Battlefront II Physical UK sakes down 60%
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EA gettin the kick.
Sometimes good things happen.
Disney meeting with EA caught on tape.
I wonder what those kikes are going to try to do to undo all the damage.
we did it reddit
I feel sorry for whatever underage fuckslaves were in their room when they got the news.
Has anyone ever pissed away a license to print money more thoroughly than EA with the Star Wars deal?
I can't wait for EA to keep making games like nothing happened.
Good news to hear but OP, that screencap, is this secretly a Shilling Floor thread?
Yeah, but those games won't be Star Wars.
I bet Disney will try and push an anti-gambling message in future Star Wars media to offset the PR damage caused by EA's stunt.
Disney when they bought SW.
I still wait for information about World wide sales of that bomb.
Why doesn't Disney make their own LucasArts studios to produce Star Wars games so they can exert more control over a studio they created? They should have the resources to found such a studio, and I believe there already used to be some game development studio called Disney Interactive.
Disney came late to the Market, Warner Bros was smart enough to actually retain veteran devs to make their stupid shit licensed games. Disney on the other hand does not have shred of originality nor does their market demographic who watches their shit movies care to buy the games, Warren Spector who was a cuck, might have had the potential to actually jump start their vidya division, but no, they are retarded, they saw the money they were bleeding and just cut the studio loose and letting those idiots who bought Disney Infinity and spent thousands of dollars of worthless digital shit a "Thank You" letter.
Now someone else can make shitty Star Wars cashgrabs too?
Remember when Disney had Capcom make their games? You think there's a chance they'll ever do anything that smart again? Though I don't know if there are any modern studios you could call on to output such consistent high quality.
user, we just had dozens of Marvel vs Capcom Infinity threads.
They already tried that and nothing they ever made turned a profit on it. Also, contracting other businesses causes much of the tax work, at least in terms of production, to be dumped on their end of the deal while you get a sweet overhead writeoff .
I mean the good ones, when Capcom was a better company. Duck Tales and Aladdin and shit.
When EA is down i feel like i am losing my virginity.
Jesus christ, dude.
They'll have to ask WayForward, they did the 2013 remaster of Ducktales and they do work for chump change, but that's just it, they can't break into the market, and Epic Mickey that rat shit game from the Wii had potential, but nah, they squandered it.
I hate to do this, but meanwhile, EA have gotten -675K points in just a day.
They just keep stacking!
Then why did you do it anyway?
dubs confirm, we did it reddit!
It wouldn't surprise me if Capcom considers those as old shames from an era where they were forced to be license whores. The Marvel teamup was different originally in that Capcom was the strong arm in the deal as Marvel was on the verge of bankruptcy. Funny how that can flip in less than a decade.
I like Wayforward plenty, but they aren't classic Capcom tier. I guess they could have Platinum make a game or two, but I wouldn't want them becoming THE Disney guys, since they make such a limited range of games. I guess there isn't really a studio these days who can try their hand at anything and consistently knock it out of the park.
Top Smug.
Is this any different than downvotes? I hope this isn't a situation like on somethingawful where dipshits would spend 20bucks just to change someone else's avatar out of spite.
Egg or Chicken
It's literally downvotes. The thing is, the previous record for the most downvotes comment on all of reddit was something like, 20k. The amount of downvotes it got however blow that previous record out of the fucking water.
Calling it points makes me thinks there's different values of downvotes which implies some sort of money fuckery.
They are jumping ship from video games, likely they'll be careful with giving studios their IP licenses.
Literal fucking nigger, it takes 2 seconds to crop that garbage out
seriously what is the source of the hentai manga user, no results in the reverse image
The difference there is that Disney can go any number of directions outside of the movies to redirect fan attention and goodwill - TV shows, video games, comics, cartoons, etc. - (and wouldn't have a hard time doing it because many people in the pop culture industry were raised on SW and have dreamt of working on it since they were kids) but literally all EA had to do was make profitable Star Wars video games. If Disney gets a less edgy GoT-tier (i.e. hackneyed shit with great production values) TV show rolling and maybe resurrects a couple of canceled games and produces a new cartoon then Star Wars """fans""" will start sucking their dick because all they want is to be drip-fed a tolerable incarnation of their particular pop-culture fixation.
You are aware of MvCI being a train wreck, and Capcom has been going to the dogs since 2000, right?
I was clearly referring to Capcom then, not Capcom now.
