Bungie in panic mode as Destiny 2 shitstorms means Activision contracts ruining them grows ever closer

Bungie in panic mode as Destiny 2 shitstorms means Activision contracts ruining them grows ever closer

So dont expect a crowbcat video to laugh at about destiny 3, at this point bungies dead by spring.


Other urls found in this thread:


Give me some sauces then we'll talk

I'd like him if he didn't use political propaganda-tier tactics and cherry-picking in his videos.
Also he didn't all his more vulgar videos after he got popular to appear more "professional".

*he deleted

He didn't delete them because they were vulgar, he said just didn't think they were true anymore. This happened with the VR video and a few others as far as I know.

But yeah I agree, while he's done some excellent stuff some videos are absolutely retarded and cherrypicked.

I'm pretty sure you can't refund an intangible consumable single-use code.

user, OP greentexted it so it has to be true
Stop being a dick

Kind of funny how without Microsofts fantastic marketing department, Bungie literally cannot stop fucking things up. Must be a coincidence, they're definitely not a bunch of hacks or anything, nope.

OP hasn't supported anything yet, he's very likely talking out his ass.

Archives nigger. I have a relative who is addicted to this shit and need proper sources to prove any fuckery to him.

Every fucking time.

Check 'em

It's amazing that Warframe, with it's grindy design and blatant rip off cash shop, is made to look like an absolute gem compared to what these AAA devs are putting into practice.

Seems like they've forgotten the 57th rule of acquisition: Good customers are as rare as latinum. Treasure them.

God damn this doujin was so damn cute. Youmu a cute! A cute!

A large chunk of the old hands are gone and the few that are left are submerged in 100+ new guys. It's dead Jim.

Since OP is not providing source, I will.

I guess it's better than nothing, but it's not exactly concrete. They seem pretty legit though.

Check the pro-bungie shills who reply with memes and unrelated pics


one source for the XP stuff but never heard about the other stuff.

The only thing remotely true there is the XP shit

Where have I heard of this happening before?

I still can't believe people were hyped for the first one. It just looks so generic and dull.

No, please tell me that this isn't what actually happened. It's to perfect.


xbox+ps4=3,5 million D2 units sold vs the 13 million units of Destiny 1

It doesn't matter if nobody is playing this game anymore. Destiny 2 sold like hot cakes on sheer hype alone. At best Activision lost some money due to overblown marketing budged. Nowadays, a couple hundred whales is more profitable than a dedicated fanbase.

I like cute things, how was it cute?
I'm on phone so I can't read it if linked.

EA wasn't it?
Like the cost of heroes was reduced along with points earned.

I'm actually glad to see lootboxes, even normalfags are catching on with these mainstream, blatant attempts to steal money.

What a pleb

The only engrams you can buy give you cosmetics and level 10 gear with no secondary traits. They're useless, so I have no idea what the incentive is to buy them. Whales just love spending on cosmetics I guess.

I think what most of the people in that reddit archive link are complaining about are how the XP booster items people are buying aren't actually applying a boost to XP gains whatsoever. It's not merely whales spending on cosmetics, it's whales not getting what they're paying for.

I dislike my phone. Safari a shit.

nigger I have one too and it works on safari

Why did you buy/keep an Apple product? I've had major success reselling them when they wind up in my hands.

With real money and/or in game currency that can be obtained with money?

Not only that but apparently Destiny is so lacking in content that the only real thing to do end game is grind engrams. So even the shitty grind in that piece of shit game is fucked. At this point anyone dumb enough to buy it deserves getting screwed.

Fairly certain it's real money. Everything seems to indicate that the XP gains were cut in half and boosters were turned off to force a slower level progression and try to prompt more outright real money sales of the Engrams. All while Bungie was lying straight to everyone's faces about it.

Nigger you can't have whales if there's nobody for them to lord their wealth over


Only the XP thing is confirmed however

You know I'm starting to doubt this whale thing ever actually existed in any sort of meaningful quantity. It was probably just a shady bot farm that has recently started to either become uncovered covertly or they're getting fucked over by the chink dealers.

The only XP booster I can find is a code you get from a box of poptarts, and I'm pretty sure that's one time only

you've never played a p2w MMORPG before, have you


I forgot it even released.

