Losing control?
Happy Thanksgiving! Whats your favorite part of Thanksgiving dinner?
Losing control?
Happy Thanksgiving! Whats your favorite part of Thanksgiving dinner?
Other urls found in this thread:
The turkey is the best part.
Mashed potatoes, rolls, and turkey.
Morning everyone, Ritsu here
Still playing MMX3, finally beat all the 8 regular levels. Lets see how hard the final ones are.
I'm considering getting into hockey with my canadian buddy. Watched my first game last night, was kinda comfy though our team lost.
Work was shit, but I get tomorrow off+CHEAP ASS GAMES AT BEST BUY NIGGERS. Did some Thanksgiving prep between shifts.
Mashed potatoes. Protip: use half and half or heavy cream instead of milk, and add in sour cream and garlic. It's fucking amazing.
these guys know what makes thanksgiving good even if my thanksgiving was last month. I'm craving some turkey and potatoes now.
>first day back to school after a month-long strike thanksgiving was last month in real countries :^)
At least I get tomorrow off.
Is it longer than 2 hours? Also, hockey is the only hardcore sport good choice.
Wrong, its the stuffing with gravy.
Pick one faggot
I use half and half instead of milk in everything. Its amazing.
Who you doing thanksgiving with user?
How goes user
I'm fat tbh
Think I've put 3-4 hours into it so far.
What books you steal?
rolls, I'm the fag who takes them all without looking.
My parents.
that's still shit.
stuffing with gravy is 10/10
Did some stuff around town today. This woman was smoking weed in a parking lot. Thanksgiving came too fast.
Yeah but ours comes first
Most of my day was driving my sister around to places. I bought a lot of pepsi but that was it. Next week I'm taking a trip to the city with my sister and maybe I'll find some interesting vidya there. I also saw a FAT PS3 for $70 at one of my local stores. I was considering getting it, but one of the videos posted in the thread I made about it is giving me second thoughts regarding the fat model.
No bully.
hey niggers
i learned my uncle who I've met only once and talked about anime and kung fu movies all day with the one time he was at christmas is going to be at thanksgiving. i'm looking forward to it.
had a great time on my trip to D.C. this weekend. Flew on a plane for the first time. flying is awesome.
best part of thanksgiving dinner is mashed potatoes and gravy. The turkey of course is great too.
Morning everyone, Happy Thanksgiving.
How's your day so far?
Playing anything fun?
I'm still playing Trillion. I finally made it back around to the final Overlord and i'm gonna get her ending, then I'll have 5 more endings to go, then I'll have to beat Challenge mode once, THEN i'll have it 100%'d.
That aside, I picked up Bayonetta, Vanquish, and GGXrd Revelator + Rev2 + all the bullshit along with it during the steam sale today. I'll probably snag Speebot too later on. You guys get anything good?
Do your Christmas shopping yet as well?
Only a month left y'know.
When I take some turkey, cranberry sauce, and whatever else can cram it all into a dinner roll like a sandwich and dip it in gravy. Good shit man.
This year my mom and little brother are out of town, and my dad's working a double shift on Thanksgiving day, so I'm gonna be scrounging up my own shit this year.
I'm seething with anger.
The turkey I guess.
Rolls are the best. Depends on what kind though.
When I was working my shitty tourist job some dumb ass hippie in a wheelchair was sitting in the middle of the street smoking weed. A street where cops walk by literally every 5 minutes.
Dunno what those are tbh
Got back to playing Nier and got the as- I mean dress module.
no dicks
We made the holiday so technically ours came first.
Why satan?
But who goes to a random crowded parking lot and smoke weed. Im not even sure she went in the pawn shop at all.
What do you guys do when you want to wrap up a story and be done with it? As in a story you are writing/telling, but you don't want it to come off shoddy?
how did that go anyways? I went to bed as soon as I posted it tbh
Whats wrong with the fat model?
Does he like cute girls doing cute things?
Thats sad fam. You gotta make yourself a feast
Whats wrong user?
The best part is feeding the pig animal dog the weird noodly bits of bird meat after dinner while getting the bird tore down for leftovers, ala king and turkey pie.
Try to find a good memorable line to end it off on.
I don't feel like working tomorrow. I'm working the next five days, and I'm not looking forward to any of it.
Yellow Light of Death issues affected the early PS3 models IIRC.
Nothing in particular. I'm just fucking mad.