How about you go back there?
How the hell would you know how that feel in the first place?
They shat on the EU and everything they've made since, from books to TV shows and comics has been equally fucking bad. Once the movies drop SW is pretty much on life support, and permanently dead after the next Disney trilogy.
i hope that they make another flop, that would be the final blow to EA and its investors
We can only hope Disney runs the IP into the ground sooner rather than later. My friend who used to love the EU books hates them now, all my friends hate the movies, and with EA's current move none of them are getting the game.
Best case scenario would be Disney realizing they can't handle the IP and selling it back to Lucas like they did with Saban and Power Rangers.
sorry dubsman but you have to go back
Egg or Chicken
Use Saucenao next time you fucking newfag.
Disney are hoping for Shekelfront II to be banned due to breaking the law since it will not only get them out of their shit contract with EA but also allow them to sue EA for damages to their IP name. It will literally be a case of a Jew getting Jewed by the bigger Jew.
Thank god you posted friend
How do people live like this?
Maybe you should actually test your own advices before you talk shit. So you know, you'd notice saucenao cant find shit with that pic.
I know I'm sorry but I was on my way to lecture when i read to the news
It's gay hentai, isn't it?
Saucenao is garbage.
I'm fucking shocked people decided not to give EA their money for once. I guess it took 4000 hours of unlockables to knock some sense into people.
gee, we sure showed them amirite reddit!! :DDD
Is fucking MILF and her daughter a vanilla?
Doesn't that mean people are spending money to support that post?
People ironically gifted EA some Super Upvoats™.
87 of those is a couple hundred dollars, by the way.
After asking friends that use reddit, giving gold to a post makes it shoot up to the top of the comment history. The money doesn't go to the account.
This was done so that more people could see and downvote the post.
Probably some EA dickriders buying reddit gold to spite those "mean EA haters".
its better with sound 4cuck.
No, it means that people are paying for the user to gain access to an exclusive subreddit for 87 months, or a little over 7 years. It's like Something Awful, except it's a subscription service. Literally nothing goes on in the subreddit either. It's just people jacking off to their premium account.
This. In terms of creativity, the franchise is dead since Disney bought LucasFilms. Everything is written by and for focus groups.
I thought that was something people did to 'reward' posts they liked.
That's the actual reason. It gives money to support the reddit servers and gives a "super" upvote. No one gives a shit about the "premium" subreddits
It is. The reward is that they get a little medallion png next to their post and a month of Reddit Gold and a month access to a luxury circlejerk subreddit.
Weird how all these EA threads incidentally contain ads for other games. Must be pure coincidence.
>he then announces a new prequel trilogy
It's been 40 years since a watchable Star Wars movie was made. If people don't miss him yet (they don't) they're not going to start now.
Red Letter Media. Movie review youtubers who made a video series critiquing the prequel trilogy, but conveniently liked the shitty new Star Wars movies.
Man you know they must've been paid big bucks not to tear the new movie apart. It was shit on every level and they ignored all the flaws completely.
TBH if Disney ask him to come back I hope he says "nope, lol".
Considering how bad Disney is managing and creating these new Star Wars movies, it makes Lucas look great in comparison.
I thought they mocked all of them, especially Han Solo's Solo feature film?
You forget the part where he gets Nolan to direct it.
I hope that user made another video about Ron Howard reshooting more than 80% of the Han Solo movie. what's his jewtube channel?
They said nothing about TFA. Half of the TFA Plinkett review was about mocking the prequels and its fans.
/ourgoy/ E;R did a better job.
I'd honestly take more Jar Jar over having more nuStar War. Heck, the Clone Wars actually redeemed him a bit.
As much as i don't really like the Vong storyline, it would have been a better movie than TFA.
My memory is usually pretty damn shit but I dont even recall him being in either the movie or the animated series.
Also pretty good taste my snek friend.
No, they defended TFA despite that movie making the same mistakes as the prequel trilogy and even said Rey was a well written, "charismatic" character.I wish I had the webm of them saying that
At that point Holla Forums would implode in a kino-esque explosion.
I presume this is his jewtube channel, it has only one vid at 334 views, I bet a lot more people watched the hooktube video or the webm.
Then you should absolutely kill yourself. Star Wars fans have to be in the running for dumbest fan base at this point.
Definitely the most retarded fans.
