Rainbow Six Siege: Worst Korea edition

Last thread on page 13.
>includes Italian ops, Moroccan ops, new American, new Anglo, new frog, new Russian, an epic zombie mode, only two maps this time, and "map reworks"
This game is dead isn't it.

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This game is still around?

Rest In Peace siege.

>150-mag LMG, meaning not belt-fed which means faster reload

Do they choose to ignore the actual relevant and interesting Anti Terrorist Units around the world or are they just this braindead?

Welp, it was fun while it lasted.


Some gameplay of the new ops being shown.

I know the defender is getting a
DAEWOO 9mm Carbine

Here's a list of actually interesting units that have proven themselves in various SHTF situations and aren't larping in ebin hollywood top action movies.

But no, let's rather add the most generic and well-known special ops in the planet because we want the teenager audience.

In all fairness, they honestly do.

It was dead on arrival thanks to Ubisoft. You dipshits just didn't realize it.

Literally who kid?
We don't need that many g*rmans.
Not on my watch motherfucker.
Isn't that a band.


Source or you're a faggot

Fuck this game. Fuck the stupid jews behind it, and fuck everyone who still plays it.

Why are you guys so surprised? It's a Jewbisoft game. It was trash since the start.

no one plays fucking thunt why would we play a worse version of it. JUST MAKE MORE MAPS OR ADD PLAYER CREATION OPTIONS YOU FUCKING KIKES

source? because i'm about to have an aneurysm

a headline from PC gamer


Check jewbisofts character reveal/gameplay video.

Just watched the stream. I'm afraid it's real.

It just keeps getting worse


How the fuck would that even work in Siege

Doc can already do that though

but it will cost you a use of your gadget. The animation for Zofias recovery looks so slow that i doubt it will ever do her much good though

Here have this.

I hate that fucking female-filthy-frank looking mother fucker so much, and the phone thing is just even more retarded, if you're phone is hacked a second time why not just shoot the fucking phone yourself at that point?
And also Zofia is almost Ash but better because her gadget probably reloads and shoots faster and can also go through walls.
Fuck this balance so much.

The one thing I do like from this is the phone mechanic where you gotta break your dead teammates phones. At the same time though I almost wish there was an option to throw away your phone at the cost of camera use so you wouldn't have to chance it at all, Maybe even increase the risk of it by leaving it out in the open as bait

Did they change directors on the team or did a bunch of guys quit? Why this complete nosedive into shit all of a sudden?

Remember when I said that year 3 would be IDF and some Americans, Russians, and maybe some other shithole country? I guess they replaced the jews with spaghetti jews and just fucking went for it.

They're certainly go with everything right now.

Fucking Christ, the new attacker is over-powered.

This is the thing I worried about when they said they wanted 50+ operators, at some point you're gonna have OP as fuck operators. The Ela Mines and Zofia stun grenades wouldn't be as OP if they didn't slow down your aim.

The initial DLC operators would introduce some new mechanic to the game which would shake up the meta, but these new ones are just variations on existing ones, and that's probably what the future will look like. They really should be focusing on new maps on game modes instead.

Did you know that GROM was founded in 1990's after an extremely successful operation to move Jews from Poland to Israel with nobody getting hurt or leaving before reaching the final destination?

They'll end up reducing her ammo count like they did for ela cuz these cunts DON'T LEARN

I still don't want to take that serious. I doubt they themselves think they can pull it off. It would be plain retarded of them to think they could do it and not have both lose the uniqueness of the Ops at some point and just have balance problems because of the large numbers.

The 50+ op thing was said by some suit, not really a dev member if i remember correctly. At this point i would rather have more maps, universal gadgets like impacts, and maybe more guns for existing ops than more ops because they are having trouble with the new ops.
This is fucking wack, I always said that the ubisoft sword of damocles hovered over the head of this game but I'm in denial that it's finally falling down because it's the only multiplayer shooter I like right now

It's belt-fed. The guy describing it is a frog and kept getting things wrong.

Vigil has a Carbine like Jager, and not an SMG for example.

I'm still gonna wait and see how casual is impacted, but the downward spiral has mostly certainly begun.

Echo doesn't actually HAVE a phone. He has his arm-computer thing instead.

there's an article saying they MIGHT remove friendly fire from casual which is BULLSHIT and would make smoke and fuze more powerful for sure. I don't like playing ranked in this game because i prefer the random rotations and shorter matches of casual

I still find it fun because with logic like that, thatcher and sledge should be immune to smoke. I don't feel any operator should get a free pass against another gadget

Well, no. Smoke has an NBC suit, with a dedicated filtration system on his back. Sledge has a dust mask, and has a ton of exposed skin. Thatcher's mask isn't11 for biological agents, either.

I get what you're saying though, i don't really like that Ela and Zofia have reduced impacts against one another.

(checking those)
What is their reasoning here anyway? Cause they're siblings?

Allegedly they've had training/experience dealing with Concussion (?)

I don't really like it.

nice quads, but you're right I'm just pointing out how its silly that echo/ela/zofia get free passes on these things

the video says something along the lines of 'they've both been trained in concussion ninjutsu" or some shit

What are the chances Ubisoft could get Capcom to let them include HUNK and Lady HUNK?

Wow, it's fucking nothing. This is "shoot yourself with smaller bullets to build resistance" tier.

Summary video of newest update
I don't understand why anyone would pick Ash over Zofia anymore

Zofia is 2 speed, not three speed. Plus we don't really know how good her guns are at this point.

Ash isnt picked primarily because of her GL, it's just a nice bonus.

The only reason I could imagine is slightly smaller hitboxes? But their both female so I guess that's also not a option.

speed and gun preference.

Holy fuck, they fell for the counter character meme. They are purposely trying to make ops that counter one other specific op. I can't fucking believe this. Did they change teams or something? This goes against most of the previous design philosophy. I am fucking astounded.

Dookiegooks DMR looks fun as fuck though, loadout reminds me a bit of hibana so i might end up using her a lot

hopefully they make some quick fixes in the TTS, ubi did actually dial back when the recoil changes got bad reception

I'd be okay with this if they remove the single character counter bs, either remove zofia's revive or heavily nerf her gadget maybe both, and stop the zombies and no friendly fire shit they are trying to pull.

Too bad they didn't realize that ELA is the best defender hands down and they need to nerf the fuck out of her guns

I guarantee they'll reduce Zofias ammo count by midseason once they realize she'll be just as hard to fight against as Ela initially was. Vigil probably won't get nerfed too hard, he came out fine in my opinion since although your drone can't see him there is still a cue to know he is nearby, feels fair to me. Dookiegook I'm on the fence about. The hacks could make for interesting metas but the phone buzz seems ludicrously powerful

I hate ela so much, not even when I'm attacking but when she's on my team I'm constantly getting concussed through floors and walls and shit.

The Friendly Fire change isnt confirmed. I'm assuming it's a misunderstanding on the part of games "Journalists". Ubishit said they were planning on doing something about TKing, but I'd REALLY like to think that this isnt the solution.

The zombie thing doesn't really bother me for some reason. I'm willing to wait and see what they do with it. I wouldnt mind GOOD pve content in this game, given how disappointing TH is.

Will Vigil take Sledge's Big Guy title now?
Or will smoke just blow both of them out of the water?
Why do they all wear the mask?
So many questions, so little time.

I like find-the-phone-to-access-cams thing but the whole calling the enemy thing as Dokke dosen't sit well with me. I just have a feeling that it'll be kinda cheap.
I feel like they're trying to squeeze too much abilities into one character here (both Dokke and Zofia)

not a chance.

You're kinda right considering Sledge can be caught by BOPE to fulfill his master-plan makes Vigil already a small guy compared to him.

Yeah, they're certainly not focused. Almost every other op just has their one thing they do, but they have like three.

