This is what you get for using Steam.
I heard it was purely Holla Forums game. Sold well it seems.
better than dream daddy
The Lefty Furry Community
Dream Daddy is at least honest about it's degeneracy from the title screen onwards, it doesn't pull the rug from under you with the sudden rise of painful dialog, horrible animations, and the gay community.
Go to any game's Store Page and click on the "Nominate this game for an award" button and you get confronted with pic related
If you spawn you're literally the reverse of gay hough.
That character design is laughably bad. I'm not sure what they were going for with all of Lawbreaker's characters.
needs more b8 tbh famaladindon
Wew, and they still can't pass 1,000 players. Totally free version when?
I swear "giantess" porn is just a cover for people to jerk off to property destruction.
It's effectively macro crush porn.
People who are into crush have something seriously wrong with them.
Any fetish that involves death being played off like it's nothing is bad
Whenever i see euro truck simulator, farming simulator, taxi driving simulator etc. i think to myself that this must be either an elaborate joke or a government social engineering program.
People get paid to do these things, because it is soul-destroying work.
Can you imagine a truck driver coming home from a long, mind-numbing shift and booting up euro truck simulator 2 to get his fix or a farmer plowing fields in farming simulator after stepping off his claas combine harvester?
t. person who's never worked on a farm before
Judging from youtube, people who play farming simulators are actually Nu-Male city dwellers who never worked with their hands before, and want to pretend being farmers in virtual reality. Not even autistic type, just normalfags.
It's the same reason they like "open world" trash. These people live in sub1k square feet apartments perched in the middle of overcrowded cities.
Yeah, that's too. You farm virtual animals on virtual farm while kikes farm you in apartment cages.
That's not a great method.
Guess who else likes it.
Surely that applies to literally every game in existence and we should just stop playing games then
Most people on Holla Forums already don't.
I lost.
The only thing funnier than poorly made furfag art are kikes kvetching about the holohoax.
Is that just coincidence or an edit? or real?
Every time.
It wasn't unusual for me to see the farmer in the field on his tactor when i got to school in the morning. When i got home from school he was sill there on the field, plowing, fertilizing, etc. When i went to bed he was still there. I am pretty sure that he didn't take a lunch break and ate in his tractor while doing whatever he was doing. I am also convinced that he pissed in a bottle and shat in a bucket, because i never saw him taking a break.
I can see the city slickers pissing in a bottle and shitting in a bucket while fertilizing their pumpkin crop with manure in farming simulator to get a more genuine experience. They press the manure ejection button with one hand and wipe their butt with the other. "I am like a real farmer now, yeee-haaww, Oh shoot, dang it, i missed my piss bottle. Aw chucks, a true farmer don't abandon his crop over some spilled piss, just gotta keep manuring, these halloween pumpkins don't fertilize themselves."
So inclusive. Another victim of toxic misogyny and oppression
Now that is something.
Yeah. Like the Sonic fanbase, it's really not healthy to get that invested in fictional stories and characters, fetishizing whatever is there to be fetishized.
I don't think that's the case. Youtubers are people "people" looking for games that aren't necessarily their favorite game, but games that are out of the ordinary, so they can make a spectacle to grab the interest of their audience, and farming sims aren't in most people's genre repertoire. They're a natural fit. I guarantee that those videos are mostly going to be the Let's Player verbally shitposting, using the game as a backdrop and material for jokes, not the work of anyone who's really interested in the game. They're going to play the game for one sitting to record themselves goofing around, and then end it when they run out of funny things to say. That kind of person isn't going to buy five hundred tractor or train DLCs, or whatever. I don't have numbers to back it up, but it looks to me that the lion's share of profits from Mundane Task Simulator 20XX are from the autist whales who do buy the DLC and live it, not the people who buy it, play it once, and then never touch or talk about it again. Also, on the occasions that you are correct,
There's really nothing inherently wrong with that. Many (possibly most) video games are abstractions of things that are cool or interesting conceptually, but you could never do in real life, or would never want to do in real life. I could never be a super fighting robot, magical girl, or NFL player, and I don't want to fight in a war, live in a cyberpunk dystopia, or work on a farm. We do live in a cyberpunk dystopia, but not a cool one, and I digress.
