i'm curious on how the japanese gaming comunity see this issue. because most of the japan mobile gaming implemented this model in their game. is it a big issue like in the west?? or are the japs kind of ok with it?
Microtransaction in Japan??
Even Holla Forums okay with this.
Average japs have some real shit taste, that's why copypasted shit like Musou still sells.
Its ok, the japs love all the mobile stuff and will happily support it
why is it such a big issue in the west tho. what makes gacha and lootbox different that Holla Forums gladly accepted one and vehemetly oppose the other??
because nips vote with their money and the gayins dont.
Some Japanese games are notorious for being full of microtransactions, like skins and costumes, usually waifubait.
Maybe you should have capitalized your words, or better yet
Or done a startpage search on the issue. PSO2 is a good start to view how SEGA applies microtransactions.
user, this is a problem with Asia in general. Hell, Blizzard is a literal religion in Korea, and you're considered a literal outcast in the country if you DON'T spend shekels on the microtransactions.
They had this issue already and I'm pretty sure they put up laws regarding it. There was a fiasco with Granblue Fantasy regarding a character that required you to drop 700 - 800k yen to get, and I'm pretty sure they need to disclose that their droprates are high and accurate from now on, else they would need to refund players or be fined themselves.
I think it's almost universally agreed on that Micro-transactions are fine in a f2p game. It's when it starts popping up in 60 dollar fucking games that it's an issue. You're comparing apples to oranges at that point, but like said, there's also laws and restrictions now and they have to display their rates and they can't be astronomically low. I actually remember a lawsuit with the DBZ gatcha about fudging the numbers on their rates and got into a fair amount of legal dispute over it
Their CEO defending the South Korean shadow government whores makes perfect sense in this context. They exist as an appendage of the state, not an entertainment company.
Yes, cute monkey got real laws changed.
Pretty much this. Japan's consumers by and large actually know they have an impact on companies and can drive it.
Microtransactions have been a thing in Japan for a lot longer than it ever has been in America. IIRC, the whole reason Gacha and shit is so big in Japland is because gambling is illegal. That means no slot machines, poker, etc. These Japs need some form of luck in their lives so they turn to Gacha/Microtransactions. Couple this with the fact most Japs are suicidal due to long work hours and that they live in a collectivist society - they want to gamble a LOT. Watch Sam Hyde's video about gambling to see why it suicide and gambling are one and the same.
I think it's more that Japans economy is in the toilet, and as a result, game companies have had to scale back most of their development costs. Their average game sells on waifu bait, not graphics porn, so it's harder to make the claim that "games are just too expensive to make" and not be called out as liars. As a result, most Japanese games that have microtransactions are free-to-plays and AAA shit aimed at a global market.
The Japanese also don't seem very keen on online multiplayer. They're more focused either on single-player shit they can sell to NEETs who have no friends - or to local multiplayer they can run with friends or randos on public transit. America, as a counter example, is a huge nation where population centers are much more spread out and you really need online multiplayer. It just so happens, that it's far easier to sell microtransactions through an online infrastructure where most of your players are already engaged with a software layer that you can use to push ads and storefronts. You can't really leverage social media with local multiplayer either, so you're not going to get users advertising your microtransactions for you through XBL/PSN, Twitter, Youtube, Killcams, etc.
A lot of people think that Japanese are infallible and that anything Western is shit so natural you're going to encounter double standards when you dealing with cognitive dissonance. There will always be some kind of excuse made because they "do it different" or some bullshit.
Nah that's bullshit. People in Japan aren't that different in this regard. They buy shit because it looks cute or cool or they are bored and want sometime to kill the time. They have a whole array of things label under ζγ€γΆγ (lit. Killing free time) that include light novels, simple games, gambling games or "swipe the screen to kill" kind of action games even full RPGs. I knew a guy who used to play one and he paid for hit points and items. It's not uncommon to see a college student or new hire salaryman playing it on the train or in a cafe. Don't me get started on the shit lost girls play.
It's also much less "vote with my money" and more like "my salary is so low I have to be frugal". You should see the rush at 730pm when the supermarket is about to close. Every single house wife and college student in the vicinity all race to buy all the fresh food for the day is marked down up to 50% off. It's pretty hilarious actually.
A lot of Japanese people play online, they just don't play Western games and if they do it's mostly RPGs and especially if it can be done on a phone. Playing arcade games against other people is pretty popular there, especially with fighter games. A lot of them now like the new Tekken you can play online through the machine or versus on the machine in the arcade.
Jesus Christ, I had no idea things had gotten that bad in Japan. What do they do at 2 AM if their sugars get too low?
Japs are into casino shit, like DEEP DEEP really into casino shit I think they call it gotchas or something. In a way, it's far worse than regular micro-transactions because at least with regular cash shops you generally know what you're getting.
I was recently surprised to find out the Dynasty Warriors mobile game isn't actually available in Japan. I figure most chinese and korean games avoid the jap market precisely because of that restriction.
Just like my chinese food cartoons
Doesn't close at 19:30 dingus. Closes at 21:50 or 22:00 usually. What's wrong with wanting half priced goods? White pig go home
Pachinko you meant. not Gacha. gacha is for toys
The thing you need to understand is that in Japan, mobage is an entirely different market from actual video games, which is why unlike in the West where smartphones are killing games, here they generally co-exist.
It's no different than what magic the gathering has been doing forever.
Isn't that true for most stuff in Japan? Most things are compartmentalized so you rarely have the problem of one demographic stepping on another demographic's toes, and they seem to eschew the blockbuster " for everyone" mentality that is so dominant in the West.
Shit Korea and the Land of Smog on the other hand is where the p2w bullshit is dominant, to the point the chinks and gooks will find a game weird if it doesn't let you buy content and boosts with real money. Those are also the countries where MMOs are programmed to log you out after a certain number of hours because otherwise the ant people would starve to death in front of a screen.
Is user supposed to be wrong?
.t poorfag
at this point you're projecting you're own economy troubles onto one that doesn't have them.
Don't talk about something you have no idea about. Japan's economy has been in the shitter ever since the 90's. They have the highest debt rate in the world, and their ever-declining population growth will only make the problem worse in future.
Economy is not a zero-sum game you triple chromosome retard.
Here's an easy video for you to understand
Gooks =/= Japs
They're basically sub-human. The literal Jews of Asia.
The dlc,they have are for cosmetics and some extras.
I think it hasnt been a problem since the games are complete
Nippon ichi games sell dlc that are not that expensive for themes. Characters of other games and some icons
PSO2 has its scraching system for customes and trinkets, the jerk move there are the resets. But the game gives you some from time to time
No, not really. EDF has locked missions and items, every fighting game ever has DLC locked characters, nioh has DLC locked missions, etc.
Japs are ultra casuals and will eat up literally anything their corporate overlords deside to shit out.
Even Philipinos qualify higher than bootleg feminist china
Japs can't play fps, simulators or grand strategies. Such was the effect of losing World War 2.
Convenience stores, user
Flips are the strongest
My understanding is that Jews are basically the Western version of Chinks, aka super greedy motherfuckers who will shank you for the slightest profit. Gooks are self-aggrandizing victim complex faggots who demand shit because your ancestors did something to their ancestors they don't like, and from what I hear recently they're also prone to becoming theocracies and are full of an extreme version of the SJW mentality that's been plaguing the West lately.