Valkyria Chronicles thread: Alicia's sweet baked buns edition

Valkyria Chronicles thread: Alicia's sweet baked buns edition

I loved the original, it sold me on A PStripple after years of NO GAEMS bad press along with stuff like Demon's Souls and Folklore. But of all of those games Valkyria Chronicles was easily the best. Its probably why it would go on to other hardwares and PC, because there was a much bigger audience for this unique blend of WW2 and fantasy and gameplay that blends strategy, 3rd person shooter and jrpg to feel like some strange hybrid of Peace Walker, Tales' and Tactics Ogre.

I've been playing through the Handheld games and they are fine for handheld games. Like Peace Walker itself they carry a lot of the tone of the original big budget console release but with a lighter tone and more elements to appeal to japanese handheld crowd that have more differing tastes.

But now VC4 is on the way bring a story of 'not-russians' and FILTHY FUCKING DARCSENS surviving in the frozen alt siberian wastes of northern europa and i thought it was the perfect time to pick up the PS4/PC remaster of VC1 and replaying it is like falling in love with the series all over.
Sure it lacks some of the great balancing choices of VC2 like scouts teching up into certain roles like sniper that made it feel like YOUR militia you customised as well as things like medics being a unit you needed to smartly position like engineers in 1 but this still holds up so well and its maybe my favourite game from last gen and it turns 10 years old soon.

What do you think of the series? love it? put off assuming its weebshit? like it but want some changes for VC4?

Personally i think its the only game i can sincerely gush about to Holla Forums because i think it offers something for everyone. Rpg mechanics, weebshit, great soundtrack, great strategy -though the first has some cheese strats that got ironed out in sequels- and its still a shame that now 5 games in -yes i'm counting revolution thats how much i love the series as a whole- theres still so few anons that have played one of the best games made after the PS2 era i have ever enjoyed.

and sure it sucks 2 is nowadays PSVita only and 3 is emulation or fucking nothing, but considering it could have been 'Gallian Panzers' a animal ears WW1 'kemono shooter' thrown out to die at the end of the PS2's lifespan i'm happy with what we got and will recommend the series any day of the week.


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Alicia is a kike

The Darcsens did nothing wrong.

That sounds like something a Darcsen would say.

Sounds like we got some Darcsens sneaking into this thread!
Shouldn't you be stealing jobs at the Ragnite mines!

I've only played 1, but class balance is completely fucked, where Scouts render every other class obsolete outside of lancers in the very last mission, the retarded GOTCHA moments where dumb shit spawns in and fucks you over, necessitating either foreknowledge of the mission or a restart is shit-tier game design, and the story is terrible.

How well does the port run on PC?

Yeah, balance is an issue, but you just need to get good and use forward thinking on missions. Always prepare for the worst.
It’s not fine to have shit taste, user.

They fix a lot of that in the sequels BUT the monkeys paw trade off is going for the japanese handheld audience means -and this is a quote from the team while working on VC4 right now- "we made 2 in particular about a school and students with super powers because thats what the japanese handheld audience loves".
Though thankfully for VC4 they said "VC1 was more popular in the west for its more grounded fantasy so we are toning back the super powers and no high school stuff which only japan seemed to like, this is a release for western fans, thank you for your patience".

Which means without the bullshit the stuff 2 added in particular includes
-a tree where almost everyone starts as a scout and then they tech into one of 3 trees, one for heavies, one for better scouts and snipers and one for mid level shocktropper stuff
-Medics are now an in army unit. Instead of saying any fallen member with a scout in a single turn you need to get a medic to them so keeping one near your tank like an engineer was always mandatory, but on long maps could still get fucked if it forks dramatically
-New classes with specialisations like a guy with a tanky shield and armour with a huge hammer for clearing mines and going into melee combat
-Turning tanks into far more specialised equipment. maybe it doesnt get its bumpy trot on and trundle around the field spreading death but sets up at one fixed vantage point and becomes a mortar instead.

VC4 also seems to be including survival aspects as its not a reinforced brigade but a small militia in the northern wastes without resupply lines so it could be more strict e.g: ragnite is limited, do you upgrade weapons at the cost of risking units freezing to death between battles?

Faldio did everything wrong

its got a 9/10 rating on most review aggregate sites, i've only played it on playstation hardware but it sounds fine.

>oh, the mission composition completely changed without warning and a gigantic super-tank spawned that is flanking your forces and will kill two soldiers the moment they move?
You can fuck right off out of here defending that shitty design. The game would have been so much better without any of that.

Well 4 at least sounds good. I guess I can be excited for that.

I run it on a fucking Thinkpad from 2011. It's good.

Can't wait to play Valkyria Chronicles 4 with microtransactions :^)

I have always been tempted to get these games but never have. Any reason I should bother anons?

Das rite they dindu nutthin.

Because it's fun.

Did you ever wish good none grand strategy games didn't die off with games like FFT or turn into meme games like X COM? well there you go.

