It's free on Humble Bundle.
Pretty fun game, worth a playthrough.
It's free on Humble Bundle.
Pretty fun game, worth a playthrough.
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How is Chris chan related?
Yeah, metal is a pretty Chris Chan-tier genre of "music".
Too bad we'll never get a version of this where they didn't try to shoehorn in the shittiest RTS mechanics ever to be put in a game.
yeah, the RTS was horrible. I don't understand why the game needed it
Heavy Metal has become the music of pussies
The more "metal" shit they have on, the bigger the pussy as well. It's the guy in the polo shirt who is going to draw blood.
Also, that they fucking hid it the entire development all the way to launch.
My disappointment a couple hours into the game when they were like "okay, now your zelda-esque romp through an excellent world is over, you are now shit tier RTS" was the only brutally legendary thing the game offered in the long term.
I LOVE the premise and concept of this game, but fuck Mr. Shitface.
Fuck off gay boys.
RTS is the most "metal" of game genres.
metal is for pretentious cringy faggots who need an excuse to wear long hair.
"Heavy Metal" is a term so encompassing it's practically meaningless. It's like saying "sandwhiches are for cocksuckers" when only paninis are for cocksuckers.
What the fuck is pretentious about metal?
Women are indeed fags
It was fun, but felt like it was missing a third act.
So like Metal Gear Solid V :^)
It's okish.
You drive around, unlock some stuff and then you are forced to a rudimentary rt"s" that lets even mobile tower defense games look like masterpieces.
Wait there's base building in brutal legend?
or did you want to emphasis on the fact that there's no strategy, it's complete no thinking
It's poorly designed, but has a very cool concept and soundtrack.
There is no strategy.
Run from point to point, errect pillars, use points to upgrade your stage and get dudes.
Smash the enemy with sheer numbers or a varied selection of dudes.
Most Bosses/Stages are heavily scripted, if I remember correctly.
And it is stretches the game because those rts elemts becomes the focus after the Tutorial (a few hours, depending on your speed).
Fuck you, paninis are alright.
Also it's bad, starts great, you think it's going to be a hack and slash in a great universe, but then it suddenly turns into a really boring and repetitive strategy game and goes completely to shit.
It's a good game, not great, love the lore, the main problem is that it's unfinished, it has an open world with no good side quests and there are enemies and locations in the game that aren't used for anything
You guys didn't know? Tim Schaefer wanted a strategy game and EA wanted an action game. In fact the whole marketing campaign to hide the RTS elements was deliberate on EA's part.
No thanks
please spoon feed me on this, the Chris Chan wiki was down last I checked
It's not a terrible game, if you can deal with the RTS elements, (and the obnoxiousness that is Jack Black) it's actually pretty decent. The majority of the game is regular hack and slash while the RTS segments are mainly boss battles. Basically, if you see a huge open field or an entrance to a new area, you're gonna have a battle there. Even so, it's more of an action RTS, you're calling in units and telling them where to go, but you're also directly participating in the battle doing regular hack and slash stuff. Other than that, it's your basic open world game of exploration, racing and collectibles. I thought the overall world design was pretty interesting as well, with the ways they implemented different metal genres and cliches into various aspects of the world.
Chris just mentioned Brutal Legends a few times, telling people to buy it, not like the Hyperdemension Neptulon or whatever that anime console wars weeb shit is called where Chris is currently revolving his whole live and Sonichu around it.
Surely you aren't this immature. Kojima is a pathetic cosmopolitan retard who worships Hebrewwood but I still love MGS.
>tfw can't play this game without thinking of Lemmy
>Rest in fucking peace
Thanks user
poast the amazon women from the game
Why the fuck would you play this shit when you could play the vastly superior game that brutal legend ripped off(very poorly)?.
I own it and it won't fucking run on my PC. Maybe I should try harder.
I never thought I'd see the day
I want to stop that kat!