Fireteam Emblems. Bought with in-game shit and claim to boost XP gains, but don't.

you see
Seriously can a vol edit the op to include this? It at least confirms bungie is fucking with the players, even though it only confirms one thing.

Anything that can be tied to real cash?

It was a gift, I would feel guilty selling it.
All phones suck, excluding the old Nokia brick which was god tier.

That "fantastic" marketing department didn't consider their new console being referred to as the xboner so don't give them too much credit.

Aside from the Engrams themselves and the poptart promo, nope. Not finding it.

I'd say the fact they managed to push even a single unit says a lot about how well they can sell complete garbage.

Then where's the fucking incentive on Bungie's part to throttle XP? This is sounding like a giant nothingburger.

Well, the xp system seems to be rigged, and counting that on top of how they fucked players out of their items from 1, the way they made the game barebones, and have little to no plans to make new content until the season pass, on top of this is some next level fuckery. I doubt bungie will survive much longer. Whatever happened to bungie? Did all the good devs leave? They used to care more than this.

the more time to you play the more attached you become, and it looks good on paper so you can get more dosh for the sequel.

To fluff the "total hours played" statistic, obviously.

The "incentive" is that you can just stop grinding out XP and buy Engrams outright.

There's little enough content as it is. Gotta keep those players longer to buy the lootboxes and season passes.


Who is shilling whom here?

the Holla Forums community.

Give me the sauce, pizza man.

Would've been nice to have a carrot to chase this time around when it comes to weapons. Say what you want about the Thorn/Hopscotch Pilgrim times but House of Wolves was probably the best version of Destiny to date.

Come Destiny 2 arriving on an entirely new console where the great would not be constrained by the small inferior predecessors. We still cannot visit the city. There are still very static environments that only change with DLCs. After you beat the raid there is almost nothing to do, and that is 100% Bungie's fault.

TL;DR Needs more strong independent native american lesbians of color


Where do you think we are faggot


Some people think he's too strict, some people think he's too loose. Most people don't care.


While this is still shitty, it's not gonna be enough to deter the normalfags I know. Are we even sure this isn't one or two reddit fags making shit up? Maybe trying the ride the EA waves to their five seconds of fame and a few hundred upboats.

user, they admitted to doing it and apologized.

The cosmetics are the only items worth chasing other than a few weapons (and those are generally limited to timed events like the faction rally or IB, because everything else is easily obtained. I think the raid rocket launcher is the only thing that's good, requires effort+grind to get, and isn't a limited time thing).

Fireteam medallions are bought with Bright Dust, which you get from dismantling the cash shop items (which you'd do if you got duplicates out of an engram or a shader you didn't want, for instance) or as a Bright Engram drop.

I got a free code for Destiny 2 from a friend who works at Bungie (though I suspect he has not been honest about the fate of Destiny 2 and the company)

Here's my conclusion: while the Borderlands-style MMO thing does work and there are some nice exploration elements, it wears itself out very very quickly, and the fact that once you get to 200 power gear your power increases start becoming glacial does not help either.

In my opinion, here's what they should have done (and this would radically change the structure of the game, so don't expect anything Borderlands by the end. Borderlands sucks):

1. Ditch the entire power system. This allows the weapons to be more evenly balanced, and designed to be balanced around each other. It also means that they perform consistently across PVP and PVE, and means that you can make the enemies in PVE consistent, rather than making it so that sometimes you kill in 3 shots, sometimes in 5, on an identical-looking enemy. Increase difficulty in the missions by increasing the quantity and quality of enemies and presenting unique situations for them to attack you in, rather than just jacking up their stats. The reward for beating stuff can be more weapon variety, rather than the same weapons again with a higher number attached. Or it can be special gear that is inferior to normal gear in certain ways, but offers a unique advantage such as faster reloading or better handling with a specific weapon type.

2. Remove most of the open world shit. This is just an excuse to not design levels properly, and just say "go here and do a thing with random enemies everywhere" rather than "navigate through this experience we crafted to be fun and unique". Make a few hub areas where you can freely interact with other players, but have the actual combat take place on individually crafted levels free of random assholes. Speaking of which…

3. Tighten up all the multiplayer elements and remove the random shit. Yes, this makes the game less "organic", but all that shit are things that WoW and Guild Wars do better than Destiny does. Allow players to form a fireteam to do any given mission, and let them do it. Hell, let them take more or less people on any given mission than the recommended number of people if they feel like challenging or not challenging themselves. Additionally, the "no chat at all except with people on your friend list" is a retarded idea and makes everyone seem like a personality-less robot. Turn that shit back on, and add mute buttons for if people don't like it.

