user who actually played the remake here I'm here to give an unbiased review The game is honestly an upgrade from SS in every Quality of Life situation.The addition of the circles to highlight action commands, the sped up travel time, the Fast Forward button, as well as small menu stuff like the guide options are all QoL changes that make the remake better both in gameplay and in aesthetic/graphics. The only two critiques I have for this game is some tracks of the remake sound worse than the original, but from actually playing the game, these amound to 3 tracks total: Cackletta's final theme, Cackletta's theme, and one more in an area that sounded meh. The rest are perfectly fine in-game and are either an upgrade (bean bean town, tehee valley) or sound equally fine. The second critique for this game is the fact that they used the koopa troopa spritework from past games with this engine and did not respect the style of the SS Koopeas (they looked goofier in SS). Besides the koopeas as well as some other enemies which they used Koopa Troopa and goomba spritework, the aesthetic is a general upgrade.
The game was really fun and it was a good excuse to replay SS.
I enjoyed the new minigames and the ability to farm beans if you feel like min-maxing like an autist. Bowser's Minions is also a solid sub-story with 5+ hours of content to have fun with. I enjoyed the backstory and plot stuff revealed on it
Oh, I guess they removed the posters from the yoshi cinema that were references to other nintendo games, they replaced them with prior Mario & luigi games character cameos instead (Bowsers inside story block guy and the characters from dream team). That's whatever, personally. What was a bummer was that they removed the character appearances at the StarB cafe, but they did keep the items which make reference to other games.
Overall I'd recommend it if you like the mario & luigi games and wish to replay or haven't played SS. You can totally play SS for the first time with the remake and you won't really be missing much besides sprite changes and some references. The game also has the GBA tracks if you wish to listen to those, so you're covered on what's important on not to miss.
Mario & Luigi / Mario RPG thread
Chase Robinson
Oh, and of course they had to remove Geno, so that's another bummer. But it was expected.
Hudson Edwards
Jack Edwards
Hold the R button in cutscenes to Fast Forward tutorials/cutscenes. You don't have to see the cutscene first before being able to do it. It's a QoL addition. I never tried, but I think you can also pause then skip too. And by travel time it's just bros' speed on the field when moving.
James Robinson
Was Paper Jam any good? I thought it was cheap gambit to stick Paper Mario in the game instead of making a new story, so I passed on it.
Lincoln Perry
Worth playing If you like M&L for its gameplay. Its the most polished regarding QoL upgrades and rank system. Only big critiques out of it are Paper Mario is kind of OP if you know what to equip on him/what stats to boost on him, but then again discovering that and punctuating that is part of the fun. lastly, expect finding toads in villages in-between chapters/dungeons. It doesn't take long, but it's annoying. If you're not a Gen Z casual it shouldn't be something to worry about. The paper car fights are faster to clear than the giant battles though, so that's a plus and you can resume back to main gameplay faster
Overall worth playing if you're hungry for a fun aRPG. Dream Team was better but all M&L games are worth playing, except maybe PiT. Just wait for the obvious incoming PiT remake as they rehash the fuck out of the Dream Team engine.
Brandon Lee
Too bad the game world got thoroughly miyamoto'd and all of the timeless art got replaced by soulless dream team bros style prerender shit.
Matthew Jones
You could have just said you had shit taste.
Juan Price
For all the relatively impartial shit you said, you haven't actually given anyone a reason to play it over the original. The original, barring QoL improvements which are fucking whatever since the OG is still perfectly serviceable, seems to still remain the best experience.
Though I should replay it. It's been over a decade since I last completed it, and it is well and truly a godgame.
Chase Watson
I'd understand if you picked on the game because it rehashes the DT engine, in which I'd reply reheating good food dinner is not the same, but still good and worth eating. But you went full retard and you're dismissing the gameplay because the enemy design got more bland. I even mentioned that in the pros and cons, you autistic imbecile. At least read the thread before spouting.
If you get triggered because the enemies look standarized then don't play it or support it. Pirate it. But you're dismissing the game for trivial reasons.
The Bros moves look better in the remake than the original game. This is objective.
One has QoL improvements. The other one doesn't. That's one reason to play one over the other. By all means, go be a the very definition of a hipster if 1 enemy type having its sprite and its recolors changed triggers you. I'm not against playing the original, but you're choosing it over the original for no objective reason.
Jaxon Gray
enemy art design*, not gameplay design.
Adam Hernandez
I'm sure if you'e grown up on Nu SMB and mobile games, the remake will look better to you, but dear god does it look fucked to anyone who played the OG one.
