Best selling console of the year

Did you ever think we would see another Nintendomination age again? after Iwata's death lead to a blip of mobage pushing following the disaster of the Wii U i honestly was expecting NIntendo to go the way of Sega like 2 years ago.

But where's the games?

I found your Youtube channel Cody




Nintendo advertised it properly this time, unlike the Wii U.
The whole reason the Wii U failed was because nobody fucking knew it existed. The Switch, however, was shilled to hell and back on all kinds of social media platforms, including Holla Forums
I am not saying it's a good console by any means, but it shows Nintendo definitely learned from their mistakes with the Wii U

It's going to funny when China makes their own knockoff within 5 years and Nintendo gets cucked after working so hard to placate them.


I dont think its an amazing console but bayo 2 aside i definitely prefer it for vidya over the Wii U which felt like a wierd half step relying on shit like Wind Waker HD. At least Pokken DX and MK8 feels like a better version of the game but the bloom on WWHD is genuinely disgusting.








Mario Odyssey and Splatoon. It's already doubled the PS4 library.

It's super comfy switching between playing in bed and at my computer desk. I just hope more good games come out and that it gets cracked wide open like all other Nintendo systems. Imagine having a giant SD card loaded with all the best Nintendo handheld and console games ever. My 3DS is comfy enough as a SNES/Gameboy emulator, but man…

Its literally the same fucking game as the first

The fact that the only worthwhile exclusive on PS4 is Bloodborne is a joke.
The fact that the only worthwhile exclusive on Switch is Mario Odyssey not a joke.

That's the difference.

You are retarded aren't you? Or are you just underage? Nintendo having a near monopoly over the console and/or handheld market will end in disaster for the gaming industry.


So it is a game.


List them all, so I can call them shit.


MK8 and Zelda may not technically be exclusives, but because NOBODY FUCKING BOUGHT A WII U they all bought Switches and the Switch versions of those games.

I'm not gay for links boipuss'

There's also Arms. I haven't played it, but people seem to like it.

The disaster would be more like a dystopia with Nintendo at its helm, not a crash

You know whats the real joke?
Nintentoddlers and Sonyggers defending shit hardware devices and shit companies.

Please do elaborate how this isn't exactly like EA does with Battlefield.

Mark is autistic, but not nearly this autistic


I don't even like Nintendo that much. I mostly like ragging on Sonyfags.


They lost Metal Max to sony so I might wait until Swich is fully pirated and have more games with fanservice to get one. I don't use online much but forced paid online is major turn off and westernizing jap games kills my interest in nintendo.


I like ragging brand loyal retards no matter the company.
They're either agressive or passive agressive but they're th most retarded scum at the face of this planet.

There is jap audio in Xenoblade 2, dumbass. Free day-one download.

For curiosity. Not like I'm bringing down the quality of this thread.

Sonyfags are extra sweet, because they haven't had their spirits totally broken yet. Nintendo and Xbox fanboys barely exist at this point. It's like punching a vegetable. Not fun.

user please, they're all over the place, they're just not a obnoxiously vocal as Sonyggers.

You do know whothe BO is right?

Don't even try to hide you nintencumlover.

Sonyfags think everyone who doesn't instantly shit on anything Nintendo does are fanboys. Enoy a genuinely good game like Splatoon? Fanboy.

There's only one game on it that I care about and soon people will be paying for Nintendo atrocious online, if they aren't already.

I'll get one when it's hackable.

Splatoon 2 is literally the same fucking game as the first with new gimmicks though.

Dude, you aren't even trying

So it's a typical sequel to a shooter.

It's a good thing I like Honey Bunches and Oats because Mario Odyssey aint worth much more investment than some mild gambling alongside food. Splatoon 2 I'd play but probably not more than through a rental, already lost investment when I knew I wouldn't get to experience all the Splatfests. -which were pointlessly and unceremoniously cut short in the previous game along with an underwhelming amount of overall content to start with.

If nintendo wants to truly succeed, they need to do their own thing. That's what made the Wii and DS successful. They weren't chasing after Microsoft and Sony.

Then again, they're not going to catch the Wii lightning in the bottle again…

I for one can admit M&B Bannerlord is the same fucking game as the first with some new stuff.
Switchfaggot Nintentoddlers can't however admit their average shooter isn't a goddamn Expansion pack.

Yeah, its a rerelease DLC on the Switch

They already have
Fucking thing is a literal fucking tablet, of course its going to sell.
Already outsold the Wiis first year by 1 Mil in 10 months

I had a chance to play with one a little bit, I kind of like it, the display looks really good (I haven't tried the TV option), it has more weight to it than I've expected and I think it's generally pretty nice.
Granted I wouldn't buy one myself just yet, because I always make sure to get consoles (If I do) around mid-end life cycle, but I'll keep an eye on it.
The one big drawback is that I can't for the life of me imagine how this thing can be reliably portable, you can't just throw it in a bag as is.
I imagine there must be some 3rd party cases around, but even then I wouldn't trust it to protect it.

Having played every game on the Switch I can safely say it was a giant waste of my time. Odyssey is the same generic shit Ninteno's been pushing with Mario with a new gimmick as always. They simply can't into level design or fun controls anymore. The quick backflip and long jump are weak as fuck compared to 64 and the movement is rigid. It's all flair with no substance. Same can be said with BoTW. There's no thought while playing either game. And there's no reason to purchase Splatoon 2 if you own 1.

I genuinely don't get it. Mario 64 and OoT/MM is still more fun than their later titled games. To make things worse the hardware is and always will be shit. You CAN NOT play with the fucking small side pads despite what the autistic manchildren say otherwise with this "play on your lap" shit. I played on my lap, it still fucking cramps my fingers and it's annoying. The Switch is mcdonalds for kids. Shortly appealing and fun for a small while. But it's not healthy and you'll end up taking a painful shit and throwing it out when you've had your 5 hour of fun and 300 hours of mindless droning.