The way you wrote it implies you are a furry too.
Well, you are in a lol thread.
i lose lol
Nah man, its the interactions for most people with the fetish. The destruction is just a hot side bonus.
There's a lot of people who just like gentle stuff as well.
Come on man. That's not right at all and you know it.
Yeah! haha I bet they do that too, haha. I wonder what it smells like
Only Mark can answer that.
Macrophile fuck off
hoe hoe
A tad pedestrian, but it's not like I'm any better.
Is this really, really subtle bait?
Why do fags love Holla Forums so much?
Elementary my dear Watsanon
Faggots and trannies want to commit suicide (most do) because of their mental illness. Holla Forums is a representation of their greatest wish.
Daddy issues I imagine.
Holla Forums is kosher nationalism
Classic music?! In cwc thread?! You gotta be kidding me.
Holla Forums is right wing, and right wingers tend to work out more and be in better shape than lefties, according to actual studies. It's why feminists also go for Trump supporters too, and then get upset. Pic related.
Around 80% of Holla Forums is homosexual.
Because everyone else has lost their minds.
Hopefully the thread doesn't get shit up by furfags again. Although the irony of a furfag shitting up a thread in order to prove that furfags don't shit up threads was hilarious, it kinda gets old after it reaches (50).
Work on it, user.
aka zionism
You've got it backwards. People who work out tend to be right-wingers, because they're more confident and have higher test. levels
For the some reason /fur/ and /monster/ have a hardon for Holla Forums.
I lol'd
Aren't they the same board? :^)
Just because I want to be a girl doesn't mean I want to be with a leftist cuck, Holla Forums probably hates me but that's actually kind of a turn on.
get your LOL on, friend
Well there's the fact that, due to being openly anti-gay and anti-tranny, half/pol/ got plenty of traffic from /lgbt/. And since many got converted, they would go back to their board and preach it back home, thus you would have /polgbt/ as an actual subcommunity.
Now that's reporting. A real feather in the cap of the author I'm sure.
/monster/ are complete vanilla fags, complete with being ubermensch for waifus and "we must secure a fure for our kiki waifus and daughterus", so it's understandable why they'd like Holla Forums.
I have no idea why /fur/ likes it though. Even the type of complete degenerates who want to fuck other men in fursuits with horse cocks post pics online with nazi armbands. Either it's for the edgy factor, self degradation for fetish reasons or self degradation because they want to stop being furries and it's a muffled cry for help.
The first is pretty accurate minus Reddit and Morty.
Reported for not even fucking trying. I don’t care that we’re on Holla Forums; your paid shilling won’t fly here.
You know this actually sums them up pretty well.
What if its a person who applies the same as /monster/ but for /fur/?
someone needs to edit von karma into the 4th picture
Yeah, I know the turkroach runs Holla Forums. This is Jim’s fault. Jim did it on purpose.
you're going to get screeching retards claiming they aren't as bad as other screeching retards for saying that
Go to back to bed where your server is.
This entire site is full of screeching retards, you’re going to have to be more specific.
Truth, Jim is the one who scouted reprobates lik Kampfy and Mark and Zerosugar and the pig that runs Holla Forums
Maybe its golem turning against its creator ?
Plus /fur/ tends to love /k/, it piles up with /k/ liking Holla Forums. And yes, /kemono/ joins the "party". In one way or another, all the ways leads to Holla Forums.
No. The turk roach took over after the original BO stepped down. It was Hotwheels who has approved the transfer. I hope this concludes bullshit history month. back to the shit webcomics.
Cool bait. Did you come up with after injecting 5 marihuanas?
To be fair, imkampfy got his spot by laying low when the old Holla Forums moderation was being purged and then springing back up as soon as the spot was open. It was less about Jim being a retard and more about imkampfy being a shill.
I'll make sure to post a trigger warning next time, user.
I just realized this is a subtle loss.
So you just want to fuck and marry a furry instead wear a huge dog mask and pretending to be an animal?
You get screeching retards for anything.