V3 was improvement over the V1 and V2

Is there any other strategy game with the modular tank style set up? customising the Edelweiss like a goddamn gundam or space marine model kit was part of the charm that sold me on VC1

Except it was limited by the PSP hardware, so I doubt it's as good as 1.

If you ever played peace walker or to a lesser extent monster hunter its like that. Tiny areas you swap between on missions. It allowed for some neat deploy and redeploy stuff but you miss the big desert and forest battles of VC1.

I'm hoping for some big visibility obscuring blizzard battles in VC4 fighting the enemy force along with bandits and deserters.

God knows the northern siberian shit the russians encountered in WW2 lead to fucked up stories of troops turning cannibal, feral towns or finding germans whos vehicles crapped out and then they all just froze to death overnight.

Doubt it will get that dark but i expect some dank shit.

Okay, I just checked the trailer, we are playing as bad guys now. Atlantic Federation, seriously? Same guys that tried to snatch the Gallian princess and then funded the Gallian moderate rebels after the war? Not to mention that Empire did nothing wrong and AF is based on (((USA))) and (((NATO)))

if at any point the story goes into fucking with the Gallians, I will flip my shit

Everyone in war is bad?

Maybe that's why that guy in the trailer throws a fit? "BOOO HOO WHAT HAVE I BECOME I AM MONSTER ABLOO BLOO BLOO". God, I hope this whiny baby is not our protagonist.

On other hand, you have to consider that Gallia became pro-(((Darcsen))) after the EW2, but Federatiion-funded Gallian Revolutionary Army was anti-(((Darcsen))), so AF may be not so bad after all.

Its kind of funny considering how people see real world WW2 games and complain about only playing the same US/UK forces all the time and never russians.
They could be deserters or they could pull some shit where gallia unknowingly has its own Unit 731 acting autonomously.

Hold the fuck up, i'm rewatching the VC4 trailer and is there fucking naval combat in this?

What could he have done differently? Welkin would never have approved of what needed to be done. It was to risky to tell him or Alicia. His shot probably saved Gallia, desu.


Apparently there will be a battleship that will provide fire support or something.

It looked like an icebreaker ramming them so i assume some of this is going to be ocean combat with troops fighting on a frozen body of water.
Would be interesting if weight was a mechanic in terms of breaking ice.

Yes, the Darcsens didn't do anything arong at all. The Jews on the other hand…

Valkyria Revolution was only good for its pantsu shots

Someone explain to me what is good about this game, I just kinda found it boring. The gameplay was aight-meh, didn't really get far enough to judge the story (only a couple ?levels? in), and found the comic book/panels way of doing things to be more annoying than anything due to the high number of loadan screens. I think at some point I got a free steam copy of it.
I don't really have anything against it parsay, just that I got more bored than entertained without knowing really why and so I quit.

Could be a cutscene. It is also probably their base of operations (there was that girl putting clotheslines in there). However, I have a better question - why the fuck there are tanks inside ship turrets?

Oh, and by the way. It's a console exclusive. I swear to god, chinky-eyed gook japs are literally fucking incapable of learning.


Sega of japan hates pc, its Sega of Europe that handles PC and they already said 'you will get news about the pc soon'.

Well that answers that. Into the trash it goes.

Its gets better as it goes on. The early stuff is very basic 'small map with a clear right way to do it' where you repeat those or skirmishes to level up your classes and gear so you unlock abilities and shit but later on it gets much better with fights like a colossal tank in the desert or a battle to occupy bridges in a canyon thats a snipers alley where tank cover if very important.

The game was a lot more enjoyable when you didn't realise you could scout rush, and also not knowing you could save during missions. Every mission I killed everybody before taking over the main objective, because I thought score would also be based on the number of kills.
The EX skirmishes require you to use the other units. Those are really fun.

It's funny because as I explained to that guy already, Gallia uses German tanks and German weapon calibers, while Imperial tanks are based on Soviet and French designs and their guns have Soviet calibers. And Empire is literally located in the same place as Soviet Union.

The most satisfying if using the depressed sniper girl to destroy an entire enemy skirmish and hear them on the radio freaking out.

I want Marina to return.
Also Jane and Lynn but sadly Japan prefers that useless shocktrooper Edy.
Why does Japan have shit taste?

Why is she so perfect?

I think the only time I saved during a mission was with the fight against Batomys, mainly because I never really used rockets up to that point so they were underpowered.

Lancers are love, lancers are life.

Hopefully the new Grenadier class in VC4 are a similar anti personel version. Like a slower AOE shocktrooper.

She just is.

They sure are.
Audrey a best Lancer

Quick! Graceful! Decisive! An A rank shocktrooper!

This is a Good Post
dark-hair handrubbing intensifies.gif

Edy is pretty great though.

Hands down the hardest mission in Valkyria. I'm ashamed to say I looked on the internet on how to beat it because holy fucking shit.
Selvaria is one overpowered motherfucker.

New famitsu interview says VC4 is 90% complete, there were rumours of a big March release for Sega, this is probably it.

Also they day it was announced VC sold 60,000 copies on steam and 35,000 copies on PSN.