There were a some episodes that actually made him what Lucas wanted the character to be. Seeing Jar Jar's incompetence being weaponized to that extent got a chuckle out of me.
You know what would make for an amazing star wars game concept? Trading. Instead of being another fucking jedi, you're a random schmuck in the galaxy who went into debt to buy a shitty old freighter. Now you have to run cargo to places so you can pay off your debt and upgrade your ship.
Something something Star Wars 1313
It'd be fucking easy too, just take X-Wing Alliance and add an economy system and Galaxy Map. I'd ask for ground sections too, but then you'd just end up with Star Wars branded Star Citizen.
How about we make a TIE Figther sequel, or an X-COM clone where you play as the Empire? When will people realize that the Rebels are gay and the Empire is the only cool thing about Star Wars?
Why people were excited for another Uncharted clone is beyond me.
Its amazing how fast disney killed the literal golden goose that was Star Wars as a multi-media franchise.
Literally fucked up in every way imaginable.
Sorry I must've missed the Holla Forums meeting where we decided Daffy Duck was reddit, silly me
I honestly can't wait to see what trainwreck they turned Episode VIII and IX into. TFA was already a disaster, so bad I couldn't believe Disney shat something like it out after forking over four billions for the IP.
Apparently the AT-ATs are goyrillas now.
X-Wing Alliance was great, easily one of the best
You guys say that, but didn't the movies still turn a great profit? I'm very skeptical of Holla Forums declaring things dead.
They're shutting down Marvel Heroes for different reasons though.
Gazillion's CEO received several sexual misconduct allegations.
Epic mickey failed because ea execs and producers sabatoged it to spite the devs, we had an user appear late 2014 who worked on it chat about it.
I want this now. If done correctly it would easily be one of the best licensed games ever.
VII and RO did turn a great profit, but the Han Solo movie might be the first blunder in Star Wars movie history, because it doesn't have Harrison Ford, who IS Han Solo for a lot of people, and not that actor who had to take acting classes during filming, and the fact that they had to redo the entire movie from scratch, so the budget is also inflated.
Hardly surprised, the first one is an utter pile of shit that's inferior to the first two games in every goddamn way. You can fool people once into eating a plate of shit but if you wait a week and try to hand them the same plate again guess what? They're not gonna eat it, I just wonder how much the "game" is going to flop total. If sales are already suffering in one country then they're probably gonna universally suffer in other countries
inb4 they don't even make back production costs and decide to axe the series entirely
I'm mainly talking about the side stuff that made a shitload of money before the buyout. The Toys along made assloads of cash and now they sit in stores around the country for years untouched.
They still have fifer and whatever that hockey faggotry is called now, as long as they have those licenses they'll still be making bank every year. BF2 selling poorly is just a small blip for them
Let's wait and see I guess.
Yeah, I heard about that. Isn't one of the reasons for that the new designs of ships, aliens and characters are a tad generic. Maybe it's nostalgia, but the classic designs seem more iconic.
Designs like this are pretty hard to beat.
What about digital?
Most of the new aliens have prominent neotenic features; that is, they look like babies. Big round eyes, big round heads, etc. They're cute, and every other fucking IP has to have cute things in it to appeal to children. Most of the aliens in the original trilogy were designed to be strange and weird and not cute, with the notable exception of the Ewoks, which are supposed to be cute but when I was a kid I found them strange and weird and not cute.
Sport license games are the only thing keeping EA afloat. Specially FIFA and Madden games since both spanish speakers and american sports fans buy every yearly release.
Also you can buy temporary stat boosts off the ingame marketplace for ONE MATCH. Like one point stat boost for speed for a dollar or something.
Fucking hell, I just remembered the Porgs are something that's the epitome of Disney Wars designs.
Literally all they would have to do is copy Wing Commander Privateer.
I thought they were a shitty attempt to create cutesy meme reactions to draw in the retarded baby Groot fan base
Considering both "attempts" to recreate the glory days of space sims ended becoming a trucking simulator in space and a ponzi scheme I don't believe the Western developers are actually capable of making good games anymore.
am I the only one who wants to kill these things?
They look like an even worse version of the Ewoks. At least Ewoks were savage cannibals.
They do look like baby seals.
It's a refurbished Club Penguin doll with some plastic eyes.
Nope. They're terrible, and they deserve to be dumped in the garbage disposal.