Jaxson Lee
Here's the thing: the gameplay is the same. So, to judge whether the remake is worth any shit, you have to look to the other aspects. One thing you don't seem to understand is that Mario RPGs became so beloved partly because their worlds were so different from the standard stuff in the platformers. This especially applied to Superstar Saga, which took place in an entirely different kingdom. So, when you take every creative reimagining of a stock Mario enemy and, instead, convert it to look as close to the stock design as possible, you remove a lot of the charm and soul of the original title. It's the same exact bullshit that happened to Sticker Star. And this is on top of the change from a wonderful cartoon artstyle to the tacky pseudo-3D one introduced in Dream Team and a remade soundtrack that manages to ruin some of the best themes in the game. The QoL improvements to the remake are nice, but are extremely minor, as they "fix" things that weren't annoyances in the first place. So, unless you're extremely autistic about playing the "new & improved" version of any game available, the remake has nothing over the original. The fact you're trying to downplay everything the remake is criticized for, while talking up the extremely minor improvements it made, makes me think you aren't trying to present an "unbiased" review, but rather trying to defend the remake under the guise of one to try to deflect any disagreements as "biased."
Samuel Campbell
In the threads leading up to release most people assumed the gameplay would remain intact and instead took issue with the soundtrack and visuals, and you don't have to play the game to see that the soundtrack and visuals are dogshit. I would sincerely like to see you defend the atrocity on the left side of . Acting as though this outrage is all over a single koopa sprite is fucking delusional.
Adam Allen
I have the same thought as yours.
I don't think it's better than the original, but I would say it's worth to try if you want to replay SS. I didn't like how some enemies were changed back to a more generic appearance that removed their unique traits, and there sure are for some reason some badly-made music. Not only that, you could say the remake trashed all the unique goofy artstyle the original had to look unique and funny, but personally, I like how the locals and the places now look more detailed and have effects such as lightning and powder, all of this made in order to archive a sense of immersion and further expand the atmosphere. In fact, I admit I never noticed how saturated and yellowish the original looked like until the remake came out. At this instance, I would say it's a hard choice to choose between the kind of atmosphere I would want in SS.
I disagree when people say the remake was a lazy effort just because it has removed some of traits the original game had. While this is true, you can't ignore some more others new aspects it has received, where they enhance the remake in points that the original was already complimented for doing good things, such as even more new sprites for existent characters (like the idle animations of both brothers on battle and field), how the Bros. Moves got arranged for a better difficulty, and an entirely existent mode that presents an unique side story that brings quirky and neat story and dialogue which correlates the main story and makes the job to explain whatever happened to Bowser. I would say it was worth of it to replace Mario Bros..
In summary, my opinion is that if people want to try out the remake, I would recommend them to play the original first, then the remake. M&LSS+ didn't perform at being better than the original, but it still is a good game which makes its job to revisit the game we all loved from our childhood and paint it to an entirely new visual, packed with new features. I may forgive the artstyle loss in general, but if it weren't for the unnecessary stupid changes over the enemies and the terrible work done at remaking some songs of the soundtrack, I would recommend the remake over the original. If AlphaDream one day decides to remake Partners in Time, then I sincerely hope they listen to some of feedback and critics M&LSS+ have received.
It had to be done because the old posters were only put there for nothing else, except advertise the other GBA games, which is Wario and Starfy, for example. It wouldn't make sense to bring back them, so instead, they used posters that refer the universe of M&L, which is better.
Carter Sanchez
the older artstyle has so much more charm and expression. the remake looks so void and copy paste.
Luis Baker
I don't mind the backgrounds and color changes as much, JUST KEEP THE SPRITES THE FUCKING SAME. JESUS CHRIST.
Blake Howard
Hard to deny that the castle and the ship's deck at least look better. They're better lit and more detailed. Overall I actually really like the backgrounds, but the sprites, on the other hand, are abhorrent
Christopher Mitchell
This is far from unbiased when you avoid touching on any of the justifiable complaints people have. The OST is pretty much butchered, for example.
How do you take one of the most memorable songs in the series and make it sound so weightless and weak?
Andrew Harris
Brody Ross
I prefer Paper jam's version, if I had to pick a remaster.
Bowser's Minions was a really fun sub-story with around 5+ hours of content. That's also a plus people overlook or don't take into account.
