Why don't you play games from generations that actually had good games?
Modern gaming still has some good stuff, though obviously not from companies like EA.
I do, with emulators, but collecting and collectors are cancer. Not per se but because the fad has gotten out of hand long time ago. Even the collectors hate other collectors because of how retarded the whole thing has become.
I have been playing vidya for 30 years and have burnt out most of the classics so now I just keep an eye out for diamonds in the rough.
Faggot, playing Duke Nukem 3D The Birth, its as dissapointing and as poorly designed as I heard it was, fucking Tank Pigs are the worse fucking shit.
Thats still the PC
This image is proof FPS is just a meme
Probably underaged and never touched a console made before 2005 or a PC made before 2000.
You kids should play with the rest of your peers. It is what we did as well, 20 years ago. All you have to understand, is that this isn't a matter of Oldgame>Nugame. What matters is the journey together, for you as a community and a generation. And the here-and-now is the most complete gaming environment that you can witness. Live and active, compared to the study of a predigested, organized and reduced history in retrogaming.
It's like saying that even the best chronicle of ancient Japan, can't beat the experience of timetraveling there. Don't get older and realize you were never part of any scene. I was there from the 8bit to 64bit generation, playing a wild range of everything, with plenty glories and mistakes. But I wouldn't tell you to stick to our times' best achievements alone, because I eventually understood that the experience was more than just our cartridges contents.
This is some faggotry. Good games are good games, regardless of their year.
That's an ignorant opinion cause there are lots of worthwhile games to find out there. The problem is just that the onslaught of over-hyped garbage is growing way out of proportion. So here is my tip for anyone struggling with modern gaming…ignore those lecherous marketing campaigns and wait until the good stuff had time to breath.
Unless its an online game you're full of shit
I've been waiting for this post
I do, but that might just be because I'm a poorfag.
Reddit is leaking again, great.
Fuck off
Post good music vids
I don't want to…
Will I get dubs?
Thank you for my digits Mr. Dubsomancer
Careful user, use your new gift responsibly
If dubs the Krampus will come out of your closet and teach how to sage tonight.
feels good
I don't want to be like you, OP.
Hes even (1) and done
Check em
Obligatory dubs.
That image needs more ball busting