There's a bunch more stuff I could mention but most of it boils down to "increase consistency, make unique levels instead of boring open worlds, and allow players to interact in a way that's fun instead of just as random dudes"

Oh right and the story sucks balls, but it's Bungie, that's no fucking surprise. If you want to improve that, you'd have to completely reshape the canon to not make The Traveler such a retarded story cop-out, so we'll just ignore that.

The studio basically shit itself around Destiny 1, all the old guard got fired and the game had to be stitched together at the last minute. I listened to a dev commentary podcast thing from halfway through development, and you could tell people were getting axed left and right.

This needs to happen

Activision user here.

As usual, OP sucks dicks. No, Destiny isn't dying. No, Destiny isn't losing money. No, the XP wasn't slowed down to push MTX bullshit. I heard they did it to hide how little content there was at endgame.

Destiny 2 is making money hand over fist. Like, absurd amounts of it. People love the cash shop stuff and are buying shitloads of it. Our internals have been exceeding expectations since we opened preorders back in the summer.

Also, let's debunk some hilarious uninformed bullshit in your post:

Nope. It's sold something like 120% in the same period.

Nope. Reductions sure, but entirely in line with our expectations and we'll see a lot of them return when the first DLC comes out in a few weeks or whenever.

Hah. No. Those things aren't refundable once redeemed anyway in most cases. Actually, we're exceeding our projections on season pass sales. Thanks, PC players.

I was just there last week on a trip. No one's panicking over anything. Most of them are on vacation for the holidays, too.

I'm sorry anons, D2 is actually doing really well. Better than we thought, actually. normalfags are positively gobbling things up. This is more depressing to me, since our data clearly shows how low the bar is for the average vidya player.

Ever notice how these 'Oh god, Destiny 2 is flopping HARD' stories have the shittiest sources ever? Lurk for another two years and come back when you can post a source like 'Disney called EA to threaten them'; not some faggotry from Reddit.

Oh right, also adding some PVP missions would be interesting, though I don't know how you'd make them make sense with the story. But it'd be interesting to have a situation where you get things like "Team one gets 2 people with power ammo and has to prevent team 2 from destroying a thing before the time limit, team 2 gets 4 people without power ammo" or "Team 1 can't respawn and can only revive each other, but they also have support of NPCs, Team 2 repsawns but are constantly hounded by NPCs while trying to kill all 4 players on the other team before the time limit" or even just "4V5, but the team with only 4 players has a more tactically advantageous spawn point than the 5 player team"

And you expect us to believe any of this?


I do, because unless you're an idiot, you know how pliable the current gaming 'market' is.

These are the people who watch Big Bang Theory. These are the people who buy a R2D2-themed popcorn maker. These are the people who wear trollface shirts and shop at Gamestop and buy Funkopop figures.

And they love Destiny.

Woah hey man can you give me some skins come on please and some lootboxes please come one

You have 0 evidence, why should we?

shitty memes and passive agressive tone, that's the usual way that Bungofags answer the criticisms.

Holy shit…

And? They still slowed the xp and admitted to it, just like I said?

0/10, have a pity (you).


Do you

Double space

After every



We don't even get those. Which is dumb as hell. Not even a discount on them.

Because you know what the normalfags are like. Nothing I've said some super top secret.

Think of Destiny like the Star Wars franchise. A lot of things will become more apparent when you do.

Or are you going to tell me that the average gamer these days isn't also someone like who I described?

Corporate email formatting, m8. Force of habit.

I miss the alien shoot em up game on the old nokia phones so much

Hey Activision user. I member you from the last thread. I hope you don't get banned/deleted again, because even if you are larping its always fun to see what you have to say.



Lets clarify on what this user means by engrams and I'll dump some personal autism on how it'll be a problem in the future.

