Other urls found in this thread:!cGpjQTIC!GNiaoXK8sWmdBsRkYETeqmYQhaX9rEIUTgdsDlAf-zQ!Jfp2gCSL!HAdskgf6cahsAtpJxezopVI5eXUGMLj7VoWrSf8Pbgw




You autistic nigger, can you at least try to start with vidya?




Happy Thanksgiving niggers

Video games always make me LOL

3DPD not even once!


Stay vigilant, always.

At lease try to pretend, the rest of us do. Is that so hard?

Mods will fix it XD.





Eh I liked it. The image I mean.
Reminds me of Saints Row 3.
Say what you will, but SR3 has the best aesthetic.


But why?

Not the niggress, the art style.
Those flying purple things mixed with glass, the lighting, that sort of thing.
I like purple shit.

I bet $20 you're gay.

I'm actually not.
I suspected that I am, but I'm not aroused by men, dicks and such.
I can fap to anime traps, but not real ones.

That's because traps aren't gay.

Christ user and least got a proper nudity mod.



This guy gets it.

There were more than one?

Yeah that's why I though I might be gay. But when I tried to fuck real trap all I felt was disgust and my dick remained limp and silent.
Something that doesn't happen with girls.

Anime traps are just girls with dicks.

If you only like redhead girls and can't get off to blonde chicks, does that make you not straight? Traps are just a subset of gay.


Anime doesn't even look like human.

nothing gay about that


diverse skin textures are our strength goy

What did he mean by this?

Autistic people have problems recognizing faces and such, might be that.

What? What if I was gay? You can't miss opportunities like that.

I want ayyy lmaos to leave.

cbd2f8 was right, you are autistic.


spoiler that sick filth.


that is why they look like aayyyliums

The aesthetic was good, yes. The promotional material didn't quite transfer well ingame, but one can't say the game wasn't nice to look at.
However I don't see how that translates to liking how Lawbreakers looks.

How's he supposed to fix his being gay if he doesn't know if he's gay?

Weak as fuck lol thread. Where's the minecraft porn? No vidya-related fringe fetish deviantart stuff? Nothing in this thread disgusts me and that annoys me.

How fringe are yukkuri lewds?

Right at the fucking beginning you faggot.


I, uh, have some pokemon stuff if that's what you're looking for

You rang?


i miss u, hitler

There was this uh group on another site called Yukkuri Abuse and there was a shit ton of people on it, what the hell

My favorite videogame is VIDEOGAMES

You are gay and you have AIDS xDDddddd
Read the last post


fucking normalfags.

This doesn't belong in the lol thread you fucking newfag.

LOL threads don't belong on Holla Forums.

What the fuck I could have sworn there were only two. Was The Old Blood too mediocre for shitposting? This is the berenstein universe, right?

It was a short stand alone expansion.

everything can be posted here you newfag, it's an offtopic chaos zone

what's the copyright status of the thing anyway? id only made a wolfenstein because the original game lost its copyright, so did they somehow acquire the rights to it by doing that or could anyone make a wolfenstein game?

ding ding ding, same reason that (for example) nintendo will always C&D a fangame using their IP.. if someone cucks you out of your copyright it's theirs now

i have put all my mental power together to create a humorous offering in comic format
please enjoy, viewers

Has anyone else noticed all those weird gibberish comments in the creepy elsa/spiderman videos "for kids"? Are those like fucking bots or something? It can't be all kids.

Where's the loss?

Ok, real talk. Is it better to emotionally manipulate desperate fat women into having sex with you while you search for a quality GF?

On one hand, you're taking advantage of a resource freely available to you, at no personal cost to yourself if you're competently protected.
On the other hand, masturbating to weird fetishes until you get into the weird, borderline homo stuff is still probably less shameful than fat-Fucking.
However, there's consequences to both.
Fat-Fucking only takes advantage of land whales, and has no immediate repercussions, but results in long-term problems for everyone. You see, fat women who are taken advantage of by men tend to justify their sluttiness by being "sex-positive," or rather than blame their own emotional desperation and vulnerability, they decide to blame all men for it. Or they leave off all men together, find another fat-fuck to trade cunt-juices with, and become best friends with a faggot, the only guy that'll ever deal with them.
In short, Fat-Fucking creates SJWs.
On the other hand, extended Porn usage can limit your ability to interact with others, not just women positively, and contribute to depression.
So, which is better? Fat-Fucking or Masturbating. Put another way, does the welfare of all matter more than your own personal well-being?

holy fuck, user, just jerk off. the very idea you're entertaining is disgusting.
emotionally manipulating shitty people just gets you used to tolerating being around shitty people. you don't want to do that.
keep the jerking off to once a week, though, or your t level is going to stay so low that you'll never find a gf anyway.

Is this copypasta?
If not then don't fuck the fatty. You're degrading yourself. Just beat yo meat.

Is that an anatomically correct turnip vagina? Boy, these artists are sure improving their discipline.


…This is downright adorable. It's got that Mystery Dungeon appeal to it, even if it is furry/bestual. I'm not even mad.




If you'd posted Yami… Here's some Buckley anyway.

As long as the stuff you're fapping to is stuff you fap to because the appeal isn't based on degradation or degeneracy, and isn't about guys fucking other guys, you're okay.

The only thing fat women are good for is tittyfucking, but thinner and healthier women with large breasts exist too. Only thing worse than a fat chick is a fat flat-chested woman, and there's many women in general who're so bad at sex that you might as well fap instead. As said, you're better off fapping than interacting with shitty people. They don't deserve your penis.

Where is the porn?

Nice to see some patricians

Just get into lolis, you'll thank me later.


Now I've fucking seen everything

Sucks to be you, user.

First day here?

I like cute girls in a non-sexual way. You're just a pervert and a pedophile with an obsession for underdeveloped bodies.


Adding a penis to a drawing of a girl does not mean the girl is still a girl. The only way liking traps and wanting to fuck traps can't be gay is if you're of the opposite sex. I don't think many women want to spread their legs for traps though.

Sluttiness really doesn't fit that girl.

I actually giggled a bit. It looks ridiculous.

I didn't know pbf guy was such a faggot.
"Commissioned for playboy", that explains the degeneracy.



oh?So you just like to watch them like in a bathtub or something?It's just fatherly feelings you're harboring then ?Nothing sexual?

is he /ourguy/?

That's Gardevoir, nigga, literally 90% of pokemon porn is of her.

It's just well edited.

jew get out

No, it doesn't suit her.
Latifa is a cutie and for moral things only.

Gas yourself.


Im sorry you are so triggered when other people are disgusted by your attraction towards underage physics. Now go jump off a bridge.

Holy shit, this lol thread is bad.

Aren't all physics underage until we have a proper unified theory?


I already have a hard enough problem seeing loss in four-pannel comics all over the place.
Hell, I even started laughing a few times watching some shows with my family, without them understanding why.
Last thing I need is to start literally seeing it everywhere.

I dont get the second last…why the wifi bars is loss?

I don't see it.


Holy shit a new PBF comic?

Why do furries love Lucario so much?

A lot of it is faggots. For whatever reason there is more gay porn of lucario than straight porn.
t. furfag


Fair enough. Have noticed there's not much female lucario, so it does make sense.

Furries are generally gay. Furries also only give a shit about canines, felines, equines, and hedgehogs.




No, you're confusing traps and futas.


Not all of either those groups.
Just a lot of them.
See all the cub shit furfags love.



Futa is still gay bro.

Funny because furries constantly get caught diddling underage.

How about you all start posting some porn and then other anons decide whether or not it's gay.

I made no statement about the sexuality of fapping to futas, only said that there is a distinction.

Why do furries want to fuck stuff that would be most disgusting to fuck? I can kind of understand wanting to fuck a kobold or a cute female dragon or even a bee, but a fucking dog? And not in the "cute monster girl with ears and a tail" way but in "I want to fuck a dog" way. Dogs are for petting and playing with, not for sex.

Fair enough

i like this new may may

The artist himself's embraced it. Good, I say. While he's got a shit way of looking at things that leads to countless problems, he doesn't seem to be a bad chap, and I do feel a bit bad for him and the whole label of "bike cuck" thing.
To be fair, he is a bike cuck. But still.

You are confusing straight up beastiality with furry. Mnay degenerates use it as a slope for that but there is a core difference between a human with a snout and fur, because thats what "anthros" basically are, and a fucking dog with the intelligents to eat its own shit and has no resemblance to human physic.