Dumb people who end up in jail
You should have the ending in your head before anything else tbh
The fuck is a king and turkey pie?
Ahhhhh thats kind of scary. Can that be repaired if you send it somewhere though?
Go work out.
weed is legal here now
Cheer up its Turkey day. Get excited for good food and watching niggers throw the pig sphere around.
I bet that'd help your buttproblems some monica
idk, I really wanted to report you after that.
Shit sorry dude.
Have fun with all the brain damaged people.
I had that kind of anger post election. It went away after a week.
tbh fat tbh tbh
Have you ever considered yourself good at something, only to have reality hit you in the face and show that you're not actually that good?
it legit actually might but i dont do drugs
People were already brain damaged before they legalized it
It's one o clock here I'm not gonna go do that.
seems like no one really gave a shit which is ashame tbh
feel free to report away tbh
No, I'm all that and a bag of chips.
Thats when you sleep on what you learned. I always do better after i sleep.
Should I try and get some video games or a big TV on black friday? Never done the black friday shit, but I kind of want a Vita or a big TV or a PS3.
Can't remember if he mentioned any shows that were all girl.
I've never managed to write a story to a conclusion tbh fam. I always start and never finish.
I found a cool chinese jade stamp thing from a street merchant in D.C. I'm gonna give to my dad who inspired my love of chinese history and culture.
I was never good at anything.
th-thanks (I've switched mains a few times and they all played hugely differently from each other so that might be part of it)
Pleb. It's basically turkey stock, cream, vegettss of choice, cubed turkey all made up and put over rice. Turkey pie is a family thing. Make a stuffing crust, put leftover turkey down, put confetti corn down, put leftover gravy down, smear the fucker in smashed taters. Freeze the cunt and eat it a few months down the line when you can even look at a turkey straight again.
Sometimes I'll be playing my yugioh game and have really bad nights where every single opponent seems to have the exact card that will fuck me the most at the exact right time. Always gets me in a bad mood.
Why not
Big tvs suck when gaming in my opinion. Hard to see everything unless you are far away and then whats the point
I saved it.
I'm making it up as a go, and I never thought it would go so far as it has.
You can also pretty much use a la king as a pie filling too.
I want one for anime, actually.
You can work out anywhere, you dork.
enjoy tbh
Your turkey pie is just a weird shepherds pie. Sounds good though.
What is it?
Your brain is fine and you can eat it or vape it
Miht be worth it then if you current tv is shit.
I've got yuge tv put literally haven't used it in years.
I'm visualizing the logistics of fucking your brain and lungs with my dick.
i've already fapped twice to it.
Its still gonna mess up my brain. Not doing it.
Yep, breddy much. It's a great way of tossing leftovers together.
lewd tbh, I can give more or take requests if you like tbh
I smoked for years and look at me, smart as a rock. Its fiiiiiine
Leftovers don't last long here. I'm too lazy to cook so having leftovers means I can eat easy for like 3 days.
Got any catgirl outfits?
You're also a neet.
n o
i used to only have my small monitor for anime watching
then I used my xbox 360 and big ass CRT tv for it, but the static of a CRT TV gives me a headache but that was fun for a while. Sometimes I'll steal the family TV, but haven't in a while. I like anime on big screen, is comfy.
Spider turducken.
Speaking of TVs, I have an Emerson HDTV that I got from a relative when she passed away a few years ago. I don't remember how many inches it is, but all I know is that I have it propped up on the wall because I don't have the tv stand for it anymore. I'm thinking of seeing if I can get something to replace it someday. My question is what's a good tv for N64, GCN, Wii, PS2, and PS3 games?
Yours is probably cigs it only effected cigs for you.
Damn. What about bunny ears?
Good shit amigo
let me know when you get endings C/D and E knocked out.
eh it's not a big deal. There's plenty of ham in the fridge. I'm eating a sandwich made out of it right now. Ham, muenster cheese, some tomato, mayo, and dijon mustard.
I feel you, I usually have 5 day work weeks and they suck. My work week starts on friday.
that sounds pretty neat. I bet he'll like it.
ur gay tbh
I've got no outfits sorry
My monitor on my desktop is pretty damn big so I don't have that problem luckily
what did he mean by this
Oh. Well then post butthole imo.
I really need to get my license soon so i can actually manage to talk to women. Driving is scary.
I meant cigs only effect the lungs. Weed fucks up the brain.
