for completing coop or twilight missions, it also drops in the abyss. The qualities generally correspond to difficulties and once you've found one you can convert 3 to 1 of the next tier.
To temper, go to the reforging menu and instead of pressing A to select the weapon or armor, press Y. This will bring up a menu that allows you to select from a list of pre-rolled attributes for each slot on the weapon. Higher tiers of umbracite let you choose from more attributes at once and rarer attributes are more common in the high tier slots (but can be found anywhere).
The attributes rolled through tempering will always have the maximum value for a given range. Some attributes have multiple ranges, for example you can get either a C+ or an A- agility damage bonus (no familiarity), but never anything in between.
The Tempering results will change for every slot every time you temper an item. You can also sometimes change some of the results by reforging normally, which will allow you to save on umbracite. Generally, if a slot has any conflicting attributes with a newly reforged slots, that entire slot will reroll.
That said, let's talk about what you want to look for. On weapon, you are going to want Close Combat damage +15/20% (reroll quick attack damage), Equipment Weight Damage Bonus A-/A (reroll Agility Damage bonus), Change to attack (attribute) A-/A+ (you already have this), and Weaken Armor Torso OR Weaken Melee Weapons 17.9/22.9% (remove weaken armor (head) via soul matching). After that it's kind of up to you, your build, and what you can find. If you want life drain (I wouldn't recommend it) you should get "close combat life drain" which applies to all attacks.
On Armor, for an offense focused build you would want to Soul Match Attack onto all of your gear. I suggest crafting another pair of gloves and using the one you already have to soul match onto one of the other gear pieces. +attack on an inheritable is hard to come by in my experience. The other thing I like to put on my inheritable slots is Elemental Damage Reduction (guarding). 3 total gear pieces and you can get this to 100%, which not only blocks all damage, but also blocks elemental status as well, it only rolls naturally on helmets but I usually pick it up fairly often.
You absolutely need to get Tenacity: Recurent damage on SOMETHING. It rolls on pretty much every armor piece including accessories and makes you immune to death by poison, fire, or leeching talismans, all of which will kill you through Quick Change. Another good one to pick up is Shorten Recovery Time (out of Ki), which reduces the amount of time you get winded, this bonus doesn't stack so you only need it once
Almost all armor pieces have a bonus after X. Head is bonus on amrita absorbtion, chest is when surrounded, hands is on timely guard, legs is on status ailment, feet is on purification. Hands is on dash attacks but that's ethereal only and ethereal boots can also gain zero ki bonus. In any case it's going to depend on your build which you want to get, but they all stack with each other so you could put attack bonuses EVERYWHERE for massive damage (that's usually how most builds go), or defense bonuses or healing if you really wanted.
Holy sweet jesus, there's a lot more to this than I thought. Thanks, user, this all sounds pretty damn good and I'll see what I can do to start forming this set into something great going forward.
point you to the table here
It's not perfect but it's good enough. Tabs at the bottom to switch between armor/weapon/ranged
This is going to make things a lot easier, thanks. Looks like step one is to grind for divines like crazy and collect the inheritables I need.
I wouldn't recommend that.
Step one is to grind for Umbracite by spamming Coop and doing your dailies. You can maybe try grinding on Revenants to get divines with inheritables, the idea being other players will have done the work for you there, battle of the bridge in way of the strong third region is best for that. Otherwise you just look for inheritables as you play and only really worry about reforging the slots you can.
Alright then, I guess I'll just complete the DLCs and the Dojo stuff and take it one step at a time.
covered most of it but if you're going the tank route I suggest against inheriting Attack on your armor - try to get Received Firearms Damage 10-13% instead. The great thing about RFD is that is reduces the damage of all projectiles, not just bullets as it implies.
With Tatenashi 2 piece bonus and RFD on your accessories, you can be immune to projectile damage. If you roll No Guard Break (Damage From Projectile) on your chest, you can pretend projectiles don't exist. Trying to block cannon shots still completely drain your ki though.
You can roll Received Elemental Attack Damage 17-22% on your torso, and accessories come with a 14-16% version. If you have 15% from your title bonus and Tatenashi 5 piece, you can hit 100% elemental damage reduction without guarding. Taking 0 damage from Umi-bozu's water beam feels great.
Shorten Recovery Time (out of Ki) can be replaced with Everlasting Ki, which prevents you from becoming winded in the first place but requires 3 slots (30-35% on your pants and feet and 30% on one accessory) to be reliable. Its better when you're surrounded, but if 1v1 SRT is pretty much the same.
Once you get to Ethereals you should look for Life Recovery (Timely Guard) which recovers 15% life or Auto-Recovery (Timely Guard) which recovers 20% life over 10 seconds. These appear on gloves only AFAIK.