More like the pokefur community. Gays and pedos, the lot of them.

The "furries are all dogfuckers" thing doesn't hold up in reality, most people who actually do that have issues outside of any fetish group and seem to latch on to furshit since it's the only remotely acceptable place to talk about fucking your pets. Even then most furries find it pretty appalling.

There are actually far higher odds that a furry is a pedophile rather than a dogfucker. See: cub being fucking everywhere.

Hey what I said doesn't change the fact that
is full of leftist fag degenerates.

Its an unspoken topic you niggers.


Keep in mind that there's also a difference between lusting after something like, say, a dragon, or other creature that is not human, but clearly is sapient to a human degree, and wanting to fuck a dog.

Personally, I consider the typical furfag's leaning to just new-colored humans with a funny face to be some supreme cancer.

My beef with furries isn't the animal fucking (which is disgusting and anybody who does so should be shot, but I understand it's probably a crazy minority). My problem is that they don't know how to keep their fucking fetish in private, or in their own dark circle of the internet. Even on Holla Forums, you see furries everywhere shitposting and ruining threads. They make their fetish characters their avatars on every account that allows it, they make damn sure to identify themselves in every bio as a furry (often with an "and proud" attached). I don't care what you want to go jack off to, but it is fucking ridiculous how loud and obnoxious these people are about rubbing their degeneracy in our faces and shoving their fetish into absolutely everything.

read a book nigger

Only routine topic is furshit.

Where does "feral" art with intelligent talking animals fall?

You're both confusing my statement. What I wanted to say is this: Anthro dogs are fucking disgusting and I have no idea why furfags would find them attractive.

I hate lol threads.

The oven. Because ultimately sexual attraction is physical look based at its core.

I hate how I need to manually uncheck the spoiler box if I load an old tab that used it, even if I just booted up my PC.

Sapient, and thus not really bestiality, but really close you ask me, and it's something I'm not personally comfortable with.
Also, that thing is wearing a wig.

Like every fucking meme in existence? People laugh at shit while not knowing why it's funny? They just laugh because other people laugh at it, just by peer pressure? Who am I kidding, of course people do that

Pedophilia is an attraction to children, you don't have to physically act upon it to have the desire.

I've found everyone is pretty obnoxious with their fetishes on imageboards, furries just have a legacy from the early days of the internet that never went away.

We've artificially bred canines over the centuries to have appealing features that gel (through jammy misunderstood associations) with human socialization. This is why dogs seem more "soulful" compared to say, a cow that's been bred to be fat, docile and not much else. Is it really so much of a stretch to stick an aesthetically pleasing canine head on sexually attractive human body and still find it hot?

You could say its cute and cuddly, you can say its exotic or what this user said but in the end its just a fucking fetish and can only be explained as a fetish.

It's just a transformed Ran.Kitsune are known to transform between their fox and human forms.

Sure, sure, and that's all well and good.
Except she's wearing a fucking wig.
Get that cancerhair off the fox, you faggot.

While we're on the topic, if there any known way to stop being a furfag? I've had enough of being a degenerate.


Stop masturbating so much and browsing lewd shit online. Give your body time to settle down.

Stop jacking off. Alternatively kill yourself.

The majority of gays in the fandom are antifa fags from twitter/Tumblr. They try to frequently shift the board culture of /fur/ because they can't handle the honesty that chan boards bring.

Go nofap and quit Twitter/Tumblr. You'll get a sick of it and lose interest.

Either avoid furshit entirely, replace it with other types of porn, or stop getting hung up over a harmless fetish and caring what other people think so much.

Oh, and suicide is always a solution.

It's much better this way, yes.
Honestly, while I'm not much in to fox fucking, I genuinely do not see how people can look at this, vs that shitty hair stuff, and say "wigs are a great addition".
Drives me absolutely mad.

Explore more /tg/ tier stuff. Become a furfag-in-denial like me.
Or more accurately, a raving xenophile, who considers furshit too tame.

I did nofap for about six months this year, didn't really help.

I think that I'll try this next.

I'm interested in small and cute things, so I don't mind the wig.

He really did that one? Then I can commend him for reacting pretty well at least.

he's becoming ED + know your meme now.
Never saw the chink word edit though.

Who the fuck designed this? Cobra's hood is skin stretched over its ribs that it could extend using special muscles, since they're naturally very flexible. It takes active muscular effort to keep the hood up and cobras only do it when scared because otherwise it's not worth a shit. It's kinda worthless for defence as well.

Being /tg/, /xen/, and /monster/ worked for me because the inclusion of background stories makes it more pragmatic/grounded. It automatically omits most of the aggressively faggy left-leaning bullshit because it's not utopian.

People probably find it 'sexy'. So, for nurse outfit posings, a flare-up is likely.
It's like how women posing always do that horrible spine bend, despite that being massively uncomfortable

get off the internet for minium 2 weeks, fuck it right in the pussy. This will stop the masturbation incentive - no good fap material, then start once a week cod turkey fap for starters

Have to disagree. Tried that myself, stopped looking at porn. Next thing I know, majority of my faps are imagination-based.
Also, imagination-based faps seem to be a good way to get some major degeneracy, I must say. Some were clean, at least

I can't jack off to furry porn but I don't remember the last time I thought of a human when jacking off.

What the fuck I'm even doing in this timeline?
It's being one upped by a bigger one

Hey, no-one ever said looking good was painless.

What did he mean by the AIDS bit?

I know that pain. Not watching porn is a bad idea for some people.

I've seen some anons claim that PDP was actually Holla Forums all along and he started his career posting his stuff here, but then he realized acting like a retarded spazz was much more profitable. Very dubious claims and no evidence, but life is fucking weird these past few years so I wouldn't know.


I have many questions, all of which can be summed up as "what?"

user, I don't think anybody who has ever portrayed cobras in popular media has actually seen a cobra in real life, let alone know how they work. I mean look at how thick this shit is. For the mayority of the population and me until this moment, the hood might as well be a static adornment.

Not sugoi

Can you be even more obvious ?

And that's the point, it's supposed to make you want to get a gf instead of jacking off and posting on imageboards.

I mean, I don't have a particularly unhealthy view of women, but, for me, there's just too many disadvantages of getting such things right now. Mostly money-wise. But, since I'm one of them somewhat old-fashioned 'muh love, no sex before marriage' type guys, there's also the concern of essentially being tied down rather early in my life, before I've done anything.
It seems to me that doing something to make myself want a gf more is just actively trying to handicap myself.

Kemono Friends crossovers go some very strange directions.

That was awful.

It's supposed to do that and it's failing. Not jacking off makes me be a girl and get fucked by futanaris or want to cum onto people's clothing without them noticing.

Dude just find a nice girl and be yourself.

Don't worry user, I'll wear frilly clothes and let you fuck me in the ass.


>I mean, I don't have a particularly unhealthy view of women, but,
And 0 advantages whatsoever
Don't fuck one of those russian gold diggers
You forgot to mention your crippling furfag autism
You're posting in a lol thread you're not going to do shit

*rubs hands*
oy vey


I haven't heard of nofap ever pushing an imageboard user towards getting a partner, normally it just makes them maddeningly horny or wizardly focused.


Literally nothing I said suggested any kind of 'WOMN R JUS HOORS', you faggot.


Not surprising. Test peaks between a week and 10 days of abstinence, then steadily drops until ejaculation, when the cycle begins anew.

There's advantages. Mostly in general-purpose happiness, kids eventually, and otherwise having a companion, not to mention the illusion of success in a lot of ways.
I just don't see a need for them now. I can wait.

Dates are expensive, even if you don't marry a gold digger. Unless you're the type of degenerate pile of human garbage who takes a girl out to McDonalds.

Just because I want to marry the black dragon babe and raise a qt half-dragon daughter, doesn't mean I can't also marry a normal human.

I'm sorry you're a NEET, user.
Have you considered attending a cheap school, or getting a simple trade job?

Jerking off regularly keeps you in control of your mind. I was clouded by testosterone and didn't notice the clear signs she wasn't into me at all, and forgot that a GF isn't worth it in CURRENT YEAR. Never again.

I understand furfags have the legacy of being obnoxious shitters on imageboards.
Double with MLP garbage
But I still don't understand what makes it worse than the other fetish niggers derailing threads by constantly posting.

I mean, I fap to pretty much anything draw and the difference of posting a single furfag image to a single Trap or Futa image is pretty clear.

It used to be a lot worse, and a lot more attention-desperate.
Think Bui, basically. The infamous furfag spammer. It used to be, people like him were relatively common.