It's fun until the RTS sections start becoming a chore, to this day i still haven't bothered finishing it.
I think Brutal Legend is the only time I can think of when EA intervened and did something smart, which was stopping the game from being entirely a shitty rts game. Sure, it became a mediocre open world game, but at least the metal trappings were A+
We had a rapefugee wave recently.
Did Tim Schafer ever do anything besides claiming credit for Monkey Island?
Is that Episode 1 Racer? Those snow textures look familiar.
Yeah suck dicks. Last I heard he still choking on the BBC
Probably also the same people that never played, let alone heard of, Space Quest or Quest for Glory
It would have been more of an RTS game with metal trappings. Or do you hate RTS games because you're some kind of turbonigger console babby? It's not illogical for them to want to reel it in, normalfags who own consoles don't like strategy games at all, closest they get is Civ [latest] with the [content that should have shipped with the game] expansion pack. It's hard to control RTS games with a controller, most of the time, and all that - sure.
But this was a SACRIFICE-like "RTS" which means it played fine (and it does play fine, for a somewhat simplified sacrifice-like game). I think your praise of EA here is completely undeserved. They're continual fuckups and I think they fucked this up like everything they "intervene" on. We could have had "Sacrifice 2: The Metal" but instead we only have my favorite Jack Black movie, where he adventures around and plays music a few times.
In any case, you are gay for not wanting Sacrifice 2, despite the rest of your opinions and your image being good and correct.
I was back when Brutal Legend released, yeah. Now I recognize there's far better real time strategy games, and Brutal Legend was far from decent in that regard.
Man, that reminds me that I've got a load of old Sierra games from one the Humble Bundles that I need to play.
Action RTS done right. Can't tell if Mr Shitface was trying to pay homage to it or just ape it entirely either way he fucked up, at least the setting was nice.
Persephone a shit
James for life
The waifus were shit too. Used goods from the whoring rape pit. The way every piece of media presents female characters is how you know the whole culture is poisoned beyond salvation.
Seriosly though, fuck this game the RTS shit was what ruined it for me. What the hell was Mr shitface smoking, when he envisioned that shit Metal themed RTS?
Schafer looks Gamma as fuck, but that's besides the point. The problem with him is, that he thinks Business Administration is some mythical ritual autistic guild leaders have invented in the Medieval era. At least this is how Double Fine is run apparently. This is especially visible in the Develoment of Brutal Legend and Broken Age. Brutal Legend was originally going to get published by Vivendi which was also merging with Activision at the time. This is were Bobby Kotick had the "pleasure" of getting wind of Shafer not keeping the deadlines and always going over budget. Many people got angry at Kotick for fucking saying that. The entire thing ended with a Lawsuit. Four years later, Kotick turned out to be right when Double Fine was fucking up Broken Legend just at the early morning of Gamergate. Originally, it started out as Doublefine Adventure on Kickstarter during the first wave. It raked in the first Record sum for a video game on that platform. The 10.000 Dollars Schafer was originally asking for turned into 3 Million. Around September 2014, the first part of the game was released and it turned out to be SJW cuck festival devoid of any humor that made Lucas Arts adventures greate, that Doublefine needed to rake the income of from the sales to actually finish it. Furthermore they had cancelled Space Station 9, a early access project. Officially its done, but Doublefine simply said:
The shit storm over that was tremendous. Have I mentioned Gamergate? Yes, I did. Basically, Mr. Shitface over there made an ass out of himself on twitter and came out against it on twitter in the most autistic fashion imaginable. He even did that on some Game award show. He pulled out a goddamn sockpuppet and made a pretty lame comedy routine with about it all and everyone involved; especially niggers, spics and anyone else nonwhite (Honestly, it was pretty moonman-tier for a San Fransico lefty). This is where Plebbit has the ebin sockpuppet Mai Nee from. A few weeks later, the Gamergate general that hasn't devolved into manlet Holla Forums yet at the time, figured out where the 3 Gorillion went; into rent, overblown and lavish parties. Doublefine has its offices in San Fransisco, one of the most expensive cities. The employees need a lot of money to live there. The party from which pictures and footage got leaked looked prette expensive. It had all the bells and whistles. Even Phil Fish as DJ Fish Sticks.