Healing a third of your health on a perfect block is awesome, especially if you're playing a tank that takes very little damage to begin with.
I forgot to add that those recovery gloves + 2 piece Genius Tactician is absolutely nuts against fast hitting enemies.
I had a Kusarigama user in PvP heal me from critical to full hp in one low combo.
The lightning isn't so bad I just can't seem to dodge the claw strikes and then when I do I fuck something else up thanks to my keen ability to get stuck on or in things. What's a way to tell that damn claw swipe he does at least?
My dick can't get any harder. I just want to put together a set that can stand in front of Yuki-onna without flinching and beat her bare-fisted. For the beatings she put me through, I need a serious training and crafting montage right now.
If you bait him around, he'll smash almost all of it. His lightning can smash things do if you lead it around with you.
If you're in front of him he's going to claw swipe in 3…2…
Basically, get your hits in and get the fuck out of the way. Don't be greedy. Dodge right since he generally swipes with his left first, but be sure to double-dodge for the second one.
I meant his right - your left.
Dodge to the right since he'll swipe his right paw to the left of you first. Wanted to make sure it was clear.
You deal with it through patience and good spacing or eating the first hit and blocking the second.
I haven't found any other way.
there's a small window to attack him after he rolls at you and hits the wall. You can also hit his stomach for extra damage when hes lying on his side but I'm not sure what triggers it.
How the fuck did I win?
So here's what I've got currently, any advice on what I can do better? I'd like a better accessory (or two), buy I'm kind of stuck there. I believe the amrita earned during living weapon helps extend it better? It's been mentioned as a must-have stat.
At this point the only thing I use the Kusarigama for is trying to burst down a boss in living weapon, as its strong LW attack is still one of the highest DPS in the game. Most of the time I just use the Odachi, which I tend to use in LW about 90%, with the remaining 10% being the one or two kills I need to get back into LW.
Everything that's a bonus on X is Attack
I guess I should mention I'm trying to use debuffs as damage buffs with Kigetsu and the yamanaka clan
he's weak to water
And now I can't wear any armor I've gathered nor do I know how to proceed with weapons. I've put points into swords & Odachi's and my level is 30 something thus far.
That's pretty much it, user. If you take too long, they will generally recover with a yokai realm puddle thing.
In the case of Nue he can recover at any time by instantly standing up and lightning bolting himself, and you if you happen to be attacking him. There is absolutely no warning for this move, best you can do is hope he doesn't do it in the first few seconds while you try to get in some damage.
The warning is that he stands up, my dude. But thing with Nue is that you never stand still for more than 2-3 seconds. You never have to run, you can just walk slowly around him in a circle and he'll never hit you provided you're out of claw range, but once you're in close for an opening you have a 2-count to get back out if you want to be safe.
Nue is a patience game, unless you go for his openings:
That's really the only major openings I know for him. I mainly go for them opportunistically and otherwise just play that fight like a hummingbird.
The lightning hits at the same time he stands, which he can do near instantly even while in the middle of a knockback animation. There is NO time to react and no tell to prepare for it, you just hope you aren't there when it happens.
What do you mean?
I don't remember that at all, but I believe you. I probably just have the muscle memory working full-tilt getting me out at the right time without thinking about it, but when I back out of a combo I always feel like I'm doing it because I see him starting to move.
Either way, he's a pretty interesting fight. The optional Nue that appears in a later mission gave me all kinds of hell until suddenly he couldn't hit me anymore. I didn't even feel the progression, it just went from "holy shit please stop" to "excuse me what are you doing" between one ruin and the next. None of the other bosses just sort of fizzled out like that for me, at least not yet.
is nioh an actual finished game or is it another souls meme game that's only 20% complete
Familiarity Damage Bonus A is around 15% attack, so try and get that on your melee weapons instead of EWDB. For your ranged get Agility Damage Bonus A instead, its around 10% damage from Agility B.
EWDB stacks, but I think it caps out at AA+ and I read that the difference between A and AA+ is like 3% so its certainly not worth losing out 15% x 10% for.
You have multiple Zero Ki Bonus (Increase Attack) and they don't stack. Get one Zero Ki Bonus (Increase Ki Recovery Speed) perhaps? Its around a 50% increase which is pretty good.
I find Pierce Guard inferior to Parry Disabled vs Guarding Enemy, but this is a playstyle preference.
Oh and you can try and squeeze in a Kamewari Kabuto for 5% Strong Attack Damage but you'll have to get more Stamina and roll Weight Reduction on your chest or pants to fit it in.
Other than that you pretty much have every vector of damage increase covered. You're missing two: Bonus when Surrounded and Weaken Armor (Torso).