Truly a magical place.

I finally found the perfect balance after looking up some kegel exercises.
I still watch porn regularly and just when I am about to finish, I squeeze the muscle to make sure I don't actually finish.

After months of this, I can safely say that it has all the benefits of keeping porn around and none of the drawbacks because you're not actually letting anything besides precum out, thus not worn out for an hour or two when you're done.

You just say that because you don't have a cute gf.

Excuse me?


I tried that. It's different but it's still good. I should probably do that more often.

Tell me the secrets of becoming a girl and getting fucked by futanaris.

Cropped out that yukkuri filth for you, user.

You do know that that damages both your testicles and prostate if done for extended periods of time and highers the risk for prostate cancer, right?

There are better artists for portraying Kaguya's beauty.

Does it?

Nice source nigger

You heard me, faggots. It's a problem alright.

Have you tried to find women that have more features than having a vagina and the ability to talk? Just find one of those 200 IQ rick and morty fans so you can laugh at those retards that are going after the illusion of success *tips fedora*
It's ok my shabbos goy, you can live as a mouthbreathing degenerate until you're 40 :^)
No, it means your mother fulfilled her expectations and raised a complete failure.
t. furfag posting in a lol thread
Can you at least go through highschool before you talk shit?

tfw no knight to save me from a dragon or dragon to save me from a knight, rather. a chivalrous, cultured dragon, of course.


I hope you're baiting and not just sperging out user.
It also ups the risk of inpotency

I can be the househusband who's also a businessman (´・ω・`)

Applicable to Holla Forums too.

tfw I'm the businessman with a househusband


Nah, furries try to shift the board culture so that they can force everyone to lie about their views. Good thing that Holla Forums keeps them on a leash.


That says that ejaculating decreases cancer risk, I think those anons are talking about something different

Implying thats not what they want.

theres literally nothing wrong in fapping to furries as long as you don't take any part on the cancerous community and don't push the fucking fetish

How's the business working out owo

That's one accurate snake. Dubs confirm.

In all seriousness, this place would be Neogaf if it weren't for Holla Forums.

Unless I'm reading it wrong, that's not what it says.
There may be a connection between lower risk of prostate cancer and frequent ejaculation, but that's about it.

Well, this study seems to point that a higher rate of ejaculations seems to decrease cancer risk. We were discussing injaculation, which is the process by which an orgasm is achieved, but the ejaculation is prevented by squeezing the kegel muscles. The rationale behind this is, since there is no ejaculation, the effect of the orgasm in testosterone levels isn't as pronounced. The problem is that the link between ejaculation and orgasm isn't entirely understood, and I havent found much besides that one study (
So that being what we have to work with to manage our test, we can only go further by funding further studies ourselves (>implying) or going from experience. I am not going to stop ejaculating entirely, of course, I just find injaculating as an alternative.

Yes, like this man. Too bad about his shitty fetish though.

The penis in my heart is aroused.

Pretty good, but it's not as fun as the home life.

At least this thread reassures me no matter how fucked up my fetishes get I'll never be a furry. scales aren't furry

Holy fuck, how dense are you?
What were you expecting, occupy yourself with something alse, quit neeting if necessary. We're talking about mental health and tier 2 level degeneracy you'd get shot for coming out in normal society not run by pedophile government rings and lgbtbbq bullshit around

That right there is why you gotta be careful of women.


th-that's gay

What's it like, anons?

Scalies are a subcategory, you're no better.

True. But do you want Holla Forumsacks coming here claiming how vidya is degenerate and ruin Holla Forums.

Fortunately, i have just the thing for you.,


Both DFC and DCT are good fetishes.
along woth traps
Certainly better than ballbusting which I still fap to


No need to bust his balls, user.


I'm a xenophile, not really a furry, anyway.

I think I've seen you before.


That's a mere technicality buddy.

I'd wanna have my slit rubbed as a dragon *w*

It's like an addiction, because that's what it is

But a big one.
See, furries just want to fuck humans with new colored skin and a fancy head.
I want to fuck dragons. I want to lay with the hive queen. I want to seduce the strange floating tentacle eel lady. I want to make love with things humans've only dreamed of, show the world, the universe, that love conquers all.

No it wouldn't. Did you somehow forget almost all of the history of western imageboards? They help, but they're far, far from being the first and last line of defense, like you're implying.

They haven't ruined it as much as Antifa tumblrites did. There's a lot of cool obscure games that they talk about here as opposed to AAA lootbox crap.

What saves imageboards from SJWism is mostly free speech.

What kind of addiction? One that only benefits or one that I'm better off avoiding for all this time?

You have that in common with Scalies. While your fetish extends past theirs, you both still share a common interest.


that explains why reddit and normalfags started using loss memes a few months ago then it died off because they still didn't understand it so they didnt actually get a chance to ruined it. wish all memes worked that way.

In the same sense that Jews and Holla Forums both want an ethnostate, sure.

I did not expect anyone to have saved that crap.
I should really be more mindful of what I say, eh?


Depends on who you ask.
It may decrease risk of prostate cancer, but it can lead to degeneracy very easy. The slippery slope is real. It's also a huge fucking waste of time if you do it often and/or take a long time to do it.

I made it to nineteen, user. Still a virgin, but my ex got me to do it. One of my regrets.

Time to bring out the big guns


I'm willing to bet it's mostly prison gay. There's not a lot of girls into it, and it's mostly men so they take what they can get, but as soon as a girl comes along they're all drawn to her the fresh meat.



Sounds about right

Gay as fuck bro.



what's gay about liking boys 'w'

The boy part.


To be fair
But still, by that logic, shouldn't they have multiple tits?

Depends on the human-to-animal ratio. Honestly if they're upright multitits are strictly optional.

that's not gay. girls are gay.

Get cancer and die, fags. And do your jobs, you fucking worthless mods.

sage negated :^)

Only if you were the victim of the current year education.

Eh, fair enough. Personally I prefer nubs to actual tits, in those cases.

Will you also be his little sister?

Yeah and guoh is able to make that look good. Most of the time it just looks like ftm trannies and frankly in this day and age the less androgynous blobs floating around the better

Multitit is only good when the top pair is engorged and the others are flat.

Holy shit this is old, I've only seen tid bits of it before though.

We’re going to kill you and history will cheer your passing.

This story is pretty lame. Except i would believe it if user's dad confirmed to be a nigger.

or if you're a gay male I guess

Many have tried, none succeeded.

Same way as no longer being a faggot. There are methods you can try short of medical treatment. An ex-faggot mentioned a Vaseline cleanse; research those.

It's only truly funny if you've seen the replies.

sleeping with them is, user


Neck yourself.

Nigger you are on a board dedicated to degeneracy and owned by a kike.

I really hate caps with a fuckton of reactions. Feels like the laugh track in the Big Bazinga Theory

And that somehow changes what I told you to do or implies he won’t get his?

Do you prefer cute anime girls instead?

No ones gonna "get his" friendo.

Am I wrong though? The initial cap was fine, the tons of reactions feel like they're trying to give the same sense of "please laugh" that a laughtrack does.

There are three basic forms of comedy.


It is completely subjective. The only bazinga I know is a mazinga.

Consider the following: "Humour" is what we call the emotional response to something that particularly quickly shakes up how we think about things (or that otherwise particularly suddenly introduces new, important information); it's what we call the emotional response to a particularly sudden revelation.



really makes you think


It's always funny, so yes lol.

Well that's a cute one.


You don't even into non-humanoid.

So was the humor of the first cap.

I can kind of see where he's coming from. With furshit, you have that filter on top, so I guess it doesn't have the same effect as watching two human dudes fucking. Like a diluted gay. Diet gay. But then you eventually get acclimated to all the buttfucking and just go all in on two human dudes fucking. Furry is like the airlock between the straight spaceship and the gay vacuum of space.

Or something, I don't know the train of thought.

Sex ed is probably doing way more harm than good.

Basically this if you fail to curb the habit and start again. Its also a huge waste of time if you do it every evening.

Never argued otherwise.


Hey man, some can be really fun

Such is life in the LOL

>saging a lol thread at all
user, i don't want to say anything bad about you but

what a time to be alive

As opposed to ironically blueballing themselves?

Quite true. I'm just in it for the humanly bodies, I swear


I didn’t know about circumcised penises until I was 17, I think sex-ed could use some more brevity.


You most likely wouldn't know about it even after sex-ed, considering the fact that it's only used to teach how to use a condom and then pile up as much LGBT propaganda as possible.