He's also the tallest according the in-game bios. He's even bigger than montagne.

agreed, its pretty messy aside from vigil who has the decency to just do 1 thing

Do you think if we were to spark a controversy (with an amazing ability to backfire) about Women in siege are feeling so powerless they need 3 gimmicks instead of 1 like everyone else?
I bet my ass they won't even follow the general CTU gimmicks base-game had when adding onto them.

I didn't even give a shit that they put female ops in this game until Ela showed up, and then dokengoble showed up and made it worse. somewhere during operation health the design philosophies just went wild.

It all stems from their need to constantly add more characters. They just get more convoluted to seem different.

You stop that shit right now. So far it seems SJWs don't even know siege exists, and the only pozzing comes from the parent company. The last thing siege needs is pressure from SJWs for more diversity.

That's what you get for trusting Ubisoft. You niggers fell in love with this game, and now that Ubisoft's ruining it like they always do, I can watch you all suffer as I have suffered.

We all knew this was coming sooner or later.

I definitely went into a state of denial before operation health because i was having such a good time

I can't agree with you more.
I didn't belive people when they said Op Health was the end when it was still ongoing.
It should be called Op Mourge nowadays.

It was everyone's first mistake to like it after they saw Ubi's logo, we all were fully aware of what will happen but foolishly clung to the hope it might not.

So now that's coming to this, siege classic when?I'm only sort of joking

We can all hope that one day perhaps we'll get the already existing Hardcore mode and DLC-less mode integrated into casual matchmaking.

I mean i'm not going to drop the game just because these ops sound bad, i'll ride this season out and hell i'll probably still mostly enjoy it, but if year 3 gets worse I'll be hoping another good game like it comes out. There is no fucking other game that does the stuff siege does on the market which blows my mind no one better ripped it off yet

Isn't there some other game that's aping the rainbow six and SWAT games? Ready or Not or something? Hopefully that's good.

It's still being made by less than 5 people.
Doubt we'll see it any time soon.

RoN looks interesting but thats well off in the horizon as it stands. Doesn't look like it will have destruction like siege does, but it will have CQC and SWAT themes which is still nice

DokkiDokki's gadget to me is pretty hilarious but that itself is already good enough. Adding the whole camera hacking bullshit is just going to both make the operator convoluted (which seems to be a running theme right now other than Vigil) and ridiculously OP against Roamers.

The dokki and zofia are also kinda contradictory in their roles. I mean every attacker wants to destroy the cams, but if dokki you want as many up as possible, so twitch, thatcher, IQ, and pretty much everyone else is at odds with you. And Zofia with that passive BS you'd think would be some counter for ela, but the fact they're both resistant to eachother's gadget the point become moot.

They really fucked up the designs here. Only one that seem okay is vigil, and even then his gadget is pretty fucking situational, and seems better suited to defending so when obj is droned they don't see you, but he's also 1 armor so he's better at roaming. So many bad choices by ubisoft.

vigil has a K1 and the '9mm daewoo carbine' in probably the K7 so stop being wrong.

With Dokki, they seemed to feel like throwing on as much shit as possible to her to make her seem like some kind ebin hax0r or some shit. Funnily enough, I wouldn't be surprised if she came right out of Watch Dogs. The phone shit is good enough and maybe even a little broken (depending on how they do the sound design. ie; will it be similar to Breaching charges or will it be like every other sound) but this hacking shit just seems pretty convoluted and forces you to pair up with someone.

The whole passive shit is really fucking stupid. There will be no explanation in the game that will tell you about this other than what is revealed outside of the game. Like why add them in there? This isn't fucking Overwatch so stop trying to make this Overwatch with your shitty forced lore.

yeah although i have no immediate qualms with him, he won't make or break plays that much, and since you still know when he's nearby when droning, more likely than not attackers will just avoid areas he's near, Assuming the range on his jammer is pretty small

agreed, I'll admit i liked some of the snippets they added like how Hibana and Thermite worked together and that Ying hates fuze, but those cringy backstories for the GROM sisters is overkill

hibana and thermite being butt buddies made sense, as well as fuze and ying. But the important thing was that they didn't get weird fucking mechanics stapled onto them. It's like if thermite could detonate hibana's charges if she died, or fuze is also flash proof like ying. Background fluff is all fine and dandy so long as it doesn't interfere with the game.

TTS starts monday so maybe they'll be some reworks but I wouldn't count on it until midseason.


these niggers better bring yacht and favela back if we aren't getting 4 new maps this

And it's dead. It was on its dying breath but this and the zombie mode is just the final kick to it's lifeless corpse. So what's another game like Seige that I can play now?

I shouldn't like this so much, but I do. As long as his automatic isn't as bullshit as Ela's I think he'll come out alright. Odd though that his backstory indicates that he routinely takes headshots and survives, but is a 1-armor.

For what reason? Don't tell me they'll let you access Valk cams too

slower alternative to ash/cap
for what fucking reason?

They're running out of ideas so they've started overcompensating by giving people TWO gimmicks?

"we want the overwatch audience" even though no one who likes siege wants to play with the overwatch audience

I don't know if that's better or worse. On the one hand the zombie mode will hopefully fuck off forever after a while, but in the other hand, for what fucking purpose?

It sounds exactly like overwatch seasonal events. Which even overwatch players fucking complain about

you could try an actual rainbow six game. that might float your boat. and if it doesn't….well…then at least you'll be certain you're garbage instead of just pretty sure.

Siege is related to the series by name alone

I mean, I get that, but just what the fuck? I'm overwatch you have complete skins to show off your e peen, but in siege the most they can offer is a palette swap on your gun or clothes, and a charm. Cosmetics aren't nearly as desired in siege as they are in overkike.

They are like in siege in that they claim to be tactical shooters. Difference is they actually live up to it. I said "actual" rainbow six game implying that siege isnt one

modern gaming

My hypothesis is that they didn't give a shit about siege, putting their eggs in the assassin's creed, division and other games where they put all their advertising and meddled with the most. This meant that siege was surprisingly good from the get go but once ubisoft saw that it was popular they couldn't help themselves and meddled more and more which lead to where we are now.

Season one sounds pretty cool with the biohazard theme. If they can get their shit unfucked and get back on the ball it might not be so bad.
Not gonna get my hopes up.

If they just expand on the whole gassing theme that the situations set up it mite b cool, but if it is zombies like it seems then I have no hope.

No that's not a fucking counter, it's just flavor text being added into the game mechanics. They even somewhat had logical reasoning behind it. It's better to have ops have small little passives against other ops and will make the game a bit more interesting. Granted the whole GROM SISTERS shit is retarded, I would've preferred if they just said they both had experience with their gadgets and were more resistant to it.

What about echo being immune to gook bitch for what amounts to no fucking reason?

What about echo being immune to gook bitch for what amounts to no fucking reason?

But we all know the real reason. Ubisoft couldn't be bothered to make a separate animation for his wrist computer.

It's still fucking dumb. And none of these weird passives make any fucking sense. Echo's not much of a roamer so he won't be too affect by gook anyway, and ela and zofia being resistant just makes no sense because they are both equally good against each other. Why add this stuff at all?

Wait, weren't you complaining that they were doing counter characters at first? As for why, I figure someone at Ubisoft assumes that complex = better.

There is only one possible reason for all of this.
They put a woman in charge.

What's so bad about the zombie shit, it's not like you have to play it since it's just another mode.
I've been waiting for new game modes since they fucking started these season DLCs.
Not happy about other changes though.

Echo is more of a tech operator than other defenders. I get a feeling that it has something to do with Yokai being the only thing that defenders can't see just like how Twitch's drone is on a separate network. It's reasonable to assume he's not fully on the same network as the other defenders.

Maybe Echo just doesn't have a cell phone

The concussion status is the only interaction between them. The general idea is that they've built resistance to the nades they've been using.


