Gayman Rig Thread

Show your builds, get advice, all that.

Here's my first build:
Thoughts? My goal is to run Crysis 3 at 1440p with ultimate settings; 60 FPS isn't a requirement, but nothing below 30 FPS will do. I also want to render 1440p videos at a slightly slow speed, 1080p videos at a fair speed, 720p videos fast, and anything below that lightning fast. I want to use good software, too, like TV Paint, 3D animation/modeling software, and some high-end rendering software. Not all at the same time, but at least 1 at a time. All while using a 1440p monitor.

Other urls found in this thread:

Now that's fucking bait. No one is this much of a newfag shitposter.

Forgot to mention that I would like to play some newer games at at least 1080p with at least 30FPS.

Idk why you're talking in 3rd person?? I'm just trying to make my first PC build.

Go do it on reddit, scum

How can i find out what is the strongest possible cpu supported by my motherboard that i can upgrade to?

Just jam the shit where shit goes, building PCs isn't hard.
Or go to Holla Forums and be bullied until you kill yourself, bugman.
Now go and stay go.

what level of reddit are we on?

I know it's not impossible, and I'm not too worried about building the computer itself. Just looking for the right parts.

Fucking use a search engine and go look up benchmarks once you realize which kind you have.

What level of Tor browser are you on? I mean that shit's heavily monitored by the FBI.



You're a redditor, leave and don't come back. Take you beefy rig shitposting with you.

No Satan. People just shitpost when they see a lazy OP, and rightfully so.

Please don't be mean.

2/10 I replied

I'll consider it if you actually make a post saying what kind of mobo you actually have in the first place and what you plan on doing with it.

My setup looks pretty similar to the superb/great setup. Any advice?

Follow his original advice and don't come back.

Not him but
ASRock - AB350M Pro4 Micro ATX AM4 Motherboard
Run Crysis 3 1440p ultimate with at least 30FPS

I don't know motherboard i have, my bro bought me a pc two years ago and i never cared enough to find out.



If you're going to bother with 1440p anything, you'll need a fuckton more storage than a single terabyte. I recommend at least 2, more would be better though.
That resolution really makes things hard and gayman in general makes it hard to tell. I'd look up benchmarks because crysis 3 is one of the most benchmarked games, jewtube would be good for that but you should be fine in terms of being able to get 30 FPS on ultimate settings with that rig. You might have some dips when the explosions really get bad and the screen gets filled though.
Ryzen CPUs are generally best for multitasking and any tasks involving multithreading. Not so much for single core performance. Its adequate enough to where you should be okay though.
Basically you should get around 39ish FPS or so on max settings (assuming your CPU isn't bottlenecking it)
In terms of your monitor, Lenovo is hit or miss. They're also a chinese company as well so bear that in mind.
Your mobo should be fine, unfortunately I don't know as much about AMD mobos as I do about intel so I can't comment too much on that but from what I do know about it it seems reasonable enough. If you think you might get a second 580 in the future for crossfire it might be worth upping to an X370 but you should be fine to be honest.
You should be fine OP

Go to system tools and check system information

I skipped black Friday for the upcoming Volta/Ryzen+ combo early next year.
How badly did I fuck up?

Not very.
There's plenty of sales that are pretty much black friday-tier, you just gotta bother to watch for them.

Good to know, really. I skipped the entirety of black Friday this year. Was going to get a fancy 4K meme tv, but it wasn't really essential and I hear the technology (think: casual gaming) isn't as mature yet, so I will need to give it just one more year.

Here's my dinosaur: i5 750, GTX 650 Ti 1GB, 8GB RAM, 500GB hard disk. It's enough since I mostly play older games, but I'm considering a cheap GPU upgrade, maybe a GTX 960.

Let's save this thread. And maybe, just maybe, save ourselves too.

Blurry as fuck


I'd save up 30 more dollars and get a 1060 later then if i were you. (or just splurge now because "sales xD").
your next upgrade after that should be your CPU because goddamn you can expect some bottlenecks with that thing.






Then the 1156 socket is the limit. It seems even an i7 880 would bring just a modest improvement. I wanted to squeeze the most out of this clunker without spending much, not build a new machine now.

You can fuck right off, I learned this shit by myself without the help of anons.

Nice game, terribly underrated.