We have boards for pretty much everything but actual CP. Thank god for /ara/. Honestly nobody would give a shit about furries if there weren't lifestyle faggots or fursuiters. If anything we'll probably get even more furries in the future, since there's a lot more furry porn and porn in general right now than ten or twenty years ago. It's pretty easy for many people to get into anything if the women are curvy enough. If there's a bunch of furry art that's just a thicc lady with too many animal accessories to be called human or even monster girl, then people are gonna get hooked and fap like mad.

The whole "furries shove it on your face" point has become moot. Pic related. Everyone shoves it in your face, at least here. The fursuiting and furfaggot community are real problems as well as the overhwhelming amount of faggots, but I haven't seen anyone post real sparkledog shit or otherkin shit unironically in a long fucking time. And at this point, with the normalization of such horrific shit, I'd say fags and trannies are far more in you face than even the most dedicated fursuiter. That said, I still can't stand any kind of furry community, even /fur/ makes me gag and they're pretty self aware as far as furries go. And I know I'm gonna get called a furfag goon for saying any of this, but it's true.

People post sparkledog unironically?
They did that? How awful. I thought that was contained on /trash/.

Only the image you posted would get people to call you a goon. While opinions vary here, at least everyone hates traps, trannies, and Holla Forums. Isn't it mostly half/a/fags who think that rulebreaking is okay as long as you're a weeaboo?

The real problem with furries is that they take everything and anything with anthro characters, and retroactively claim it as "furry". It would be like if every single piece of media about cyborgs, robots, or even just machines "was clang".

Anime is different because all anime actually is anime, and the sexual element is a common one to anime as a genre. Furthermore, anime actually exists as an independent medium, as opposed to furries, who are a parasitic fetish/fandom outgrowth that produce no popular culture worth mentioning.

I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and just assume this is bait.

and where do you think we are?

I know I'm just digging myself deeper in the hole here but This is partly what I hate about /monster/, they even claim fucking squidkids are monstergirls. though furries do it far more, and with more cringey material.

I'm not on /a/ I'll tell you that.

I'm being non-specific on purpose. Every thread has some variety of shitposter who will spam porn about something because they can't contain themselves. Digimon it's the furfags, pokemon it's the regular furries and some ara lovers. Fantasy threads it's either orcs or goblins. The list goes on.

You what?

Well, I guess you might actually be retarded. Have you considered other websites such as Reddit or Neofag to suit your topic of interest?

Nigger this place is not dedicated to anime. If it was, why is /a/ one of the slowest legacy boards?

I liked it when furries were completely in their own little bubble. Not just for the sake of keeping them out, but for keeping whatever they had in. The annals of early furfaggotry are strange and fascinating. The same could be said for any early clique, really. Such communities really blossomed during the formative years of the internet.
When a culture just becomes "mainstreamish but with funny talking and/or sexy aminals" and starts lazily co-opting rather than producing, it loses all of its individual character.
Or, uh, it used to be an interesting cesspit of degeneracy, but now it's stopped being interesting. Autism can always produce a spectacle, of course, but that's not really unique to furfaggotry. Then it's just animal-flavored autism, and not autism-flavored furfaggotry.

On a tangentially related note, you know we're in dark times when there are people who make CWC look normal and when Ulillillia can hold down a job and get over his fear of blue water.

My trips have already confirmed. Holla Forums is a mongolian fingerpaint forum.

I really dislike trap and futa posters.

Everyone does.

Really makes me think.


It's not though.

I really dislike them.
The submission fags that post sissy too.

I honestly didn't hate fags until traps became the hot new meme. I'm just glad that people bully them everywhere they go, even if it derails threads.

This isn't /a/.
This is the video games board.

It actually is though. If you want something more your speed I recommend reddit, tumblr or Neofag.

The Holla Forums board of a korean doodle blog.

Also, I really dislike every breed of sexual deviant.

b and v are the same, just as Holla Forums and Holla Forums.

once again, it's not. You don't even have the Holla Forums excuse of comprising half of the site's traffic.


This is a slavic dancing kalashnikov factory. Mongoloid get the fuck out!

It isn't tho.
This isn't 4chan.

Something I've always wondered about furries is their distinctive and incredibly awkward artstyle compared to non-furry anthro designs like the above pics. The bodies all look a bit too human-ish, but the biggest problem are the faces, which seem to have something seriously wrong from a compositional stance, where pretty much the only feature they think about is the nose or sometimes a muzzle, while the eyes, mouth, and skull are all invariably fucked up. I can't quite put my finger on it, but I can always detect whether something was drawn by furrie or not.

No fuck off. I like anime but when it's nothing but it day in and day out I start to hate it. And this isn't halfchan.


I think he means that Overgrowth isn't sexual like most furshit, thusly making the artstyle be different than shit you'd find on e621.

Why do people overreact to cheese grater?
Is there some pic I've not seen that everyone is reacting to?

Cause it's pretty fucked up? It's not shitting dick nipples tier but it's still bad.

The guy is a koolaid drinker but, memes aside, he seriously isn't a furry, the game is influenced by stuff like Watership Down and Redwall, not furshit. I've followed his stuff since he was shilling alpha builds on GamerAnger.


It's just not shocking.
They react as if it was kitten gore.

I still highly doubt. And besides, the artstyle's not great in my opinion. It gets realistic enough to go right in the uncanny valley. I like my furshit cute.

It is shocking. It's almost guro tier. You've just been desensitized harder than the people who insist on posting their ebin reaction images every time they see something weird.

Let me know when Andrew Dobson gets his shit together and actually begins improving.

Are any of these "off" perchance?

The only way to have it.


I wasn't talking about the cheese grater.
I took e621 as an example because it's full is furshit.
And as we all know scalie shit is better


Yes, it is.

Noh. I want to be able to hug and squeeze my fluffiness.

Scales are cuter t b h.
although that's probably the teratophilia talking

Those are all sufficiently abstracted by cartooniness (as opposed to realism) to avoid it, although the first and especially second are afflicted with the unrelated cancer of CalArts/Tumblr design.

Why is abstraction bad? Furshit gets worse the more realistic it gets.

I don't mean abstraction nor realism are bad, simply that it tends to wallpaper over the typical flaws of the furry style.

Could you rephrase that? I'm not quite following.

According to the dev the characters are made uncanny on purpose to make the violence feel less gruesome. At the very least it means you're beating up furries ingame. While there's a lot of gore and violence in video games, you won't really see much stuff focused on the destruction of bodies beyond quickly gibbing people.

But why? That's an "it's shit on purpose" excuse.

Guro is not shocking. Gore picks aren't either. The only thing that you can consider shocking if you aren't a kid is pet torture or gore and videos of gore.
Although, gore is more disgusting than pain inducing.
The only gore that has shocked me is the one in wich they torture a kitten.


I'm gonna go out on a limb and ask if this is also "off" as well, since I tried to avoid the typical pitfalls of calarts (e.g noodly limbs, grinning bean head, etc.) in this one.

You have some really well defined and realistic arms, but then the legs and face are very simple. Work on it.


I mean that the human perception of "this a person" or "this is an animal" or "this is a fugly abomination" weakens with abstraction. Especially with cutesy or anime-esque styles, it decreases the artist's ability to make something hideous looking.

Mangling animals is less reflexively revolting than mangling humans.

This. I blame Butch Hartmann for the indistinct blocky legs thing catching on.

Nigger what? You say gore is not shocking, but then say you yourself have been shocked by gore.

I meant human gore. I thought the difference would be clear. Sorry if it was confusing.

Oh, I see now.

That is factually incorrect. Seeing animals tortured is far worse than humans.

Pet gore is way more shocking than human gore.

I stuck with a simplistic face and legs for cuteness points. That, or just that I don't know how to do a more complex and cute face. Thanks for the help, though.

Do any of you hunt or fish? Kill pests? These are normal everyday activities. Doing the same thing to people is highly abnormal.

Fish and insects are too removed to feel empathy for. However most mammalian specie people will feel far more empathy for than a human.

I said pet gore. The sight of a tortured doggo or katto is way worse than that of a human.

Fresh OC hot off the griddle, this is a LOL thread after all


But hotwheels is gone user.

And the servers haven't moved and his point still stands.

Poisonous garbage wrapped in a pretty package, a muffin full of maggots if you will.

He could have opened with

and she'd still have tried to suck his dick right up until he made himself clear.