.t imp

That mission where Alicia first gets powered up and it seems easy as pie and then suddenly you're surrounded is the biggest bullshit ever.

Shameful. Absolutely shameful. I hid in the trenches and used the Edelweiss as a moving wall.
Just a little.

i need a source on that, user

I know this is "muh Holla Forums culture" but its really making people lazy, i got 123,0000 results just copy pasting

The game would be infinitely better if it was modded to fix the retarded ranking that forces rushing. It should be based on damage dealt and taken instead, with maybe the number of turns being part of it but much more lenient. Also, remove the entirely RNG dodges. It's a terrible thing to have in a strategy game. The game already has an RNG element in the form of gun spread, so stacking another, much larger, layer of RNG on top of it is completely pointless and undermines planning. Especially when the shitty ranking system forces you to rush if you don't want to miss out on stuff.

Honestly, that mission is shit because she can show up, down and them run into and kill your characters in one turn. If you don't know where she's going to spawn (or worse yet, try to slow her down), you can get fucked. Sure, if you already know it or get lucky you can make it easy, but that's another matter. Ever bringing the tank near her relies on knowing that she won't just run around it and instantly cause a game over.

I swear "Speed=A rank" bullshit is just the laziest form of ranking. Even MGSV did it. Want to be gauged based on how you were stealthy, collected intel or deal with being discovered?


Its fucking lame and too many games do it.

You can avoid dodges by attacking from behind.

I was never sure which chatter was your own people (obviously not the units you control) and theirs. Was it all theirs?

I'm glad they aren't bringing back retarded melee classes from VC2/3 (let's assume that only dumb kinds and cannon fodder from penal battalion are sent to the battle without guns), not to mention VC2 automatic snipers, oompah band engineers and other scum, but what was wrong with gunner class? Also, we already had mortar lances.

nigga you are the lazy one for not adding a source, apply yourself
have an archive

At least with VC it felt like you had to learn how to rush, where, and when. (providing you didn't just look up how to do it online).
It still felt dumb that dare-devil tactics like that can work. It's sort of like watching a speedrun of a game you struggled to beat- it makes your earlier accomplishments feel small when all it takes it breaking the game.

The sniper has a nice pair i fear for her safety


G-good lord.

That would be common sense; I did it myself numerous times.
Problem is that, depending on how i'm positioned I can either get crit by a lancer from behind, or risk a crit from the batomys itself (and I also believed that, for healing the Edelweiss it would heal more if I healed the crit spot of the tank which led to some positioning issues of its own)
The main thing that helped me the most was finding that the engineers could destroy the vents in a single grenade though.
The trenches don't offer too much protection either from Selvaria.

Would waifu so hard.

she could move too far in a turn for the player to do anything but hump her with a tank, that level is only annoying because your lancers will still be low level and won't be able to hit the fucking turrets half the time

Is there any form of flight in Valkyria's world?

War is hell.

It's a minor plot point during events of the first game, genuine spoilers below
One of the characters want to invent the first aeroplane. It's prototype gets a bad-ass moment
So I assume you won't see planes until the timeline actually moves forward (we might get helicopters as units, but planes will just be called in for air support), or we see some Valkyria tech nonsense (Ancient Laser Viking Jet Fighters).


i never knew bakunyuu sniper was a fetish i had.

If you need to move the Tank on that level at all before abusing orders to kill the big enemy tank you fucked up.

In addition to , there is an airship in VC2. That's it, pretty much. Why do you think they have those giant supertanks like Batomys? It's because they don't have to worry about aircraft ruining their day.

Yes, what I was thinking. Kept hearing it was anime WW2, but it sure didn't look like there were enough planes for that.

i still find it weird that people had a hard time with that mission, the one were you are attacked from both sides by super tanks was more difficult

One slightly better than Wright brothers-tier biplane, and one dirigible two years later.

It's anime WW 1.5.


because your lancers are almost always too low level by the time of that mission and miss shooting at the turrets

You just know Raita is chomping at the bit to flex his mechanical design muscles.

i mostly ignored those things, hiding from tittie monster and killing the infantry imps were more important

once i capture the first camp that activates selvaria i usually call a sniper and a shock trooper into that camp and that takes care of most of the imps and you can focus on blowing up the tank and placing your tank on selvarias head

It's not even hard to do. But after Valkyria Revolution, I think the devs are gonna be scared to experiment even aesthetically. How the hell would the water-colour effect look in the modern era?

Finally got around to playing VC3, beat the first chapter and I'm sorry I was ever so hard on it. Kurt is a boss who gets shit done.

maybe one day

not going to happen, the whole deal of the IP is set the theme in a WW era

Why go modern day when you can go cold war?

Can't find a non-"sample" version yet.

Then we'll just have to make a new world war.


I just realised something about all the known Valkyria to date. They're all orphans.
Also I highly fucking doubt we're ever gonna see the franchise ever truly go into modern territory lest it lose it's fantastical romance edge.
Maybe a not so cold Cold War equivalent could work though.