I have the same reaction with tiny dogs like chihuahas and the little shaky dogs with the bulbous eyes and tiny heads. Not kill but bully aggressively until it pees itself in fear. I dunno why tho, I actually love regular dogs.
Uncharted (before the rise of Druckmann) was a fun series of adventure games.
It's an attempt at getting the Minion audience. That thing is a Minion+Puss In Boot's "sad" look. It screams "I'm the result of 100 sessions of focus group tests about cute animal for Funko Pop retard".
The problem is that the final design doesn't look like it belongs in the Star Wars universe (I know about the ewoks but come on, it's way worse than the ewoks).
There's also the fact that minions are incredibly adaptable and can almost fit into just about anything, resulting in infinite fanart possibilities while porgs looks out of place everywhere other than some stupid Discovery Channel special.
That's a trap isn't it.
4 billion? Shit. Didn't TFA only make like half a billion for Disney? They'll probably make a decent amount in merchandising (though its not selling great) but that's still a shit ton of movies they need to pump out to make it all back.
Wonder if Disney was the one telling EA to squeeze as much money out as possible. They're gonna kill the brand before they break even.
d-do you think he planned it?
Anymore details about that?
I remember hearing one of the major problems with EM was the fact Disney wanted the game out by Christmas, and the team had to rush to get it done which seems to have resulted in the game's annoying camera issues. The Japanese release (assisted by Nintendo) and delayed till the next year apparently fixes that issue.
TFA made a bit over 2 billion in theatres. No telling what they've done in disc sales and merchandising since then.
Unless I'm grossly overestimating Disney here no pun intended, $4 billion is chump change to them.
Bullshit, the film alone did $2 billion, and if combining that with merchandising didn't make up the cost of buying the IP then the next film, barring a complete and total flop from probably word of mouth spoiling that Luke dies or falls to the dark side or some shit in this film, will.
But that's world wide. Disney only gets half of that in US and even less everywhere else. On top of that there's the marketing and production costs.
Disney's net income is around $9 billion a year. If they lose it won't kill them but it's hardly chump change. Star Wars going to shit would send their stock price into free fall since all investors expect them to print money for decades. That would hurt way more than the actual $4 billion.
The movie didn't make 2 billion for Disney. Estimates are that they pocketed around $600 million after everyone else in the chain took their cut, and they made another $300 from Rogue One. They are still nowhere close to making up the four billion spent buying the license. Also, the new merchandise is not selling, and Disney made a shitload of it, so they likely lost a lot of money there as well.
About that…
Perfumes and Ladybags exist of this goddamn cashcow, nothing fazes me anymore.
This shit was happening way before the Mouse
Even the Ewoks had an unsettling quality. And they eat people.
But the Empire are bad guys for trying to exterminate them.
I always just want to put those things out of their misery. I feel bad for them. Their entire existence is a joke. Being selectively bred to the point of being a complete perversion of the original animal, all for the sake of novelty.
Fucking hell, Disney can't lose the rights to Star Wars soon enough.
We did it KIA! Upvote
Speaking of which.
The problem with porgs is that they look 'too' cute, like something baiting you before it transforms and bites your head off.
Never believe arguments by authority
The last thing Disney deserves is to be rid of the anchor they've made for themselves.
Boy I am amazed that (((analysts))) don't get lynched more often.
Justify it all you like. I'm not buying your microtransactions. I'm not buying your game if microtransactions are too damaging to my experience. And I'm probably not going to buy your game at full price anyway. Calling me entitled is getting you my money any faster,
This is by the same people who said that Discord was an alt-right company because gamers use it.
Niggers who buy smartphones and think they're great without having any concept of what an anal ravaging they're getting.
The Yuuzhan Vong could have made SW great again, made it mature into something genuinely stark and more adult while giving a new perspective on the Empire and how they din du nuffink wrang.
Fuck even a clone Emperor and Thrawn would have been better than TFA.
I'm a bit surprised at Reddit's backlash over the whole thing; they're usually pretty willing to defend game companies they like (which is usually all of them except these nasty Nazi companies that make games with binary genders, men with actual Adam's Apples, light-skinned humans and xenos that don't apologize for being light-skinned, etc.). How many times have you debated Redditors online and IRL over stuff like microtransactions only for them to tip their fedoras and say, "But from the company's perspective, it's a good move…"?
In general, I've found that nobody is quite as anti-consumerist as consumers themselves.
Obvious vertical slice.
If the question even has to be asked the answer is yes.
