So I'll probably be called a kike and I have no business experience so bear with me...

Anyone with a brain and a good sense of money handling has switched to PC gaming by now. Nintendo might manage to stay in the console market by offering something unique that PCs can't offer in their hardware, but MS and Sony both seem to be offering nothing but overpriced PCs with arbitrary limits. I predict that the next generation will be the last for them, and the old PC standby of "never buy a game for more than 20$" will become an industry standard again.

Plus, not having to develop for consoles will almost definitely drive the development costs down and increase accessibility.

Just present your idea as is, no need for charade.
$100 bucks is a lot for a game, even when it is a good game that lasts you hours and is absolutely complete (without any DLC/lootcancer). The problem is, publishers aren't as stupid as you think. They are excellent in kiking people out of their money, but they know that if you make your game a single-purchase $100 expense, very few people are willing to pay for that. Instead, they charge the 'normal' price in $60 and make the other $40 off transactions.

If a game is worth more money I don't think people would mind paying as much for them. As it is, people are trying to do less but get paid more/the same.

Price increases decrease demand, price decreases increase demand, demand price increases and prices increase increasinly

that's cause our money is worth about 30% less than burgerbucks, I complain about it all the time though, I only buy games full price if I know I'll get at least 50 hours of fun gameplay minimum

If price was a deterent then Macs and iphones wouldn't still be pumping new product in the market year after year

This is what gets me about the retarded (lack of) logic of normalfags, a game that includes everything with a standard price of $100 is too much, but if you put the same content together as a "special"or "deluxe" edition, they'll gladly fork out the same amount of money without a second thought.

I know people that think this too. They still always use the same old tropes to try and argue against PC gaming and they get butt-blasted when they're told that their shiny modern consoles are basically just single-purpose, idiot-proof PC's.

This wouldn't be an argument if consoles would be nice enough to use RISC chips or other insane architecture. The only argument for them are physical copies if you don't get jewed so hard that you have actually bought a mini Frisbee. The switch is a weird experiment of creating a hybrid between handheld and home console to get the best of both worlds. I don't know what to think about it.

Well, you're here forever, that's one.
