Is there anyone here that makes a living from investing in the stocks of the big publishers?

Is there anyone here that makes a living from investing in the stocks of the big publishers?

I've been observing for a few months and they seem to be pretty regular depending on the releases, dropping after something big comes out and then raising again once they're getting ready to release another big game. Seems like someone with more experience would be able to make some money off this.

Even just looking at EA's stock now, it seems like you'd probably be able to make a small profit.

You must be desperate to shill your stocks here of all places EA.

Can we have one thread where we don't go down this road?

I'm legitimately curious if anyone is exploiting the system and their knowledge of the industry to make some money.

So you are suggesting that there is insider trade going on?


I've started trading in stocks recently and looking at videogame companies it seems they bring a fairly poor return. Find companies involved technologies, medical treatments, etc. that you want to and (with enough knowledge and research) believe will succeed. It's the non-jewish way to invest.

If you hate something with your heart and soul don't feed it with something you've poured your own energy into.

I guess that does make sense, thanks user


I make a living investing in the stock of big publishers. It's not as great as you might think it is.

I make a living investing in beef stock. I don't have a lot of money but I have plenty of goulash.

Threadly reminder that picking stocks is an objectively, mathematically terrible idea. Unless you work on Wall Street, the only responsible way to invest is to put most of your money in an index fund, and some into a bond fund as a hedge.
t. actual financefag

No idea what any of that is

The point is to put your money into a fund that reflects the stock market as a whole, not bet on a small group of stocks that you hand-picked, because you can't know which stocks will underperform and which will excel. So you invest in mutual funds that mirror a broad market index, like the S&P 500. You pay a company, the company buys a bunch of stocks to get a portfolio that mirrors the overall market, and you get a cut of the returns.
And you put some money into a similar bond fund, because when the stock market slumps, the bond market generally surges, and vice versa.

I think the idea is that we should have a better idea of that with our intimate knowledge of the companies then your "average" investor who is only able to look at the market as a whole. So in the greater scheme you are betting against them knowing what's going to happen and winning

Making it work would still require at least an average level market knowledge as well.

That strikes me as naive. The game industry is very secretive, and the gaming media is mostly just their mouthpiece. I don't think shitposting and keeping up with the latest chicanery by publishers is quite the same as having proper insider knowledge. Especially since most normal people are (or at least should be) investing for the long run. Trying to make quick cash in the stock market is basically impossible for a normal person; only institutions with supercomputers and huge cash reserves can play that game, and even then, they don't do it by following media stories.

Someone that follows events closely would've had an advantage over a normal investor during the Battlefront debacle.
Just sayin

Being as in the know as reasonably possible is better than the alternative. I just don't want anyone to think that being a Holla Forumsirgin means they should try to play the stock market with vidya publishers, because they shouldn't. Be smart with your money, invest in stock and bond index funds. Unless you're super rich, or you like the idea of never retiring.

Israel is the leading provider of private and public sector technology. They trained their jew agents as entrepreneurs so they can have a collective monopoly over gentiles. Look it up. Every fucking businessman in tech is either a jew or has a connection to a jewish company