I'm mostly jesting, but his point does not stand. the "it's an anime imageboard" point is just an excuse to be an obnoxious faggot then get indignant when people tell you to fuck off. If we're an anime imageboard then why do we discuss shit that's not anime?

You're cripplingly retarded.

If we're an imageboard then why do we post shit that's not images?


If he 'doesn't know' then he's a huge faggot.

Again with your limited brain capacity Gaia or Reddit may be more appropriate for this level of butthurt.

Because Mark is biased in favor of fans of Japanese entertainment to the point where he is actually more lenient on people who are aggressively weeaboo. It's why he was okay with the waifu threads even though they were as bad as the Katawa Shoujo generals on halfchan's /vg/ when it came to actual discussion of waifus. Keep note that I'm not talking about people who like both video games and anime, but Mark legitimately can't tell the difference between people who're capable of simultaneously talking about vidya and manga and people who think that their shitposts and rule-breaking is okay because they like Umaru too.

You seem to be proving my point in a way. Even if we are an anime board, we don't have to do nothing but post anime, and not everyone needs to be a massive weebfag who never gets sick of the stuff.

I didn't say that.

He just made a choice you didn't/haven't yet.

I really dislike people like you.


Holla Forums can go cancerous, too. I remember even at the height of GG, there was a small but regular trickle of "fun is degenerate and infantile, you should stop playing games and go do something 'useful'" threads. It would only take a period of unquestioned dominance and a small nudge for the same thing to happen to Holla Forums on Holla Forums as happened when anti-censorship liberals transformed into hypocritical SJWs circa 2007.

They didn't "transform", they were that way to begin with, all they did was opportunistically support anti-censorship causes because it attacked a common enemy. The "white privilege" shit was most definitely long before 2007, it's just that they didn't have enough support from the public to go into the open with it.

The distinction bring that a futa is a drawing that 'really looks like a girl but has a cock' and that a trap is some IRL weakling whose DYEL existence leads them to appearing more feminine than masculine yes?

Both gay either way

Can we have an esoteric memes?


Nigger the ideologies are opposing. They had to have changed at some point.

Hardly a surprise when you consider a kid seeing that shit might just think 'Oh cool costume' and run up, next thing you know they're sat on this pervo's lap while he's wrestling his boner down. I'll wager that some use it for that very reason.


The distinction is that futas literally have vaginas and that makes them a girl with a dick. You don't get IRL futas. Traps are boys who look like girls so much that you don't realize it's a boy until you see their penis, while incredibly uncommon the meme wouldn't have started if they didn't exist. However, they can also be drawn as traps exist in porn and they don't have vagoos.

Is there a manga in wich all futa are exterminated?

Believe it or not but prevailing ideologies are never any sort of majority, they become the mainstream when people accept them. And by "accept", I don't mean people believing it themselves, I mean people accepting it as being the law. That is why it may seem like "transforming", they simply eliminated the opposition and took their place on the throne, where they would no longer have to hide their views. Sure, you could say they stopped hiding in the crowd, but that certainly doesn't mean they changed in any way or form.

I doubt it, but there's only one way to rectify that user.



Most media traditional hunt down and kill hermaphrodites, that or worship them as gods like the Greeks and Indians. But no, I don't believe there is a fetish manga out there with a hunt down futas gimmick. Though there is the one where a girl gets off to beating the shit out of futa testicles.

Son of a bitch

That's not a bee.

Well gee, I must've missed the century in which each and every attempt to push censorship on popculture came from conservatives, and any pro-censorship rhetoric from liberals (Tipper Gore, Joe Lieberman) came from the conservative wing of the liberals, with typical conservative arguments (religion, muh children, etc.).

Yeah, there is technically no such thing as hermaphroditism in humans, only transmorphism.

That's not a bee.

Pls esoteric memes are the best memes

It's not the functionality of both genitalia that people jack off to, is it.
Either way, it's super fucking homosexual

yeah nah it's vital to most futa porn

My point wasn't "conservatives dindu nuffin", it was that it SEEMED like it was anti-censorship simply because it was against censorship by the opposition. And since most censorship was done by conservatives, people didn't really notice any selective targetting.

If I write the first book in all of history about nigger dicks, does that make the medium inherently about nigger dicks?



Double nigger.

If it's so vital, then do away with the vagina and just admit you're gay.
Why bother calling it things like girl when it will never be.

it was soccer moms complaining to democrats, at least for the cases I am familiar with DnD


You're a very special boy

You're a very special /cuteboy/

This wasn't just snakes slithering out of the shadows and assuming direct control, there were a lot of individual liberals that outright flipflopped, like Jim Sterling. There was a specific point for each of these people where they just started flat-out contradicting their old opinions about sex, violence, freedom, maturity, etc. It was like something burrowed into their brains and hollowed them out.

I agree the poz had been building up inside obscure social "sciences" acadamia, but there was unquestionably a sudden, major transformation in the broader political landscape.

Having both pairs of genitalia does not make you just female or exclusively female, user.


You don't know that for certain user, you just don't like some words on a screen is all, you might get an irresistible urge to dock with me on sight for all you know.

It's wasted energy to rail at someone for their sexual proclivities, they'll still be the same when you're done telling them you don't like them. Plus if they're not raping or spreading disease there's no harm done.


Ah so I see you go on furaffinty and complain about furries shoving their fetish in your face there as well?

Is that right? Ah well, see you learn something every day.
Now hang on there Johnny, that makes them a hermaphrodite/genetic mistake

I see you like to go to /k/ and post about cooking.

Except this is Holla Forums. It's about vidya, not shoving your fetishes in people's faces. Only a loud minority does that shit here. When the vols are doing their jobs, those posts are beleted and those anons are ding dong bannued

Yes, hermphrodite means being both male and female. If they were neither the word would be androgynous. A hermpahrodite is both and thus is female and male. Can you not look up words in the dictionary?

Why would you do that user? I only mention anime on anime video games boards.

Oh shit, I forgot we aren't allowed to talk about stalker, it's not anime.

Have you considered that if you hate anime so much you could go to a website that isn't an anime imageboard? Such as reddit or tumblr?

All anonymous videogames boards are anime videogames boards :^)

Oh sorry let me correct that for you
Does that ease your asshurt a little?

But I don't. I'm just calling hypocrisy. Have you considered that you're taking this as a personal attack against you and your weebshit, so you're entirely missing the point?

Dragons are literally non-humanoid.

Hmm, so it's a video games board? Then why are you posting anime on it?

The point that weebs being on a weeb website is somehow unnatural or undesirable? and for someone who doesn't hate weeb shit you sure are asshurt about it for posting this long, didn't even get dubs once though.

Which means it's super fucking ultra gay.

Of course it's gay

This has certainly gotten out of hand.

smh fam


You seem to have forgotten this isn't just about weebshit. It's about weebshit fetishes being shoved everywhere in the same way /fur/ shoves it's shit everywhere. For what purpose do you shove your fetishes onto the vidya board? Don't you have /a/, and many other boards?



I'm sorry you're bordering on illiteracy.

I'm sorry that you go on a weebshit website and are upset you find weebshit there.

why is there a literal goon shitting up the thread and being taken seriously instead of ignored and reported? its because its a lol thread isnt it
dont aswer that

We have IDs here faggot.

because LOL

Oh my god

8/a/ has some of the worst moderation on the site, even moreso for this reason, every other board has regular anime threads better than /a/'s.



This is also true. After the MiA threads died I have no reason to ever go back until the next season. And even then posting there is like walking on eggshells.


IRL, a hermaphrodite would be androgynous in appearance and may have chest hair and shit like that, but in hentai futanari is just girl+dick. There's just no real world analogue, it's like a mythical creature.

A gay mythical creature.

So are you being defensive about your weebshit?

Whatever, fag.


bondrewd did nothing wrong

This is correct

He didn't let prushka succeed him.


This thread is shit but at least a goons getting btfo

But he let her live forever as she served him in the form of loli soup.

That's not living forever.

It would have if that faggot robot didn't kill him. Would have been like Mitty in that bottle.

/a/ deserves bullying and I'm the right man for the job

That's not much better.

The trips demand it of you.

Welp, guess double dubs prove this an anime imageboard

I'll rek ur shit u cunt.

the meidos are bad and you should feel bad.

Behead those who insutl /a/.

/a/ in its current state is objectively bad.

No, it's just not your shitpost stomping ground like Holla Forums is with its LOL threads.

I dont really know where else to ask what are some good /a/ alternatives?