There are also these. Titty-monster Valkyria confirmed, by the way.

you must work harder!


I think I'll forgive the retarded "desert fox" motif for that ass and those titties.

So does that mean living Valkyria are abandoning their uber-kids? If so- why?

one of the worst games ever

n-no user.

she will find love and settle down and become a mother and live a long, happy life.

j-just you wait.


I don't think so considering Selvaria's parents are established to be normal humans. Heck her powers don't manifest until her parents get slaughtered in front of her when the Empire attacks her village in EW1. But there are proper Valkyria in the wild for sure since the Imps that found her immediately realized what she was, and captured her for experimentation.

Maybe he really, really liked this image.

They need some real kemonomimi, none of that fake shit.

Fun fact: thats what darcsen originally were.

They shoulda stayed that way, then I'd have reason to like those dirty yids.

why does sega hate money so much?

Don't forget, you can get it running at 60fps with some hacks and it's actually the most stable psp game to run at 60 frames that I've tried. There is some minor issues but they really don't hurt the gameplay.

Quick question for someone who has played through it, are some missions just fucked? I'm at chapter 7 and the free mission Night Op crashes right after I beat it, It doesn't seem to be the 60fps hack to be causing it because I turned it off and tried it again and same result, it's the only time this has happened throughout the game for me and I was just wondering if someone went through the same.
Maybe the copy I have is shit since it came pre-patched.

Reminder that the design book for No.1, all 390 pages of it is translated.

That things been translated for years though

How do I get the hack to work, is it just messing with the emulator settings?

You create a new cheat file through ppsspp and then you add in code, the version I'm wearing is in embed related, but I just realized I can't turn it off at all.

Will this have JP audio and subtitles that is true to the original source? VC1 had audio, but the subtitles extremely differs from what each unit says.

I managed to complete it by running the game on an older version of ppsspp and redoing the mission, copied my save back to the version I was using and everything is fine. Hopefully it doesn't happen again but if it does I'll just it run the older version.

Anyone tried this? sounds promising

- Rewarded cash and experience bonuses have also been changed. Overall if you A rank and kill all enemies, 50% of the reward is from the base cash/exp bonus, 25% is from the mission rank, and 25% is from killing key targets.

Riela didn't die.

Hopefully this one won't.

Will have to wait until probably after they're released or bought or whatever.

Just play the Japanese version.


What the fuck is this? Filters?




I dropped it a while back, it wasn't horrible but it didn't really hold my interest. I'll have to try it again.
Plus the mildly anime plot made me chuckle one to many time.

You know what you have to do

SEGA will never release Skies of Arcadia on PC, where it sells so well it prompts them to greenlight a sequel.
Feels bad man.


I really like both of them, honestly. But Riela's ending feels more like a fairytale ending compared to Imca's.

Riela's ending is like a fairytale ending on "and they lived happily ever after"

Imca's ending is like here they are, ACTUALLY living happily ever after

In that vein, I appreciate Imca's ending a lot more.


Fuck you.


my fellow men of culture.

She's taken. She'll never enjoy your vegetable garden.

It's too bad.

At least I'll have Foxy Sweaterpuppies to keep me company.

stop making me want stuff, user

Is this the game where some of your guys can turn into werewolves?


I've never played this game and I just came in here to point out that that not-KV-1 has
octagonal. roadwheels.

have some parts fully edited out and started working on hand and scope. if any anons feel like pitching in we could bounce this around and get it looking pretty good.
couldn't be bothered to do more myself because I am going to bed

It is either an unfinished model or it has something to do with the fact that it's from handheld game. Anyway, more attention should be paid to the fact that it has retarded overlapping roadwheel arrangement from Tiger.

So does the tank in the second image. The only difference is that the KV's roadwheels have no texture or normal map.

What the fuck is up with that bonus mission where you're supposed to use one scout to murder a bunch of elite soldiers in the forest?
What do i do?

doing gods work, user

be sneaky breeki and git gud


Just FYI, saving a jpg multiple times will continuously degrade the image. Manually editing the colors the way you're doing it is leaving a ton of artifacts; there's an easier way in this case by selecting the watermark (because it's fairly clean) and running it through a recolor filter (because it's a fixed color watermark). The problem with this image, is that it's a shitty JPG with artifacting that fucks up the filter.

Pic is after running it through the filter assuming a 35% #FF5FCD opacity watermark (rough guess from a couple points) and manually removing the artifacts on the white background.

I'll try to touch up the remaining spots, but I'm lazy.

not only do I know and not care, I know how jpg compression works on a technical level and still don't care

did some touchups on your adjustment. teamwork, bitches. what exactly did the filter you apply do, a "subtract by #" operation or something? I'm using photoshop cs6.

shit, forgot to fix around the straps. oh well.

