What game is this supposed to be advertising? Faggot football?
What game is this supposed to be advertising? Faggot football?
I think it's that gay dating VN about dads.
Smear The Queer
Wasn't that shit just a meme game that got popular because "hoho game grumps are funny" garbage?
reminded me of this
Man i'd kill for an HD san andreas,if only rockstar wasn't jews,they'd make it with microtransactions.
thats the best VN made in a while, OP. Show some respect.
yes… But it has that one thing that makes it worth playing…
A never-ending torrent of Dad Jokes
What's Dracula doing with his face in the dirt?
Dad simulator is an infinitely better game for that,also not as expensive.
It's either dracula or tommy wiseu
The smart guy is the guy just drinking coffee in the back,not partaking.
who gives a shit. its just gay people playing shirts vs skins, why do you have to get offended at fucking everything?
Thats the problem
All sodomites should burn
I'd be okay with it if it wasn't the front page of steam.
Speaking of which,what did you assholes vote for in the steam award categories?
Sodom must have been a cool place if the Kikes hated it so much.
How the fuck are they lit up?
That's a good way to get cancer,isn't it?
Furry magic
Homosexuality is appropriating Roman culture, understand? Aryans don't act this way. At the very least, they can be bisexual, but not homos. Homo is a no no, dig?
That game any good? i've been eyeing it for a while but never checked it out,heard the sequel was shit
Well I dont know about cancer but that shit will fuck up your lungs.
If you are the type of guy who can hype himself up and get into the spirit of Blood Bowl then yeah.
You mind explaining what the fuck that means?
Just checking those
If you breath that shit or if the tiny glass shards get to your skin or your eye you're gonna get fucked up. So yeah, nigger cat might need to go to the hospital after that.
Looks more like american football.
If you're good at imagining you're in a sports movie where you're the underdog, and you can hype yourself up and getting really patriotic for your own team then yeah.
Get the fourth you double nigger
Basically yes. Even shit as pointless as this.
I just found that on jewgle images, this is my real team.
I don't watch sportsball, but American football is objectively less gay than Euro football where a guy stubs his toe and pretends to writhe in pain like a fag.
I thought the whole point of soccer was to see who's riots after the game.
user that's the cherry on top, not the sundae
Can you really call it a sundae if the satisfaction pales in comparison? I'd say the match is more a appetizer than anything.
Good ol green boys
The faggot holding a football might be a hint, OP
Enjoy your aids and shit UI.
It exists. It's called a heavily modified PC version. Not the current Steam version though.
Arin Hanson spearheaded a gay dad visual novel and people bought it because "le funny may mays".
Post the version with the moms
also because they're closet homos
To vote you need to have a Steam account with purchased games.
Steam Bullshit Awards thread?
I saw some game on the steam store that was apparently an actual gay dating game. I mean I don't really feel one way or another about queers but that one made me internally cringe.
Racist white man assaults a PoC.
>she hit the wall hard.
The VN's okay, but definitely not front-page material during a sale.
we're not offended, we're bigoted. learn what words mean, faggot.
did the same guy draw gen zed?
You don’t seem to know what you’re talking about.
So, how much collateral damage has this sale caused you, dudes?
Just bought EDF and literally fucking everything for it. My favorite purchase so far.
Is there any other kind of football?
None, because I don't feel like buying Gaben another Happy Meal.
Debatable, the only thing really dangerous is the mercury vapor, which unless you're breaking tubes from the 70's, is going to be so minute you'd have to be huffing the tubes directly to get a dangerous amount of, and the glass itself, which is also unlikely to do anything if you aren't stabbing yourself with it or getting larger shards in your clothes.
The phosphors that make up the visible cloud are, again, more or less harmless if it's a modern tube, and also not glass.
If you're busting older tubes though, you've got radioactive phosphors and a significant amount of mercury, so yeah,t hat's a good way to get cancer.
0 Dollars bar a gift card to a friend,none of the games are cheap enough
Im gonna laugh if this shit actually wins. It got like 6 devs working on it, none of which were they originally, it went fucking over a year without an update and its still broken as fuck. Its not a labor of love its Valve doing the bare minimum to keep their whales in check.
Meanwhile Postal 2 is still getting updated for absolutely fucking free except for a cheap ass expansion pack.
Well,maybe labor of love in the sense that for a FPS it's outlasted most.
I voted cuphead for that though,they deserve the labor of love award.
But cucker is even more gay than niggeregg.
Terrible b8 to be honest.
hello french sodomite
This is an incredibly gay board
you must be new if you don't know this
What are you doing here Holla Forums? Shouldn't you be sucking your BO's tranny dick right now?
But why?
Glad we agree that faggotry is just a sick joke.
Just supersample the fuck out of it and install the higher res assets from the android version + the host of "fix bug #23123" mods out there.
rockstar actually ported gta san andreas to windows 10, they took the android port which is based on the xbox 360 port and ported it to windows 10 then put it up on the windows store
Now this might sound like it's some broken retarded mess but that's the original san andreas which is one of the worst ports in history, the windows 10 port is actually the only PC version that isn't unplayable without mods but it doesn't have mods anyway
It would just have a chunk of the original radio cut out because lollicenses.
I do know that at least 30 minutes out the gate of either its release or announcement tumblrina's were already issuing death threats to those who didn't like this game, the volume of which the devs had to respond to.