I am, I don't want it in. But they can't even design counters correctly other than trying to force IQ as hard as they possibly can. They looked at some ops and thought "they need a counter" so they said to themselves "why not these characters that in no way counter them already". It's just bizarre.

There's already terrorist hunt where you defend the hostage. And zombies make no sense where rainbow six has always been pretty fucking grounded in reality. It's just out of left field and feels so forced.

It's still just stupid all around. Why have these interactions that make little sense and won't matter? For example cav is immune to jackal's sensor only when she is using silent step, and that makes some sense, and because jackal is specifically anti roamer it matters. These just feel ham fisted for the sole reason of adding character interactions no one cares about and make people try to counter pick.

My problem with this shit is that no one will know about this unless they shit outside of the game or realize it while playing themselves. It's hidden shit that's unnecessarily added.


up until red crow the gadgets weren't that far fetched

Even with invisible roombas, emps, and drone invis, that's normal compared to fucking zombies.

There’s your answer. It’s the laziest thing they could come up with to shut retards like you up who just wanted modes.

Again, No. Sledge and ash…smoke, tachanka, shotguns, flashbangs…none of it is remotely realistic.

Mate you have literally 0 room to call anyone retarded. You play siege. Willingly. You probably even paid for it.

Do tell how, or are you just gonna sperg out about how it isn't ARMA





Sledge resigned!

On a side note I would argue why in comp mm they don't turn on realism mode.

It's not fucking text though. It's dumb shit that makes no sense. You want to have the characters be in a satanic death cult together fine, whatever, but don't touch the gameplay. And these aren't neat little interactions either, like how kapkans laser used to be blocked by objects like c4, it's just unnecessary shit that fucks with balancing.

sledge breaks apart neat squares with every hit, ash has "breaching rounds" that are hollywood-tier drill grenades, flashbangs have a 1 meter effective radius, same with the effective range of shotguns. You're playing a more restricted version of call of duty, mate, don't get it twisted.

This would be fine in a game that's not a competitive 5v5 FPS game, you dumb shit.

If the defenders could toss their phone down when they know a DokiDoki is on the attacking side, that'd actually be an interesting interaction, since dropping it on the opposite side of a room could trick her. But we all know that won't happen.

The lore was made to make up for not having an official season or map I guess

That's just for the sake of gameplay. If sledge had to actually stand there and hit shit until is made a human sized hole it would be fucking dumb. But then again you're retarded enough to think this shit is anything like call of duty.

They could have done something that makes sense. Like having a small minimal campaign for each CTU or even just each CTU from the base game. Or just make actual co-op missions. Anything, really.

Dude, you don't like the game. We get it, you don't have to. Plenty of reason to dislike it, but you're really being retarded on purpose here, especially when you compare it to bloody zombies.

Atleast best boys wont have any icky girls joining them

But it doesn't have dolphin diving so i guess its nothing like call of duty.


Siege truly is COD now 3 speeds rule the meta and its better to run around than play tactical

Now hold the fuck on. The game encourages moving slow but acting fast. Running around with the sprint key held down will get you killed way more than not.

You've never seen """""""""""pro""""""""""" play.

I am laffing.
I'll give you that.
and? Having a server browser in siege would be stupid.
Please go and try that, I'd love to see your ass get destroyed by the gorrillion traps and roamers everywhere.

He's just fishing for replies now.

Time to end yourself!

Putting it in is stupid. It's not a big hectic shooter that a person coming or going makes no difference. Joining in halfway would not be fun.

also the weapons dont have recoil, which ubisoft admitted and is currently trying to change. do you really argue with the devs when they say their guns don't kick? special kind of deluded.

Show me the proofs nigger.

Year 2 rating

Actually hype Sieges future looked bright great map and operators to boot

You know this shit show moving on

Start of siege down fall completely cuck the Polish season Hong Kong operators were good but they were using main land weapons and terrible map

Ubisoft thinks people enjoy the fucking sisters meme for GROM completely fuck that shit. South Korea has a fucking meme super hacker GURL!!! However it also has one of the best looking DLC operators at the same time. Sieges downfall has been put in motion especially with year 3 revealed

don't count your chickens, they had the audacity to give us grom sisters instead of a male polish op already

velvet shell was a fucking nice season too, really had my hopes up, fun map and two fun/interesting operators and then HELF happened

read the devblog. they talk extensively about it but basically just say its not actual recoil, just reticule offset which is what CoD does

but ubisoft says its a tactical shooter and its titled rainbow six it must be a true tactical shooter for tactical gamers!

Wow, it's fucking nothing.

I always liked siege since it was Arcade Tactical it was autistic like arma but was not that fast like COD

it is fucking nothing, which is why they're changing it to be something.

You know what REALLY bums me out? The new map looks like something out of an old rainbow 6 game but then I remember this games MP only

It doesn't mean there is no recoil, just the exact mechanics behind it are different.

Question. Why do all of the Asian characters look like a happas and notAsians? Also, why the fuck is there a pole girl with dyed hair? What is military protocol and grooming standards?

Different in such a way that it rewards spraying with headshots. I've seen it and done it so much and just shake my head every time.

You're fucking retarded, joining in-progress matches in siege is fucking horrendous.

It isn't fun, but easy to get games done quicker if you want to increase chance on the pack things.

Having a 50% resistance to your own concussion nades isn't that huge of a detail. Echo not having an annoying phone is a larger interaction, but it's still not huge

Seige is as competitive as CoD. There are still bugs and desync issues with this game after all this fucking time, I would not consider this a competitive game.

why? because the matches are first to 3? (to appeal to casuals). I know it isnt horrendous because you dont have team synergy or some bullshit.

I will never get the "Siege was a fluke meme" they got fucking Idris Elba to do a commercial for it they obviously cared about the game and even used it to kick start their free DLC updates idea

Because IIRC it had abysmal sales number out of the gate, and had only gotten more players after year one.

Games are so short that joining an in-progress match wastes more time than getting into a new game. Usually when fuckers drop out of the game, they'll be down either 1 round or 2. You join in and miss another round due to being dead already or that the game can't fucking delay the other players from starting for just fucking 10 seconds so you can at least get auto locked to recruit or whatever op you played last.
Having a server browser will mean no game will start with a full 10 people.

I think people fail to realize how much consoles can do I dont play on console im a PC player. However Siege is immensely popular on consoles

the "content updates are DLC" meme needs to die.


Are you lost? You know that you need a 4 and not a 8 in the http?


Isn't rule 8 against shitposter like you?

Siege was a fluke in the sense there was no reason for it to come out as enjoyable as it did. With some of the new operators it makes me believe more that some things the game did right were accidents

I'd say its more of a CS clone with generic FPS features.

Everything is a CoD clone to a shitposter anonkun.

Naaa I really think the other user above got it right, since WEWuz failed and siege kept increasing is getting into the radar of jew CEO and they want to cash it now
>siege keep growing now with lootbox alpha pack

Was good, it got bad and bad more the rest of ubishit market got canned

Check out this faggot
just report that moron and move on, user.

its a shame how fucking braindead the suits are

direct influence of call of duty. cod4 specifically.
speaks for itself really. to deny this shit is call of duty in small buildings is a level of retarded I've rarely seen. kudos i guess.

In a SHTF scenario, they're the fan.

WeWUZ didnt fail

So i was curious about this "scotland yard" operator and i guess since bongistan is a shithole the did set up some special weapons units over there. Didn't do a lot of digging because most articles were like "UWAA WHY DO THESE COPS LOOK SCARY?. I have little hope that the devs recent design philosophies would actually make these guys look like real SWAT members anymore though but if they're like what i've seen in some pics it would be cool

DLC shield operator?

