Did anyone here play Zanzarah?
Hey Holla Forums what do you think of this Pokemon game with real-time combat and faeries?
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It's a pretty comfy game.
Too bad the expansion got cancelled right before it released.
can you pet the fairies?
I don't give a single solitary shit you fucking shill nigger fuck off
I'll give it a look, thanks m8
Okay user when you're done oogling at them big ol titties then perhaps you'll fall in love with the rest of the monster designs and the actual game itself.
You can let them fly around in your house back in London.
It's an old game you absolute fucking retard. You'll get no 8ch prestige points© by crying shills here.
This is a crime against faedom.
>shadman sunibee
Not everyone is a sickfuck.
This game has an amazing audio quality and some amazing samples like the wolves howling.
Zanzarah seems to be a play on words for Samsara.
Here's a slower video exploring the locations of the game from the beginning.
those faeiries in the pic
My sides
Well done
I'll let you know Holla Forums that some russian lady programmer & graphics artist has been working on making a Zanzarah 2 reboot made with Skyrim's engine.
And here's some nicefag glitching the game to skip the shitty puzzles and challenges.
For what purpose.
Far dat ASS.
It's a russian, they always know what they're doing when it comes to optimizing technology and still making it look good.
looks comfy but unplayable because of the female protag
You're doing a good thing by drawing more attention to the thread so more people will try the game out. Keep it up
Tell that breki soul that developing for UE4 is free and she can sell it later to boot.
You know nothing about fae, you cur.
Her ass gives you too much of a boner, right?
Got any more?
I remember that the game just like dungeon siege 1 and a lot of other games made by small teams ends up becoming cutting too short.
The locations that would normally be mandatory become optional once you beat the white wizard guy.
every time
Finished it this year
Fun little game but very easy and the combat feels sloppy.
Yeah the combat can get awkward. Just wait to charge up your attack and moon jump around instead of real flying.
Plus in the end game it turns out exactly like Pokemon where each opponent desperately switches out their counter and try to land 1 hit.