Your alternative animu board will fail, just like all the others.

They are the definition of no fun allowed. You cannot bantz without a ban hammer getting shoved up your ass, and I don't even shitpost hard.

There are none. Just like how Holla Forums is shit but there's nowhere else to go so we all stay.

And rightly so. That's what the rest of the site is fucking for. You have everywhere else to be a shitposting faggot who ruins threads.

absolutely fuck off, a is absolutely abysmal BECAUSE OF YOU
when you are discussing a matter of taste you simply cannot discuss it with SHITEATERS
when you will put up with nearly anything put on your plate, like BEING GOVERNED BY /A/ ROBO MAIDS then you are a SHITEATER

>Using caps instead of formatting
You're the shit eater user. I'm sorry you can't eat shit and force others to eat it on one of the many boards available to you.


Nigger anime is the core of bantz, and bantz is the core of fun. Are you seriously trying to tell me dry discussion in the most serious manner is fun and interesting?


It's not dry if you're not a fucking casual weebshit.



you literally dont understand my post
those who would discuss under the conditions currently enforced in /a/ are categorically incapable of having meaningful discussion with, similar to how those who are still on halfchan after all these years categorically cannot be the type of people you would want here, simply because they see it reasonable to put up with the shit they put up with
basically you are halfchan




Because you're a shiteater who doesn't want actual discussion, but lolz tier shitposting.
Similar to how shitposters like you categorically should not be allowed on /a/.
I'm sorry you got banned for shitposting again. Maybe learn to assimilate to a community instead of coming in and refusing to integrate like fucking muzzies.

for the sake of accuracy

I have never been banned from /a/ actually, I dont go there at all because its halfchan

Do you not realize posts like "rember happy day" or "loli haet pizza" would be banned because of the stupid grammar and spelling rules? It's a shit hole.


I'm sorry, I have no wews left to give. This is just too much.

I dont go to /a/ BECAUSE OF IT
and it isnt just the moderation exactly, its the halfchan userbase who puts up with it

If it's halfchan, what is half/a/?

Oh look, a good/shit thread ratio phenomenally higher than every other major board.

Because they're low quality shitposts


IDs newfag.

Wrong ID, bro

How do you know the moderation is shit if you've never posted there


I have no words, kill yourself.

I havnt checked on them in a long while, so I am not sure, but I imagine its hardly different then r/anime

because I can read the rules numnuts, and I can see whats on the catologue and there is an a meta board (those dont exist for boards with good moderation)

Then fucking proof read your shit instead of spamming stale memespeak like a teenage newfag.


having a period on a single sentence post should be a bannable offence, it would keep halfchan out


They only exist for places wih good moderation because good moderation bans fags like you.

the why are I not banned?

such as:

Literally cuckchan/a/ tier shit. There also hasn't been a single sadpanda post on /a/ in weeks or months. It's also obvious /a/ userbase is a lot of casual faggots when you go read the "serious discussions", I bet a lot of them aren't even virgins.

But sakurafish isn't?

Wew lad. If there was ever evidence that retards like you shouldn't be on /a/, this is it.

Jokes on you.
I don't even like anime


then you would fit right in on /a/

No bully

Well don't make typos. I don't know, I've never been there, maybe it's just a rule to scare shitposters away and it works.

It must be very comforting to just think that whenever several people disagree with you it's just one person using more than one ID, but you're wrong.


It's just the sheer level of shit taste concentrated in one thread. I'm not paranoid, though it would hardly surprise me if there's a samefagging furry here.

Top tier shitposter logic.

you know, people being wrong on the internet does incense me to some degree, and you are so incredibly wrong and have been for such a long period of time that I considered flooding /a/ with halfchan posts just for you, but then I realized that it would look no different, and I also realized after cooling down that you have been casting bait for a strait 40 posts and I have been replying to it, to verify I went and checked your periods, they are inconsistent until they are mentioned, proving its an act
so congratulations on your false flag to make /a/ denizens look like halfchan, it worked (not that that took a lot of work)

Well maybe if Holla Forums wasn't a giant shitposting ground with mulitple dedicated shitposting threads, we wouldn't have this problem.

This is how I have always done it for years, I'm not gonna change how I write because some recent reddit spacing meme.




I came here in the first exodus nigger, there was nothing to integrate back then.

yes I am upset, I have no where to discuss anime
I would take a pretty dead board if anyone has one

Top fucking wew. You actually believe I even pay particular attention to my punctuation in a dedicated shitposting thread on a dedicated shitposting board?

Well the way I see it you can post on /a/ or you can make your own board. You could even advertise it in the Hungry Games tomorrow.


stop double replying first of all
second of all yes and no, otherwise it would not have changed when mentioned

Wew laddy.

You'd have /a/. If you actually discuss anime instead of shitposting, you wouldn't have any problems. We all know you're not capable of that though. I mean just look at this shit

I was using it as an example to the opposite. I was saying it was bad because of the meta board.

Yes, it's true. I changed the subtle behavior of my punctuation just for user. I hold him dearly to my heart.


no I dont, there is no discussion to be had there
you clearly dont like actual people, and I dont like wallowing in shit like a pig
I am content however, to allow you to wallow in shit if you insist on it, but I refuse to do so myself, this is why I do not make antagonistic posts on /a/, the same reason I do not do so at halfchan
you are the detritus in the filter, the one who would wallow with the rest of the garbage, and you desperately clinging to the trashcan means it is working

For shitposters like you.
What are you doing now?
Then stop.
Projecting again?

return to your cage


Okay, be real with me: Is this pasta? This reads like pasta.

it is now, but it wasnt

I'm not sure. He already admitted that he's just anally ravaged.

My problem is that Japanese culture is not only fucking anime/manga, and they aren't allowed except in some specific death threads. Where else in this website can you talk about otaku culture in general? Except death boards.

Talking about the effects of olympics in manga industry can get your post deleted, this was a common topic since Tokyo was decided for 2020 events years ago. As 2020 closes in even some mangaka in Japan are talking about it's possible effects in the industry, only a retarded goon would not understand why this is a topic worth discussing.

What was there then? give an example. I came in 2014 when moot shit up the place and banned gamergate, which I followed since before it was named that. Then I stuck around for Holla Forums and never went back to cuckchan after 2014.
Was there even a fucking single soul or culture on Holla Forums before that point?

only the second one is me admitting to being "butthurt" the first is a ligitmate that I wish were not true but does not make me angry

you cant post legitimately good comics in a fucking LOL thread

We had /legion/ and /mai/


You and I both know that's wrong at this point

I already considered it, that's why I wrote except death boards.

Yes, since Hotwheels had said there were a dozen or so exoduses before the "first" exodus came to be. And since the site was up for almost a year before the first exodus, I find his statement to be believable. It's just that people didn't bother integrating much because it was a pretty heavy newfag influx, and HW didn't want to scare people off. So yes, there was most definitely a culture back then, just without records of it.

so what you're saying is pre-"first exodus" users are basically the fucking indians?


Thread is ded.
LARPing as people I disagree with is fucking fun.


Of courshe!

Today I will remind them.

fuck off furfaggot. stop trying to hijack the thread with furnigger kvetching.


Don't forget

Saging at the 565th reply

you complained about anime and posted 45 times, you are terminally autistic.

yo're also autistic you posted 53 times, this is not discord so you can go fuck off and cry about it to your friends.


This is weak. Come on, step it up.

I'll complain about anime all day every day if I want bitch boy.

Anybody want more cartoon horse porn?


Which animal then?



I unironically find everything after the first image arousing. Snakes are literally cocksleeves.



cute rabbits

I have barely any non anthro rabbits

Why are these threads even allowed at this point? They're clearly just Holla Forums threads just as 4am threads are mainly /r9k/.

I've been posting on /a/ for months and haven't gotten banned. All you have to do is talk about anime and anime related material and not type like a shithead. For some reason, this is completely impossible for some people on Holla Forums. And every time you see these people's true colors, it turns out they're the shitheads that would be banned and many people wouldn't want on their board.

Exactly! :^)

Hey I think I know the artist on that first gif and nice dubs

Because Holla Forums sucks and is dead, and mark is too much of a pussy to put his foot down. And /a/ is shit and so are you.

What's the source on the original v.o.?

It's watermarked you autist.
Nice argubend.

I'm just saying I think I've seen his shit around. And if you like being a no fun allowed cuck talking about the most basal FoTM moeshit then by all means, have a fun time in the cuckshed formerly known as /a/.

is this 1999?

nah, this is leddit

I don't need to look up words as I'm not an illiterate nigger.