Yeah, which is why siege was good till before operation health. Now we can only hope another game will improve sales and sway the sight of suits elsewhere before they force the implementation of this new shit

Shit I didn't knew quake and CSGO where cod clones! Thank you random shitposter

Forgot the flag

matey they also literally made a season to fix….the game. the thousands of technical and gameplay issues that've been dealt with since launch. Went pretty well, didn't it? That's rhetorical we both know it went nowhere.

I wish the cruaaazy speed rush win meme would die already and we can start to have tacticool games with 3 armor ops and being fat fucks overall

and every match devolving into tdm no matter the mode is not how any version of cs has played, and quake….well you've never even heard of quake apparently so idk where you get that.

Man there isn't a lot of information about the GIGR from morroco available from a quick google, makes it even more odd why ubisoft decided to pick them for a season

fuckin' as if.

at least i still have fuze

Bomb from CS and Bomb from Siege are literally the same gametype except there's no defuser kit to buy in siege. Right down to a planted bomb/defuser still being able to end a match even if all the attackers are dead

Ok let's recap CS modes since you don't know shit and now are just trying to move the goalpost
-armrace aka death match with random weapons till the last one
-demolition aka destroy bomb or kill the enemy team
You really should just check my dubs now shitposter


I have rook. Being a 3a operator is suffering user

I can't not love Rook. 3A and extra armor on top of that plus the P90 and acog scope.



Holy shit how did you know my secret Rook technique?

because it's what i do when i play rook.

They're going for zombies now? They're trying to become Treyarch? Tough luck, Treyarch is pretty good at zombies, even though CoD is shit.

This game has had 2 season passes and is about to have a third

Other than blackbeard, who has been OP then nerfed into the ground?

yeah when did that happen? Blackbeard may have been beaten with the nerft stick but Ela only got a slap on the wrist and still stands strong

Echo and the Dokkaebi worked together on a few ops. He knows her tech and how to work around it.

Fucking this. She is simply overpowered beyond anything else.
On top of all that she gets a fancy as fuck pistol which will probably never be used due to her over powered primary.
Now Ela is pretty badly overpowered. If you want to pick, just pick her.
Zofia now has the same garbage.
Dokkeabi has the same issues.
While not entirely bad, still something.
You can simply forget playing Cav anymore, way too many hard counters to pick such a weak operator.
With Dokkaebi you just gotta hang back until a teammate of yours kills an enemy, then just steal their cellphone and BOOM. You and your team can see everything.
By the way, if either Ela or Zofia kill each other you get an extra +10 for "Sister Rivalry" (Because MUH LORE!)

At the very least the map looks interesting, and the new guy who can disappear from cams does not appear overpowered. He appears to follow more what operators should be like.
Now there will be literally no point to roaming anymore. Just grab a fat 3 speed (which there are even less of now that Kapkan is 2) and sit on site or near the site. Although, you can't really stay on site anymore because of Zofia… I don't know what to say. With roaming there is one op which can kill you unless you destroy your cams (enjoy your -10 points), and on site there is an op which can stun everyone in the room and blow any/all traps up, making those operators useless also.
I really hope they change some of these things by a large amount. So far Defenders are going to have an even worse time then what seemed possible.

I swear to god, really?

Yes, unless they change it. So far it is like that.

Holy fuck, this is just too much. They really are trying to make it overwatch.

I'm betting she'll have her gadget ammo reduced like they did for ela, picking herself up is annoying on paper but the animation is so slow it doesn't seem as threatening as it sounds, if doc doesn't fall down behind cover his revive won't save him, it'll be the same for her.

I don't -hate- it on paper, but having it affect the entire map is wild, why not a smaller radius with an extra use? for flushing out corners instead of irritating every guy on the map? The phone mechanic sounds fun but like you said, it makes roaming far more dangerous. I think i said it already but with such a tricky gimmick there should be an option to throw your phone away at the cost of no camera access or something similar
.>extra +10 for "Sister Rivalry" (Because MUH LORE
absolutely fucking gay.
funny that the guy who actually looks like a operator is the one getting the least flak. Issue is it probably won't work that well in practice depending on the range of his jammer. Lets say you drone a room and you get the cue that he's in the, chances are the attacker will grenade the fuck out of it (which is easy now with zofia) or just avoid the area instead of trying to prefire the correct corner, or just wait out his cooldown and find him. He looks fun though, the breach load shotgun looks fun even though its not very tactical but his sidearms seem to make up for that.
they better make it so you don't lose points for breaking hacked gear, since you will be able to tell it was hacked.
this is already in tandem with thatcher and guys with regular grenades so its gonna be a mess. Hopefully during TTS they address some issues instead of waiting till midseason


But why?

Also this guy has videos for the other two as well.

Even then its still overpowered. Simply removing a single mine from Ela did NOTHING. She still has a good 3 mines and her powerful weapon on top of that.
Thatcher or any other operator with grenades won't be needed if you have Zofia. Just shoot an explosive into any doorway and you're free to run inside after blasting in your (most likely 3) stunning explosives.
With the jammer guy you have the isssue of people still knowing where you are generally. Through walls also. It could be more trouble then its worth really, all you would need to do as an attacker is just drone out a general area and get an idea where he is.

Wallbangs incoming.

Truly that's what Tom Clancy would have wanted, really.
I hope it's a fucking joke.

Hopefully it'll just be a one off thing and then gets removed entirely, never to be touched again.

guy with the funny euro accent in the video pointed out that maybe Zofias grenades don't have high damage like impact grenades, that would be a bit relieving but its the stun bombs i'm more scared of

cuz slugs are cool, hopefully the damage output is good enough to warrant the frequent reloads though. my big gripe with the HK operator shotguns is that swapping the magazine feels way more dangerous and more wasteful than feeding new shells like the rest of the shoguns

IQ could already see people using their phones so its not surprising, this isn't going to increase IQ pickrate at all because her fucking gadget is STILL an FOV hog

I don't disagree, its just what i see the devs doing instead of reducing magazine size. I don't know why since they didn't have any issue taking the acogs off the pocket snipers and bandit/jaeger at all.

Me too. It's really fucking unreal.

Slugs seem kinda backwards for siege. You get neither the antimaterial properties of a normal shotgun, and lose out on the fire rate of any other firearm.

And this IQ meme needs to stop, I can't believe how hard they're trying to push her.

My point is simply the mechanics of the mines are overpowered. Not only do you get disoriented, messing up your visual and sound cues, but your mouse speed also gets lowered by a large amount.
Even if she only had a SINGLE shot, its still very powerful. It activates upon proximity to the enemy, so you KNOW that its going to be effective, especially if you shoot it over a defender shield and into corners. Larger the magazine, the more powerful. This is exactly the same issue Ela's mines have and I very much wish were adjusted.

I think she still has the lowest pickrate and they don't seem to understand the solution isn't giving her more things to detect but just changing her gadget, even just a little. No one is willing to keep pistol on hand and half your FOV taken up to look at things that mostly have audio/visual cues. they're willing to give tachanka a shield and make kapkans traps nonlethal but they won't take the L on IQ and tweak it

I'm still pissed about kapkan. He's not unplayable, but it hurts.

yeah it was a weak change, lethal traps were better for punishing overconfident rushers

What about Mute? Surely Sledge's defending brother has immunity

Also nice quad.

It angers me beyond belief every time that thing gets me killed.

Honestly, I find that the change is mostly beneficial. Noone picks IQ, and I find that if I play Kapkan at least one of my traps gets triggered, while it was more hit/miss before.

thank god

I remember using Kapkan traps to bait shield ops into walking into them. All ops just shrug off the new traps like its nothing. The traps should also do something else other than deal a little damage, like damaging your hearing strongly (an explosion just went off next to your ear) or knocking you on your ass for a few seconds and preventing you from moving, but not aiming. Maybe it already does, but I've never gotten hit by the new Kapkan traps as of yet.

It doesn't. Doesn't even stop you running.

Which of the following ideas are acceptable, which are terrible? Please note I've barely thought out any of these past the initial conception.