Whoever came up with this shit need skinning.
I guess they pushed a little too far and triggered the commie side of the average Redditor.
I meant 'niggers' in the royal sense where the average normalfag is a nig.
The whole world devastator concept was pretty great, and the Emperor clones were just the right amount of cheese.
If you imagine every conversation on reddit as a war between corporate bots it all makes a bit more sense.
also after seeing what's happened to Chewie he's much better off dead.
nobody cares about what happens in the U.K. as they are irrelevant on the world stage despite their efforts
Say what you want about the Ewok cartoon, at least the characters were at least somewhat interesting. The Duloks never got enough love
Why? Star Wars had its run. The first trilogy will remain a classic forever. Let it die and make space for new IP's.
Agreed lol.
Imageboards are at the vanguard of internet public opinion, but the rest of the world catches up eventually. You can see this mirrored in the stolen memes being reused in reddit long after they've become old in chans.
fake news
why don't I just lay down and die already
The EU was good, and I want it to be continued, not memory holed like it's an inconvenience to corporate. The best thing George ever did was giving the EU authors pretty much free reign as long as it didn't contradict the movies too much.
ok, now add it on the picture, nerd
Man, if EA weren't a bunch of incompetent fucks, they could have made a decent Battlefront II with Jar-Jar as one of the heroes - and then make him hard to unlock, but comically overpowered. Make him a joke character to troll the scrubs with.
go back
got the full pic, user?
it's 100% furshit
not anymore
what about this ones ?
Nice edit
EA has dickriders?
Thank goodness somebody fixed this.
No thank you
I'd rather fuck the snake. She wont steal my wallet while I sleep.
At least you know a snake won't Bix Nood on you.
Alright then.
Have some more pure snek
Since we've gone off-topic, what species from Star Wars would be your choice to fug? Bonus points for obscure EU species.
It's a bra fitting, you dipshit.
At least snakes don't destroy their habitat when one gets killed.
They kill off Han Solo and replace him with budgies with down's syndrome. Fuck this reality.
user, are you alright?
where do you think you are?
Do you just know nothing about how copyright law works or are you really that stupid?
Holla Forums is slowly bit by bit being taken over by Fur Affinity scalies. We need the Dovahkiin to save us.
He's too busy shilling $60 VR mods for Todd.
Fuck off Todd.
Holla Forums, I'm used this to be honest.
Obviously they can't just lose. I want them to lose enough money on Star Wars so that they're forced to sell it to stay in business.
I don't really keep with any of those art sites, did they start banning wrongthink or something?
Only after you buy my game another 12 times.
user, I have bad news.
God damn that is more funny than it has the right to be.
Good taste user.
I only wish I had more like that on hand.
That 2D chocolate girl gives me the best hard ons for whatever reason.
absolutely nothing wrong with that.
Plenty wrong with that.
Its Ramlethal from Guilty Gear.
I want to fuck that! 2D brown with blond/white hair are my fetish.
Physical sales have been going down in years because publishers are focusing on digital distribution though.
Guilty Gear also has a version of that fetish for the faggots as well.
They think of everything.
Explain Tekken 7 going beyond Tekken 6. Explain the sales of Mario Odyssey. Don't talk shit.
And the exactly one woman that plays those games.
A woman playing quality niche games and not playing Candy Crush? Why do you lie like this?
I'm not talking shit. Just stating the obvious. Is Tekken and Mario owned by EA? Nintendo is hilariously disconnected with modern times too, preferring physical sales over a robust digital distribution system.
EA has been pushing hard for Origin to be their main distributor and it makes business sense since it has makes less dent in their profit than physical copies. That said, the bad press probably didn't help.
Chiss if I'm sad and Sith if I'm mad.
I have no idea why, but most of the girls who were around when playing Guilty Gear X2Reload end up loving the game, even those who don't usually game or don't really care for anime.
It's pretty odd, but whatever. Bitches like Guilty Gear for some reason.
and SEGA, but those days are too long ago
You really need to stop listening to AAA devs. Console wise digital is nothing. These companies want to stop physical to put an end to second hand games. If you want to swallow that BS feel free to do so.
Man, Galactic Battlegrounds was a great game. Empire at War was decent, but I like my base building.
I've noticed that a lot of young women seem to like anime, so it makes sense that those who play vidya would probably play anime games too.
maby some of us want to separate discussions of the superior cloaca. on a separate board than vida.