I used a GIMP plugin, manually selected the watermark, then applied a custom (i-.35*RGB)/.65 filter. I'm glad you finished it, cause I gave up after 15mins.


apart from the straps, which I guess could be replaced with my painted ones from the first post. an elementary edit
I'll need to try out that, results look quite good. manual fixing was done with a wacom tablet and some basic painting know-how. incidentally I'm the same guy that did a number of the heavier edits in that fortnite thread awhile back.
don't want to derail too much, so Imca a cute

OC donut steel

The description is not made up, it's on the JP page, I only took some liberties with spelling.
When I saw him, I was only joking about him being endgy.

Best glasses.

That wrong German triggers me

All but guaranteed he finishes the game in love with sniper girl, while MC is in a mandatory relationship with boring blonde girl, such is the terrible taste of the Japanese.

Not necessarily.
He might be an attempt to make a "bro" character, thus letting you pick which girl you end up with like in 3.
Have hope.

How can i get a 3d gf like Selvaria?

In Heaven.


Doubtful. I feel they're doing what VC3 did, giving you two main girls so you can choose one.

I know where my heart lies, though I don't know if the blonde girl will surprise me.

No such thing.

I only had problems with those mission the first time because of the surprise attack.
The one you mentioned with the two tanks, I got half my squad fucked because they got run over by the tank that came from the south after you took the base.


She basically has a Valkyria-tier body.

I'm glad for that.


Or a dating sim spin-off where you can date her or Selvaria or both

This is fucking silly.

I can see those horrendous filters from here, neck yourself emuscum

That's why you only get 3 SP at most and can't replenish it.
It's also a piece of shit that deals set damage and has no use of any kind in later missions, so enjoy it while it lasts if you like Imuka.

Aliasse is the best loli in the series.

That doesn't look like a loli to me. Plus the series isn't known for its lolis anyway.

Valkyrias begin developing their chests earlier.

Wouldn't it be a prequel and not a spin-off? Varrots exploits take place during EW1, I think it would be cool to see the stark contrasts between the EW2 group and the EW1 group.

What I mean by "stark contrast" is how it's implied that the squad Varrot was with seemed to be treated like shit and Largo and Varrot aren't exactly treated as heroes, unlike Welkin's group.

I don't like having the UI all low res because it hurts my eyes so filters help in this case.
The blue filter over it is actually a fuck-up from the emulator when it loads a quicksave.

Well I guess they needed to tone it down somehow, right now it feels like a free getaway card that you can use to get out of any messy situation.

Just don't end up relying on it too much and you'll be fine.
If you haven't been honing your skills, some of the late game missions can be pretty nasty (unless you don't care about ranks).

I can't have another sniper waifu
I've already got Marina

At least your waifus will have something in common while they try to kill you for betraying them.

Worth it

I really like both snipers from VC1

Actually VC1 has a ton of likeable squad characters. I can barely remember any from VC1 and VC3.

Admittedly, I only played VC1 because I'm a PC fag, but that's something I really enjoyed about the story-telling; all the characters were fleshed out really well. I hope Sega can do it again with VC4. Please don't fuck it up, Sega.

Not currently possible.

Dog only sweat on their paws.

lol You're stuck with the roasties.

You can emulate both VC2 and VC3.

I wanted to toss VC2 in the trash but VC3 is pretty neat.

Ok, fine. This is what I meant.

I think I'm doing fine so far, I've been getting the occasional B but it's mostly A's and S's for now.

I assume you mean 2, and I agree, I didn't even bother to finish it, I dropped it after they introduced The Skulls Unit.
That entire game felt like the writer started reading BNHA and decided to throw it in the VC universe, without any extra thought.
I can't even remember one single name out of those characters. All I can remember is that shitty laugh from the MC that still haunts me.

I don't know about VC3 though, I've yet to finish it but currently I've already got a few favorite girls, I like the Granny and Valerie is a pure cutie. I also like Gisele a ton but I know that the reason I like her is because she is the closest thing to Marina in that game, I even changed her to sniper.

Yeah, VC2. Typo.

And now that you're talking about names, I remember some of them like Gloria and Valerie. I can't remember Gisele all that much.

Also I do vaguely remember characters like Margit, Clarissa, Leila and Frederica.

Oh well.

Since VC1 had Skies of Arcadia cameos, what other SEGA cameos do you want to see in VC4?

Burning rangers.

How can I play these games knowing that those beautiful knockers won't be around forever

Kiryu is a Lancer or Shocktrooper

Majima is a Scout or Shocktrooper.

More like, Majima as a valkyria.

Yeah, I like it.



So, fellow VC3 players. How did you name your Nameless tank? I named mine MERKAVA.

I hope you're not over-training your guys with the DLC missions.

Almost. You do have to make use of that trick numerous times if you aim to get an S-rank on most of the EX-HARD missions.
Doing it during the story chapters is completely unnecessary.

Also, I'm honestly surprised how good the game looks on PC, I'll definitely have to transfer my saves and have a go at it again.


Pic related are the only characters from VC2 I liked what's funny is that if it weren't for all the garbage characters you have to put up with I honestly think the plot of VC2 is better than the first game's

They reused maps and shit from VC2.

It's incredibly obvious that they do.