Pointless. You can and people do blow out the floors already so its pretty useless. The point of Mira's ability is that you get a view through a reinforced surface, not simply a clean view to another area. Plus, I'm not fully sure whether or not Mira can place her devices on walls with metal studs.
I don't think this would be needed. Already they are quite unnoticeable. Just adds an extra complication, to an already large list, for attackers when needing to navigate a building.
Doesn't feel all that balanced due to the low amount of 3 armor ops and the currently working system.
Glaz's scope gets several charges, each enables the "thermal" view for 10 or so seconds
I think its fine as is. Good for shooting people through tiny holes in the yellow part of them, rest of the time is pretty pointless.
The amount he is is fine, I best in most games you won't even use them all before dying or winning.
Just change her. Nerf the gun and adjust the mines.
Honestly its pretty difficult to see the markers at long range, quite small. Regardless you already get a notification of +10 points and such. Wouldn't take much guess work. Also add on the fact that enemy ops make a noise when they step on it. Leave it in its current state.
What is the point besides pinging an enemy that they can see?
Problem with this is that it makes her a very over powered counter to Pulse. Just look through the walls and shoot him instantly. Pulse still has to put away his sensor before shooting.
Nobody should use this operator. No point messing with it.
I think 3 is fine so far, it makes you use the grenades carefully. With 4 grenades all defensive operators might as well not put down anything due to thatcher just spam throwing them all into the target room. Poof. Instally all traps, several gadgets, valk cams, drones, etc are all useless or removed. Verses using them intelligently.
Does not matter much unless there is like 1-2 seconds left on the time. Either way it'll come down quick.

Ela for sure and nerfed the bullets
Mira with her gun but they just nerfed her recoil
Buck had shit powerful skeleton key but it lasted like 3 days

Even with the camera hack, DokiDoki doesn't seem as bullshit strong as the polish fucker, considering you have to leave enemy cameras up in order to use it, so I guess it's a neat dynamic.
Why can't they just remove the aiming speed decrease on the concussion grenades? That'd perfectly balance out Zofia and Ela.

Fucking with the player's sensitivity is a cardinal sin of shooting game design, after all.

Mate, he place the traps, they all go off and you didn't even kill one op. That's shit, at least before it made fear in the enemy
>I place the last one in a clear doorwaywas bank so was placed between halfway and open area

Worst, if you run quick enough the explosion doesn't even get you

Question: Paying for the Starter Edition is bad idea?

Do you enjoy grind? Starter edition makes every non-DLC operator cost 12500 renown, which is quite a bit of grinding.

Situational and terrible idea
If you can mount them above windows then yes since I've never seen anyone getting into the kap trap on window
Good idea but only if you make a new operator a la rook but for headgear
Not several, infinite like silent step and then it's fine…maybe 20 second is better since you usually need to check 3-4 windows or peeking spots otherwise just leave it like it is
So make him go crazy? Fuck no now that he can run is already terrifying beside I never use all 5 of them in a match
No. Just nerf the gun
Never played lesion so not sure how it works
No point on it
Naaa will make her too easy to walk bang people. Make the sensor work with her gun or make it a new one entirely
I only see chanka in causal when already 2-0 so there's no point on it being something else then a meme
Able to spam them? Naaa it's fine since you need to use them with thinking
I asked for a castle buff since forever, smacks only remove one line and you need either 2 sledge and 2 breaching the nades remove only the under part so you need to crouch to pass under…there was a idea pic done a couple of threads ago I use him a lot for hostage or for slowing down enemies, works perfectly but need some buff against all those new ops

Yeah, Ubisoft state in their article 1 operator will take 15 hours to get, while the standard edition will take 2 hours or less for an operator.
I'm okay with the grind, if you choose wisely.
2 Random Operators given were Sledge and Smoke. The other two I payed for with the free 600 credits, Glaz and Bandit Keith. Glaz was a terrible option.

Nah bro.Worse than the Chinese this way.

Something I'd really like to see is universal operators.
Imagine, if you will, Fuze on defense.
Stick that bomb on a wall you know the enemy's going to likely breach from and laugh.

That sounds retarded.

This is honestly something that's pissed me off for a while. There's no reason barricades couldn't be swapped with doors, at least as far as doorways are concerned, for the most part. Outside of the ones you set up yourself, maybe.
I think it's because they had an idea for a sort of 'training' theme to things. Everythings got a big X on it, or is otherwise blatantly obvious if you can breach it.

Yes, but it would also be fun.
Plus, it'd make more sense than having half your team fighting you all the time.

Nice meaningless buzzword friend. It's a terrible idea and would be ass.

We better have an option to not show up, in that case.

Probably. But so is a lot of the shit they're doing.
If you're going to have a stupid amount of operators and whatnot, you might as well just double down on that, and let anyone use anything.
Sure, some stuff'd be overpowered. Some stuff'd be useless. Some'd be stupid.
But, on the other hand, with enough options, anything is viable simply for the surprise of it.


>desync issues related to grenades teleporting backwards (((fixed)))

Genius. Please apply for a job at EA or something.

How about fucking no. Playing an unbalanced shitshow is not fun.

I wouldn't be surprised if one of the head honchos at Ubi Montreal wants to marry IQ. I'd also look forward to when the Moroccan ops hit and how the female one will probably be Moroccan-Canadian.

Also, another fun fact about the RMAF:


I'm gonna make it my fucking mission to kill as many zofias and dokkaebis as I can while playing vigil.

Even better. Tactical burka.

To be honest, being this creepy guy lurking about in the darkness is his shtick. Which is what makes him cooler.

So we're finally getting our kamikaze OP?


Ubi managed to not fuck up the models for once
And so, after Japan, Hong Kong and now Worst Korea, the Year of Yellow Fever has ended.

Maybe. Can't wait for all the salt they'll get from the muds for making a female Op.

You can't make that shit up.

I found some of the wording regarding the UI changes very, well concerning. They're calling that shit a "buff/debuff indicator".

They couldn't make an attractive female character if they fucking tried. DokiDoki looks like a hairless ratman with niggerlips, and the gimp suit certainly isn't helping. Zofia looks like a tryhard cunt, IQ now has the 1000 cock stare, Ash is a jewess so I won't even talk about her, twitch is a 5/10, and Ela has a decent face but her hair makes her look like a gigacunt, and Hibana might as well be two little boys in a suit.

Maybe because it's Israel. Notice the letters on bag and sticker

>managed to not fuck up the models for once

Everything's already getting fucked.
It's like having something halfway between a comedy and a horror. It'll be shit. Go one or the other, not between the two.
If you fuck it all, it'll be fun. If you don't, it'll be fun. If you fuck it a little, it'll be shit.

No thanks. Please take your idea and put it elsewhere.

Some shit I'd suggest:
>IQ's gadget could instead be an attachment on her primary like the heartbeat sensor in MW2, where nearby electronics appear as dots on her sensor regardless of shape (or they may have different icons), however the refresh rate of her sensor is similar to that of Pulse, on top of that affected electronics will emit a slight static noise similar to Jammers to let you know IQ is nearby, so you don't want to have it on all the time
>phones triggered by Dokki's logic bomb will play an op-dependent ringtone instead of an universal buzzing noise to let you know which op is nearby, f.e. Blackbeard has some dadrock playing, Bandit some hardstyle, Spetznaz some CHEEKI BREEKI, and Mute has it set on buzzing

Are you talking shit about my waifu?

No, fuck off retard.

Nah, that's still straight up dumb. Friendly fire is half the fun with fuze.

So they buffed Ela also?

What's wrong with shotguns?

They do fuck-all at mid-range and a laser sight actually decreases their spread.

How fun is this for a new player? There seems to be a shit ton of things to learn before it becomes fun

With a shotgun, at point blank you have an actual shotgun, and at mid range or long range you have a shit-tier pump action sniper rifle which can only kill with headshots.