It still doesn't make sense for me as to why even the most degenerate furries like Holla Forums. You'd think someone that preaches everything Holla Forums hates wouldn't love the board and LARP as nazis.
The original BO and mods were kicked out when Hotwheels was killed (or whatever we want to pretend happened to him). Jim kicked them out and replaced them with imkikey, and Jim openly defends and refuses to get rid of the board ownership now, years after we have proven their violations of site and board rules. This is a purposeful act, as Holla Forums is owned by the same people as 4chan. The goal is the revocation of every single last place where our discussion is possible.
I want a waifu, at this point im just compromising.
Zero effort. Reported.
Nigga is almost like jews in israel jerking off to holocaust porn, its hate boner or just the fruit of a straight up fucked mind.
How can people be this brazen? It's just embarrassing to look at.
That makes sense.
Oh, you mean the both like non-existant things? :^)
Jews like the holocaust and everything involving it because as long as people remember it, they can guilt the goyim.
Furries on the other hand, can't wear nazi armbands and guilt the furrsecutors into fucking a dog.
This, most likely. But I still want to know the reason.
Serial killers are fucked up, but they do fucked up things for a reason.
Ignorance is bliss. Israel actually went so far to ban it because it was getting popular.
give me more medieval reaction images nigger
That stuff has some serious cuck overtones
Really makes you think.
because it embodies edgy teenage rebellion, and most of Holla Forums consists of teenagers or people who are mentally on the level of teenagers
Cool story bro. Thank God your LARP can be easily disproven. First with evidence that HW is still alive:
WRONG. Imkiky was the BO since the first one stepped down. I know his IRC handle and other supposed pictures of him. Among them an image of some arab kid in a jacket with fake fur trimming.
Where? His blog board is dead and I have never seen it on twatter.
Tell that Jim. Let's see how he reacts when some random penny wise comes along and claims that the same trap fucker who has snatched the brand 2ch and N-tech away from him with legal tricks is still his business partner.
It mostly about liking something that hates them, i dont expect Holla Forums to like yids or beastmen.
This reminds me of those masturbation machines to kill jews during holohoax.
Well, it is literally Jewish porn.
Pretty metal actually
But why is it so common? Holy shit.
That's actually kind of cute
Reminds me of this at 2:03
maybe they instinctively seek their own demise to find the solace they couldn't have in life,like moths to a flame
Hey that's mean
A modern day love story.
At least you're not Hungarian.
Oh, I've been waiting for this.
M8, we have a whole board for that, >>>/fukemo/
There are people who are fags not because they love men but because they hate women.
Germany is riddled with furries. Absolutely full of them.
whoever made those is a god
the art style is uncanny. amazing.
But Hungarians are bros
What did this bitch even do? What is the reason behind the edits I mean was she POZZED or something?
lurk moar, faggot.
Were you expecting steam to not be a joke or something?
Thanks for proving me right.
Yeah, you’ll want to read what I write before replying.
And your evidence for this is what?
First one didn’t step down. Try again.
wew laddie, we've been making fun of her for a while.
Oh, people made Ben Garrison Holla Forums edits and she got mad, so they later made dogfucking edits instead.
Another loser, I am.
That one is actually kinda accurate.
Well shit
Thats pathetic and sad, how can it be worse than US ?
“They” not meaning Holla Forums, though.
breathe in the gas
Lurk for two billion years.
Fags fucking hate women. They think they are some lower form. That why you will hear shit like "boys make better girls"
I think the point that other user was making is that you do not become a fag by hating women, you start to hate women when you are a fag.
That shit makes me fucking heated because it isn't true. It's a fox and the grapes scenario where the faggot (or beta) will make a bubble and shield himself in it.
I have a gf and a bf, there are people who don't have the luxury so they try to make everything cater to their broken frustrated worldview.
Just change animals to "meat" and this statement is true.
This statement is completely true, there are people who will just put on any random music because they disslike silence.
There are people like that as well.
Hold the fuck up for a sec. Explain.
Technicalities bud. I could give you the vegetarian one, but the other two do not apply. For the musician, no one learns to make music because they hate silence, and often people who do hate silence will put on stuff that is not music. And if you hate dogs, then you would not get a pet unless you also enjoyed some other animal.