Are you using Kara-Jishi? Because your pants suggest either Kato or Suzaku. Kara-Jishi's damage buff is superior to Kato/Blue Dragon and its on par with Tengen Kujaku's High Stance buff but is a lot easier to proc. However if you're mostly in LW then Kato is unparalleled for its ability to stay in LW.
So I guess what I should do is get Familiarity on my weapons, Agility on ranged, and use Tatenashi set for its innate EWDB? I had no idea the different damage bonuses only "stacked" with themselves by a tiny amount.
In general you want to get as many different bonuses as possible because they all stack multiplicatively.
This is why if given a choice between CCD from Blue Dragon and a damage buff from Kara-Jishi you'll want the later even if the values are the same (they're not).
Also I generally HATE strong attacks. I do it with LW-Kusarigama, but only for bosses that tend to stand still. Otherwise I'd rather just spam quick or skill attacks because it's the only way I can actually reliably get hits in
Explain to me why Kato is "unparalleled for its ability to stay in LW". It does have A+ recovery, but it has a B- Action, C+ Gauge rate, and only 19 seconds use time. I also don't use skill damage that much.
Right now I'm using Paired Raiken. It has an A- Gauge rate which pretty much puts me back in LW after a single kill (with talismans). Recovery is only A- but it has 25.8 seconds usable and also a nice AA- tenacity, which I believe means it does a (a lot) more damage when I go into LW from critical health? I was using Enku for a bit to go with my debuff build which is why I have the scorch effect but that didn't turn out so well, I'll switch up the pants when I settle on a spirit
Well Kato is unparalleled if you consider the 4 meta damage dealing GS: Kato, Blue Dragon, Kara-Jishi and Tengen Kujaku.
There's probably better ones at staying LW outside of those 4, but I doubt they'll provide as much damage.
I forgot to mention that in addition to solid LW stats, Kato also has CC Ki Usage (Critical), which significantly reduces the LW gauge usage while attacking.
What is best weapon type for ninjutsu backstabs?
Highest damage + only one hit (multi-hit attacks break stealth jutsus)
I can't say for sure it's the best, but use Odachi with Devastating Rush. It's a thrust-based charge up attack with a very long reach. Odachi's are already high per-hit damage weapons, and that would give it the bonus from the Rules of Thrusting (spear tree). It also has a (starred) skill specific damage bonus on weapons.
Try Iai Quickdraw with Katana's mystic art that gives bonuses to damage from behind?
You can even roll Skill Damage (Iai Quickdraw) +24% on your weapon and get another 40% from Grace of Futsunushi.
Should be pretty insane damage.
Does Parry Disabled apply to pvp?
Yes but it doesn't actually disable parry. It just makes it so your low attacks/quick attacks don't bounce off enemy guard.
Why the fuck would spears crash the game even.
That's nice and all, but I really like the move where your attack bounces off and then you sweep around behind them and take out a big chunk of their ki.
Anyone know how to fix the stutter on the map screen? Is it a known issue?
Is it possible to hit 100% damage reduction?
Sadly you can't combine 4 piece Seven Misfortunes with 5 piece Tatenash, if you could that would net you around 73% reduction with a status ailment, add in Yamanaka clan and you could bring that up to at least 86 (second week), then one slot of damage reduction critical would push you up to 102% if they are all additive. You can find crit reduction on accessories though in order to replace that tatenashi, so I guess the question is are they additive and is there a cap?
You can get 100% elemental damage reduction.
any reason why soul matching divine armor at +0 doesn't make them +1?
That's what made me think it might be possible to get 100% close combat reduction. The numbers add up, I just don't know if I'm doing the math right
Arbitrary. You need at least one +1 to start the upgrade train moving.
The soul match material has to have a + already. 2 +1s make a +2, or a +0 and a +1 make a +1.
As for why, it's probably so you can't go matching
Probably so you don't just farm revenants all day and end up with +15 gear.
Wait, the maximum item level is 150+320? Am I reading this wrong, or is the rabbit hole that deep?
No, 320+150. 301 to 320 is in the abyss after WotN. The blacksmith can forge to +50 max after WotN, the rest comes from very high abyss levels.
I hope that the "inherits + level" ethereal mod works over +50 but that I don't know
There are two things preventing this from happening for physical damage.
Firstly, the Damage Reduction stat has diminishing returns. You start feeling it around 65-70%, any gains after that don't seem to do anything.
Secondly, different stats stack multiplicatively. This is nice for damage boosts but for defense boosts it means combining Damage Reduction and Damage Reduction (Status Ailment Suffered) will never reach 100%.
I doubt any of you do this, but if you summon someone don't spend half an hour wandering the (already cleared) level and making them wait for you. If you want to explore slowly do it solo please.