Aren't they just special police who mostly bust drugs? I don't think they are legendary enough to be put in the same bag as GIGN and GSG9.


They don't have headshot multipliers.

It's a lot of fun once you learn the maps.

It'll be fun from the start if you don't take losses too serious. Just dick around with different Ops until you get the hang of it.

You for real? God damn it, guess I'll have to slap one of those annoying things on then.

Because the single pellet always hits on your crosshair if you're aiming down sights, so you can crossmap niggers, drones and cameras with it.

I guess I'm wrong there. But still, you're guaranteed one pellet of damage if you have perfect aim, and that's about it.

If you actually played the game you'd know shotguns gain no damage bonus from headshots and count as body shots

Aiming down sights also decreases the spread of shotguns. A few patches back they fixed a glitch that made it so laser sights and ADSing stacked so some shotguns were capable of doing way more damage than intended at range.

I have 200something hours, and I've used a shotgun maybe once. There's really no point to using one, except maybe busting holes in walls and dealing with old Blackbeard may he rest in piss.


Each defender has 2 sections of reinforcement to place on walls

Hard breachers (Thermite, Hibana) can breach reinforcements

Soft Breachers (Buck, Sledge) specialize in breaking non-reinforced walls

Jammers (Mute, Bandit) can protect walls from hard breachers

Anti-Jammers (Thatcher, Twitch) support the hard breachers by killing jammer gadgets

Trap Operators (Kapkan, Frost, Lesion, Ela) are designed to slow down rushes

Everyone else is a shade of roamer/counter-roamer. Everyone is either 3 speed-1 armor, 2 speed-2 armor, or 1 speed-3 armor. Due to peakers advantage, speed is preferable to armor.

There is usually 1 alternative to an operator, the stronger ability usually has weaker weapons or is slower for balance

Learn maps, specifically where rooms are on what modes and where cameras are.

Rook and Sledge are great first operators, don't be the guy who starts playing on Thermite or Mute


Mute ain't so bad though. I picked him a lot when I first started because no one else would.

She's a young Yoko Ono.

Same, didn't do badly since I at least stopped drones from spotting us after prep-phase.

What about Frost, user? She's the only one I find remotely _qt_ out of the entire cast.




Eh, I don't personally see the point of that. Use Twitch enough and you'll get an idea of how long range your shots are.
A trap worse then Ela's? No thanks. As soon as you step into that it literally opens you up to be finished. All the enemy ops would need to do is just prefire at the bottom of the doorway.
No. Regardless of what your suggested she has a significant advantage over Pulse due to it being attached to her primary weapon. Pulse needs to put his thing away and shoot at the spot where he thinks they are. IQ just needs to look and then fire immediately.
NO! Where the fuck do these terrible ideas come from? If you make it this way then why not have it that ANY operator can use any other operator's tools? Terrible idea. The main point of having a tool usable by a single op is to make it important that they stay alive. Not that they are a full detriment to the team if they die.
Simply trash ideas. I honestly expected something better from you user.

What the hell are you on about?
He is an amazing operator.
Completely wrong. Shotguns have been buffed so that they are far more powerful. They are very much worth using as long as you aren't shooting across the map.

The Jewess is the only cute girl tbh


You'd have to revert some changes like the having a visible tripwire again and reduce the amount of traps. So you get something more powerful and rusher-punishing with a visible catch, as opposed to Ela's concs which can be placed anywhere and don't have a laser sticking out of them, but are just a temporary nuisance and require you to be close to make use of them when they go off.
Alternatively it could just display the general direction of the electric signal rather than its exact position, which tells you enough whether a doorway is trapped and whether there's some jackass watching porn on his phone in the next room.
If your gadget can affect the whole enemy team with the press of a button, then your op is bound to attract shitters who want to feel like they're doing something important with minimum effort. Which is why it's also important to outweigh big positives with big negatives so nobody will pick Dokkaebi willy-nilly, and that you should be prepared to screw your team over if you mess up.
That's what a Thermite/Hibana getting prematurely killed already does.

I don't want garbage music to play in my game because muh lore! Buzzing or a boring tune that every op uses is fine by me. No music.
It should't be that your entire team gets fucked over simply because a player with a specific operator died. Fucked over in a degree beyond simply not using their gadget to benefit the team.
The issue with Dokkaebi is that ANY enemy operator dying suddenly tilts the whole match. Its like an attacker cav but worse. Suddenly, playing valk is no longer a good idea. Especially since, if Dokkaebi lives long enough, the attacking ops get plenty of uses to see the defender cameras.
Plus its guaranteed that there will be people who buy the season pass and run Dokkaebi as they like. Which, if they suck, can be a terrible thing to their team if your suggestion was added.

I like the idea of operator-specific tones.

Anyone else his weeklies not updating anymore? Just won 2 matches playing as GSG9 and it's still stuck at 6/8

I hope a 670 is enough for this.


I've been playing with a 650. You'll be fine.

So Dokki's hacks are only for a limited time, are the uses limited too?

Two charges and last until the defenders turn off their phones.

Ah, for the ringing? The video that was posted earlier said the camera hacking is just for a limited time at least.
Anyone know if she needs to have a charge left to use a dead operator's phone?

Anyone try the TTS? i'm actually going to download it for this season to mess around with it. Despite Donkeykai looking like an annoying bitch, i want to use that spicy DMR she got

unnecessary, mirrors work find
no thanks, headshot should be a headshot across the board
MAKE IT A FUCKING BIPOD, the entire tripod setup phase is what makes it so weak and janky, if he could prone with it or place it on varying surfaces it wouldn't even need the shield anymore
there was a rumor this might happen but at the cost of his breach charges

I hadn't thought of that, most players will be shooting out cameras out of habit, its valkyrie who's going to be in the toughest spot against Dokkensgambit


this sounds nice, I like playing caveria but using pistols accurately always felt a bit off

I'm so curious as to why ubi picked GIGR for this game, i mean the first google results for them are holding red training guns

This is a recent problem, operators all had 1 job each until dookiegook and zofia came along with excessive abilities, but knowing the maps and being able to shoot well will still win more battles than gadget use

its a funny idea but would only give dingleberry more of an advantage, but it could make for a good video

Can you actually mess with the ops without unlocking them? That's the only reason i would ever download the TTS.

I think in TTS it either copies how much renown you have or everything is unlocked.

TTS has everything unlocked




Oh wait, he's immune because reasons.

he's a superior NEET who doesn't carry a phone because his only friend is a robot, no thot can hack him. Real talk though I am going to start practicing him more since he's going to be able to do some lite-roaming safely

Jap getting hacked by a Korean would be shamefur dispray.

Nani? I don't have her unlocked yet, thus can't check the bio.

Oh boy user. she's a full blood yid and worked in the IDF.

wew not surprised

It's a cute idea and a better alternative to the hamfisted cringy lore in this game now but it'd make gook more powerful than she already is. Bandit would listen to "intelligent" dance music or Brian Eno or some shit since he's a lonely autist.

Mira is forever the best girl.

its why her hitbox feels inconsistent, she's a shapeshifter

Do we have a 8/v/ group or anything like that? Yeah, I know that's cancerous and all, but pubbies are fucking retarded.

no please die

Nah, fam.

a man of taste I see, but you forgot another important trait she holds : she fucking hates Ash, they snuck that into her bio somewhere

From my experience; most pubbies are pretty fine but that might have changed due to the free weekend.

free weekend is over but it was a clusterfuck this time

Any sort of community especially Steam groups are festering grounds with cancer and this being a AAA game means certified cancer shitting it up and dividing the general thread community with the off-site community, you wanna play with an user post your ID.

I forgot about that, did they state a reason why she did.