Ruined a good book and universe more like.
I believe it though. Every casual faggot who opens their mouth on the subject can't help to heap praise on the idea that they don't have to get up off their fat lazy asses, grab the cane, and wobble their tubby asses over to the TV to change a disk once in a while.
Oh, they won't go fucking hungry and lose some of that weight because it's an "inconvenience" to waddle out to the kitchen. They won't just sit there and shit themselves (usually) because it's an "inconvenience" to go to the bathroom now and then. But to change a disk when it comes to having the last small shred of consumer protection left? Holy shit, you're asking too much of them.
t. user who wants to live forever
The irony is that movie was trying to satirize authoritarian civic nationalism and it backfired hard.
Optic drives are the primary point of failure in all systems that use them excluding user neglect and manufacturing defect. They will eventually ALL break, user, and there is no replacing them.
I love myself some irony. And if you don't care about book accuracy it's a fun action movie too.
I'm not saying that installing to the HDD is an inferior option, it's not, but it's the only option which offers a shred of consumer protection. If you have the means and motivation to throw firmware on your system and install everything to the HDD from disk - or load via USB from a computer - then yeah, go for it.
I'm just saying, don't be such a lazy fat piece of shit that you'd rather bend over and take it up the ass from your corporate overlords than stand up and swap a disk.
I liked the middle road option that Microsoft offered on the 360, where you could install the game to HDD and run it from the HDD, the disc only being needed to act as an authentication key.
I still pirate 90% of the shit I play, but I basically have to buy digital if I do.
At least the snake won't stab me.
Yeah, and?
It's that how both the PS4 and Xbox One currently work? I wasn't talking about Final Fantasy IX on the PSX here… you still need to get up to change the disks to unlock the games that you're forced to install on your hard drive. You also need to get a bigger hard drive, because those pathetic 500GB laptop drives can only hold like 5 games at a time. On PS4, it's not so bad from what I've seen, since the way it installs most games with the beginning of the game first allowing you to play pretty much immediately while it continues to install in the background. I think the Xbox still forces you to wait until it's completely done, then downloads the updates, then installs those, and then lets you play. So if you have less than fiber optic connection speeds, managing your disk space is a fucking nightmare.
I don't know, I just assumed you'd dislike the thing that looks like an animal more. Then again, pure snek cannot be denied. Priorities don't always fall where you expect I guess.
but that was just a reaction image
pure xenos
You think this is bad?
especially the nigger-related merchandise.
I think he actually sells more figures than Reyce Mixer
Space cats are the best xeno's.
For fuck's sake. Mark, you useless fat nigger, just add a wordfilter that does this:
replace : with '':''
Both sides of the : being two ' characters. This makes the : in a URL italic, which makes the URL unclickable. This is what Holla Forums and /wooo/ do and you don't have to have hotpockets going around being faggots fucking with peoples' posts because OYYYYYYYYYY VEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEYYY A HYPERLIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINK
Here: >>>/methods/
Why are there so many fucking furfags on this board? Off yourself. And yes, furfag, your binigger fagoneer decided to start banning "MUH NADZEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEES" while leaving commie kikes that incite violence alone.
t. deep cover operative
Why is everyone suddenly a furfag on Holla Forums?
Pick one and only one.
It's an electronically transmitted disease. It won't be long till we're /vur/ at the rate it's going.
Everyone's just in maximum shitposting overdrive today. I think it'll calm down once those threads 404.
Dragoneer hasn't banned any nazis to my knowledge, in fact he knows damn well Nazifurs have been a fucking fetish for decades.
Also, fuck the kike, if you're going to allow pedo weebs to post their fucking non-vidya underage girl rape pics behind spoilers, you open the fucking door.
one of the furry boards has probably imploded again because of their own shit. They'll leave eventually. Sage for off topic.
M8, Disney made their money back on merch sales before Force Awakens even came out.
They knew exactly what they were doing by buying Star Wars from that twat Lucas.
Hm, I wonder if that was me? I'm always here and I worked on that shitheap of a game.