Hotwheels stepped down voluntarily and I have evidence I am not supposed to share. Concerning the ownership of Holla Forums: The first one who has originally made the board stepped down, because he had more IRL issues. As per usual at the time, the board was given to the first volunteer in the list. Which was Imkrampfy. Stop pretending that he was good once and then got replaced with someone else. What I can prove is that Kampfy has always been an oversensitive autist when it came to the moderation of his board.
You can always go fuck yourself or lurk more.
This kind of music makes me think of dancing, bonfires, and late fall weather gatherings with friends and family I don't have.
What you should have is a noose to hang yourself from.
I still don't understand the importance of the boards owner when the board is filled with niggers whose only daily activities are bitching about corporatism, Jews, erosion of morals and then defending Donald Trump all day every day.
read that article and then the one on suicide so you can kill yourself for being such a newfag.
who the fuck would genderbend /furry/'s fursona I thought the joke was that they were all gay
It's not a genderbend, they made a whole family for it and that's the mom.
Thats the mother, the mascot also has a sister. No father of which i am aware of thou.
I believe you. Your uncle works for Nintendo, after all.
Oh, I’ve never done that. Imkikey has always been a paid shill.
And this is shown quite well in sudo.
Reminder that this is the moderator of Holla Forums and that Jim personally defends and protects him.
You mean the importance of reddit? Because Holla Forums doesn’t do that.
is it a nuclear family or does /furry/ not understand why dads are important
Oh I think they have in mind of making one.
There's no dad, which is surprising considering how many barafags seem to post there.
Because the people writing such are usually Holla Forumstards with unwarranted self importance or some redditor talking crap. Plebbitors do that because cosplaying as a 4chan moderator is not so easy anymore. The very existince of >>>/irc/ has ruined that forever. The former Holla Forumslacks do that, because their board slowly went to shit since Kampfy took over. Its not Kampfy alone though. The board has gigaton crossies from halfchan's Holla Forums. The Trump election also brought over many poorly socialized autists to us. Now that Holla Forums isn't cool anymore, they end up here. With Hotwheels stepping down and CM taking over administration, Jim became a easy scapegoat. The same type of person who posts such bullshit was also typical user of gamergaysrevolt. Guess who screeched Jim sells data first over what.
nuff said
That better not have been what you meant.
fucking lost holy shit
Holy shit, Germany is fucking infested.
Even Bongland has its share.
that means theres german and bong furry artists ?
Oh my sweet summer child.
Can someone complete the shield?
theres probably a furry artist in this thread right now.
This is why satire is dead
I better not know, fuck this shit, i didnt sign up to search shit on furry levels of autism.
lol old stuff amirite?
Congratulations, Vice, you just gave them the information necessary to find them. There is no way in a million years they could get it wrong with all of that identifying information.
that's golden.
Good post. Tending the lands is very fun and rewarding, game and life.
I'm not sure if it means Yakuza and tattoo artist or a tattoo artist that specializes in yakuza styled full torso tattoos.
That's more or less what Quebec is although if they don't do anything about the rapefugees the govt injected them with this summer things may change.
This looks familiar.
I love my work and if a simulator title enabled me to play it in Vidya then I'd buy it in a heartbeat.
Probably just tattoo artists that draw cherry blossoms and fish on weebs
you're asking if furry artists exist?
Do they?
Every time i see this i laugh like a mad cunt
Either way, there aren't too many xanax-addicted tatoo artists selling ketamine in Lima for them to blend in very well. Especially not furries.
It's the whole- stomping around like a constipated Shrek that gets me.
This is no longer arousing.
What's with the low octane shitposting tonight? Last lol thread was amazing and got to 700+posts.
Young people enjoying the weekend before classes resume.
Heh, funny joke kid.
Because Holla Forums is strong and leftists are weak. Between a strong horse and a weak one, people will choose the strong.
I had a fun time.
I had a laff
I can't get off to this
theres a better pic i could use but this was the only one like it i had
also i think this was drawn by a woman or very effeminate male
Ooh, that's not going to bite anyone in the ass.
how dare you actually make people laugh in a LOL thread
That gave me a boner.
