Deadly Premonition Thread

Are you putting your leftover turkey to good use, fellow Burgerstanis?

I wish I had some leftovers left to make a Sinner's Sandwich.

I just got done playing D4: Dark Dreams Don't Die just yesterday, my nigga!!
Not the same game, but the same insane fucking developers!!

that looks fucking disgusting. just blasted the saturation and turned down the brightness.

I agree with that. I'd suggest not enabling SMAA in dpfix since it decreases the brightness and fucks up the contrast. I'd also not recommend using SSAO, since it bleeds through the fog.

Embed related really made me want to play this. How borked is the PC version if I don't care about graphics?

All this work really isn't worth the few funny cutscenes and the few quirky things that happen throughout.

But that's wrong, you retard. It's the pc port which is shit: the director's cut on consoles is fine.

The mustard race version crashes every hour due to a memory leak (you'll notice the game keeps lagging more and more), sometimes even requiring a complete pc reboot.

But if you can make it work, or just use the console version, then it's numero uno for any fan of twin peaks.

is there a fix?

There is currently no fix for that

welp, fug.

Come on Xbox, get your shit together and make it backwards-compatible. I got the game, no console though.

Why is that guide unreadably reddit spaced, and why is that awful SweetFX suggestion made

this meme has gone too fucking far.

How do you fuck up that bad? Also anyone have experience running this in wine?

I miss this type of games and I hate that devs took the completely wrong idea from people swarming back on them in droves as cult classics. As in, games where the people behind them clearly had nowhere near the amount of money they needed to make a complete experience but just pushed through with all their heart and made a product that is terribly flawed but in a way that is almost charming - definitely no one gave a shit about the lolsorandom humor and robotic characters. It's just like how Killer7 and No More Heroes were absolutely fantastic for games that were developed with peanuts by Grasshopper and all the industry learnt from them was that people like edgy shit with ahaha japan so random and so just stroke Suda51's ego so much that they're going completely against the entire point of those vidya. Like, no one cares about how there's almost 0 textures in K7 or how NMH actually used the Wiimote's speakers instead of just turning them into a sfx machine.

It's $2.49 on GoG right now.

Does the PC version even work yet? I gave away my 360 so im boned.

what kind of cereal do you use for it?
I was thinking fruit loops or cheerios

Wouldn't something like corn flakes work better?


I think that dubs definitely reiterates this point.. In the game the sandwich looks to have some sort of corn flake type cereal in it too.