Why is Kojima such a massive westaboo cuck for the USA? I want to kill Americans for once, not Russians all the time

Why is Kojima such a massive westaboo cuck for the USA? I want to kill Americans for once, not Russians all the time.

It's always the Russian army that has to take one for the team.

He should have stuck to the ground zeroes formula. And have you play as "evil" Big Boss taking on the CIA and US army.

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Because he's a pedophile and hollywood is #1 venue for access kids anywhere between 5-16 with
*until they implode (^:

I think we need a new terminology - Jewaboo. Although only someone who has jewish friends can escape konami lawyers.

America is the force of good in the world. It's a country of Liberty and Freedom of Speech.
We represent the shining beacon of peace and prosperity.
It is by far the best country in the history of the planet.
If you make a game about foreign powers slaughtering Americans you can be sure as shit we will find you and rip your fucking head off.


The Muslim world has you covered, famalam. If you want a game about offing Burgers, your going to have to play Hassan Bin Abdullah’s rom hack of Conflict; Desert Storm.


Gotta love kojimbo's tweets




I assume he meant as a soldier part of an army, not as some lone wolf sociopath.

So that's why you go to war with third world countries so often? Got it.

I'm getting mixed messages here.

And the american dream is crossing the border illegally, shitting out an anchor baby, stealing someone's social security number and being a parasite your whole life.
If you're white it's to have a house made of matchsticks.
For niggers you don't have dreams because too low IQ for cognitive functions, and gibs are already given.

They committed none because war crimes are for losers.

actively used against you to destroy you


Where in your history of political assassinations, support for dictators, violations of sovereignty and basic human rights, fuelling of global conflicts and gunboat diplomacy have you ever acted as a beacon of hope for others?

>rights decided upon by the (((UN)))

Publicly, yes. In reality, no. We're just in it for ourselves. Fuck the rest of the world (Especially Isreal).
Lost much the first, battle is being fought on the second.
Ha ha ha ha! No. That's Capitalism.
Yeah, no. Just one of the better options out there.
Well, that and the only place it would "work" is if you make a game where you play as the Vietnamese, the Norks, or the Mexicans since those are the biggest wars and battles that we "lost". Also, so future-based game where you're fighting a completely corrupt U.S. may work depending on how you handle it.

4 legs good, 2 legs better.
All animals are equal but some can be equalized

Cry more.

If you're going to shoop, make sure you're not doing it on a resized image, because your text stands out as being of a different resolution to the rest of the text in the image.

Because his dream is to be like a hollywood kike.

Didn't you play Ground Zeroes?


Even the part where he's five inches deep in a twelve-year-old boy's ass?

Are the russians still commies?

You forgot the State Department, they murder with foreign policy and American tax dollars, propagating communist kike propaganda everywhere.


Especially that.

A lot of them can't deal with Staling being an atheist Georgian who had no problem murdering Russians because soviet union was the biggest, >strongest and the most miserable.

Yep, and it was far more interesting than what we got. The mood was sinister, even if there wasn't a vagoo bomb. Top shit.

can't commit war crimes when you win and run the kangaroo courts that charge people with war crimes

Watching Kikewood movies does that to you.

I mean

and I live there.

our last good president was Nixon, with only Lyndon Small Johnson being a bump in the road between Nixon and JFK. every single one of them since have been Zio-kikes. to be fair Kissinger is jewish but I don't think he had that much power over Nixon.

I'll agree that Nixon gets far more shit than he deserves, but our presidents have been shit for long than that.

We hating on Kojima now? Who is next? Taro?

He's always been a colossal hack who is always given credit for others achievements. All that red pilled shit in MGS2? Look up "Tomokazu Fukushima, that's the guy who wrote that.

Kojima has always been a good example of how shit rolls downhill in Japanese companies and the higher ups rake all the credit from successes. As said, look up Tomokazu Fukushima and loads of others who essentially made Kojima's games to work as they do.

Pretty much.

Two things. One, Nixon was the one who started the EPA. Two, what's wrong with Reagan (Outside of him getting burned by the Dems a few times before wising up)?

America stopped having good presidents when they stopped having beards. I don't trust the clean shaven politicians.

Kojima is basically a glorified 3d animation director.
I think what made parts of the MGS games good was not Kojima himself, but his team.

