Post the flops of this year you are most happy about

Post the flops of this year you are most happy about.

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Oh yeah. That hits the spot.


I'm not happy about that because it's not the fate the series deserved. If they suffer for its failure, that I can be satisfied with

wolfenstein, if only because the propaganda was blatant

does that count as a flop?

I certainly hope so.

I waited 9 years for this to happen

Heres my list so I can become a little less suicidal.

Unfortunately not on consoles,but those are a lost cause anyways.

A lot of things don't deserve the modern fate they get,unfortunately it's the way things are,money talks.


I'd be sad about DoW3 if it wasn't for the fact that DoW2 also sucked. Was obvious they wanted they ASSFAGGOTS audience the moment they started focusing on that retarded hero mode in DoW2.

fuck you faggot, dawn of war has always had the best voice acting and characters for any 40k game, it angers me to see such talent wasted on awful fucking gameplay
orks in particular were fucking on point in dow3, too bad its a starcraft clone

Is this because of the NISA shit?

The voice actors for dow 1 stopped working with relic long ago due to some dispute.

the actors for 2 and 3 are still good, i guess they kept the same director or something


That reminds me, what happened to Brian the furfag, did he an hero himself ?

The cops didn't knock on my door yet, and smash my kneecaps for cyber bullying, so I assume not.

Shadow of mordor has about 7 times the player of Shadow of War, and likely had a smaller budget considering the maps and their sizes along with how quick they made the game. That said, shadow of Mordor is about 5th the price, and has been out for a while with sales at $1.

Citation for some of this

Shadow of Mordor is also a better game, with no niggers, only one stronk female character, and no microtransactions.

As much as i didn't care about the lore rape with the first game (With my only complaint on the latter half of the game.) i absolutely hate Shadow of War's lore rape. Any restraint they had for the first game from going "teehee we're a fan fic." went out of the window with the second.


And i'm still happy about Evolve and Battleborn


I love dawn of war 1
I love dawn of war 2

and would HATE to watch perfectionists put those games down.

yet they manage to lose all the support for 3, and I can't even defend the game, they fucked it all up.

dude you just dont get the game, if you didn't get when you faced the tyranids for the last time, then you will never get it.

These two, I would say Ys VIII too but I'm waiting to see if Falcom is stupid enough to give NISA a second chance after the shit they pulled.

DmC Devil May Cry is the flop of the year every year


It's already 50 percent off AND you can play the first level for free. They're fucking desperate.


Remember user, ME:A was so bad that it effectively torpedoed the entire franchise. The only thing, fiscally, that I think could eclipse it at this point is if BF2 tanks so hard that Disney rescinds Star Wars exclusivity rights from EA.

Got a free copy of that piece of shit from a friend, tried playing this morning. Here are the highlights:

It's the same goddamn game as CoD 1 or 2, just slightly prettier. And I mean the same fucking game in mechanical terms. How Activision thought they could release this snorefest in 2017 and pretend it's anything than an uprezzed CoD1 is a mystery for the ages.

There aren't any other major releases this year, are there? Was CoDWW2 the last one?

This tbh

Is this actually 50% off though, or is that for the Fall sales? Hilarious if that's actually current price.


Considering how new this game is it already being on sale says a lot. Bethshit usually waits almost a year to put their games on sale.

They really won't stop

I hope the Mormons saved him, but why don't you call him up to find out?
(308) 432-4994

I don't recall anyone being remotely interested in Agent's of Mayhem. I knew it would flop the instant it was announced

This actually isn't unreasonable, the Germans had been fighting on the eastern front for 3 years and some of them took enemy ordnance when viable. The eastern front was known to be hell and so some of the more successful veterans might have been stationed in the west as a reprieve from the harshest tour of duty. That said, there should be like one German who has one and it should be an officer.

This should be a normal thing.

Just came back from EBgames near where i live Ausfag

Ass creed WeWuz is already half price, including that stupid edition with the statue.

It was a normal thing before publishers decided demos were more trouble than they are worth.

the standalone expansions looked better.