I hope you enjoy your new life as a xeno-futa-macrophile.
I remember that.
context? I must have missed it.
I think he's referring to the amazing atheist's "experiment"
The fuck did I just watch
An Ed Edd n Eddy youtube poop.
Real shitposting.
Guess who else "likes" it
That map started out as a german website. Naturally it was mostly frequented by germans. San Diego is the furry capital of the world.
Of course they fucking knew what was going on
Man I hope one of those lasers directly hits the eyes of anys of these faggots.
as expected
Wait, why are there seven furfags in Antarctica?
I love the idea of the single somali furry being a pirate
Every time I see something about the shit that's going on in England I can't help but think that some one must have pronounced a terrible curse on the country and it's only recently triggered. Like at the Massacre of Glencoe or some shit like that.
I know why there are people in Antarctica, I just like to think that these top researchers were suing top of the line data communication technology and thousand dollar computers to jerk it to dudes in dog suits. I guess that was too much to ask though.
Catalysm DDA has fur suits and bondage gear most commonly found in research institutions. It's not a coincidence, I've been a scientist before realizing the job is dogshit and a lot of scientist are extreme leftist who are attracted by the progressive appeals because they have some sort of degenerate shit going on. Those scientist older than 40 however just have a hard life where they are divorced at least once and pay alimony forever, further driving them to degeneracy
Would it have been better if they used top of the line data communication and thousand dollar computers to jerk it to regular naked women? It's not like anyone's getting laid in antarctica, and you've gotta get your rocks off somehow.
Trust me, you know absolutely nothing.
We can't always be productive.
I actually know about that one too
Hey man, there might be an eighth soon
WTF!? I love Negroes now!
Listen user, I've heard shit about the "Polies". They aren't to be fucked with.
user I…
They have a hard enough life.
I like that webm, that's a good webm.
FurryMap isn't exactly a reliable source.
Yeah, that's quite interesting.
Makes sense, they're all horsefuckers
>in SWEDEN no less
What kind of cuckery is this? I once went to a kebab mudasian country and even they still have the dignity of using their own language / english for public infrastructure
Why are penguins so obsessive about the strangest things?
I was actually about to post that exact image, but this one will do instead.
cause they're birds, and birds just do that shit.
How many times did you put that through jpg compression?
j o j
none, it's just the version i found
Can someone explain to me what the Holodomor was?
good shit, thanks.
I didnt have the right font but w/e
how the fuck do you get cucked out of cuckoldry
The magic of reddit
someone post "my mom sucked me straight: a reddit story"
This guy is so pathetic I felt bad for his wife. Don't get me wrong his wife is still a whore,but something needs to be said about how ok the guy was with this
>oneyplays uploaded a new video and fucking shadshit is the guest
Never unsubbed faster from a channel, I feel tainted.
who here is on, or has questions about Fetlife?
I thought the same and pirated it, and found it to be perfectly fine. The worst you get in the game is some tranny nutjob character who literally screeches about not wanting fascists at a party I think it may've been a Kickstarter backer's vanity character, and some vague references to socialism from a character who's become disenchanted with having to work a shit job for minimum wage.
A lot of the game is about how small, previously-industrial towns are ceasing to exist because all of the new jobs are in tech and there aren't opportunities elsewhere. Also some stuff about the rich/poor divide, but nothing preachy.
It's basically a walking simulator though, but the dialog is pretty good. Just beware of the porn though, as it's been infested with degenerate vorefags.
why would you think we have questions about fetlife?
I mean, there's tons of fags here, maybe they want to know.
I've browsed the user profiles there once out of curiosity. I've never seen uglier examples of humanity in my entire life.
50 shades of meme is a complete lie, the only people interested in BDSM are ugly, 40+ year old mentally ill degenerates.
yeah the game is fine, it's perfectly tolerable to end a mystery game that's entirely buildup on fucking nothing and say "ooh it was just ghosts"
I'm a vegatarian cos I hate vegetables and want to chew all the veggos up.