He means "Bright Engrams" which contain mostly cosmetic stuff like shaders, exotic weapon ornaments, and ships. These items can be broken down to "Bright Dust" which then can be exchanged for something you wan't because nine times out of ten you're going to get garbage. As for exchanging what you want you'll have to wait until every Tuesday when the stock rotates and you can get what you were looking for whether it's an emote or what I personally have a problem with: a sparrow.
In Destiny 1 they had an event called SRL, personally I thought it was the best event introduced because sparrow racing should be a god damn thing. SRL had a relative even ground in the playing field, all sparrows had a specific speed but the game changer for them were what they could do. The sparrows of Year 2 could be divided in this: Boost and Trick. Boost sparrows were the raid sparrows, on certain parts like straight aways they had a massive advantage and at some times didn't even need to go through gates to take full advantage of a short cut. Trick sparrows were a different story because you could refill your boost meter by doing emotes or flipping/rolling them off jumps. Trick sparrows also had a massive advantage of being able to correct your landing off of higher jumps that would usually halt all momentum so trick sparrows became the dominant choice.

Now back to Destiny 2 and their Sparrows. There are no raid sparrows and the boost sparrow is effectively dead. You just get sparrows.
With Eververse theres now random rolls on equipment when you get it through there whether it's the "cosmetic" armor or Sparrows. Most of the sparrow's augments are completely useless like "reload Kinetic/Element/Heavy ammo when mounted" which is stupid because if you're not keeping your stuff loaded after every little fight then you're setting yourself up for avoidable deaths. But there is one solitary upgrade that is useful for sparrows: Mobility upgrade. This gives the tumble mechanics that trick sparrows had that allowed for flips and rolls in air.
In Destiny 2 rarity now determines speed. Which I'll break down here:

bulshit, that's reddit formatig, fuck off, dubs

Nokia games were always the best. The simple graphics have more charm than smartphone games today. I remember being hooked on Snake.

Young me was unfortunately not very good at games

Forgot the D1 sparrows for comparison

Hot damn, I guess the fanboys who kept making excuses for the lack of content with
Kinda backfired uh?

I was bad at every game, except that one.

I didn't get banned last time. Maybe there are a few of us?

We watch and post on Reddit regularly. But our internal mails also look like this.

Kids these days and their crazy 'graphics'

Anyone here denying OP's facts is a shill. No, I don't think Destiny will die because there are too many console kiddies that don't care about these issues, but there is a large portion of the playerbase that recognizes all these intrinsic flaws with the game.

What facts? Unless OP posts sources, they're just unverified claims.

This, anyone who wants you to "listen and believe" is a retard.

Year 2 SRL also introduced several sets of armours (only for the event) that allowed the player to get an advantage over the others.

Stopped reading there. Nothing you said the last time you showed up actually panned out or was remotely true. Anything you say can be safely disregarded. Fake and gay.


Yeah and you had to earn those armors through races or quests during the event. If you were smart you kept the armor from the first SRL

Everything I said was true, what are you on about? Give me some examples otherwise. Assuming it was me and not another Activision user.

You can show your badge, just hide everything that might reveal who you really are

The facts that a large portion of the playerbase is fed up with the current state of the game. Are you trying to defend this piece of shit, or are you just playing devil's advocate?

We had a guy get busted for doing just that a few months back when bragging on Neofag or something. Forgot to scrub the EXIF data and our security guys got him from that and something else. So I'm a bit skittish.

I'm both playing Devil's Advocate by pointing out that OP is wrong about 90% of his post and skeptical of how large this 'large portion' is.

People who come onto forums or reddit or wheverever and post about a game? They're almost always in the minority. Of big, normalfag-friendly franchises like Destiny, Call of Duty, WoW, and others. Most of the time, it's a vocal minority that shout loud enough to pretend they're representing 50% or better of the players. THey never do.

Pretty much. We KNOW that xp is being fucked with, but that's the extent of it. Everything else OP claimed has yet to be proven. In fact, OP is still a fucking one and done.

Nice LARP faggot

I wish I was larping.

This is reality and we're all along for the ride.

Wait, it came out on PC?

Is there an offline crack that allows me to play the story mode?


nightmare goggles only make things better

Are we sure there's a storymode this time and not just a series of dungeons you pass through to get your loot?

Oh man, its like that time that guy who was hired by EA to shill TOR on Holla Forums all those ages ago. What has his name?
Does anyone have screen caps.

Yeah, I know its very much unlikely considering this is a company like Acvision who knows how MMOs work on a level of "keep everyone important on the server". But I can dream can't I? The console versions must have some sort of offline mode right?

I wouldn't be shocked.