The reason Epic Mickey 2 failed is, generally, threefold:
>Disney Interactive's then-boss, John Pleasance, hated consoles and thought mobile games were the best way to profitability he was right
>We had to make the game in about a year and crunched for like 8mo easy
>Our devs were great but we had several cancerous upper/senior/executive managers; most of whom were ex-EA once one got it, he brought others; like a fucking parasite laying eggs
I think the Star Wars situation is the same as FemBusters, i mean, instead of making a good movie and giving the fans what they want making tons of money in return, they are pushing the annoying (((diversity))) anti-White propaganda that nobody wants at the cost of losing shekels and even demonizing people for not enjoying and supporting that shit.
But that's (((Disney))) we are talking about, the reason they bought Star Wars was most likely to use the brand to push (((their))) agenda, shekels Always come second to that.
Full house confirms the retardation is strong with them
EA should go under and their assets be thrown into the public domain, or at least auctioned off back to the developers they ruined.
Yes, I agree with this picture.
Because a film is one and a half hours long, and costs £10 at least at the cinema.
That means if an online game has an amazing 4,650 hours of non-stop gameplay entertainment value!!!! in order to unlock all of the super secret hidden characters - that means a game should really cost £31,000!!!!!!
Therefore, paying an incredibly low £2,100 to unlock everything, is only 1/15th of the true value!!!!! It's amazing.
These kikes are becoming so fervently greedy that they will have no sales quite soon.
Game developers will turn independent again, publishing online only.
Is the bubble finally bursting? Five years from now, are we gonna look back on this moment as the start of the second great market crash?
I sure hope so
You mean it looks like a cold-blooded animal?
I have no idea who that is to be honest. I just saw a post somewhere saying that there was some banning happening.
People asked for the sauce on reaction images, and things got out of hand. Which reminds me, my Anime folder has some good material for that.
Did brian off himself yet?
To be fair some games force you to use steam, and there are some old games that are really expensive if you try to find a physical copy.
Might as well be at this point.
and yet the only toys that sold were stromtroopers and vehicles (both of which were pretty much classic designs but worse), with loads of Finn and Rey stuck on shelves. Wonder if retailers learn from this and order the bare minimum of those.
How could one not be proud to see this waste of skin neck himself?
Battlefront 2 is a good game, belive it or not but it is actually fun. A lot fun. Just give it a try you damn faggots. Many people worked their ass off to make this game. Just because some retarded publisher goes full marxist on the consumer doesn't mean that the actually game isn't fun at all. Stop being so ass pussy blasted about this.
Good buzzword drop, surely there are people stupid enough to use this argument unironically. Have a free (((you))) on the house.
It could be the same situation as the comic book stores who receive more shitty Marvel comics than what they ordered so they're stuck with a yuge stock that nobody wants to buy.
unironcally using a pol meme ((())), fuck off with your right wing propaganda faggot. You just can't handle the fact that BF2 is actually good. Take you fucking boogieman and put it up your anus. Retard.
The most annoying thing about that was DI was going to Disney's "gaming platform" if you will, for video game tie in's of Disney movie and TV show releases. Instead of releasing a new rushed game based off their latest movie/cartoon, they would release a character/story toy pack of that for DI, like the Lone Ranger playset.
Though as we all know DI was too greedy with figures and too restrictive with Disney franchise crossover content rules in the long run leading it to only live for 3 years.
m8, to fish, you put bait on the hook, then throw the hook in the water.
You don't throw the fishing rod, the boat and yourself into the water.
Must be their first week of being hired.
Heh I bet they wish they could but the big retailers like Target and Walmart don't order whatever they want the stores get sent shipments from a distribution center somewhere so they get whatever comes in the truck. That's why when you go to these stores you will see certain brands of coffee just completely gone while there are tons of others completely stocked for weeks. I remember having to backstock coffee that we would get every delivery because nobody would buy that shit, there were fucking TEN CASES of that shit in the back room while customers would come up to me constantly asking where their brand of coffee was because they had been coming in for weeks and we never had any. There are probably pallets of those shitty toys in the back rooms of those stores because the guy in charge of shipping these things needs to get them out of the warehouse.
>It's not me who is a degenerate furfag, it's the Whole world that isn't (((progressive))) enough.
I hope this piece of shit already killed himself.
fuck off, go back to plebbit
people like you are the reason why we can't have nice things
neck yourself
While you're here, do you guys get all the days of Chanukah off, or do you just pick one and stick with it?
holy shit
which PR company are you from? EA seems to care less and less that they can't even get good shills anymore. Are you guys from India?
Furfags are also like 95% homosexuals, which explains why there are so many penis holsters around here.
No, it's more like 150%. All of them are gay and half of them are double gay.