I could, if I felt like discussing on /a/ type with school correct grammer but I have no reason to discuss on /a/ because the people there are categorically shiteaters for putting up with what they do

is it bad? why is everyone making a big deal about it?

I think (((Soros))) supporting it is more than enough to know that something's fucked with it even without reading the law it's self.

Man, Holla Forums is in an absolutely tragic state. 40% pedo spamming, 30% porn (while all the actual porn boards are on death's door), 5% normalfag-tier blogshit, 4% Holla Forums anal seepage, 1% mediocrity.

It's yet another attempt by corporations to pretend that their incredibly blatant greed is a partisan political issue, based entirely on FUD.

Supposedly it would not be needed if ISPs didn't have monopolies, but they do, so we need it. Supposedly the legislation is in favor of the super jews, but anti-NN shills will never elaborate on this.

Color me Jewish.

There's some screwy shit in the laws that enact it though. Just like the "patriot act" was fucked despite having a good name and a general principal of "it lets us fight terrorism easier."

Such as?

3rd most active board. Definitely not dead. However I did go through the catalog for the first time. It's absolute cancer. I see why many wouldn't go there. There were like less than 5 interesting threads with something worth discussing. Everything else was just 4/v/ tier trash with low effort OPs and nothing worse discussing or even humorous. All the 3dpd made me feel a little disgusted too

You mean putting up with staying on topic and actually posting things relevant to the thread? How is that putting up with anything?

Anyway what manga or anime are you indulging in? I'm watching Tekkaman Blade and just finished Devilman Grimore. Then I finished There's a Demon Lord on the Floor Vol 3 and started Silent Mobius.

Didn't even realize I didn't reply to the right person

The Patriot act was blatantly marketed as "it gives us expanded intelligence powers and imposes a martial-law-like state", the only plausible surprise even the worst-informed citizen could have is how extreme it was.

Net neutrality is not a complex issue: All ISPs must treat traffic from other ISPs identically, just like every telecom industry other than The Internet.

One commonality with all "criticisms" of net neutrality is that they refuse to name specific problems with it, instead sowing Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt. The core product-line of the shill.

I got nothing because Made in Abyss stopped updating. Anything that isn't moeshit around?


No you fucking retard, it helps supports monopolies
read a grown-up thread for a second
>>>Holla Forums818664

doesn't matter, we have no chance to stop or pass it, so just ride out the kali yuga friend.

Start reading Master Keaton then. There's also Prophecy (only 3 volumes long but good), Captain Harlock, Queen Emeraldes, Garuden, Grand Blue, Homunculus, Monster, and Lone Wolf and Cub. Or do you only want new stuff?

dude, if you have the ability to influence a single dust mote you have the ability to influence the entire world. All you need is the perception good enough to set up the perfect chain of dominoes to topple the mountain

Buns are the best.


Nah old stuff is good. I'll try some of those, and is that monster the same as the anime about the doctor?

therein lies the problem friend. Not to mention everyone who has an opinion about net neutrality never explains what the thing does in the first place in a sufficient manner, and I don't care enough to read the whole fucking bill. I'm just gonna ride this one out.

It's not an expansion of government power, it's the enforcement of preexisting rules as ISPs have started burrowing loopholes through them. A good comparison is the weakening of regulations on the financial industry that caused the 2008 recession. Things like that have to be shored back up as corporate lawyers claw away at the foundations.

Also, that's not what "protectionism" means.

How does preventing ISPs from discriminating against each other and forming parallel pay-for-play not-Internets support monopolies?

I'm in that thread, and all the anti-NN patsies have been getting repeatedly BTFO, worst is anecdata-san. At least Kurisu-poster is long gone nowadays.

The actual regulation is only 80 pages

80 pages is a lot, especially when written in the legal jargon so that they cover their asses. And I don't even have a vote to throw at it, all I can do is pester a senator who is free to do as he pleases despite my pleas.


I love being banned because the janitor didn't like my post and found the excuse of my last sentence lacking ending punctuation. Or for mentioning that /a/ is a board overseen by moderators because we're all 2D little girls around a kotatsu serviced by meidos and we can't dare break the illusion because that's meta. Or for having fun not directly related to the scholarly discussion of Waifu-chan no Pantsu Season 2 because that's shitposting. I'd edit pic related to relate but nah

Quality board.

At least don't fall for and spread FUD on such a simple issue. There are other countries facing similar corporate onslaughts, and once the political situation improves stateside, popular opinion will hopefully be able to properly fix a lot of problems with the Internet.

I mainly voted for Trump on the basis that him and the other two branches would gridlock long enough for populism to degrade the bi"partisan" neolib/neocon alliance, unlike the lockstep machine Shillary or JEB! would've had with congress and the courts, and it's paid off so far. Sadly, NN is one of the few issues the executive branch can do by themselves.

Same Monster I believe. You should also try out 2001 Nights. I uploaded it to the share thread. It's a fantastic hard Sci-fi manga that takes a ton of influence from western sci-fi. It was made in the 80s I believe, but it really emulates the old artstyle while looking damn good too. Still one of my favorite manga out there.!cGpjQTIC!GNiaoXK8sWmdBsRkYETeqmYQhaX9rEIUTgdsDlAf-zQ
Here are some other recommendations. Getter Robo, Vagabond, Samurai Executioner, Vinland Saga, Tough, The Breaker, Strain, Spirit Circle, Biscuit Hammer, Shigurui, Saint Onii-san, Gundam: The Origin, Gundam Thunderbolt, Blame, Biomega, Molester Man, Excel Saga, Mad Bull 34, Macross (in general), Liar Games, anything made by Junji Ito, Opus, Seraphim, Higanjima, Heads, Guin Saga, Golgo 13, Ghost in the Shell, Appleseed, Dungeon Meshi, Dorohedoro, Dansan Joshi, Akira, Battle Angel Alita, and Bartender.

There, a good list of manga while avoiding anything moe. Though I do think you're missing out on some stuff by avoiding stuff just because of cute girls, like Kodomo no Jikan. Also, even if you don't go to /a/, lurking the manga threads may bring something to your attention that's worth a read.

I don't avoid shit because of cute girls, I avoid shit if there's nothing to offer but cute girls. And isn't kodomo no jikan just about a kid who wants to fuck her teacher?

>no logh recommended so far
C'mon, those are the go-to "I hate moeshit" series

On one hand, you should have lurked more before posting. That's basic for every board and you know that. Saying that, those "2D little girls around a kotatsu threads are usually regulated to threads about comfy moe anime or loli threads. I don't know why you would go into those threads expecting to have a discussion outside of that. What were you even banned for?

No, that's just how it starts off. It's so good because every character has lots of development. Even the characters who come off as cunts develop into something pretty likable by the end. The manga goes over the struggle of teachers, how teachers are basically second parents for these children, and the relationship between a parents and schools. It goes over parenting and how parents influence their children as well. How the MC (the teacher) slowly discovers how these children behave thanks to their shitty parents and such. And it does go over pedophilia too. It's one of the best romances I've read too.

If you're interested, here's a link for it.!Jfp2gCSL!HAdskgf6cahsAtpJxezopVI5eXUGMLj7VoWrSf8Pbgw

Everyone has seen/read those. And honestly, Berserk should only be read to the end of the witch hunt arc and maybe once Guts get the Berserker armor. After that, you can move on.

user, no offense, but you acted like a complete stupid fucking faggot the entire thread

blatant lies

Meidos get super mad when you fetish shame NTR because they're literally cucks

Some of the other recs are pretty basic, too, like GitS and Akira. Please try to visit >>>/rec/ so it's not as lonely, I wish /a/ had a cyclical /rec/ sticky like the consumer advice and support stickies on Holla Forums.*

Look at this autism

Nah bro.

Yeah I threw in some popular ones there but I think most people have only seen GitS and haven't read it. Mokoto might as well be a different character in the manga as she's very similar to the MC in Appleseed.

As for /rec/ it does need more love. Someone should request that on /a/ to be honest. With /rec/ becoming less relevant (though that anime/manga chart collection helps), it's becoming harder for the board to serve it's purpose. Especially when people just make threads asking for sauce on 1 image and then leave.

I'll admit that the mouse in the second pic is pretty hot.
Don't have any porn on me, so feel free to LOL at these foxes

Mango Kusanagi a cute


Literally any animal is "humanoid" by your retard logic.

That's because they are.