Except I'm not shilling. I don't give a fuck if you buy and play Destiny or not.

I just hate bullshit threads that try to get user's hopes up for another shitshow when, in reality, there isn't one.

Also, Destiny 2 is an entirely online game and physically cannot function if disconnected from the internet. Think of it like WoW.

Then hide the thread and move on, no ones stopping you from contributing to another thread, although you're very insistent on shitting up this one.
Oh and of course

retarded logic user. It's clear the only thing this user is telling us to do is not get excited over nothing. Everything he said makes sense so far.

>get unprecedented "billion dollar contract" with (((Activision))) for four games

I honestly hope the original design document exists somewhere. It'd be interesting to see what might have been if they didn't go full retard.

nigga what? Nothing about the story in D1 or D2 is even remotely interesting.

Someone with some goddamn common sense.

Untrue. People left, but it was sub 10%. Replacements were hired as normal. Although I've heard 343 is full of pajeets since it's owned by MS.

I wish you would stop breathing

Bungie has told most of the lore of destiny via the ARG. Pretty much it also requires some knowledge of the lore of the other bungie holy swords stuff to know. I can confirm its pretty good.

I liked the "fallen human empire stuggling to get back on its feet while fuckloads of aliens are trying to kill them" angle. Yes, I know it's the same as 40k.

Isn't the lore of Destiny just another rehash of Marathon with a 2 epic 4U from Halo?

see, the problem I've always had with the Destiny lore is The Traveler itself. It's just this completely overpowered giant macguffin that for some reason was like "humans are awesome I'm just going to give them a whole bunch of shit". We never earned our Golden Age, and honestly if the antagonist guy (fuck remembering his name I don't fucking care) wasn't a fucking baby-stomping, cartoonishly evil fuckoff, I'd be more sympathetic to him than the protagonists.

Kinda, except in Marathon, everyone kind of hated Durandal.

I interpreted the Traveller as something like Getter Robo.

Jesus fuck this board nowadays

Did they ever gave an explanation about why you just spawn next to a bunch of rusted cars in Russia and why the 3 races (human, exo and awoken) are the same despite the physical appearance?

Well, you get resurrected at the start of Destiny 1, so I think the implication is that you were just a jobber soldier who died in that spot helping humans escape or some shit.

As to the second point, no, it's just a videogamey thing like how everyone in WoW is a walking demigod who personally fought Arthas, KJ, etc.

okay buddy tineye gives me nothing, iqdb gives nothing, google always gives fucking crap and yandex follows its steps SO sauce please?!

Shill meme :^)

No its not!

I assume you mean Ghaul? I haven't paid to much attention to him, but apparently he suffered from little man syndrome from having been born a runt and the fucking old red tortoise fuck raised him from birth feed poison in his ear. He actually at one point was seen as a soon to the Cabal emperor before the Consul convinced Ghaul to overthrow him. He is almost like the autist that keeps getting fucked with over and over, but instead of getting banned from his local gameshop he keeps getting stronger and stronger. There is also evidence that shows the Cabal are aware of the Darkness and are either currently fighting it or fleeing it.

Oryx actually started out wanting nothing but peace and prosperity for his people, but had to make a deal with eldrict abominations that live on the edge of the Darkness itself to ensure that his people could make it off of their doomed planet. He is probably the closest embodiment to a living incarnation of the Darkness we have in Destiny to date. The second being the Vex.

Skolas' people where actually attacked by Oryx and the Hive while they where going through their Golden Age with the Traveler and where forced to become space faring nomads which is why all their shit looks scavenged and out of place; namely because it is.

The Traveler
A. Fucked over the proto-Hive in the process of "helping" the Fallen
B. Abandoned the Fallen
C. Tried to abandon humanity, but Rasputin disabled it instead
That spherical asshole is the real villain of the series. Aurash did nothing wrong.

But "VR" goggles and "VR" games are still terrible and always will be, because it's a retarded and entirely useless gimmick at a fundamental level.

I'm fucking losing it.

Well I mean that's your opinion, you're not even trying to be objective at all.