I'm no bottom spider tbh
Disgusting. Hate tomato
I smoked weed every day for like 5 years fam
And then the 4am thread becomes THE GAY COMMUNITY
Aww, tease.
Mind your own business. Shoo!
It's not legal in most states so people still don't know the effects, but there are still effects.
It messes up the dopamine things in your brain and shit. That is not something i wanna experience.
It always was.
This is very sad making, I'm a lazy bones too but I always have energy to cook because of fam tradition, especially holiday centered stuff. I'm already looking forward to making stuffed cabbage, none of that raisin faggotry. You put sauerkraut over that shit or you get out of my life, my neighborhood, my city, my country.
Reverse traps are welcome tho
I like women, though.
it's trash anyways tbh
reminder that only villains shit in the shower
The person replying to him is anti 4am and is egging him on
People been smoking it for the last 100 years, we'd know if it made you retarded by now
I bet you kiss them too, fag
Not legally, and if it's not legal the medical field can't research it that well so we don't know the complete effects.
Redanon told me to tell you guys hi
I'm sure it would hate you too tbh fam
then take your faggotry elsewhere
Never forget.
eh, regardless. The last time this turned into a /soc/ thread wasn't fun
It doesnt make you retarded, it makes you lazy because it rewires your brain to constantly have dopamine going through it.
i have actually never kissed a girl
Tomato is only good on hamburgers
Neither have I.
what happened?
>believing (((scientists)))
Thats what I'm saying. Its a conspiracy to shit up the thread. I think I know whos behind it too
What if you were born lazy like me though
I pity you.
ok then.
No one is born lazy
I could tell you the same for believing (((scientists))).
I could eat them raw tbh. I love tomatoes. On burgers, sandwiches, on the side, in a salad, etc. Tomatoes are great.
His PC is kaput atm, he's ordered a bunch of new parts so he's swapping them out
go on
someone believe in me tbh
Go back to germany mohamed
I've always been a comfy lazy shit though
I already said that!
oh ok
I said that to you then.
I just cant really stand tomato. Its too watery.
And im trying to get out of the neet life by not smoking weed.
What's wrong with water?
We will build a wall to keep the shitposters out. And its going to be big and its going to be beautiful and its going to be real. And Holla Forums is going to pay for it! Believe me folks.
Yeah well I said it yesterday
But you are already enrolled in college.
In time.
Tomato makes things too soggy and i hate eating things that are mostly water like that.
But i dont start until next year
How do I make life not as boring as it is now?
Pick up a trade 7 years ago
open your self up to opportunities tbh
I said it a century ago.
Get a better job or bang some qt.*
Sad to think about sometimes tbh
At least nippon is comfy.
this tbh
Not like you are going to smoke once, then be like "fuck college!" and turn perma NEET
Do something outside your regular routine like I've been saying for weeks.
that's why you put the slice on a paper towel and gently press it to get the excess juice out
Tomato has to layered between things to prevent the bread from becoming soggy, and as long as be eat the sandwich right away you wont ever have to experience soggy bread.
Go outside and start a fight.
PC parts duh.
Yeah well I'm saying it right now.
Post more mega tits.
ay yo
hol up
This nigga knows it. I ended up in park services by extension of certain choices and it's been fantastic.
It still fucks up the brain. Im already lazy enough as it is.
Fortunatly im starting college and getting a trade out of it so im pretty much set for life.
I applaud you for going to college with some aim. Congratulations.
What do you do in the park?
Not a big fan of ham, never had duck before but would like to try it. It any good?
i used to only have my small monitor for anime watching
then I used my xbox 360 and big ass CRT tv for it, but the static of a CRT TV gives me a headache but that was fun for a while. Sometimes I'll steal the family TV, but haven't in a while. I like anime on big screen, is comfy.
Join the military.
Join a martial arts class.
Start researching the paranormal and conspiracy theories.
Go ghost hunting.
I have to give credit to gamergate and the election for throwing me over to the right. i was a nihilistic athiest redditor in like 2013
literally who?
You said that like 20 minutes ago fam
It's a good honey baked ham.
Duck is really good, it's greasy but has an excellent flavor. A few chinese restaurants sell it, try it some time.
If i tried to watch ecchi anime and fanservice anime on the main tv, my parents would probably think less of me for it.
