I started a fresh run today and honestly the gameplay feels much smoother now than before. I kinda wish they would work on a story dlc though the next time. What do you guys think? The biggest downside to this game, the repetitive and samey looking levels, as well as the excessive recycling of boss monsters is still in there sadly.
Samuel Robinson
I wonder if this update will please that one autist on the Steam forums.
Luke Sanchez
Justin Wilson
Didn´t even notice that. Feels kinda good that even normalfags start to mock lootboxes.
Matthew Howard
Got a magnet for the new version?
Isaiah Torres
Tell me more.
Juan Rodriguez
I hope they finally port it to linux
Christopher Stewart
No patch notes yet.
Carter Jenkins
but how are they going to make profits?!
Oliver Garcia
WHAAAAAAAAAAAA? it's not even tuesday yet
Juan Brooks
suck a fucking gun
Grayson Thompson
Fuck more of their levels and story. I had a taste, only the gameplay stands above and beyond. They should make a level editor like in hotline miami, and give the option to create custom campaigns.
Leo Price
So do you not want the devs to tell the story further and explore the world which they have created more? Because i defnitely want to.
Lincoln Carter
Tell me about this game Holla Forums, I've seen the gameplay and the pros but I need an insiders opinion on its cons.
Juan Harris
Into the trash it goes. Real fucking shame.
David Sanders
What kind of basic bitch are you?
Aiden Gonzalez
>>>/cuckchan/ Fucking pleb
Benjamin Watson
For the last point, the devs have at least promised to keep on making free dlcs for a while.
Jordan Foster
Hunter Wright
no, i take it back.
Lucas Campbell
Why? Isn't the idea of a customizable difficulty interesting to you? I'm not talking about introducing gamejourno difficulty, but rather picking parameters to make a challenge more interesting.
Grayson Cox
If dubs 002dca has to fellate that Glock to completion.
Lincoln Robinson
I gotta wait til tomorrow due to consolefaggotry. Is one of the costumes Jacket and do you get new executions with each melee weapon now?
Jack Hall
if dubs glock in pooper
Grayson Moore
How much did he actually work on for this?
Chase Brooks
Dominic Robinson
Too bad the actual songs suck dick
Gavin Richardson
I hope they don't end up taking off the mask to show some fucking loser or ugly chink, if not pardo then keep it on
Blake Martin
Luke Jackson
Yeah fuck it I'll buy, had enough fun with it to do it again. They better flesh their world out a bit more because it's such a fucking cocktease as is.
Luis Mitchell
I feel like NG+ should have been in the game on release but it's like their first game and they did add it in this free update.
Easton Jackson
Wow cool.
Henry Clark
They added these new Ruiner Kills which lets you perform a fatality on a highlighted near-death enemy. After doing one you enter a powered-up state where you gain a speed boost and bonus Karma, and each enemy you reduce to 0 HP afterwards will be eligible for another Ruiner Kill. The fun thing about this is that the speed boosts are stackable, so after a few Ruiner Kills you'll be moving around at such ludicrous speeds that not even the item pick-ups can keep up with you. You are invincible while performing one. I don't know what triggers a stagger state on near-death enemies before entering Ruiner Mode, though.
The New Game+ mode also seems to change up how a lot of the enemies behave, what weapons they use, and what attacks they have. Guards can now dash and throw grenades for example. Many waves here have been redesigned to include more enemies at once with loadouts you'd normally expect later on. So there are more gangsters wielding firearms in the Garage. New Game+ also introduces new weapons which are frequently dropped, such as a deagle, sawed-off, an uzi, a fireaxe, and so on.
I think bosses are now more aggressive on the whole, but the biggest change is that they now feature constantly spawning grunts which I think is a big fucking improvement and prevents you from outright stunlocking bosses.
Basically it's what a good difficulty setting should be. You'll need to unlock it by finishing the game once, though. There's also a new Speedrun Mode which lets you skip all the gay story stuff like in Furi, which is nice.
Please don't shit up Holla Forums further with low-quality posts such as these.
Leo Gonzalez
Pretty interesting stuff. You can tell the devs like video games at the very least.
Luis Ross
Shill no shilling!
Gavin Fisher
Most of them are actually pretty good ambient songs.
Jonathan Long
Here's some of the new New Game+ gameplay
Andrew Myers
Ruiner should actually have beats, like other games in a similar genre.