Do you demand some in-depth, meticulous explanation for why the 3D feature of the 3DS is pointless? It's a shitty gimmick, what else needs to be said?

sage for double-post

If you actually want me to give a more detailed argument, fine: The main complaints brought up in Crowbcat's video about "VR" (as it is retardedly referred to, by retards) still are just as true. There are no good VR games, they're all (((early access))) pieces of unfinished shit that cost a lot more than they're worth they're actually worth $0, or less And most of them are so unfinished that they're unplayable, which is par for the course with early access games.
Motion controls for everything that attempted motion controls are extremely clunky, awkward, in accurate, and unresponsive. Pretty much anyone with half a brain that has tried out any motion control bullshit, knows that motion controls are an idiotic gimmick (just like everything Nintendo does). Yet, for some reason, you slap the same, shitty motion control technology onto an oversized set of goggles, and every normalfag thinks you've invented the modern equivalent of the steam engine.
They can't even figure out how to do movement with this retarded "VR" goggles gimmick, with most games made for this gimmick just having you unable to move at all, and the best solution they've come up with so far is to just teleport around everywhere while your character is unable to use their legs.

The only reason I can fathom that this stupid goggles gimmick would have any use at all, is for getting extra IMMERSION in shitty walking sim games.

Have you ever wrote an email? I swear if i receive and email like that i wont even bother reading it.

>Have you ever written an email?
>receive an email
Have you ever typed a post? I swear if i ever see a post like that i won't even bother addressing it's arguments.

Аре гръмни се бе, помияр делен. Тва че направих правописна грешка не променя факта, че си шибан боклук. Животни като тебе дето си мислят, че долният им и прост език е от значение за останалите, ще висът след като евентуално тъпата им държава, дето е ева 50% бяла е, се резпадне поради марксиските евреи които ви контролират. Много си смел зад интернета ама вероятно си мрусен, мазен дебелак който не може да си намери работа. Мри и стой мъртъв.

Go back to commie land.

How the fuck is this shit even letters, the fuck.

Slavic shit's based on old greek language.




so why the fuck does everyone treat it with reverence, and why does it "grant" humanity Guardian powers?

Why are

you spacing

your lines

like a typical

faggot redditor?

Fuck if I know, user. I use linebreaks to separate my thoughts. I don't post on Reddit and hate that place.

How much do they pay you?

Activision pays me a standard salary for the area.

We both know that's not true.

You know the keyword in 'stealth marketing' is stealth, right?

I don't work in marketing, you stooge.

You done the larp?

Point of curiosity - from what you've seen, how is Activision reacting to the Battlefront lootbox thing?

Not my team, but I know others are keeping a close eye on it. We won't get worried unless the ratings boards get prompted to take action, and they're being smart and saying 'we need the actual gambling commissions to review and weigh in.'

Too early to tell how it's going to go.

Any contingency for if lootboxes get classified as gambling? I assume they're either going to get taxed sky-high and/or prohibited to under-18s muh children.

And too think I was considering on getting destiny 2 if I happen to see it on sale but lucky for me i dont have the harddrive space for it.

No idea, user. Any response from our side would be based entirely on whatever actually happened.

Anything could happen. The ESRB could slap a MA rating on games with gambling. Or it could be flat out illegal. Or maybe nothing happens. No way to know.

When most of your "seperate thoughts" are singles sentences, and three short ones at best, you can separate them with periods and proper transitions.

hows it feel being one of the sheep?

being a sheep is all a sheep knows

Magane and Meteora were the only good things about that show. And maybe the soundtrack. Otherwise Re;creators isn't really good. Mainly because so many characters are stupid and that's how so many things roll into place. It's a shame too because the concept was pretty nice. Also the Military Uniform Princess is pretty cool in a chuuni, edgy kind of way.

Sorry user, I'm actually an uncultured rube who has no idea where that image I used came from. I just liked the picture.

Forgive me.

Shill-kun, tell me you at least know where the image you just posted in from.

Serial Experiments: Lain, user. I don't watch much anime, but I know a few.

You can watch an episode between shilling. Like vidya, there's some gold underneath all the stuff they throw out. If you want comfy, it's hard to beat Non Non Biyori (pic related). If you want despair, check out Texnolyze. You want some comedy? Then check out Sakumoto Desu Ga.

Am I doing it wrong?

You are a scholar and a Gentleman of refined taste. That show was so relaxing and comfy. It really helped me out of a bad spot. Nearly every moment of that show was innocent and sweet happiness.
Pic related is also pretty comfy.

Yes, because you spent money to rent it, and the gasoline + effort required to go to a rental place.