I forgot about the tank girl

A man of excellent taste.

you know what emulation is right?

i fucking hope they fix the AI they wont

muh nigga, i also like the tittie monster that the enemy had RIP

Just being able to have the game run at 60 frames makes it feel so much better, the only problem the game has with it is that the grenades fall faster, they must've tied that to framerate, but it does fuck all.

I just keep getting reminded that dropping VC2 was a great decision.


setting aside the warehouse from VC2

Are you going to pay for my eye sign? That's what I fucking thought, my eyes keep getting worse and I'll probably go legally blind by 40s I'm not going to put up with that low res looking UI that just makes want to die.

Just render at a higher resolution you faggot, or play in a smaller window.

its a fun game, if you ignore the retarded characters

Why does that tank receiving intercepting fire trick still work in the later games?

Don't make me do it.

I honestly think VC2 is worth playing solely so you could see the changes that they introduced to the gameplay and the ideas they had in mind back then, even if the game is piss easy.
However, seeing the same 5-8 maps over and over again will slowly kill you on the inside and erode your soul.
Personally, I finished it once and never touched it again nor do I intend to.

But it's definitely worth playing to completion and then dropping like a fiery piece of charcoal.

Because it works for regular soldiers too? It's especially effective with valkyrias in 3.
Unless you want there to be no intercept fire against tanks.

Kuudere don't exist in the real world, user.

there shouldnt be interception fire against tanks if they are not shooting at their damn weak points

If you honestly think the 2nd image looks better then you have a disease.

Are those 3d figurines of her still for sale somewhere?

of course, gayin!

Where is the best place to buy her in the EU? Ive never bought such thing before

That first one still has shitty bilinear filter.

those tits though

There's a buyfag thread on /a/, so check that.
They have a whole wiki for that shit.

dont know

Thanks. I feel like its gonna be confirmation of my wizardry and weebness if I actually get it, but she is a perfect waifu material

She's not my waifu, but I'd get her just because so many of her figures are absolutely fantastic.
She'd complement my grandmother's porcelain figure collection nicely, I think. Probably stand out a lot, though, but that's fine.

If you don't want to deal with importing and the randomness that can be customs fees I suggest archonia.


Good god.

now i want to see pics.

Don't talk to me or my shitty ass filters ever again.


I think that's the one figure they've remade like 3 or 4 times so far just because it's so popular.

Life is suffering.

I thought I had a more pictures on my camera, but it turns out it's just this one.
There are some 3 or 4 more similar figures and about 6-7 of horses.

Selvaria would definitely be taller than all of them.

Is that site legit?

Yeah I've ordered from there before. Dunno if it's the best price though, I just used it to check which ones are for sale.

Is every Valkyria loli destined to become a tittymonster

Welkin is a lucky man

You say that like it's a bad thing.

What's not to like?

Trade off is knowing your cute little girl will grow up to become a titfiend and be the object of every boys jerk off material.

I was unaware that it could be emulated. **Plz no bully*

You deserve to be bullied for that fucked up spoiler

Feels good man

There's a DLC episode where you can play with her.

He's a politician, not a waifufag.
I do agree with you, though.
What a disaster.

A politician should especially know the story of the dog and it's reflection.

Should have had more skirts and panties then to rope in more people.

According to Steamspy, lifetime sales are close to 1 million.
For a title first released in 2008, and one that looks incredibly niche, that's fairly impressive even when you take into account the low price tag.

He's a bad politician then.

Its like demons souls, its sales took time but they kept making them for years. You dont see that often with games that started on console outside rpgs and shooters.

i wish they didnt put that game in a fucking humble bundle

That's players, not owners.

If I was Max I'd take Selvaria and elope with her. Fuck the war, I just wanna screw her.

Why is she so perfect?

VC has had a number of discounted sales so it pushing 1 million units isn't really a big deal, especially way after its shipping date. Games sales have to profit but also recoup the cost of development to have a weighted value.


there's a lot of reason to hate it

They did that years ago back on the PS3. This is just a port.

Ah, well I don't know enough about economics to refute that.

yeah, and when you factor in the price, sales, and bundles, those units are inherently worth a lot less.

It's probably the titties.

Steamspy keeps track of the price people are playing, it still averages out at about $15, which for a half decade old console port is reasonable. There's zero reason to believe that people wouldn't buy VC4 for full price if it was released at the same time as the console version. It's when the PC release is a year after console and being sold for $49.99 while copies of the console version are filling up the wire mesh bargain bins at $10.99 that sales on PC don't live up to the retarded publishers "expectations".

its not hard to understand, with humble bundle you can give developers no money at all, many people buy games at the cheapest price, split the payment, so that dollar you buy 8 games with can equal to pennies going to developers. This is where steamspy becomes unreliable, and it's far better to use it for new sales before any discounts.

Nah, it's more than that.

Ah, thanks for clearing it up, ah well.

The video game that cutscene is from is a literal joke, I'm pretty sure it bombed.

And wasting trips



anyone got a list of all the VC artbooks?