ANTIFA are basically soyboys I doubt they'd even win if it weren't for our govt being cucks and backing them

Nein. You didn't get to keep spoils of war let alone your own rifle when being moved around from fronts. Captured weapons tended to be used on the front where you could have a stockpile of captured ammo, used in a place where they probably won't be used like a gun battery in Calais or used by local conscripted law enforcement.

Appearently NISA are rewriting the whole script and slating the PC release for 2018.







I'm more angry than happy. DOW was pretty good. Hell even the second one was playable but not as good as the first.
So i had my hopes up that they would do a few steps back in the right direction.
Boy was i wrong

Saw it coming

Saints 2, 3 and 4 with coop so even if it was mediocre it was still fun with a buddy

This isn't even a game. More like a movie with quicktime events that go on a bit longer



Good. They made me sympathize with Nazis.


Gamestop has it at 50% off. Newegg has it at 40% off.

Outside of NuDoom every Bethesda published game recently has been a flop. Evil Within 2? Flop. NuPrey? Flop. Dishonored 2? Flop. Wolfenstein 2? Flop. They must be bleeding money out the ass and the head kikes screaming at the Toddler to expedite the release of Skyrim 2.

EW2 didn't flop, last I heard.

I'm playing it now and it's actually pretty fun.

I wish you played as the hot female cop with the killer heels instead of that faggot Sebastian. With the ammo mixing I could almost imagine it being a Resident Evil 3 spiritual sequel.


Yes, like most Black Friday-deals.


But Cuckchan Holla Forums use Neogaf a proof the gamer community was liberal

Well there were russians fighting in german uniform in Normandy.

Not for a game released as recently as that. For comparison:
Most of the stuff that's going at half off or better was released months, not weeks ago.

At least don't cut it mid-sentence.


Fucking blankpost.

Meant to say that most games make the vast majority of their base product sales within the first two weeks of release, similar to how major movies can know if they'll flop or not after two or three weeks.

It's not uncommon for games to start seeing fairly big discounts half a month after launching. Or earlier, if they're doing poorly.

Go ahead and call me a queer for saying this, but I kinda liked the art style of DOW3, too bad everything else about the game was garbage.


Clearly not enough. I imagine we won't see anything from this studio for a long while if they even bother to finis the DLC for the game.


what's sad is that the game is actually good.
too bad they decide to go B2p.
else it would have been played like battlerite is being played right now


He says soyboys. I swear I put it in.

Alternative hypothesis. It isn't about video games, mostly white nationalist research. Got big by completely destroying some skeptics inc.

Not anymore. You'd be blind not to notice Hollywood pandering to the Chinese market, but a notable instance of a movie actually being SAVED by delayed release in a foreign market is the Warcraft movie. Same goes for the one Matt Damon starred in (Great Wall-based movie with absolutely shit props and costumes) and the very good sci-fi Edge of Tomorrow that Tom Cruise was in, and that one was a freaking manga adaptation. The Warcraft and the Chinese movie got saved by (lo and behold) the Chinese market and Edge of Tomorrow utterly flopped in the US (30 mil total takings, which is abysmal) but was a smash hit everywhere else. The Blade Runner sequel had the same thing happen due to staggered release.

You're a queer
While the astethics are certainly there the models are sanitized and clean and lack any kind of gritty appearance, with the unit colors being extremely bright along with the sickening SFX.

Using captured weapons also turns you into a friendly fire magnet, so it's normally relegated to when who's who is clear, like defending a fort or something.

Yes and no, user. The current Justice League is a pretty good example. The bean counters were able to tell by Sunday night whether the film would be a flop or whether it would be saved by projected overseas sales, and it ended up being a flop.

Vidya has gotten a bit grayer with microtransactions and shit, but we both know that flops are pretty apparent in short order. In fact, this thread is proof of that.

I'm happy it flopped but sad for what it became

Those are my exact feelings for Battlefront 2.