We don't like Mr. Scitface, because he is a hack who can only function when two competent colleagues and a Boss is breathing down his neck. Otherwise he tends to be slow and pissing away money.
Here is an article on what Kotick had to say in 2010:
Tim still worked at Lucas Arts at the time.
I remember this. I used to think that Schafer was genuinely talented and that Brutal Legend was going to be his masterpiece. I was also a fan of the silly anti-Kotick memes at the time. Instead I got a game I wished was entirely action adventure rather than mostly action adventure with RTS boss fights and a baffling multiplayer feature that I ignored entirely. It wasn't bad – in fact I found those parts rather easy – but I would have preferred conventional boss fights like the first one you have to do to get the special bass strings for Lemmy. The blatantly squandered potential this game had disillusioned me quickly.
Nah, it sucked, from gameplay to graphics and the shitty badly animated cartoon garbage. The only thing remotely good about it was the music and Ozzy fucking around, and even then half the music was fucking rock, not metal.
Is this a good metal game or just a game for posers?
Wait is this real?
No thanks.
I'm glad Grunge btfo metal so hard they came back as faggy numetal.
Are you retarded, all those old games are freely distributed and nobody cares.
Fuck off, Tim. I don't want your shit on my HDD
Go off yourself you fucking emo nigger.
That shit's pretty gay.
Ah the sound of soyboy nihilists. Cobain yourself.
literally laffin at you metalcucks.
If they switched the RTS bullshit with a Pikmin styled gameplay, I'd be fucking down with it, majority of the game's budget with license songs and fucking voice actors from Pedowood.
Brutal Legend is a forced memegame that no one ever had fun playing
No thank you.
Wew lad, that's some top tier combackery, you learn that in the fifth grade or some shit?
It's more likely then you think. Also, get fucked.
You're not missing much. Apart from a shitty mission involving rounding up cats by drawing a circle around it while on a bike, there's not much more to the game then RTS and Hack and Slash.
And honestly the Hack and Slash got really grindy after the first bit. Even with the DLC axe that did more damage then regular, everything had way too much health. I'm pretty sure this was done so you had to actually use your minions do the bulk of the damage during RTS battles (and it's honestly a shame the demon mode that signals the RTS mode never figured into the Hack and slash sections).
There's plenty of positives (mostly the style and soundtrack) but the gameplay lets it down so hard.
Yes it is.
Oh man I remember that game!
I bought it without knowing anything about it back then, completely out of the blue. Was pleasantly surprised with it. Never got any of my friends to take interest in a game they never heard of though.
I thought it was some sort of hidden gem that didn't get any attention, even on the internet.
Not an argument.
Video isn't available, even if it was it was probably some shitty metal wank.
I unironically like Stryper a lot
Begone and take your tranny thot cat with you.
M8 you are the cancer if you're willing to downplay the shit he's done, including supporting Anita and scamming tens of thousands of people numerous times
He is like Inafune to me. Anything good he might've been brought to the industry has been overshadowed by the damage he's done to it. And he's no Kojimbo either so he doesn't even have the benefit of having a notable hand in creating great games, only a few good ones. (And even then Kojimbo is overcredited for work more often than not)
The only excuse to have long hair any man needs is that slaves are not allowed to have long hair or any hair at all since they can't afford to clean themselves and are prone to become infested by lice and other parasites.
Wanna suck my dick?
Kotick is still a scumbag and one of the biggest proponents of turning video game development into an assembly line.
Why has Double Fine been making all their games free lately? Are they building up hype for Psychonauts 2? I hope Costume Quest goes free next.