It's the fastest way to get laid online short of an online prostitution service, oh, and it's the best way to find libcucks to literally Cuckold. I've actually got a guy who gets off to me using his spare bedroom to bring girls into at random and fuck.
Yeah, definitely felt rushed toward the end. Like you transition from 'Fun party with Bea / donuts with Greg' to 'let's fight the cosmic horror.'
The upcoming Director's Cut is supposed to add some content, so maybe they'll shore some of that stuff up.
And here i thought lol threads were literally just a place to shitpost. Turns out theyre meant to be a postmodern gayass version of ylyl threads?
hold the fuck up, since when does BDSM include that?
user, do I need to explain supply and demand? Much like being a furfag artist is the road to autism fortune.
It's more than just rush, the climaxes of each character's arc are shit and entirely opposite of each other.
Bea hates faggot cat because she's an immature spoiled person who squandered college and yet the climax of her arc is Mae making it all about her, which makes no fucking sense whatsoever. That's the kind of argument where you need distance or understanding, which neither party acquire
Gregg hates faggot cat because he has no self control and wants to be more mature, so he sees cutting off Mae as a step in the right direction, and yet neither party realize that Mae isn't the problem, Gregg is. Mae just acts like anything Gregg is saying would help his problems with Angus, which it fucking won't.
jesus user, why do you do this to yourself
Perhaps I can distract everyone away from the gross bdsm fetish stuff and the shitty video games with some quality pornography? It is vidya related.
what gets me is how small her hands and feet are lul
do you have screen caps? I kinda want to see their profile but i don't want to create an account
Who the fuck is that?
Since forever, user. It's just one of the more extreme sides of it.
Fetlife is a fucking shitshow, by the way. Fewer sites have disgusted me more than some of the degeneracy I saw there.
Bea wouldn't have been friends with Mae were it not for being in the same small town then, after Mae left, because she was in the band with Gregg and Anus. Bea just tolerates Mae. Bea's arc is also about how shitty her life is and how she was forced to age 10 years in 2.
Mae's an enabler for Gregg's problems. Prior to her return, he was on the straight and narrow. But if you talk to Bea, you'll find out that she has no faith in Gregg and Anus staying together in the long term anyway. And she's probably right.
Fetlife is every and all fetish community, including furries, bloodletters, needleplay, and everything else.
Nah, I bolted months ago.
Do I want to know? No, I dob't.
pic related
I was unaware of this.
I take it you don't play much vidya then user
I guess I don't, cause I still do not recognize the character.
Guro fetishists who get training as a phlebotomist or acupuncturists so they can make women bleed more often than monthly… "safely" of course.
It's the Shadow Queen
Dis nigga aint played paper mario ttyd?
but what about consensual sex in the missionary position for the sole sake of procreation under the sheets with the lights off?
I've never played any paper mario.
It's from paper Mario. I don't remember the game.
Fetlife is a shitshow the same as every other online dating site. All the hot chicks there are just looking for friends/admirers/money, and the rest are so old and/or ugly that it's basically the only hope they have to find someone. While half of these are already married or partnered, mind you. I actually went to one meetup and it is not a place to find a wife or even a serious girlfriend.
I have a really important question: boy vivian, girl vivian or futa vivian?
Sounds like a Breeding fetish with a 24/7 lifetime contract and a sensory deprivation kink.
Maybe he just doesn't play console kiddieshit.
2nd one because it's the only one with a good artist
Isn't acupuncture deligned specifically to not pierce so it bleeds?
Depends on preference?
How could you say that
He could also just be fucking underage.
oh, right, that's Needleplay.
NEET Viv is best. Hairy, smelly, with a small tummy.
Failing that, trap Viv is ok.
The only good answer is none as best girl is the green ghost with ribbons.
not my fetish but to each his own
don't mind me
i just wanna know who got em
Not offensively rank, but not clean either.
Yes, I'm well aware of Bea's problems, however my point is that there is no way Bea would continue to be friends with Bea even though Bea herself identifies Mae as a self centered cunt who doesn't understand how to function as an adult nor does she understand social cues or how to comfort someone.
Their arguments have no grounding, and Mae is always shown as the victoring party, Mae not learning anything and Bea always bending backwards for Mae.