There is room for only one Battlefront 2, and that king was crowned 12 years ago.
I'm more worried how those somali cock gobbling swedish faggots at dice are going to rape Battlefield in 2018. BF1 was a travesty, but I know they are capable of worse shit than nigger Germans and bald dyke Russians.

It's a cyber monday/black friday sale, user.

Oh shit. This came out?

Ah fuck. Did the devs fire everyone of note in their team? How could they fuck this up? This is the campiest franchise ever.

Ys 8, but not from it being a bad game. It’s a great game that got saddled with a shit company. I’m happy NISA May never get a chance again.

Mario is a fucking nazi for not lowering his prices.

3 just proves Relic does not know what the fuck they're doing. Or that it has been replaced by a corporate drone wearing its skin

People don't even remember this I guess

Releasing a (((GOTY))) edition that doesn't sell well isn't the same as an actual videogame itself flopping

Gearbox can't die any faster.

Feels good tbh.

I heard rumors that Fallout 4 base game might have flopped. The reasoning given was the game being over budget with work likely being thrown out. That voice acting couldn't have helped.

Anyone have a beat on this information?


I think I've gotten most enjoyment out of the utter failure of Dealbreakers, but I'm happiest about DoW III flopping. After they chose to go with the disgusting ASSFAGGOTS visual style and also take a huge shit on the fans of the 40k universe and lore, it's nice to see it wither away.

Nope, rearguard division were preferentially armed with whatever captured equipment was available.
You know the captured 203mm B-4 howitzers from the Soviets ended up? In France.

It was just a very different game. I'll agree that it wasn't as good as DoW1, but that was almost entirely from the clunky interface making it difficult to get units to do exactly what you wanted.

They've been doing that with the first game. Fans just assumed Blood Ravens are kleptomaniacs.

You are so gay even Khorne wouldn't accept your skull as gift for his throne.
Begone to your slaaneshi warp club full of dick girls, faggot. 

NOBODY drops the price of a less-than-a-month-old game by 50% for any reason.


I thought eurogamer was redpilled? When did that change? Or am I just remembering completely wrong?

Pretty insane, we would otherwise still be talking about these shit games.

Ideologues don't care about money, if they did then it would've already gone through to their had to drop the SJW pandering. They didn't.

Since the warhamer thread is kill, I must say, I'm having a lot of fun with DoW2 even though I dropped it like a year ago after finishing the vanilla campaign.

Are you playing the Chaos Rising campaign now?
I did the exact same as you, stopped after Vanilla. After a few levels you start customizing your dudes and it becomes this fun almost-hack'n'slash RPG, just slower and clunkier. Mowing down loads of enemies is a lot of fun.
Problem is, the last expansion they kept adding units into missions. Like, just let me have my fun hero game.

What's wrong with DoW?

Ah I see now,

I'm getting used to the librarian. The healer paths looks wonderful, would make healing even more trivial, so I'll go ranged/healer. The morality system is pretty cool too. I suck at time, though, I usually take a lot of time, but fury is always 100%.

The campaign is the only good part. I can never play skirmish DoW2 because of how shit it is.

It's a shame really because I loved playing DoW1 skirmish when I was younger.

At first they announced it would be fixed in November. They honestly thought they only had a few things to fix, but then their new editor and his assistant came back and told them the only thing salvageable was the battle noises. Even then in the announcement it didn't sound like they were perfect, just that they were close enough.

Now they're redoing nearly 100% of the game.

To be honest they're either going to be shut down or sold off or tech only from this point on.

Best I've ever seen a new release on sale was 10% off. That game failed and it failed spectacularly. Worse now every new game they announce, every game they try to push their audience is going to remember how they called them Nazis.

Bethesda just killed their social proof. I can't wait to see how badly they try to backpeddle on this. None of their virtue signally garbage has made money. Dishonored 2 under performed, Prey failed, Evil Within 2 failed, Wolfestein 2 failed. It's fucking glorious.

Owe no user it flopped and the director did a PR discussion about how the genre is hard to sell in despite Evil Within 2 being an action Horror game, a genre that pleases neither action fans nor horror fans.