Oy vey buy my game
Does anyone have that modified image of the cover of the game that says shekels front two?
It's closer to 50%, but as fags do they tend to be the loudest and most obnoxious.
Shit nigger
I got you user.
Thanks user!
Yes, yes they were. Any thread they tried poking their head up in they'd get bullied into oblivion.
Its just 5 guys max, shitposting furryously, with other saying BS to normatize it.
thats the oldest trick of the degenerate playbook to subvert shit
Clearly the solution to a full game nickel and diming over $4,000 is to loan all of the unlocks and have the player pay a minimum monthly fee of $25 + interest until the full $4,000 is paid off. The player gets everything now, but they don't have to pay until later! What a deal!
They really are getting desperate, aren't they?
Since op is obviously mentally deficient and does not how to use ms paint, here is a proper op pic.
Please report him so the vol can it.
In your dreams, faggot. This is like trapfags all over again on a smaller scale.
don't worry, I fixed it.
As in they've always been here, but have gone unnoticed?
Look at this idiot defending microtransactions.
What are you on?
Star wars is more furry than that will ever be.
I guess EA has their bootlickers
As in they were a very loud minority who shat up threads and claimed they were the majority of anons.
Now that we are talking about Star Wars: What version of TIE fighter should i play? Also, I heard that the entire game was converted to the more modern game X-wing Alliance. If that is true, should I play it, instead of the original?
I think the 1994 CD release is considered the best, but the 1998 Special Edition one use the X-Wing vs Tie Fighter engine and has CD audio. Honestly the 1998 version is pretty comfy. And you could replace the CD audio tracks if you want.
From Guilty Gear Xrd. Important distinction.
It's purchase rationalization at its most transparent. Disgusting.
And they're wondering how it got to this point when they've been enabling it. Still not as bad as that article saying game prices should be increased though.
Sony tried pretty hard with their handling of Ghostbusters.
I'd honestly be fine if vidja raised their praises, to like 79.99-89.99, IF and i'll stress IF' we got a complete game experience out of the detail with no– count them, absolutely zero– microtrans. Only problem is, they'd soft pedal you with raised prices, then a couple years down the line, once you're acclimated to that they start to slip in microtransactions again and we're back to square on.
Pretty much this, up here in leafistan games went up to $80 and its not too bad, problem is the games still suck and you're getting hit with the shekel drain dlc and season passes.
Ayyy Jedi, wanna buy a used Starfighter?
what motherfucking character would be needed to be the star of something like that?
How are videogames the cheapest exactly?
Young Yoda.
I'd rather they just dial back their development costs to more sustainable number. If they can't dazzle the rubes with shiny graphics, hollywood voices actors in scripted cutscenes, obscene advertising budgets, etc - then maybe they can focus on taking the smaller budgets they have and put that to work actually creating good games that compete with the rest of the industry because they are good - rather than just coasting by on bullshit and branding.
The fucks running these companies would need to actually know how to manage it properly.
Look at what EA did with Titanfall 2
They don't know how to multitask and will always funnel money towards shit that that gets more popular.
For something to cost that much, it better have a stellar 10+ hour campaign.
Titanfall 2 was done with a purpose. They wanted to own that company and they torpedoed their game in order to do it. Short term loss for long term gain.
Not how it works
Vince and Jason sold the company to line their pockets and provide the devs a bigger paycheck.
They could have found a different publisher while still remaining a private independent company and yet they choose to take EAs offer.
This wasn't a Bethesda type deal, no.
more like "to avoid long term losses". They gained nothing from Titanfall 2 other than less potential competition and a few extra sheckels. EA manages their subsidiaries the same way a paranoid cartel leader works his dealers.
They chose to publish with EA because they're idiots. Just like Obsidian were idiots to accept a metacritic review score in their contract and every other dev studios greedy heads are stupid to accept whatever bum deal they accept.
The people on one side of the deal being idiots doesn't have anything to do with the aims of the other party.
Reminder that Original Battlefront 2 has servers again
Reminder that you dont have to play this Shitheap to play star wars games.
That's great
To quote the esteemed Rich Evans:
The cost of any vidya you pick up is measured in bandwidth.
Nu-Star Wars isn't Star Wars. People that actually liked the series hate stuff after the Disney buyout. NuWars fans are those "look at me I'm such a nerd lol" idiots.
t. angry star wars fan