The only cast I'm at all familiar with was 3's since my first exposure to VC was project x zone.
How are the casts of 1 and 2?

Well he did want to create a royal bloodline of Valkyrur with a legit Valkyrur but he was too retarded to realize that he already had a Valkyrur at his disposal (who was grateful to him) and decided "nah nigga I want the one in Gallia." Remember, Selvaria died for nothing in the end.

It's the equivalent of finding a rare game at a flea market in almost perfect condition with a price tag of 5 bucks and then saying "nah I want the copy at GameStop for 100 bucks with no original case and the disc is cracked slightly, so I'm just going to buy the 5 dollar one and throw it away because I can"

If you think Faldio is a retard, well he ain't got shit on Max.

1 great.
2 okay.

I guess in the end he just wanted a land to rule over, didnt give a fuck about valkyrias.

Valkyrias were made to do that.

Even that one from Revolution which I haven't played yet, but I'd like to try. I also think some of the characters in that look pretty neat.

In 1, only a few characters get spotlight. The rest you can see their personalities through their small lines of dialogue during combat, or their small biography entries. But both of those are enough to endear people to them, even making some of them very memorable. Like Catherine's "I'm not done yet" in her cute Irish accent or Jane who has a murderboner for imperials because they destroyed her flower shop.

In 2 they focus a lot on hanging out with your squadmates and fleshing them out, but despite being quirky animu army highschool, pretty much none of the characters are memorable beyond the tittymonsters Juliana, who isn't even in your squad, and Avan's laughter.



The god of quads was right to deny you that one.

Doubt it, he went full autists when he found out that the Gallian princess was actually a Darcsen and not a Valkyrur. He was in it for the waifus.

he didnt care, he was going to marry her anyway.

This, he just laughed and said he was going to do it anyway.
He was hoping for a valkyria, but he fucked up.

Selvaria deserved better.

Because she is the kind of wife anyone would want – pretty, dedicated, attentive, willing to do anything for your sake and with unwavering loyalty to you.
And the big titties, I guess.

Titty all day everyday.

my greatest wish is to simply spend a single night with my head on either her ass, tits, or thighs
or 3 separate nights dedicated to each


Still gets me every time I am reminded of this fact.

it seemes like a good price compared to other sites so I bit the bulled and actually preordered.

fucking flag

For a 1/7 figure something above or around 12k yen is to be expected. Now all you have to hope for is that customs don't feel like being a dick to you whenever it arrives.

Amiami is one of the biggest sites for figures. It's as legit as you can get.

Selvaria died for being an unquestioningly loyal pawn. She was in an abusive relationship and was too weak to realize it.

Make way for best gurl.



I can't get past the emperor's tank in VC1 because I'm a permacasual

I really want a rts game done with VC tanks and the associate art style. Maybe a single player campaign dedicated to Maximillian's conquest of the other nations?

VC suffered from having a number of missions that were hard as fuck the first time due to unexpected scripted reinforcement's, but easy as piss on the retry because you know what's going to happen. The Batomys might be the hardest mission in the game if only because your soldiers are so low level that the retry can still be difficult depending on how much your lancers miss.

How do you beat steroid Maxie? The falling debris doesn't help.

I don't know what steroid Maxie is; if you mean Selvaria she's immortal so just try to ignore her and keep your troops in defilade. Don't touch the ruins, let the Batomys roll up to them and it'll be forced to fire its cannon to blow them up, when that happens three exhausts will be exposed on the tank. Use scouts to throw grenades in the top of the ports or lancers to hit the sides. Repeat the process three times to beat the mission.

Playing it for the first time in years i remembered it being super hard. This time i took 4 lancers, an engi, a sniper and two scouts.
Lancers and tank took out all the canons with ease before the first camp. The scout and sniper at the southern spawn went up the ramp but near cover and took out the soldiers while the other scout hid near the edge of the map by the first wall collapse area.
Then i just had her climb up the tank, throw a grenade in to one shot a radiator. Sylveria showed up by man it was funny. I had my edeweiss and engi aiming up the ramp and they auto shot and killed the entire backup squad before they could do any damage.
Then i had the edelweiss shoot down every single blockade wall with my guys behind it for cover from selveria while two lancers did a suicide run to get one radiator close to dead but inentionally not dead. Then the scout hiding runs and gets a medic for both and grenades the undamaged radiator then everyone turtles till the damaged one pops back up and a single lance breaks it then i spend a saved up full CP bar by the point on constant edelweiss shots to nuke it for an A rank and like 3/40,000xp and 50,000dcc

To sum it up: Holla Forums fell in love with some dumb blonde bimbo with huge knockers.

That's a rerelease, and a good one too. It's the best Selvaria figure out there, but get a load of pic related. That one is new and still in prototype.

Seems like she's been getting a new fig at least once a year and I have all of them except for the garage kits.

Yes, AmiAmi is known and reputable for fig collecting.

Imca's gun is so fucking stupid.

That's exactly what makes it so fun

I keep forgetting to check - what does she looks like when you make her A.Tech or Fencer?