It sold worse than New Vegas on the PC despite coming off of New Vegas's and Skyrim's success. Sales on PC have always been the highest for these games so if it sold worse than New Vegas on PC it sold horribly on consoles.

PIc related of them doing damage control.

Only sold 500 million dollars at stores. Tracking down sales numbers it sold roughly 5.86 million worldwide. That puts it behind ever COD game except Infinite and World At War was the last time it was this bad.

Mine is South Park Fractured But Whole. The game was obviously and SJW fest and people retardedly defended it because muh south park. I'm so glad the sales were abysmal for that piece of shit.

An user told me there's an overhaul mod that apparently fixes skirmishes. Once I'm done with Chaos Rising I'll give it a try since it is for Retribution.

The Vanilla Campaign was great because you could play the same campaign forever and get a stupidly high score, the absolute best items and max level everyone if select the right missions before the last mission.

About the same time as Rock Paper Shotgun went from being a comfy indie gaming site to a major enemy in the culture war.

Replaced. DoW1, from what I understand, was a bit of a labor of love by a guy in studio who was a fan of 40k, and they had GW breathing down their neck. That man is now dead. DoW2 introduced some stuff that would be cool if implemented in a more DoW1 style game and I liked the campaigns for what they were. Retribution's campaign had a huge amount of issues, though.

I am pissed at what they did and glad to see it fail. The entire game was a monkey's paw wish.

Dawn of War 2 is a well-designed game that required more micromanagement than Dawn of War 1 diehards were capable of putting forward
Both DoW1 and DoW2 are good, they're just very different

I actually completely forgot that Andromeda released this year. 2017 has been so bad for games that I've lost track of all of the flops.

DoW2 wasn't bad, but it was clearly worse. The unit movements and UI were significantly more troublesome than in DoW1. Stuff like throwing grenades would take a ton longer than you would think, and it was never clear when the animation was starting up.

DOW2 players, did you finish the campaign with all the factions? Even though I really liked the game, I couldn't play the same maps and roughly the same missions for more than a few play-throughs.

There is only one faction in the main game and chaos rising

So I guess once they've utterly exhausted Skyrim they can still spend another half-decade re-releasing Fallout 4 on every single new platform.

Retribution was fucking terrible.

I think I did Spehss Muhreens and Imperial Guard playthroughs and then an Ork playthrough. Didn't touch anything else

What a disaster for Bethesda. The game may end up selling a fifth to a fourth of the previous installment.


Is it really a disaster though? TNO was released 3 1/2 years ago and has been through 3 holiday sales. I guess it depends on how much it cost to make the game/advertise. I hope it indeed ends up being a disaster, but it's only been out for a month.

They've already had a very aggressive sale for TNC (50% off) and they're allowing people to play the first level for free. This is for a game that released just a month ago. If that's not desperation, I don't know what is.

Too bad it brought in a massive influx of refugee 4cuck cancer here.

Ok so this is what I don't get about the developers of DoW3

I mean what was even going through their heads? I don't get it at all. Were they just blinded by the idea of more money? I thought the best bet in business is the source of money is one that is slow consistent growth over time rather than the insane one in a million bet that you could somehow attract a THIRD entirely different audience that was somehow not already courted by the warhammer license in the past all while marketing the game TOWARDS fans of the first two.

Because once the first two games sold well despite being very different, they made a not-completely-illogical assumption that people were buying because of the 40k license, not the quality of the games. Therefore they can take the 40k license, keep it somewhat RTS to make sure the previous people still buy it, but massively change it to get normalfags to buy it.

Honestly I don't think them changing the game up a third time was even the issue. The issue was they thought they could make RTS games work with normalfag tastebuds. Some instead you get a game that is basically a stone's throw away from being a fucking mobile game.

The most important sales for a AAA game (and indie to a lesser extent) is the first 3 months or 90 days. This is part of the profit model AAA companies use and they actually don't have a lot of time for a game to break even without this model since they still have to pay all their expenses. Even if the game sells well next year they still took a loss the year they failed to sell the game.