I get to do all sorts of protective service, brush clearing, make sure there are no miscreants squatting around after dark. Generally just make sure nobody has an open fire unattended. It's gotten worse with homelessness and I keep well armed but it's usually just a long stretch of day or night being basically a mall cop for a large stretch of protected land.
lewd tbh
but ghosts aren't real.
I'm a religious person and this is true.
That is what you think
Though the chink places near me are all cheap so I doubt they'd have it
That sounds comfy as all fuck. Whats the spoopiest story you got
i unplugged it and brought it up to my room when i did
so what? ghost hunts and going into old and supposedly haunted buildings still seems like fun.
which reminds me, I want to go urban exploring, ghost hunting, and paranormal searching and shit more often.
Prove me wrong then.
he's an og on this thread
what about the holy spirit then?
The TV in my room faces the door. There is no way for me to watch fanservice anime on a TV without someone seeing.
That's not a ghost, that's just the god being everywhere thing.
It is extremely comfy for the most part, especially if you like to drive. I guess the spoopiest thing was seeing someone that seemed to be in distress at the roadside, an actual car accident, and they in shock wandered into an off road grown over cemetery. It's amazing how many of those you find just even on a hike.
but spirits are ghosts tbh
He's irrelevant now.
silly me, you're right
I've already told you bruh, only Yoza booty I have is what I've already posted
a 4am og
only because he left
If you can find an actual chinese restaurant, you'll probably find it. Duck's kind of hard to find in burgerland otherwise. Very good roasted though.
Go to the countryside, if you drive in a rural area enough you'll find ruined buildings to explore. Or just look up something nearby.
Shut your door?
Wew. How old was the cemetery? We got tons of 1800s ones around here, they are pretty neat.
Apartment. People come in and out alot.
has it really been that long? will we even be here anymore after another year? it seems like traffic keeps dropping and I don't know why it's happening.
give me (you)s or give me (you)s tbh
Guess again nigger
He still posts here a lot of nights you know. He was here like yesterday
This was on ps4 right? I might order it with amazon money if so
I live in the south in a rural area, ain't no "real" chink places within 100 miles
Sounds terrible
It might be because people are just abandoning the internet entirely.
it seems like alot of cuckchan rejects are filling up the drop in traffic and no one but me is doing anything about it
there's so many shit threads being made by them it's fucking frustrating as shit tbh
guess this dick tbh
Yes I know, but he's only weekly tbh.
I get no privacy and i have to fap in the bathroom. Luckily i have my buttproblems to blame so i have an excuse to spent 30+ minutes in the bathroom.
it is. You're in luck too, PS4's are about $200 in a lot of black friday specials, so you better get while the gettin's good. I've seen that offer at both GoyimStop and BestBuy
Site was buggy for a long time pushing out users, shitty moderation gets worse everyday and was the entire point of people coming here, less users means less posts means more people leave.
The fuck. I'd die if I didn't have my room locked and to myself all day everyday
I'm starting to think I'll just settle for the PS2 version of P4 when I find it. I still don't have much of a reason to get a vita, and I don't think I'm willing to wait to see if Naoto or Rise are actually waifu material or not.
Only if you post your lips.
Oh, that sucks. Well you can probably find a frozen one at a grocery store. They're still decent.
Yeah, about that era usually. But occasionally I'll be out and trip over something very much older, I have an old hobby of making gravestone rubbings, along with being an avid bird watcher it pretty much sealed the deal for what I have become.
Tbh i dont really need alot of privacy anyway. I just keep my phone and laptop away from the door and always use headphones.
that's my bit you faglord
Everyone is slowly spreading out to other, more obscure chans to avoid the reddit plague that destroyed cuckchan and is threatening Holla Forums, since its the second most well-known.
I fucking love Thanksgiving. Of course a nice and juicy turkey leg is always good but I think what defines the holiday is when the stuffing gets nice and moist after absorbing the turkey juices. It's so amazing that it's unreal. I'm practically drooling thinking about it along with the corn and the pumpkin pie, oh man. I have some apple cider in the fridge this year so it'll be perfect to wash it down with too.
My folks are getting it for xmas so doesn't really matter
My folks have two birds and ones smaller than a turkey. Dunno could be duck for all I know
Hook me up with a job fam
This guy gets it.
How goes user, what you doing for thanksgiving?
When i get a girlfriend i wont fap and i dont watch anime anyway.
Also, Neogaf going down I think. I'm sure Neofag users are salty their site imploded and are trying to ruin this one as well.