Liam Watson
no update lol
Noah Harris
Jonathan Watson
Inb4 "stuns are nerfed, game is ruined"
Justin Nguyen
Is there porn of her yet?
Carter Scott
No, and it's rather painful to search for it.
Landon Rivera
That's why commissions are allowed to exist, really. >Eltonel ruiner porn never
Jace Watson
From a quick look he made two tracks, Island Door and Recall. Someone said you can't hear his vocals in the actual game due to licensing issues, but the OST has vocals or something.
Luke Perez
Never heard of it
Kayden Lee
Haven't played the game, but doesn't it look like the "FOV" or view is too close to the ground? Feels like everything is off the screen most of the time.
Julian Scott
You can definitely hear his voice in the hub area soundtrack. And the idea that someone would license a song but not with the vocals is kinda retarded to be honest.
Landon Wood
Sorry I got it backwards, the OST doesn't have Susumu tracks due to licensing issues but the game does.
Austin Thomas
I just noticed that performing Ruiner Kills restores some health and energy too. They also added the Flak Cannon from UT here too for some reason.
Austin Lopez
The entire update is a actually a overall improvement. I wonder if all the additions to the gamplay was the part of the code the programmers sat forever on while cursing like sailors.
kek, fuck off! There is already gog thread with a guy like you in it. He spent the entire thread sperging and jiving about a absurd moral position like a triggered lolcow.
Chase Cox
Is that on any difficulty, because i didn´t notice that on NG+?
Jose Garcia
Good news, they are planning to release another big update in next year. Hopefully they expand on the story a bit.
Matthew Murphy
I'm intrigued
Nathaniel Morris
In b4 Dragon raped my Lambo.
Jackson Robinson
Why would they address it specifically to the Japanese players?
Robert Stewart
I dunno. Maybe they have an especially large fanbase there. or they are just huge weeaboos
Aiden White
Eh. You can say they are atleast creating what they are personally fans of.
Levi Phillips
It should especially happen on NG+, so I guess all difficulties do have it.
Hudson Edwards
Its gaining a lot of popularity in Nipland. Even seen some Nip artists on twatter in the process of making drawings and other things based on the game.
Ayden Foster
I love games which have detailed difficulty settings.
Jackson Wright
I got this game in the sale, but I have the feeling I'm doing something wrong. I have no trouble with most melee enemies, but especially the ones with shotguns fuck me up because I have a hard time hitting them with them constantly jumping around while accurately shooting at me. I use the dash a lot, of course, but I think I should make more use of the one you can use by holding RMB.
Landon Phillips
*teleports behind you* is an incredibly effective trick in Ruiner.
Matthew Young
I've tried that a few times, but those faggots instantly teleport away and continue shooting at me. I guess I need more practice.
Lincoln Russell
Then keep teleporting behind them until they stop.
Hunter Russell
In this game, you always want to be both in slow motion and in regular motion, as in in movement. When dashing, use the multi-dash mechanic since it slow-mos also. Don't bother with the rifles, shotguns are the only weapon worth using 90% of the time. Don't underestimate the ruiner pistol, its range goes further than the screen which can come in handy.
Robert Hall
Dashing in melee range to shotgun enemies isn´t really something you want to do, except you have your shield up to stun them. Also, multi-dash is one of the best skills in the whole game. Because of the added slow-mo there, you basically don´t even need the actual slow-mo skill.
Hudson Evans
why even live
Ryder Wilson
Angel Peterson
Missed opportunity right there.
Daniel Martin
Kinda hard to implement i guess, if your only choice of interactions are shrugging or nodding. But maybe some girls are into that.
Colton Lewis
So I'm about to start this game. How Hard is Hard difficulty?
Samuel Campbell
Normal is hard enough. I'd only recommend hard after you settled on a build that works for you.
Sebastian Hill
Ruin Er
Elijah Martinez
Hard you pussy
Hunter Rogers
For a new beginner Normal is definitely hard enough, especially because you don´t know yet, what skills are good and what are trash.
Owen Diaz
Kayden Green
Is there a way to play single levels with the speed run mode? I don´t want to replay the whole game everytime.
Charles Williams
I just got the game and while its awesome, they need to make when you've started Speedrun mode more clear. I accidentally played through the first area without realizing I was skipping the main story. Otherwise I love it.