It's bad writing, even with the despiration for friendship in a small town thing and nostalgia for things they did in the past there is no way Bea and Mae would continue to be friends after Bea's arc's climax, especially since Mae's entire argument was self-centered and had no understanding of Bea's problems.
Gregg's is shit for the opposite reason, Mae makes no stance to defend herself when Gregg says that Mae's the problem. She just bends over backwards for him as he complains about the most asinine shit, like that they're the only fags in Possum Springs despite no evidence of shunning or other social related pressure. If it's off screen that doesn't make it okay, video games are about show, not tell, and no characters are shown to treat any of the cast (aside Mae) differently.
Don't forget the cut dream segments or the cut segment with the bird who's name I forgot, or the fact that most of the side friendships have little to no payoff in the end.
You did dumbass.
looks like you did
good job faggot you played yourself
Is Imkampfy poopy fucking joe?
could be.
Ya blew it
Pubic hair is best tier
Imagine being such a thin skinned faggot, looks like ameriniggers need a safe space.
do you glow in the dark?
What the fuck is this site?
It's weird user, I hate having them and find them really annoying during sex, but I love them in 2D porn.
Havent you fucking NPC normalfags gotten the hint that you're not welcome here
Hello Holla Forums, how dicks smell?
A site where you pay just enough lip-service to liberal bullshit in order to find a nu-male to Cuckold.
I am not convinced that he had those mythical clean relationship with wife either.
what's the point of having Trans - Male to Female and vice versa if you also just have transgender?
I want to impregnate Ai-chan.
It's ok, user. I'm over 30.
And I might be a degenerate who likes unwashed, smelly viv with pubes and maybe a dick, but even I wouldn't debase myself by going to leftypol.
Because they want to bitch about it, but don't know how to ID hop. It's the same reason some guy made a thread on Holla Forums whining about jews because he got banned on Holla Forums for shitposting.
Take your meds you retard.
depends on whether you want to cut your dick off or not. MtF's are Fucking Insane, and all the same. they want enough silicone to have basketball tits, and the full on snip. Trannies just wanna be a Shemale.
I know how to ID hop I'm just fucking pissed off the thin skinned faggot banned me for a month over something so petty.
welcome to nu/pol/
Lol the fucking irony of you saying anything at all after writing your dissertation on a fucking tumblr walking simulator, just fucking kill yourself you loser.
that makes sense. does anyone have that screen cap of that tranny from reddit regretting his operation?
That's what happens when you mix with r/the_donald and cuck/pol/.
Natural is best
Lady Bow best gril
Fucking american subhumans ruined Holla Forums, literally african tier brain dead retardation.
user I know you're autistic but you need to learn the social cues of what a joke is.
Maybe you should go somewhere more your speed, like reddit, or 4chan.
it's already a degenerate fetish shitfling it couldn't possibly devolve any further
I will dump smuggies if the thread isn't alive.
Why cannot someone just dump lady bow porn
Ironic shitposting is still shitposting you faggot.
Not exactly.
Most trannies seek validation, who wouldn't? For some, it is as you have described, for others, it takes on a more stomachable form.
That's usually because they're resigned to not having enough money or "bravery" to afford the surgery and hormone therapy.
Trannies and crossdressers can almost be tolerable. You know that Chad in high school who wore a dress as a big joke for a pep rally or Halloween? That's how the decent trannies are. They kind of own up to being weird as fuck and degenerate. They're mostly in it for the attention. The rest want to be seen as a woman because they've chosen that as their scapegoat for why their life sucks ass, the same way SJWs blame the Patriarchy for everything.
Now tiem for guns
Can someone dump the lady bow pix
This revives the erection
Thats just the splinter cell gun, whats wrong with it?
Holt fuck why is that not in a vidya?
It's an FN P-90 with a ton of shit stuck on it.
It's a collection of unordinary guns
I'd prefer pic in vidya
Here's some stuff I'm fapping to. How much of a fucking degenerate am I?
I'm a degenerate for forgetting to spoiler
For Why?
(Fifth pic)
I don't know why but tiny rifles does weird things to muh dik.
Oh god why?
Wouldn't the third image give you paper cuts?