Thanksgiving is always a good time of year. Everyone's happy, and everyone eats 10/10 food.
If anyone decides to take up gravestone rubbing, I'd suggest checking out Louisiana at some point. There is some amazingly well preserved cemeteries outside of New Orleans, and you can run across great ass old mansions grown over and probably run into someone selling crawdads on the side of the road. I'm not there presently but it is an experience.
tbh jk
Move to Australia and I'll find you a job. How about an apprenticeship?
haha rekt
duck is pretty distinctive, it's long and thin
god i hope not
no u tbh
Watch yuyushiki and yuru yuri.
Fund my flight, lodging, and food and I'll work the first 6 months free.
Your long and thin!
Thanksgiving is an underrated holiday way too overshadowed by overrated as fuck nowadays Christmas.
oh, nice.
Well, Peach Beach Splash's physical version will run you abouuuut $65 or so since the only physical version is the collector's edition
I dont watch slice of life or yuri anime. I only watch manly anime.
this is why japan got nuked.
Clearly superior holiday
Whats the collectors edition come with? Onahole?
Have you tried SoL anime?
If you want to work for 6 months without pay get on a dingy and row your way here.
Yes actually. I wanted to finish it but the fans subs never came out fast enough. I cant remember the name anymore.
Not when you get older, and sometimes food is ignored.
no. Artbook, soundtrack, and some blu-ray disc with some animations on it.
post lips maggot
Nah mate I'm chunky
I'd probably miss and fall off the ocean
I'm 27 and still get a ton of gifts. Must suck being in a poor family
Im heading to bed. Night.
see you tomorrow.
Not poor, they just give me money.
no u, it's 2d-tan
pretty gay tbh
Cut out soda and start running
Cya next time fam, have fun today
That counts as a gift
this is why bowie died.
Are they really that expensive to get on PC?
I just now realized how small these threads are.
You must have a high dose of semitic genitics in ya.
I'm surprised it's 16.
no u
I was, then winter hit and running is now unbearable.
Eating with my family of course. My mom is off this year so we're going to have a proper Thanksgiving for once, I think she's worked most years. On Friday I'm going out to the mall to spend the hell out of my autismbux and birthday money (my birthday's also on friday), so I'm probably going to have to stay up in order to reset my sleep schedule.
Was attaching a fellatio image intentional?
You know it, of course it's nice to receive a little something on Christmas but my family doesn't prepare any food and I love any excuse to chow down on good food.
I wouldn't think so.
suck my dick tbh
8ch is dying with a whimper from natural user attrition and hostility to newcomers
You missed the glory days fam
I'm surprisingly a great gift giver. This year I'm broke though so. Still giving my imouto one of my extra ps1s and some games I think she'd like
Join a gym
What you want to buy fam?
Its a free thing from another person on xmas, its a gift
Sometimes I wonder if it's better to have a small but dying community of decent posters, or a large and thriving community of low quality posters.
I blame the super autistic fuckers day in day out being elitist as fuck tbh
They don't work like ripping a DVD or something.
Blu-Rays take a lot more work.
You gotta have the optical drive that can actually fucking read and play one, for starters. Those are too expensive to bother with.
why no P3 femc pics?
I'd say the best decision is to invite posters instead of being hostile, but make absolutely sure they know how to make quality posts.
I said before I was being lazy, but honestly she doesn't seem that interesting.
Being broke around the holidays is very stressful. I was NEET for hell on a full decade and finally the whip crack of mortality woke me up. You either get busy living or get busy dying.
Once this place dies there is no where left to go.
someone love me tbh
tried, it isn't possible due to alot of people holding tribal mentality shit tbh
Apparently when my dad ordered the parts for my computer he put a blueray reader on it so didn't think they were that expensive
I've been NEET for 8 years with only a few months of working in there. Don't think I'll ever change.
I wrote down my plans beforehand so I wouldn't forget. A Vita, a generic SD card for my Vita (homebrew makes it work), An external hard drive, a Wii U for my sister, whatever those things are called that you plug into an outlet and it gives you more outlets, maybe a shit looking manga for a cheap laugh. I might also try that weird looking nightmare circus shooter in the barcade if I'm in the mood while I'm there.
Oh, well I would have told you that that was a good one if that was the case.
Sometimes I miss the feeling of being so sick you're bedridden that you can't work. The thing is, I'm not sure if I want it to relive the feeling.