Instead you could've just downloaded it for free without even moving your ass from your chair.

im having fun with destiny 2 and if they just add global chat ill keep playing it

Flying Witch is also a great healing show. Last season, there was Restaurant to Another World which is also a nice healing show with lots of food porn. Make sure to watch it while full.

maybe this time bungie will learn their lesson about working with a big publisher like that

Are you saying the only good people in bungie stayed behind at 343?

What a shame. Good game, but

Are you implying the "marathon logo" is somehow destiny pre-planning or something even more retarded?

Fuck off back to NeoGAF, faggot.

What's wrong with this? Greeks basically invented civilization.

Want to know why I know your full of shit?

Check the standard prices for Destiny 2 on any major retail site such as (((Amazon))), $30.00 for a full price game.

Its sinking faster than Wolfenstein.

How do you ruin that which is already cancer?

That actually makes perfect sense, now that you mention it. For example, why would he remove his video that reveals the VR goggles gimmick being complete shit, under the pretext that "it's not true any more", if there have been no significant advancements in it, much less any actual good games?
It would make a lot more sense that he was being paid to remove certain videos, and he just gave some half-assed excuse about those videos supposedly being "not true any more".
Also, that explanation doesn't even make sense, to remove videos because they're supposedly "not true any more". They might no longer be representative of the current state of the thing in question, but that's no reason to remove the video if it was accurate at one point. It's evidence that VR goggles at least were in that state ..and they still are

So yeah, seems to make much more sense that Crowbcat removed those videos out of money interests, then threw out the dubious excuse that he did it because the videos were "not true any more".

Yeah everything is fine.


Archive it yourself faggot


A game went on sale during the holiday buying period? How crazy.

Third party figures with inaccurate data. The population's gone down, but that was expected and the numbers are within our pre-planned ranges.

Would we like the numbers to be higher? Sure. Who wouldn't? Are we worried about where they currently are? Absolutely not. COD on the other hand..

But it still data, you have provided absolutely fuck all. Unless you can provide SOMETHING OF ACTUAL SUBSTANCE pic related.

You depress me, user. I can appreciate being hungry for a high-profile flop, but there's just nothing here to get excited over.

The best trigger to look for would be something like 'Bungie cancels Destiny DLC' or 'Activision parts ways with Bungie.' Something major to suggest the game is actually dying.


You'd be surprised. EA is shelving Mass Effect and waiting for the rage to die down then it'll shit out perhaps a passable product and everyone will claim it as return to form and one of the greatest games of a generation.

You could easily prove to everyone that is fake by providing data of your own. My guess is that you either don't have that data despite working at the company, or you're a paid shill who would be fired for saying anything negative about the game.

Gee, ya think?


Bungie deserves this entirely for selling out to Microsoft and their death would satisfy me immensely

I think he's either going to come up with the data or make it undoubtedly clear that he's wrong. Alternatively, he might abandon ship and wait until another Destiny thread is made, hoping that everyone has forgotten how he lost the last argument.

Vodka means water in Russian, ya know.

"Voda" means water in russian I think

Probably, I was just aping some anime about sluts I saw years ago.

To be fair, sometimes we mean "vodka" by saying "water".

Vodka means "little water", so you're technically correct.


I'd cap his post next time he shills.

they had a good thing going. shame they had to shake hands with the devil.
everyone thinks theyre immune, they dont pay attention to the bloody trail ea has left.


Actually wrong. The reason why they push the season pass so hard is because they spend nearly 900 million dollars on marketing in 9 months and nearly 540 in the same period for administration.

Best bit is that the company would be losing money but it's conducting massive tax fraud with shell companies.

Clearly we need a solution to the (((marketing))) and (((administration))) problems

Bungie admitted it was in game and removed it a few days ago with an apology. The rest has been in the news as well.

Disney has shuttered the Mass Effect brand because it won't sell anymore. Dragon Age will be next, Bioware will be shut down after Anthem fails (they have top talent leaving like rats off a sinking ship). EA is going under here soon fams.

Bungie literally came out and admitted it and removed it with an apology. If you are going to LARP at least keep up with what's actually going on with the company.

Few things
>Cut content : archive.fo/LKbj6

Ghauls History
I kind of felt bad for Ghaul a bit. Even Calus remarks that he believed Ghaul could have turned out way better if he was raised by a different person.