Levi Lopez
I'm not being biased. I honestly had an enjoyable experience with the remake once I went "ok, they rehashed the spritework of certain enemies and NPCs. whatever" I play mainly for the gameplay/substance, not for presentation or style. I don't want to sound like MvC:I functions or take it to that extreme, and I don't defend their lazy rehash of DT sprites, but they knew they could get away with it because those sprites are passable and the gameplay still carries the boat big time.
Now the music, on the other hand. That's a true critique. You can collect the GBA tracks in-game though, so that's fixable.
Leo Davis
I really hated how they changed the style of the field commands. I knew right off the bat as they changed the spike jumps in stardust field that this was really going to get me, but making it harder to do the switch blocks when you had luigi in the lead might have been when I lost all hope for the field controls. There was absolutely no reason to fuck around with it but they did anyways
Carson Rogers
You mean damage control over how trash of a remake it is
Adam Hughes
You can still play the remake without any problem while you have Luigi as the lead. Simply use the X button to make both brothers jump.
Christian Rogers
Logan Gonzalez
second from the bottom*
Matthew Walker
>apparently Mario was too close and even though he is shorter it counts that he hit it so it jumps to the right FUCKING AWAY FROM LUIGI while still being green yeah how about you fuck off that x button shit is a fix for a problem that shouldn't have existed in the first place The only reason I can think of that they changed it was so that it would work better with the touch controls but even then couldn't they have just made the buttons bigger and swap between two sets for which brother you have in the front?
Hudson Gray
1.- You can jump with X with both bros 2.- field commands are objectively easier being toggles on order than 2 set of different orders and pressing 1 button to command whos in front.
Jackson Sanchez
Oh man! I didn't even know this had come out already. Well shit, might have to pick this up.
Did Nintendo kiddy it up, censor it, "add" to the initial localization?
Brayden Martinez
What are the official tiers of the Mario RPGs from must play to don't fucking touch?
Jaxson Adams
SS > PiT > BIS >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> DT=PJ=SS&BM
Matthew James
Super Mario RPG>Paper Mario=Mario & Luigi.
David Gonzalez
Glad I kept SS through all my phases of selling vidya. Haven't played it since it released so I'm gonna fire it up.
I'll go ahead and buy the other two as well seeing as I've only played SS in terms of Mario RPG's.
I really need to play the original and TYD too. Especially after the directors cut of TYD came out recently.
Ryder Wood
PiT should be after DT. It was just a boring hallway simulator with puzzles.
John Parker
It's a shame Paper Jam wasn't good. I liked the concept. What made it so bad? Just current year Nintendo?
Jason Fisher
someone who didn't play the games spotted.
SS > SS&BM > BiS > DT > PiT > PJ > all worthwhile games
Adam Thomas
Niggers, all of you. BIS>SS>DT>PiT It's difficult deciding which one was actually worse, PiT was hallway sim and DT just bored the shit out of me, along with the tutorial shit.>PJ I haven't played BM but from what I'm getting from this thread, OP included, it's not really worth the play since I beat SS a year ago.
Sebastian Nelson
I guess this means Starfy is officially dead. The removal of the other posters though makes little sense, since Kirby is still going and Wario is their property too. Unless Nintendo has something against him now.
But they were never in the game outside the Beta version. Instead it was always E. Gadd. Still a shame they didn't return.
Why is Square so insistent on keeping the rights to Geno, Mallow and other SMRPG elements and characters? Why the hell not just give or sell it to Nintendo? They ain't doing jack shit with them.
Austin Wilson
they didn't fucking need to be easier you mongoloid they were perfectly simple in the original I didn't even play long enough but I'm sure that you can't use the hammers and the hand powers on your bro to piss them off before you learn the proper technique in the new game.
Gavin Baker
Paper Jam was easily the worst. It was also uninspired as all fucks, much like Sticker Star. In fact it felt more like a nuPaper Mario game than an M&L game. It also had very little originality or enemy varieties and it missed out on a chance to include a lot of classic Paper Mario references, much like the nuPM games are doing. I just hope future M&L games after this remake dont follow in its footsteps.
Julian Green
The enemies themselves, even if everything in the game from the environment to the characters was soulless as can be, still had some nice new attacks. It's a shame what little merit the game has is bogged down by those fucking toad missions nobody asked for and a paper thin story that might as well not exist.
I wonder if people would hate it so much everything but the fights was removed? It'd still be missing a big part of what makes these games fun- the stylistic appeal- but at least an empty void doesn't get in your way nearly as much as obnoxiously bad Everything Else.
Why haven't they capitalized on the fact that Wario and Waluigi exist?
Why is the best game in the series so full of fetish bait?