5/10 not even trying tbh
The best guns æsthetically are thick ones
You really feel like spamming disgust ri to fucking tame shit like that?
Gumball is only good for Teri and Carry
Can someone post the doll filling roll pic?
But's on topic
post 2 babies 1 fox
Got it.
>lol thread
I don't have it
It's on ED if you want to post it yourself
I'd rather not
most of these wouldn't even feel good
Then post other porn faggot
I'd argue that none of them would feel good, but this is more of a topic on which looks good enough to fug, not which one of them would be best to fug.
fine geez
Can you post some GOOD porn? (Like what I posted because I have good taste).
Silk is best
Fite me
>In a LOL thread
>good (((porn))) at all
you just haven't looked in the right places
Divine punishment for electing the abominable Churchill.
How the fuck does this shit even happen?
Also, I reduced the filesize even further, just for fun.
Meant to reply to as well.
are we a little bit new here?
Yes I'm from neogaf uwu
Again, compared to leftists they most definitely are
Hide loss in weird places as many times as possible.
I still say that Holla Forums went to shit when they had the split with Holla Forums. They stopped having another autismo kid to screech at their level and made the board a echochamber which become just posting something everyone agree on and jerk yourself on how smart they all are rather then do like classical Holla Forums and provide links and source of claims.
just look at the newfag here, he keeps denying the board history because doesn't fit his mentality
I'm trying, it's either there, the bottom of the ocean, or the department of defense. I'll try my best
I like how Carrie has the same pink/blue outlines of a Shadman drawing
chromatic aberration, he is a master of it
Makes one wonder why they used a DYEL faggot (also ankle bracelet) in the pic then, his legs amd arms are no thicker than hers.
Those got several laughs out of me.
How come vidya doesn't stop me wanting to rape then eh feminists?
Implying furries don't infect everything within a 10,000 light-year radius.
Last panel: "Everything I've written is a fabrication and totally anachronistic so much so that no child speaks like this ever,"
"I have a mental illness"
Looks like a palsy to me
I am getting a bit worried about the future, now that gene/baby editing is advancing steadily fast now thanks to CRISPR and other technologies.
Furries in STEM isnt a new thing, problem is what they could pull with something that can push their degeneracy into a new level in a ever "progressing" society
At the very least we'll get cat girls should what you're thinking happen. I'm not sure if an actual furry waifu would be amazing or plummet into the uncanny valley
Gene editing is amazing and terrifying at the same time. On one hand, you could have a pet dinosaur or be the dinosaur, on the other hand diaper fetish monstrosities could be brought to life.
I guess it depends on how well they can replicate the last two pic related
If anything, it'll probably improve as they figure it out. First gen stuff will probably be terrifying, second-gen or third-gen would probably be decent enough.
What happens when modified individuals successfully breed?
I have no idea.
Holy fuck I'm checking those.
How did I waste quads talking about how furries might become real?
Kind of a waste of time given that they're all for the oven anyway.
I don't really know about that. If there's anything I've learned, it's that human degeneracy knows no bounds and will stop at nothing to be satisfied. That, and it's basically impossible to stop.
Another step into genetic Armageddon ? Just maybe, with a chance of transkikes jumping the train to "help advance with human evolution".
inb4 shit like Sergals becomes a reality
They could just push it as a "super soldier" program to avoid getting into the oven, by the "redpilled" normalfags, later get into civilian levels of adoption, in a bait and switch tactic that could get many by "surprise".
To be honest, pic related is a future I wouldn't mind too much.
Well, trannies would not be nearly as disgusting if they actually did become functionally the gender they want to be.
gene editing will make that real
and it'll be 100% human too user
It quite literally won't be.
but I don't want it to be human
In all seriousness, if it can produce viable offspring with a human that can themselves eventually breed within the species, then it's technically human (assuming of course that the resulting child is healthy). That and if gene editing like that is common, unaltered humans might end up a minority Then again, we all might be robots by then.
Well when humanity decides making catgirls isn't a crime against nature I'll be sure to pick one up.
Considering we've already done worse things, it'll probably get popular quickly once the hippie outrage dies down.