the game apparently has multiplayer now, but it's only LAN/direct IP, which is why i'm posting here
anyone wanna play?
looks like FTL
i'll consider if you post your OC nudes with timestamp and "i am a faggot OP" written with your ID
how about i don't
it's real time fleet combat, with the gimmick being that you can design your own ships and save them as pngs
well if you won't then i am leaving the thread, enjoy wallowing in your own shit thread blanked with a shitty game
Just looked it up, pretty interesting. Do we have a server?
i'm hosting
haven't actually tested to see if it works though, hence the purpose of the thread
I hope Space Haven isn't shit but it probably will be. They're promising FTL + Rimworld.
Just got it installed
Got any more info about this? Is it in early access? Sounds pretty fuckin neat and I'm always hyped for shit like this
did it work or what? i need to know if anyone is actually trying to play
Looks to me like there are no proper turrets - all the guns are fixed!
Heresy among heresies!
both of the ships i posted have big lasers in the center, tiny laser pellets on the sides and the occasional turret/rocket since you have to actually make ammo for those
Can't connect I'm afraid
try hosting, i'll connect
just tell me an ip after you do host though
If I can't make a space battleship with big honkin turrets o'doom, I'm gonna kidnap your bull, and that will piss your wife off.
and here we have one of the least useful ship designs ever
uh yeah, forgot the control room
did you try hosting or anything?
You have lied to me.
Also, he game is bland. Design a ship and let them fight. The end.
put thrusters a the end for higher efficnency. Put shield generators between lazors