You know with such dangerous grenades like Zofias mybe Jeager needs his ADS improved, or needs another one

I feel like Jeager gets fucked over every time someone plays him, like theres almost no point
Its nice for the little things but when a Fuze sends in a charge the ADS is pretty much useless only taking one or two pellets, where the fuze will do almost just as much dammage + killing of the ADS that was there to counter it
It does the job well with the little things but with how few he has and how fast the whole objective room is blown up it feels like it doesnt matter much

Didnt play much in the weekend but from what i did play it didnt feel like there were too many shitters there

I'm going to fuck around in TTS a bit, anyone want screenshots of anything specific?


REALLY? This is fucking disgusting.

Vigil's guns.

Don't forget user.
She's a le ebin nurd ecks dee

South Korea truly is worst Korea

autism boi

save for his submachinegun, its the same as dookies

resident mary sue


I don't see what is so wrong with Vigil user. An ok operator so far.

That looks like a skeleton to fill in later rather than a proper bio. What the fuck Jewbi?

It's the fucking gay edgelord backstories that try too hard to make you sympathize with characters, also Vigil's guns are the same shit as Dook's besides the SMG meaning Ubisoft didn't bother to research what guns South Korea has made and he's another 3-speed operator.

That's the psych profile but it's still fucking trash, the game died with Health but this update is the smell of the corpse.

new map only has two entry points, very strange layout to figure out so far. Kpop shotguns are indeed slugs and seem to be headshot capable, the iron sight on it is fucking vulgar though so you'll wanna slap a red dot on them or something

Wait, did you actually test to see how much damage it dealt? Shotguns can still be marked for getting headshots, they just don't get the additional damage.

not yet, messing with Thunt right now to try dookie and zofia

I'm guessing this makes it easy for defenders to spawn peak?

Fair point, you're absolutely right. It's a shame we can't have a group without the cancer. Someone should probably tell that to the PS2 thread.

from south side one option is to go down the side of the building where you can hit a few windows, at the bottom theres a catwalk that leads to nothing, i guess so if you get hit through the window you have a chance of getting a revive. Zofias frag grenades seem to be for soft walls only, a direct hit on a terrorist on normal mode did not kill him

Erm, my dude. You've overlooked the worst part:
Holy shit, I dunno if I should we angry with the rage of a thousand suns, or impressed that this is an extremely accurate portrayal of your typical woman.

You're damn fucking right about the PS2 niggers.

This map is a fucking fever dream, lots of rooms that are wildly different from one another, lots of window entry points so the attackers can swing into sweet death unless they take some kinda gary elevator shaft entrance. I don't know where the defense points are yet but this seems to be a very defense favoring map. Just trying to find the last few terrorists in Thunt is very confusing

I really like the mk14 though

some defense locations

Kill me fam.

the sidearm SMG has pretty wild recoil patterns even with vert grip, the pistol seems a better choice since its hip-fire is pretty decent

Have some pistol recoil footage.

Vigil looks fucking cool though.

good luck actually getting to pick any of the new operators outside of lone wolf thunt while in TTS, everyone else playing is trying to pick them too

With these new pistol animations the shield ops are gonna be buffed a ton.

agreed, and overall he's not that offense in gadget design, does one job and all that.

Carrying one of your jammers on you at all times as mute is probably a good strategy to have now, i keep one on hand and sit on it while waiting on a corner or something so dok can't call me

do you really have to angry? she's already winning if that's the conclusion you jump to

Alright here's something i just learned, so when your cams are hacked doke's logo will appear on your cams, it seems to last a very long time. if an enemy is currently on cameras it will be controlled by "hacked" and you won't be able to move it, like if a teammate was using that camera

What? I speak English not gibberish.

Pretty excited for that. Long range with Cav's pistol might be somewhat viable now.

I think what's ubishit is doing is appealing to both the waifu-op and "realistic" looking op crowd with each DLC op. Because Vigil looks fucking neato, and so did Blackbeard, but Valkyrie and the new female ops look like fucking trash.

I didn't hate the previous female ops, i said before i really didn't mind/notice at all up until Ela and Dok. The rest of them were pretty unoffensive and at least dressed the part even if they were ugly.

Anyway, fiddling around in TTS some more, Zofia as expected is the most obnoxious, her frags don't do much damage luckily but getting pummeled by concussion grenades is just fucking annoying

Any idea if the effects of concussion grenades stack or do they just reset the duration?

I can't tell yet, it FEELS like it resets it so spamming them is probably foolish, having 4 of them is definitely obscene though

It's so close to self aware. She's only a le geek gaymurr girl to manipulate people. That's pretty on the nose.

Oh fug, is it as bad as the last map?

I dunno, I like the map.

I like theme park, tower feels a lot more difficult to navigate so far

Theme park has taken me a lot of time to adjust to, and I still don't know the layout as perfectly as I do all the other maps.

Playing as mute is significantly more demanding now, in both a good and a bad way. He has more options than just blocking drone holes and walls now, and by carrying a spare with him he can be a lite roamer to avoid phone calls. Overall defending is frustrating to say the least as it stands. Dok gets a visual cue for dropped phones that I hadn't seen in previous videos. I think dead attackers still have access to hacked cams and the hack time seems to last very long, i'm yet to see it wear off.

Read my post again, I already know know this and was pretty much stateing this.
Just like every other gurlgaymer. She's still a cunt.

to turn off a phone call you have to come to a complete stop, you can't walk and deactivate it. Not pleased about that at all

worse then a gu mine

playing TTS for like 2 hours proved to be really frustrating, one because it doesn't carry your settings over so my sensitivity was all fucked up and just the overall nightmare that is defending now. I really hope they address these issues because playing this game since around the time dust line came out, this is the first time I really didn't have much fun at all, even if it was just a test server.

No complaints against Vigil though, he's okay in my books.

Certainly. She only really needs two of each at most.

Just a note, Vigil's and Dooki's shotgun go through Airplane's windows.

Just a few more thoughts before i go play the regular server or some other game. Roaming is an absolute liability now. Even if some one other than dok kills you, dok will know where your phone is and their teammate can keep an eye on it and they can grab it in relative safety. Its been said that the hack wears off but I don't know when the hell that is. It appears dead attackers also get access to the hacked cameras so having 2-3 dead attackers can lock you out from even moving most of your cams. A comp like thatcher/hibana/zofia can completely decimate your objective points now with both your hard and soft walls under immediate danger, once a hole opens up the barrage of concussion grenades will follow. You could combine this with smoke grenades and throw glaz into the mix to make a complete mess of the defenders. So your roamers are a liability and your anchors can get buttfucked by some basic enemy coordination. Zofias impact grenades are 100% superior to Ash's breaching round, they're faster and don't have as identifiable of an audio cue, and you can get both off much faster than ash can. The korean shotguns do indeed have headshot kills and anyone using them are using them as funny sniper rifles because of that, not necessarily a bad thing just something to clear up from my previous post. Vigil is unoffensive, he feels the most like a base operator and yields the same risks as most roamers, considering that the drone cue for him being in the area is very blatant, I can't imagine it will help his sneaking abilities much. The pistol change is nice since you can shoot without having the barrel of your gun knock your operators nose in every time.

I really really hope that these issues are addressed but i'm sure half the feedback is idiots saying "haha these guys are awesome" because they keep winning with them

Note that 15 meters or so a body shot with the new shotguns means insta death.
I think this is some bullshit, but oh well…

The lack of a male pole is making me sad.

Rook, Mute, Sledge, and Thermite were exactly the first four operators I unlocked when I first played last year.

Mute got a little old because teammates complained but Idk why people think Thermite can't be played by newbies

What's so bad about the starter edition? I already bought it, being that it made the game literally just seven bucks.

I hope you like grinding about 6x more for ops.