See &

Of all the directors to meet, why that hack? He's done nothing of note.

daimon is the best kof

Better question. Will kojima be a victim of #METoo?

you didn't play ground zeroes?

Wait, you want to kill Americans??


But if you're killing Burgers, you get to kill niggers as well. Think about it.

Youre not gay are you?

War crimes only apply to inferior nations who are so weak that they are forced to abide by the geneva convention


Have you never played Metal Gear? You kill Americans in MG1 &2, MGS1, 4 and Peace Walker

no homo, bro


everyone with an above-nigger IQ just writes off United KANGdom as new Pakistan or Airstrip One

I wonder where they'll fuckoff next
to subvert and profit, China maybe?

Joke's on them, China already subverted itself!
The answer is Japan
Enjoy the olympics, goyim.

He's pretty fucking critical of the USA government, you just have to dig in to his work. He does like the culture though or at least what it produces as art.

I love Nixon but you're fucking retarded if you think that. even in the oval office recordings where he's bitching about the tribe he basically says he can never cross then





Reagan isn't quite as bad as modern presidents, but his legacy (neocons) are far worse than he ever was.

No, they'll fund "left-wing goons for democracy", produce more open-border propaganda movies like this archive.is/LYeaA
make pozzed hollywood demakes of popular jap media like we wuz deathnote, or your preferred pronoun, Taco in the bell and cowboy badgoy
Fearmonger about birthrates and the only solution being NIGGERS

You better believe it, they already got tired of shitting on Kamiya and Mikami.

While lotta videogames ITT

What is Dead to Spies?

Not so fast!

It didn't work with Kamiya, it didn't work on Taro it didn't work Miyamoto (Despite him acting with Mario like Chrischan acts with Sonichu). Now they try with the lowest hanging fruit. Why is Kojima the lowest hanging fruit? Because there are some legit flaws in his writing.

The series was very anti-American for a while until MGS4. It was really more of more of a critique on the government and democracy than genuine hate on the U.S.


OP never played a Metal Gear game. There isn't a pro-US message in any of them. Most of the time the Snakes are betrayed by the US government.

Then play Ground Zeros.

Unfortunately, he worships (((Hollywood))) , so no, he's not pro-America. Quite the opposite, in fact.


I'm sorry but as someone who frequents LiveLeak, I can safely say that Russia is the new America.

Bombing ISIS, helping the Syrian army, actually winning hearts & minds with boots on the ground (mine sweepers and doctors). They have also massively improved their military since 2012.

Putin is a real leader, just look at any of his interviews or speeches. He makes western leaders look like clowns and intellectual retards.

A real leader with high approval rating, a real military with over 90% approval rating, a strong capitalist and white Christian nation.

A force of good in the world. Beat back the Georgian aggressors who invaded Ossetia and killed border peace keepers, prevents the Kiev junta fanatics and from taking over the industrial eastern part of Ukraine as well as defending the ethnic Russians in Crimea who voted to be part of Russia. And is now saving Syria, Daesh is no more and AQ is next.

Remember when Russia were the bad Soviet guys and America were the good guys? How the tables have changed.

Except Kojima is an actual hack fraud who ended up in a game directing position by accident and every time he releases a new game it shits on the legacy of whatever games came before.

Feels good.

If you can fix your cultural marxist and leftist problem, then it'll return to being the best country in the world. Oh and kicking out the Freemasons/Jesuits/Illuminati that run the show.

Until then, the Russian Federation is #1.

Leave europoor, kojimbo did nuffin' wrong
except be a libshit faggot

Nah, America is still better, cuck.

So if Big Boss was hiding from Cipher in Zanzibarland and building Outer Heaven, how did he sneak back into the US and lead Solid Snake in operation intrude?


Confirmed for not knowing anything about Russia.

t. amerimutt

56% white and falling

Our situation is bad but not that bad. Then again I haven't checked the census in a while, unless something drastic happened that I wasn't aware about every shitskin combined should only make up a third of the population. Unless you're only counting Anglos/Germans

Why don’t you post that forced meme while your at it? You know the one, homo.


w e w

Because russians %%and ISIS%% are the worst. Holla Forums the country.


What was the point of this complete nonsense? It seems like some twisted form of race baiting


You AntiSemitic Bastid

You are absolutely correct. The American Republic ended with Wilson.