Catgirls are imperialistic. The product of European oppressors raping the native catpeople, creating a race with no culture and no place in the world to call their own. Catgirls are akin to the Metis, if they were real they would be a disadvantaged minority, pushed to the fringes, discriminated against by both sides of their heritage. Many would turn to alcoholism to dull the pain. By perpetuating the catgirl, you perpetuate the suffering of the natives under the will of neo-liberal, neo-imperialist society.
This game should NOT have been RTS. This shit should've been hack&slash/beat 'em up (imo.)
RIP Lemmy, give my regards to Sir Christoper Lee
Feels bad man, I just want to jump around and explore people's minds again
Huh well shit, you learn something new every day
It was Motorheads 'Overkill', probably one of the most influential metal songs written. Man, you just cannot suck enough dick, can you?
I want to agree and disagree, Nu and Pop metal is just so horrid, but it grunge freed the genre from having societal expectations placed upon the genre, though it did kill the guitar solo for the pop scene. Bands who care about the genre just make metal for the sake of making something great or an extended musical shitpost. The music itself is a barrier combined with "shitty" vocals; people always try to rate the singer too importantly and let him/her carry the song writing instead of complementing the structure of the piece.
Also since humble bundle thread, anyone like Elite Dangerous? It's about 50% off and I'm wondering if it's worth my time or not. I like PULSAR pilot controls if that helps.
The only sin that Grunge committed, or just Cobain for that matter, is that it paved the way for all the faggotry of "alternative rock" that we saw in the coming years like Paramore, Sum 41 and all that crap
Other than that, Grunge is pretty cool, though I've always considered Alice in Chains to be the superior band
Vid related was arranged for Doom 2, just to keep shit vidya related
True. While there were a few good ones that came out as a result of Grunge, it wasn't worth the endless piles of shit that post grunge, numetal, and all the other emo shit that came after.
I'm sure Cobain thought that getting the underground style mainstream would be good for rock, or music in general…Sadly, no one could have predicted the steep decline in rock qualities, and basically halted it from being cool and edgy, so chads and roasties moved on to nigger music.
To keep it vidya, hopefully Harmonix keeps making Rockband to get the little kiddies into good rock songs.
I was trying to get to this conclusion, but I'm slow in the head tonight. I mostly keep my ear out for no-name bands now, and I think there's going to be some neat ones up and coming, maybe not giant, but pretty good. Still trying to piece together why a "Holla Forums brought me here" is on the White Wizzard High Speed GTO video.
Never change Holla Forums
Also hair metal is best
Holla Forums sings We're not gonna Take It when ?
Elite dangerous sounds like a game for you. Don't give any money to humble bundle though.
kek'd at filename and pic.
Demotivators never should have gone away.
I just want to point out something, anyone notice that Humblebundle is no longer really doing bundles since IGN took over?
But that cat's been on half/co/ for years.
How did (((nirvana))) get away with selling literal cp as an album cover?
Read my post you illiterate child. If Joseph Stalin made the best video game of all time just before starving millions of Russians I would still play it.
Too bad the game is unplayable after the midway point and the game turns into a shitty RTS because mr shitface just had to shoehorn in his garbage.
>How did (((nirvana))) get away with selling literal cp as an album cover?
Same as Scorpions with Virgin Killer
It's just a naked baby you asspie, there is nothing pornographic about it. Do you consider paintings of naked angels or whatever to be porn too? This is an actual questionnable cover art.
Which is surprising when you would think a heavy metal RTS would be next to impossible to fuck up
No one's sucking his cock you fucking tards.
read the thread
Made by a kike, that says enough.
If this game stuck to its guns and stayed a hack and slash rather than hiding the fact that it was a fucking shitty RTS a few hours in, maybe I'd like this game. Instead its a fucking shitty hybrid that doesn't work on either fucking front. This game is complete trash from a trashy game developer.
How am I gonna read the whole article when you can't even read the OP?