I figure I'll get burnt out long before that's a problem.

issue is you would have all base ops before possible burnout on regular edition. luckily you won't be spending much on cosmetics cuz they're shit so its not like your grind bucks go anywhere but operators

You have a TON of grinding to do to even acquire the basic operator. Poor choice m8

Jesus fucking Christ abort this game in the womb.

he's /our guy/

If I pull that mask off, will he die?

He's a big guy

Fuck it was so useful to give a middle finger to cavfags

Useful only for new players, i main twitch and already know what cams I can clear and what I can't even hope to reach for the maps like the cam outside of skyscraper isn't possible to reachbut the one in cafe Dostoyevsky top bar you need to get on the edge of the handrail to get it
Not sure about that but the deafening sounds as a good idea making rushing not an option as it wasyeah no, before was dead, now is 20hp out
That actually would finally make her a suitable choice when other ops are already taken, we will stop having the devfag trying to push his waifu with invisible meme shit
Fuck that would allow you to instantly know where they guy is and who it is plus you can play some nice ringtone jokes as you said
Will be something like cav interrogation? It would be useful to make it slightly less OP because will allow def to use it against the atk

7/10 good ideas user sadly it will never happen

Yeah because shotty is the second best of the game so you have a good useful op.
Although, when I've started using mute I just placed the jammers to avoid droning and gone, then I've learned to place them, pick them up and place them on window or walls for thermite-fuze… surely is a easy pick because not many main mute but is not as easy as it seems

>she is more and more bitchy and wanting to do kinky shit rather than handholding
10/10 sad story

Never trust a gook :^)

I miss the good old days when you could just pick a fucking map to play and learn it, instead of random.

Echo sacrificed his wizardry to protect us from thots

go to matchmaking settings, turn T-hunt to classic only, turn all the other maps off and play lone wolf.

Who says he lost his virginity? Could have been merely dating.

played some more TTS today and jesus christ I still haven't found better ways to hold your obj if zofia and doki are still alive


go play and enjoy it while you can cuz shits about to get messy.
they're still too powerful, but i love their guns so i wanna use em, but they're DIRTY

it's like jewbisoft decided seeing newfags buy ELA solely for her op gun wasn't enough and now there's more of them.

Im sorry the new map is shit.

It feels like an old Rainbow 6 map which is dandy and all but that kind of map just does not work in a Rainbow 6 like siege

he uses a daewoo

Going through the elevator shaft seems like a guaranteed deathtrap and getting from 2f to 1f once you're inside is a pain since there's only like 2 staircases down

Sorry I'm late for this thread, so what I am about to mention might've already been brought up and there's too much to read after a 12 hour work shift.

So when the Logic Bomb is used, IQ's gadget can detect the cell phones that the Defenders have to pull out to turn off the ringing. Teaming IQ up with this skill seems to give her a considerable advantage, but only if utilized correctly.

I've been wanting slugs in Siege for a while now, mostly because it is the quickest fix I can think of for Shotties.

Something like accessory/customization choice:

Might make shotguns more viable…

I have the starter edition, is it worth buying the yr 1 bundle or year 2 pass? Or should I just individually buy certain operators? If it's the last one, which ones?

So far, I think the year 2 ops are much more interesting than the year 1 ones. If anything, I'd recommend getting the second year pass next time there's a sale and buy the year 1 ops you want with in-game currency.

sorry but you oughta leave

You know what I take back all the bad things I've said about Jaeger. Thank god he's in the game otherwise that Zofia whore would be unbearable.

ok cool.

Can you explain for a fellow new-siege-fag?

They dropped the polish map and delayed the polish operators to "fix" 1300 bugs, and add five thousand more, worse ones. Additionally, they dropped the Polish season, the one that actually most interested people, instead of the two absolutely uninteresting gook seasons.

IQ can ALREADY detect enemies using their phones, this isn't really a huge change, and if you're wearing decent headphones you can follow the noise cue alone. The pistol reworks might actually make her a little more viable since they take up less FOV and the recoil animation is turned down but her gadget still steals screen-space and denies her use of her three unique weapons

I actually want his ADS to get a buff now that defenders have to face an even greater onslaught of grenades

Alright the season that operation health took place is was supposed to be the honk-kong season, so it bumped HK forward and scrapped the GROM season. Just putting the grom ops within the HK/SK seasons and scrapping of the poland map. It also tackled a million bugfixes and tweaks which is nice but they didn't seem to live up to everything they claimed. Most frustratingly is it messed up their own roadmap, so if you weren't fucked in the ass enough for buying a season pass, you got fucked harder with ophealth and the consolation prize was a doc helmet, gun skin, and charm. After health Ela got introduced who is donut-steel tier and was incredibly busted out the gate, and her nerf didn't make her any less busted. White noise is just a further kick-in-the-dick because Dokk comes and makes roaming a liability to her entire team and makes it so echo and mute have to work twice as hard, and zofia brings the same overpowered issues that ela has. That being incredibly obnoxious concussion bombs that instead of just messing with your visuals it fucks up your mouse speed too. The designs really went down the tubes too because season 1 female ops were still within their units theme and looked professional, and season 2 started strong with Velvet Shell which seems generally considered a good addition. After Ophealth the gadgets got less creative and the operators got overdesigned

I honestly feel these would be incredibly fucking simple fixes but I doubt they'll get addressed until midseason AT BEST. Zof doesn't need 2 concussion bombs, concussion bombs should only fuck up your visuals and not your mouse speed, and dokks camera hack needs to be altered so being a roamer doesn't potentially fuck over your whole team. I would throw in an improvement on jeagers ADS too personally since good attacker comps will be grenade-hell now

year 2 season 1*. To clarify a bit more

Year 1
-Black Ice
-Dust Line
-Skull Rain
-Red Crow

Year 2
-Velvet Shell
-Operation health (formerly blood orchid)
-Blood Orchid (was supposed to be GROM season)
-White Noise (current season)

The lack of game modes really does this game a disservice as well.

I always thought it would be cool if there was a casual-only mode where the damage doesn't reset between matches. Some sort of "hardcore" mode with lower TTK would be fun too i think. Since it's a 1-life-per-round game it would be tricky to add more variety but "limited time zombabs" certainly wasn't the fucking solution

I'm seeing a lot of videos of people using Zofia's proximity concussion nade to basically scout out Vigil. Seems that you just need to see where it detonates and you have a decent idea of where the enemy is hiding in that particular area

Damage for what though? The environment, players, the hostage? I'm not sure I follow.

the environment

That's probably not going to hold people over more than a few weeks.

it would just be something else to play, like I said its tough to make more game types for a 1life game

Best way to grind renown? Getting 25k for some operators feels like it's going to be a fucking pain in the ass, and im not paying for passes.

just keep playing, they've made it harder to grind but once you have all the base ops and the weapon add-ons you want for them the renown will pile up and you'll have nothing to spend it on anyway. If you really end up enjoying the game and get impatient though, -DO NOT- buy credits, season passes are actually a cheaper method to get the DLC ops with real money. This isn't saying 'buy a season pass, goy" but rather if you're impatient about it and willing to hand over shekels thats the cheapest way

Starter Edition worth it? it's on sale for like 7 bucks, but how bad is the grind?

it fucks up the grind for getting the standard operators which in the standard edition is a pretty quick process. The grind is starter is very bad, i would say it probably takes like

alright, i'll guess ill pick up the standard edition for 20 bucks

keep an eye on your hour count, if its not for you refund the fuck out of it. I love this game and i've been playing since year 1 season 2 but don't let ubisoft jerk you around. If you don't like it refund the bastard

are castles barricades bulletproof during the animation?

I always wondered that with reinforced walls

Maybe, probably not.

Those 100% do stop bullets while being set up, but you still can be killed if you haven't lifted the wall above your head yet.

I believe they are, I remember it saving my skin a few times


its pretty funny that they have nice active hitboxes for the reinforcement animations and stuff like shields while reloading but ash still seems to have a shapeshifting skull

What's the differences between playing on console vs PC?