No, it just looks retarded.

Shit, I enjoy some /k/ autism once in a while buy ya gotta learn to live a little

I thought it was a nod to Wild Arms, since Media Vision was involved in the development.

i dont remember that game.

It's freemium mobile shit and moon only. Ignore it.

Card game

Eltonel get on this stat

if you wanna give it a screenie for me, I could ask

well fuck th… tell me more, are all the cards made by Raita? any link with a high resolution art of all the cards?

Not sure what you meant by a screenie exactly

Started replaying VC2.

Is it only gonna get worse? I don't remember this game well enough.

pretty much i guess, the thing that i hated most were the fake valkyria enemies

Oh, but it gets better than that. Not only Holla Forums is in love with dumb blonde bimbo, said bimbo worships rich asshole who treats her like shit. And Holla Forums is so much in love with bimbo, it keeps ignoring nice girls such as Alicia and Riela. This situation can't get any more stereotypical, it's like a shitty teen movie.

I always figured that she DID realize it, and when she kept having her love rejected, she willingly accepted her own suicide mission.

Selvaria's not dumb, just blindly loyal and in love with Max. I think when Max gave her her final mission, she fully realized what he thought of her, and would've rather died than continue to live with broken heart under a man who she unconditionally loved her entire life, but will never love her.

Despite that flaw, it's her unquestioning loyalty and unconditional love that endear me to her. Other than her appearance, of course. She is actually nice, as seen when she captures Squad 7 and then lets them go before she destroys herself and Ghirlandaio. As well as how she treats her soldiers in her DLC mission.

There's also a bit of pity in there and wishing she could've been dealt a better hand.

Everyone loves Alicia and Riela too, Selvaria stands out among them specifically because she IS a nice girl who's loyalty to her country and Emperor is being taken advantage of. Tragic heroes/heroines are more talked about because they are tragic, their flaws are more obvious and make them easier to relate to or sympathize with.

Personally I don't find her tragic, just one dumbass you was led by another dumbass

Punished Selvaria

shut your whore mouth

It's easy to call her a dumbass for not realizing what Max did to her, but as a person whose mother was in a similar situation (abusive relationship), it's not that they don't realize, it's that they stick with the abuser because they love him, and keep doing things for him because they think he'll change or go back to being the idealized person he was when they first met him. It's not easy for a person to decide to leave something like that.

My mother took years (probably above 15 or so) to finally leave my dad. But she somehow found the resolve to carry on without him. But even then she found that she thought about going back to him when he came to apologize and beg for her to come back.

Selvaria's state is a little different. She was taken from her parents and then used as an experiment and test subject in a research facility (that Max actually funded) for years. Basically a tool to find out how to turn Valkyrur into weapons.

Max saved her from that and gave her a kind welcome into his own home. In essence he is her complete and utter savior, the only person to treat her like a human for a long time (despite his ulterior motives to just use her like a tool. The emotional manipulation is part and parcel of an abusive relationship).

I don't know if locking her up and torturing her for years then saving her was part of his plan but it certainly helped.

So he used her like a tool when the next war started, and due to her thinking of him as her savior and loving him because of his manipulation, she swore undying loyalty to him.

She knows that she's being used, but she's hoping that maybe one day he could see her as more than a useful item. But she realized that day would never come when he ordered her to use her Final Flame.

I don't condone her suicide and I honestly wish she'd just ran away or escaped from it all. When I first played, a part of me really wanted to believe she'd switch sides, or somehow survived what she did at Ghirlandaio.

But perhaps she believed that as long as she was alive, people would attempt to use her. Perhaps she couldn't live with the realization that Max would never love her, but she unconditionally loved him.

And while she says her Final Flame was for Max, if she really wanted him to win Gallia afterwards, she'd eradicate all troops in opposition instead of letting them leave Ghirlandaio.

This is some autistic shit right here.

Thinking about characters like that helped me with Literature classes, autistic or not.

Although is it really autistic when most of it was shown in the game?

Autistic but accurate for the most part. Even if you don't take into consideration how hot Selvaria is and how she was waifu material, you have to take into consideration how useful she was as a weapon.

She was the equivalent of a nuke on the battlefield and her Final Flame is a testament to that. The fact that Max used it for no real reason other than to just get rid of her is fucking retarded, the weapon known as Selvaria if used properly could have won him Gallia without much effort.

he would've conquered Gallia fine if it werent for squad 7.

From what I can tell his entire plan for nuclear Selv was to kill Alicia.

…Ya know, thinking it over I think I was a bit too harsh on her, I think she purposely sabotaged Max's plan at the very end; she chose to go nuclear on the Gallians only AFTER Squad 7 had left the area- and Max looked scared shitless when he found himself confronted by Valk Alicia again, probably thought he had been rid of her through Nuke Selvaria.

she was a hero and a real human bean.

Yeah. Selvaria was fully aware of Alicia by then, and not only that, she has seen what Squad 7 as a whole was capable of firsthand. From beating the Batomys to actually taking on Ghirlandaio while they held it.