Well, the boards wouldn't be the same without NEETs. The expanse of autism and rejection of normalfaggotry through my whole life, modern era odd hobbies, just lucked me out of being NEET and into becoming a productive member of society. Also, most EMS are anons.
I would have gone for a pussy eating image if I wanted to make the joke.
Were you the guy that was out for months for sickness and shit?
No, that wasn't me. To be honest, I haven't been sick enough to be unable to work for months.
How much are Wii U's where you are getting them? They don't seem too much cheaper than a switch from the little I've looked
My only hope is winning the lottery sadly
I hate the feeling of being sick so fucking bad. Always just want to die
one that can REWRITE blu-rays is gonna be at least $55 or so. To PLAY a blu-ray you need some sort of third-party software in addition to that player which from what I've seen, they're all sketchy Do some digging of your own, maybe things have progressed on that front
Fucking hell why is it so obtuse
What? Cant you just use VLC or MPC?
150 american funnybucks, I think? That's what my sister said they're going to cost at Gamespoot this Friday, and I haven't checked since she told me.
I feel like shit more often then not tbh
Oh thats not too bad for a zelda machine
What a rube. Just listen to the fire inside you. Seems your inclination is to be an attention whore, so maybe go into acting or something along those lines. Even if you're ugly, that seems to sell these days and a necessity anyway even as a bit actor.
Turn that frown upside down. 2 e z
I might just end up checking out my two local EB games on friday just to see if they have any cheap used PS3 slims. I alrwady have a PS2 for PS2 games, and I don't think the slim models had the YLOD issue. I just need to know if online require PS+ like on PS4 or not.
I just want to be comfy and do nothing.
PS3 doesn't require psn+ for online
Wew, exactly what acting is.
Because Blu-Ray Discs are made by the Blu-Ray Disc Association. The BRDA was started by Sony, Panasonic, Pioneer, Philips, Thomson, LG Electronics, Hitachi, Sharp, and Samsung Electronics. See what's NOT here? Microsoft and Apple. Sony is one of the largest contributors (and is on the board of directors) of the BRDA as well.
are you retarded? Or is this something recent?
gib more Lusamine
alright, good to know.
Lusamine was probably the best part of Pokemon S/M tbh
It's not my problem what she does with it, I just want to stop playing tug o' war with the Wii.
Suicide is painless.
I dont know, never cared about blurays.
Becoming an actor is really good for NEETs, at least as I remember my time. When real life invaded because of family, I remember having to make up a history just to fit in and that was the biggest anxious thing about it. Like, what do you do when they ask, what you do? I suppose you could proclaim you're NEET but that isn't good for your self or anyone else, once you start pretending.
eh, news to me
I wasn't even trying
i didn't even beat S/M either tbh, but you're right.
Why would you not want to be an insider? I did some acting work myself before finally remembering my hobbies and finding my trade,
Pretty well describes normalfag life too
What did you act in?
You never do
Welp, I'm going to bed. See you next thread.
that's sort of my thing fam.
Sleep tight user
t-thanks for reminding me
Sleep tight dont let the bed bugs bite
Cya next time fam
I'm not an avatarfag so I would not let that be known. But, specifically your type, you are ripe to become an inside agent. Especially with the current state of kikewood where they even want the ugliest animals they can get. Some skeltal NEET probably has a place.
Are you famous?
nah, i like me, and so do most of the people i'm frequently around apparently. I've been told recently multiple times how much they enjoy how "relaxed" and "chill" I am about everything. I just sort of go with the flow with most things at work or at home. It's one thing I've actually come to accept and almost like about me.
I don't know, bowed out before I cared as I found my calling. There's probably an IMDb page. I figured out I just wanted to be a dude and make a legacy my own way.
Thats good fam, hold on to that feeling
You gotta at least say what show/movie you were in user
it's easy to some days, but most days it's not. I hate how my mind operates.
That is not happening, the fact let it be known I retired early is enough of a break of OPSEC.
aight im outta here to go finish that playthrough of Trillion
Night lads, I hope you all have a happy Thanksgiving.
I'm glad I have an ego the size of the sun and love everything about myself
Ok well how about did you work with anyone famous and if so who
Cya next time fam
You are entirely missing it. A NEET is a pretender in the real world. A NEET on celluloid is another level.
gl dont get stabbed
aside from turkey, can't think of any other
i'm skipping a test today since i haven't studied or gone to lectures in weeks
ask me anything