Skolas is the name of the Fallen commander in the expansion. Their name is Eliksni. That said their history is vastly more interesting than that.

In all likihood the Traveler was responsible for their collapse like he likely was for our own. The only difference was we had Rasputin who calculated if the Traveler were to leave we'd be screwed as the Darkness encroached.

When the Traveler tried to leave Rasputin opened fire on it, leaving it crippled on Earth. Forcing the Traveler to have to defend itself by using humanity as a proxy army.

Lore is ambiguous, but that's the gist of it.

Because people worship power. It is everyone's true god, it is why gods fall out of favor with their worshipers because they are viewed as weak. The Traveler is powerful, it teraforms entire worlds, creates new life, and we sit back and we stare at it in awe.

Thing is it probably fucked over humanity and caused the collapse. There is litterally a faction of guardians who believe that is what happened. The Speaker did a great deal to perpetuate the myth that the Traveler was good and holy, but then admits in Destiny 2 that the Traveler never spoke to him.

Standard formatting for all forms of writing is to create paragraph spacing perhaps.

Busting (((Them))) for tax fraud would likely do the trick.

Kikes sure do love committing tax fraud while piggybacking on American citizen tax dollars.

Bungie was never good.

You best not be shitting on Myth.

Real VR has never been developed

Who is that snug smug?

id be a bit squeamish about plugging my brain into a computer, if thats what youre getting at.


not officially, but they scrapped having 3 different starting missions for the 3 races. so obviously you get woken up in a scrapyard bc you're a robot. even if you're not a robot.

You could have 50 studios all making games under your name with 900 million dollars. Damn that seems like a huge waste.

in the sense of making games it is a waste. it is not about being efficient, just moving big numbers around. i dont know why jews get off to that kind of crap. maybe they have autism

If that were the case, they would play Disgaea. It's even more absurd when, in today's age, it's shouldn't be that hard to make any game go viral. Word of mouth is stronger than ever and there are only about 5 AAA games for people to look forward to every few months.

So Shill-kun about that data…..

Apparently nobody taught all these execs the saying 'don't put all your eggs in one basket'. Same thing with the movie industry.

dude these guys are all terrified of lolis for some reason. those games would scare them right out of their skin.

Do you fags still do the social media whining shit?
Go on twitter and complain to pop tarts publicly since they sold XP codes that didn't matter.

All of that "wasted" money ends up in the hands of their child slave dealers so it's a wash.

They only think of the now. Establishing a series, consumer base, and actually managing their budget isn't a consideration. When you're given all the money you want, there's no need to cut corners or manage budget unless you're rushing shit. When it comes to video games, a good development team can make some great stuff even without a large budget. However, most of the talent in the west has quit the industry due to companies like EA and now we're in a creatively stunted mess. Devs learn how to manipulate a few engines, not computer engineering. They're hired for one game and removed immediately. If they stay, the vets are now gone and can't pass down their talent to them. And if they stay long enough, they get sick of the industry and leave before passing anything down. And even if these guys knew what they were doing, they're rushed and mismanaged so they can't even put any love into the game.

This is why AAA is fucked when it comes to quality.

Pretend they're revolted by lolis while jerking it to CP you mean. Besides, the games have plenty of titty monsters too. But the best girls are usually the flat ones anyway.

Tumblr is only good for certain lewd artists, anime gifs, and cool sci-fi pics

70sscifiart is source

Thanks, but I believe I'm already following that.

no, i think they are loveless lower dimensional entities disguised as or possessing humans and to who the differences between fantasy and reality dont always matter due to the psychological nature that makes them. they are terrified of the powerful vibrant auras that lolis just tend to exhume. it is kryptonite to them. it reminds them of what theyll never be. and thats why they work so hard to destroy all the joy in the world. return it to the dull nothing theyre used to. they are null. they would be happier in a sensory deprivation chamber than keeping up their human masquerade.
they cannot handle disgaea, the very idea that there are jolly carefree "demons" enjoying life just confuses the utter shit out of them.




gud dujin

Right Right, then how come my mom didn't see you there? She knows everyone in that building and didn't see you at all.

post a picture of your sisters dick for proof!

Underrated album, but the Blast from the Past version fixes some of its problems.

So the game is on "Free Trial" on Jewzard's battle net app, this is pretty sad.

I'm fine with laughing hysterically but
Fuck off.