That's just like, your opinion man.


humans are animals, therefore all animals are humanoid :^)

You're posting in a LOL thread, it's a scientific fact

Are insects 'humanoid'?

This is true.
Everyone in a lol thread is a complete stupid faggot.

It's incomplete.
What should be the motto? What should be the crown?
I thought LOL in latin could be good.

I forgot the picture.

Dump insect porn

but you are too, are you saying we should all be idiot faggots together?

Buddy, you wish you were half the retard i am

Bugs are for lewd

Someone needs to post that one artificial insemination webm.

When did we transfer from mainly having monster girl posters to furry/xeno posters or a least a loud minority of them?

She is. Meanwhile the anime version is cool. Still, I have yet to finish that and the last volume of Appleseed. Man I really miss cyberpunk in manga. Silent Mobius is helping calm that urge though.

That spider is super cute.


Be warned that the anime cuts out just before the climax of the main arc, and both of the movies are inaccurate adaptations that will make you put your fist through the screen.

I still need that one

After monsterfags got BTFO routinely for being a bunch of cuckold scrubs.
Seriously, they basically started getting shat on every time anyone brought them up, and so /monster/ started hunkering down.

That's lewd.

pls resbond

monstergirls is a passing fad, Holla Forums has always had a ton of furfags.

Do you mean Silent Mobius? If so then thanks. I'll keep reading the manga then. Do you have any other recommendations for Cyberpunk. Pandora in the Crimson Shell Urn manga is okay. It's main problem is pacing imo. I thought yuri and cyberpunk would be a good combination too. At least the art is good.

Any details?

I don't thinks so. From what I've seen, it's a select few people who usually gather in one thread. Also there are definitely less monster girl doujins than before. Which is pretty lame.

Alright, that does it, you /monster/ fags have gone too far.

Sit the fuck down, get a nice cup of brain bleach, and settle in for a read:

No specific details, really. They started strong, people were interested, then they really started stamping on this "WE ARE NOT FURRIES" lot in the most pretentious possible way, so people just started pointing out how they're actually worse than most furries, lusting after literal snake cloaca and horse pussy.
This pissed off the monsterfags even more, for some reason, made them even more pretentious and uppity, and so more people started adding on.

This pissed off the monsterfags even more, for some reason,
Centaurs are an abomination tbh

what the fuck user

Nice trips, but have you seen any sonic or pokemon thread? They've always had furfags. Holla Forums has a ton of anons who will never admit they like furshit, but happily take it when it comes up. Also /monster/ really pushed the meme too hard that people turned on them, and then /monster/ got overshadowed by the newest meme fetish christmas cakes.

The reason Holla Forums never really 'admits' to loving furshit is the same most people don't.
Furries are cancer.
Nobody wants to be linked to those faggots, just because they enjoy the occasional yiffbait, or xenos babe.

I'm aware, I'm a furfag and don't want to associate with furfags. It is funny how tsundere Holla Forums is for furshit though.

Don't worry, she grows more of them later.

If you like fluffier fair, Hyper Police is deceptively good. On the other end of the spectrum, while the plot is a bit barebones, the atmosphere in Texhnolyze is relentlessly brutal.

I havn't been a fan of anime since 07 with rare exceptions. As far as I can tell, the only people who post anything past that have shit taste and the only reason it's tolerated here is because it's Holla Forums. I'de normally tell you fags to fuck off to /a/ but /a/'s even more of a shit pile of taste than Holla Forums somehow.

reminded me

Come on anons, I cannot complete it if I don't know what to put on it.
Just the phrase or motto and a crown

I see what you mean. There are plenty of times I've seen leaps in logic just to defend their fetish.

Don't care for them, but Cerea is still best girl in Monster Musume.

I don't care for Pokemon so I avoid it and I usually avoid Sonic threads because I assume most furries would gather there. But that does remind me. A year back I uploaded my monster girl and kemono folder to the share thread. Both had a surprisingly large amount of leechers. I should upload them again sometime.

I've only seen a few episodes of Texhnolyze so far. Love the soundtrack and I enjoy the atmosphere. I think I'll finish that this weekend then.

What are these rare exceptions?

This isn't even remotely video games anymore



It's funny cause it's true.



fucking saved.

Good night anonymous

good night furfag

Nice narrative, faggot. /fur/'s user count and PPH has dropped so low that fucking /hypno/ could overtake it if it picks up slightly more steam. /monster/ like many other Holla Forums boards lost several hundred active ISPs over the past couple months and is still way ahead of /fur/, they just keep to themselves these days and don't need recruits to stay alive like Holla Forums and /fur/.

What does PPH and user count have to do with anything?

None of this is relevant to the conversation at hand, monsterfag.

Is he a jew isn't he?


Worse, he's a bong.

jews removed the stein and berg from the end of their surnames to better fit.
Rosenberg is a fairly common jew surname, so it isn't a stretch to asume he's a jew.

Also I gotta say, this is one of the longest lol threads I've seen in a long while. What's the post limit anyway? 700?

No wonder you chose a page 8 LOL thread to push your narrative.

Seriously, explain the connection. I'm not seeing it.

of course he's fucking jewish, it's on his wikipedia page
his stories are still charming on their own and he's an excellent ytp source

While you are shitposting, could you resbind to my boast

put I'm a big guy in latin

or big guys for you

I'm not even shitposting, but your dubs compel me.

Magnus guy pro vobis

>>>/fur/ you pieces of shit, I hope to one day discuss anthro porn without your cancerous types shitting up evrything with your garbage.

guy is not a latin word

I'll use Magnus vir pro vobis
That means big man for you

There's plenty of reason to not like monster. And I don't like /fur/ either.

I like it.

The popularity of a board is unrelated to its presence on Holla Forums.

Every time.

user. if you read his post you'd see he likes furshit too.

He likes anthro shit, apparently.
But that's gay.
That wouldn't include dragons.

But dragons are humanoid :^)

More like we just don't care trying to tell deluded furfags like you there is a difference.

No one wants to masturbate to your sonic OC but you you fag enabling 7th tier poster.

maybe on Holla Forums faggot.

Sonic is trash anyway. "anthro" stuff in general is garbage. I like my women large and with wings.

Now only the crown is missing

The two upper corners could be filled with something too

This is why it's so easy to bantz at you.


It's always nice to see bug porn in a LOL thread. Pretty rare, too.


user, you're torturing me.

if we keep shitposting at this rate we can probably get away with having 2 lol threads before we hit 14

We're at 700. You can make a new thread now if you're so inclined, newfag.

you know damn well they'd bumplock it until someone bitches at them loud enough to figure out this thread's at 714

Never had this problem.

What ever do you mean?

Wouldn't that be a wondrous sight….

Make a thread on some other board and dump that shit.

I'm not sure there's any better board or thread around, and I'm not really the "making" type. Thanks for the suggestion though.

just go to

>They're actually worse than most furries
>You will never be this delusional

Meant to reply to

On the rare occasion I go to /fur/ thinking there might some porn of value, it's all shit because they have shit taste. The best shit, and the cringiest shit, bubbles up on other boards.

Yes, many things that are passed around on facebook and twitter which are referred to as memes are basically just reaction images or a funny picture with text on it.

Memes as we know them are radically different from what normalfags know of since the humor in our memes is often in making the meme take different forms rather than just repeating it mindlessly.

wew lad

They are mere crossposters, my good friend. And with your good tastes, you could show /fur/user the light and share your stash. There's also >>>/fukemo/ and some others.
t. knower

Great Thread

It's been an bonor shitposting with you all.

Posting BESTiality as last hurrah for this thread






Going for 751?


Eww /a/ is litteraly autismo elevated at the third

/a/ is shit.


This has been a rather strange LOL thread.

post more canines tbh



I can't get off to any of this. Where did snek go?

Isn't there a rule agains straight porn dump? Are mods being faggots again?

I can't get off to any of this. Where did snek go?

Report it if you're triggered.

Now I just want to complaint about those kike of mods




Last for benis.

You got your wish.



I will not be satisfy till mods actually ban your autistic ass back to halfchan faggot




You do you famicom. :^)








Meme magic.

Every time I see Dungeon Meshi mentioned outside /tg/, I am simultaneously filled with exhilaration and dread. Would an anime be a good thing, or a bad thing?

/a/ would be obnoxious faggot and post it everywhere, but other than that unless it got REALLY popular it wouldn't get too bad.

Depends on the studio.







Wew fucking lad.

Sauce pls

Yoou mean how they always look disgustingly smug?